Things NOT to do to your VR Headset

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this is a lens from a vr headset and this is why you don't put your headset in the sun normally that would be your screen burning so these are the things to not do with your vr headset [Music] there are all sorts of ways you could potentially ruin your vr experience destroy your vr headset or accidentally crush your kid's childhood with vr but you can learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others to make sure that you don't make those same mistakes so let's start this one off with that giant ball of gas 94 million miles away i think we all know by now that the sun is a deadly laser not just mutating your jeans but also incredibly dangerous to your treasured vr headset just like a magnifying glass the internal lenses of your headset can focus the sun's beams and literally burn your display it's already happened to thousands of people before and it can happen very quickly sometimes even with sun through a window you don't even need direct sunlight and i don't know about you but having a big burn spot in the middle of my virtual reality doesn't sound very immersive however don't be too scared i do want to clear up some very common misconceptions real quick regarding the sun and your headset you can actually take your headset into direct sunlight there's no problem with it these cameras on the quest 2 or index will not be damaged they're just cameras when we talk about sun damage and lenses we're only talking about the internal lenses the ones you look through any other lenses on the headset you don't have to worry about so basically don't put your headset's lenses into direct sunlight do however protect your lenses with a simple lens cover or even a sock or just use your face next up while we're talking about lenses most of the time these little things are plastic and probably the most vulnerable part of any vr headset but they're also arguably the most important component the thing that allows you to see virtual reality at all so don't scratch your lenses obviously which this may seem offensively obvious i mean i can't imagine somebody ever purposely you know scratching their lenses don't worry i'll fix that but it's really easy to do and it's an easy way to destroy a perfectly good vr headset so again be extra conscious of your lenses and what's happening to them do use a case while traveling and throw on a lens protector or sock while you're at it most people actually scratch the lenses because they're using glasses so if you wear glasses maybe invest in a prescription lens cap or protective lens cap so that these get scratched and not this but in case this does happen it's not the end of the world here's like one of the best tips ever there's a paste called polywatch you can buy almost anywhere online a dab of that and a couple minutes of buffing and your lenses will be almost as good as new but like i said it's not the end of the world if it does happen now there are a few big things to cover on hardware but let's take a break and talk about software i thought this was kind of a given but a scary circumstance that a friend of mine just went through made me realize not everybody knows about this basically my friend had his entire catalogue of pcvr games purchased on the oculus store he then recently changed his name on facebook and was banned for no reason and in the course of that he lost his entire three-year-old vr library with i don't know dozens of titles so don't buy your pc vr games on the pc oculus store with a few exceptions of course exception 1 well if the game is an oculus exclusive that's kind of the only place you can buy it so either buy it or don't up to you luckily there are only a few of those unfortunately they're actually really good games they're just platform exclusive which sucks and exception 2 it's ok to buy on the pc oculus store if the game is crossed by meaning you buy it on pc you also get the quest standalone version and vice versa any other time what you should do is buy your pc vr games on steam biggest reason here at least for the foreseeable future steamvr supports all vr headsets oculus store well officially only meta headsets if you ever swap vr headsets to a different manufacturer it's gonna be quite a pain to get those games to run on other vr headsets and in some cases you may not be able to at all and another bonus is in case anything weird ever happens again and people's oculus libraries just start disappearing which actually did happen for like two weeks at least you'll still have all of your steam games okay and now the hardware stuff we gotta talk about something i am totally guilty of resulting in me breaking not one not two but three valve indexes over three years and it has to do with these vr cable pulley systems basically you rig your vr headset's wires on a system of pulleys so that the wire is suspended and nearly weightless then there's nothing to trip over your range is extended and it allows you to be way more comfortable in vr it's as close as you can possibly get to a wireless pcvr headset without giving up the benefits of a wired setup but if you have your pulley setup incorrectly your vr headset will die in early death there's no question about it the problems will start small with very occasional headset fuzz outs or disconnections usually lasting only a couple of seconds before everything recovers but it will eventually end with what i like to call the starry screen of death most people when setting up a pulley system have their system set up way too tight meaning that for the hundreds of hours you spent throwing back cold ones with the boys in vr chat or ruthlessly tormenting npcs and blade and sorcery your cable and connector is receiving way more stress than it was designed to take and over time will destroy your headset the biggest problem here is that the pulley system adds stress to the tether and connector doesn't matter if you're on a rift or quest or index or vive these headsets were designed to have a cable that doesn't have vertical tension on it 24 7. so here's what you can do at least until we get a super high quality wireless headset that replaces our index when setting up your pulley leave plenty of slack not so much that it gets in the way of your movements but you don't want to have it super tight then i actually like to tape or zip tie my cable to the back of my headset so that more tension and friction is on that section of the cable than the connector i can replace a cable i can't really replace the connector on a headset's pcb pulley systems are awesome and i'll use one for as long as i have a cable but if you don't set one up correctly you'll be wearing your vr headset down significantly faster and next up we got the dirtiest of the bunch say you have a favorite hat you wear this hat every day for at least an hour well after wearing this hat for everything working out partying chilling you can imagine it probably stinks and is just filled with bacteria months of sweat face and head oils and skin well this hat is no different from your vr headset and your vr headset may be even worse think of that the next time someone offers for you to try their headset or the next time you offer to let someone else use yours i think sometimes we kind of forget that a headset at the end of the day is wearable so don't let months go by without giving your headset and interface a nice good clean there are a few big things here that you need to clean the interface and head strap are the two things that make direct contact with your head and tend to be the two things that soak up the most sweat so removing them for a solid clean every month or so should be a regular occurrence and sorry if this grosses any of you out but there's usually a lot of skin buildup usually in the eye cup areas so do make sure you stay on top of keeping your wearables nice and clean your skin nose and everybody else's will thank you and your headset will probably thank you as well okay and now safety we'll talk about an even more important aspect of safety in a moment but of course there's the physical place-based safety you're in vr you're practically blind to all of your surroundings this is a prime setup for all sorts of mishaps and this one is super easy make sure your play space is safe so that you don't get hurt and your stuff doesn't get destroyed if you have a 60 inch tv against the wall in your vr playspace you should probably set your playspace to be a foot or two away from that tv because at some point you will and i mean this you will get so immersed in vr that you'll completely forget where you're at in your room and this is when the bad things happen you think you're going in for a clean right hook and bone works when in reality you just put an oculus controller-sized hole in your oled tv this sounds simple but care for your play space it's the cocoon that keeps you safe while in vr keep it clean trip hazard free and breakable free pretty much just make your space toddler friendly also if you do need help orienting yourself in vr a single fan does a tremendous job for both playspace awareness and motion sickness but there's a lot more to safety than physical safety and this is a big one maybe the biggest one virtual reality is a beautiful endless abyss of creations from people around the world it's as inclusive and shame-free as you can possibly get but please if you didn't listen to any of what i just said please listen to this one things like vr chat are not safe places especially for children would you let your kid walk around the strip in vegas at night time and randomly pop into some strip clubs i'm guessing probably not and if that was a yes then uh well you got bigger problems but if that was a no also don't let your kids randomly wander around social vr because when you go down the wrong rabbit hole of worlds this is probably where you'll end up there are places and pockets of social vr that are totally fine for kids even meant for kids but what this whole section requires really is parental supervision don't just slap a vr headset on your kid and figure you got a really cheap babysitter because just like in real life there are bad people in vr too and unlike a chat room or flatscreen game vr is a little different with realistic body presence and body language the social aspects of vr are extremely close to real life there are lots of great people but just to be totally honest vr chat and most of vr is just flat out not safe for young children to wander in freely without supervision we've already seen some of the fallout from this in news articles or even fallouts and communities but seriously it's just not a safe place do watch what your kids are doing in vr i think a lot of parents are just really out of touch with technology and they'll say oh it's just a game which is pretty wrong in a lot of ways yeah it is just a game i mean you could just take it off but your 15 year old daughter interacting with a 24 year old dude in vr chat every night isn't just a game anymore that's uh jail time and a seriously traumatizing experience and you can stop that from happening just watch what your kids are doing in vr please okay well after a few thousand hours of taking in the culture and environment of vr these are some of the things that i've learned of what not to do with your vr headset and also what to do with it vr is all about having fun and enjoying a new immersive medium meeting new people and getting lost in the virtual world so hopefully with these tips you have a safer more joyful time in vr and hopefully your headsets will last a little longer and are cleaner or of course you could just disregard everything i said and break grandma's vase again up to you either way i hope you enjoyed this one i've got lots of cool content coming on the way that i'm really excited about including water cooling the quest too again but this time overclocking it something you also should not do with a vr headset like seriously so if you want to see the next string of videos from me make sure to subscribe and hit that bell and join up in my discord community to see my latest video releases and also chat there as well i do want to say thank you to all of my patreon supporters for helping me make content like this i couldn't do any of this without you so until next time have a good rest of your day much love grill out [Music] you
Channel: ThrillSeeker
Views: 783,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, virtual reality, quest, rift s, quest 2, Oculus, index, ar, augmented reality, thrillseeker, VR headset, dont do this, best
Id: mgx4J6sJm4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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