The Best Speaker at Axona was Morel!

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[Music] happy Friday everyone all nine of you on on here edwall Williams hello to you how y'all doing haven't been live for a while kind of a last minute thing as per usual with me I forget to schedule things hey there's Brian romska speaking of aona was just hanging out with him yes Wayne we should get the uh show on the road look at this Tom Brady NFL superstar Legend how are you Fidelity sound happy Friday Randy happy Friday to you hey hey hey got the usual suspects in the house today yo Randy yo s how are you happy Friday Jonathan look what you got a lowered Civic looking good hey George Hey Thomas howdy from East Tennessee very nice Melvin Melvin Ferguson sounds like a name obviously it sounds like a name sounds like a name of a character from like an Adam Sandler movie Melvin Ferguson Great Sound Nicholas young Kingwood Texas all right Marcus W look at this old guy high-fi my good friend Ed Ed was also at expona good friend good Patron awesome Channel if you're not subscribed to old guy HiFi you should go subscribe to old guy highi Fat Albert in the house Scott dein you don't look fat It's a good-looking family you got there man um greetings for from Russia hey stied Langford great white North good morning it is Friday any chance you'll get those new Mofi Towers in I know you generally prefer the bookshelves you know it's interesting you say that because I put up some floor standers recently man they're good um I haven't talked to them about these they might be a little bit pricey they might be a little bit outside my comfort zone right now um but never say never right CBO for sure about the jelli J2 based on your review thank you thank you George um I'm sure jelli thanks you too Brian R expona was awesome thanks to everybody there good times I'm getting to uh new gell arle 3 delivered any day now super sight that's awesome Brian you should enjoy some head phony Brent is not going to buy anything I talk about today I don't blame you you shouldn't DC Metro look it's Steph verhoff about the sin based on your review actually I have that right here no you can't see it there you can right there right there it's a fun product a lot of fun a lot of fun piece of musical vibes from Napa Oakland cheers thank you got Rochester New York just found a hii store wow around here it's like a unicorn excited to check it out this weekend happy National Record Store Day is that today might have to go get bu record um let's see when is Record Store Day that's Saturday April 20th all right cool very cool U I'm hoping you listen to some Dy audio I didn't sorry yawning I did not I didn't get to see a bunch of rooms I had um I had a bunch of stuff going on with videos and stuff so I didn't get to see as many places as I want to it's uh been Friday for ages here in the UK although only half an hour till work ends oh good Rand well hopefully I can Propel you straight into the weekend good day from snia Ontario good day to you R State Rec okay that's tomorrow little late to the show literally just uh came on we've only been on for five minutes a little late to the show but good morning from Lancaster New York keep the great videos coming love the new format thank you I'm having a lot of fun it's a lot more work but a lot of fun too actually you know the funny thing is I thought I had um a deadline today so I had the video ready to go and then the deadline's actually tomorrow so make sure uh make sure to have your eyes peeled tomorrow for a video at 10 a.m. yeah mix Dr spe what's happening good morning Randy and all cheap audio heads good morning to you high-f five Lounge very good um new to the channel new to Discord thank you for living uh thank you for living my home of aund speakers dream uh you bet it's fun um I have a whole bunch in the corner I need to put away too in my living room got to put them away because there's too many it's like a mountain of speakers in the corner of my living room TGIF what's up John Newman happy weekend to everybody good morning from Plymouth Mass love the content and look forward to all the vids thank you rare earth Fab thank you very much greetings from the north all right anybody got any questions oh here we go um I like the morale speakers you spoke about do you plan to maybe get some of those for demo can't find any info online yes um I talked to them they're sending me a few things actually so I am very excited to get those speakers in very very very excited because they sound really good I kept thinking that maybe they were like wrong when they quoted me the pricing which is kind of funny because they probably know what their prices are for their own products and I thought well maybe they're talking about like a single or whatever cuz they look really nice supposedly what I heard was the bookshelves are 1,200 a pair and the um floor standers are 2000 a pair um so yeah was there any impressive DIYs to Dethrone the kryon bookshelves I didn't see any DIYs good afternoon from farbo UK what's in the C good morning to you Paul um or good afternoon good your afternoon my morning not morning too long much longer um what's in the cup the beans The Brew method oh listen man I don't do anything um I don't do anything fancy folders silk I drink a lot of coffee so like there's not a whole point in me like hammering down a whole bunch of like super awesome coffee but yeah oh what do I think of the ruar 810 uh glorified bows or is it really good it's really good it's really good one of them I don't know if the 810 I don't know which model number it was but one of them has a subwoofer underneath it's really awesome uh I guess you could call it a glorified bows I mean if you took bows like to the Limit it was just so cool and I think the coolest part about that product is that I can see it being in hotels or like in office lobbies and I can see people using it a lot that wouldn't otherwise be interested in traditional Hi-Fi like we are like two channel Hi-Fi so for that and that reason I thought it was a really important product because ultimately I think a product like that can actually help our hobby that we're so interested in because I think it can get people in and they might be like oh this is awesome I want to get something better it still sounded really good though there's the dog always Miami Beach here are you going to do a moving magnet cart review just about every phono cart review I've done as a moving magnet and is there such a thing as cheap uh MC cart moving moving coil um I don't know I've only had one moving coil cartridge in and I wasn't over the moon about it I preferred the gold ring E4 I think it was and that was half the price so I got two phono carts from gold ring one was a moving magnet one one was a moving coil and I prefer the moving magnet they sounded very different though so I'm not saying I'm not going to like lump all moving coil carts into like oh they all sound the same they don't obviously they're very different but I don't know I'm a simple man I like Clarity and Dynamics folder silk is good it is good I like it uh you're forgiven Ben hey good morning edri what's happening all right ruark is gorgeous I love it um I love the look of that Ru Arch having grown you with a huge high-fi unit in her home growing up in the 60s and70s yeah I just thought it was cool a cool concept that could bring music back into more homes it's not cheap though I think even the small one is like $1,700 so yeah I had to look up expona I thought it was a disease some people people probably could consider it a disease disease uh any chance to review the Arend doll 1723 Towers now I'm sure they're fantastic the other I I believe I reviewed or listened to two of their speakers in that series and nothing would lead me to think that the towers wouldn't be anything other than awesome the monitors which were huge were incredible I really enjoyed him I think it's a great speaker um expensive I was going to buy him but they didn't give me very big discount so I'm like H well I'm not going to buy him then anyway yeah they're they're cool they're built really well too really really well uh you or Lenny or both of you need to do an advanced Paris versus Cambridge audio Evo video I can make that happen I've got the Evo 150 the DeLorean Edition and I have the advanced Paris A10 classic I can totally make that happen it's a good idea that'll be fun um well perfect segue board silly what Amps do you like I like as far as integrated amps now these are expensive so let's talk about the most expensive amps that I love Evo 150 from Cambridge audio the DeLorean Edition you don't need to get the DeLorean condition anymore I don't even know if you can get it so I really like that one that's in my living room right now and runs preamp Duty for all the stuff I've been testing lately and then I also really really really really really like the advanced Paris A10 classic very different reasons though and they're all aesthetic reasons I like the looks of both of them just in different ways one is like new Sleek modern the other one is vintage awesome and yummy yeah so those are the amps you know what you should I have a video called uh like my favorite amps or something like that um from $60 to $600 if I mean that would be a cool video to check out so I kind of go through all my favorite amps yep any luxman or name no well I just haven't heard any spent any time with them either one I'm sure they're awesome I know they both have a great reputation all right what do you think of Dolly Oberon and Warf Dale speakers love Warf Dale H haven't had the only dollies I've had in were the ones that I purchased which are the Spectre ones and Spectre 2os like three years ago so I haven't had any Ober on in I know a lot of people really love them you hear any Zoo speakers I might have asked this before but ain't chance on a why is it do that dwx review would love to hear your take on zoo speaker um I've only heard them at shows one of which one of my patrons Ryan brought his pair of dirty weekends the previous generation dirty weekends um and then I heard some I believe at Capital audio Fest yeah they're good I like them uh do you like smart speakers I like any speaker that anybody gets Joy from and listens to music if it's a smart speaker bluetooth whatever it is and that brings you Joy then I like them personally for me I mean I'm in a really privileged position though because I have so much stuff to listen to and um play around with and before that I was always into kind of this separates two channel home theater stuff so I've always had like a bigger system but um while I personally don't use kind of smart speakers I'm all for him if people listen to music through them my kids have some Bluetooth stuff um Morel are you gonna yes I am going to Ricardo Diaz um can I beg you will review the bnw dm3 of2 speakers someday probably not I've had one pair of B&W in and they're they were cool I could see like how some people would like him but um I don't anticipate anything in the foreseeable future right now for BMW unfortunately have you heard the gell Labs amp yes I did they had some cool monoblocks in there I think they're reworking some things with it commercial audio then not good sounding stuff okay thank you for answering you're welcome deuan I don't know if I'm saying your name right cheap audio man is the spot on all right uh did the $4 million rig sound like a million bucks I don't know man it just sounded like a lot of music and it didn't like it didn't sounds separated was just like I hate to say it but I kind of sounded like a TV speaker from the 1980s that was multiplied by a million and then just iny face yeah so I didn't love it now to be fair like I didn't sit down I didn't really like spend a whole bunch of time and I didn't they didn't have my music on was just so big though I mean to me it was like oh this is probably what it looks like behind a movie screen except there's no way a movie theater would pay that much for their sound system so yeah was of my favorite at all um can you please review the Pok es20 I thought I did maybe I reviewed the es-1 15s uh keep up the great Channel thank you RC Hobbies UK I think I reviewed the 15s I'm almost positive I did I think I still have them now I think I sold those yeah I would love to re review the 20s I think that's a great price point so for sure um I don't know anybody at sound United anymore though so the chances of me getting those in is probably pretty slim h heard Queen and System of a Down on the $4 million system didn't sound great but it was cool that they played normally music on them yeah that is cool um atall amp I have not had a chance um Den morance for home theater so I do have a answer for this and I don't know if it's the right answer I like morance to be fair I've only had one den in here recently and it was one that that I bought early on in the channel but I also had the I everything actually all the morance and den I've had with stuff I bought the morance nr1 1711 was pretty good it sounded really good for music too so if I was buying a home theater um AVR and I would buy a morance so and it's probably not fair to den cuz I haven't heard all of their stuff but the morance is that I have heard I really enjoyed really really enjoyed watching from Barbados holy cow wow Clayton Shaw cadan um $3,000 open baffle has mean tra no I heard him at Capital audio Fest though they're okay I mean I it's not my like I don't think that's the type of speaker that that my music would play well on so I think I heard they played a little bit of rock and roll at Capital audio Fest but I think it was just like some Stevie rayon stuff so not really my cup of tea but I know people love open baffle so yeah and I think at $3,000 if your budget is there would be a um speaker you should consider I did talk to I think the guy that that makes them at the Southwest audio Fest which was in Dallas am I pitting out not yet anticipate later I will be pitting out yeah they're um the ones he made it's not the same company but he makes or puts them together manufactures the ones for Clayton thank you for show us fuzzy Audio Oh lc30 greetings from Poland greetings I actually have it in the um in the living room been using it quite a bit Mr Flim Flam flippity Dan yet $5 thank you you the man Randy do you prefer an open baffle or transmission line thanks for what you do transmission line all day long 100% twice on Sunday um for sure yeah I'm not really into open baffle I get it people love it I don't have the room for them um I don't have the patience for them I don't want to dial them in I don't want to play the music that sounds good on them I just want a simple speaker that plays clean is dynamic and is not a pain in the rear that's all I want uh I would though love and I know it's not really open baffle I would really love to get some of the magnet pans in the lrs Plus any more in-depth review of the little RSL amp I did one uh a while ago probably like a year ago it's on there it's out there it's out there it's out there I'm stunned how folk lap our your audio stories as you call them I don't know what that means but I'm stunned too I'm stunned that anybody watches me at all if a transmission line is vented from the front can they be placed in a wall yeah I would assume so if you got enough depth for sure go for it I would say even if they're not V in I mean uh did you get any more skit no not yet I I need to reach out to them I think they've got some cool products that I have not had in uh your channel has inced enourage me to build back a little reference system again me and the family enjoys it very nice SQ sounds that's awesome Jedi Mike says yes they can be placed in the wall love your channel thank you acos and really enjoy watching it grow thank you keep up the great work and content thank you so much I really appreciate that I'm trying my hardest trying to do new things for sure I'm so sorry I got up at five that's why I'm tired so I've actually been working for over five hours so that's why I'm tired it just dawned on me even though Dawn was earlier I currently have the lrs plus with a KF K c62 sub took a while to dial them in but they're an absolute blast oo that sounds like fun any expectations about the new Cambridge cxa81 Mark I um my expectations is going to be great I love Cambridge they're Cambridge there has not been a Cambridge product that has rolled through my place that I have not loved I think it's awesome awesome awesome awesome Bor silly I think you simply say anything to get views and clicks to generate money you're absolutely right Bor silly everything that I do is intended to get people to click on my videos and to watch them so that I can make money and feed my family and make a living 100% right I would assume that whatever you do for work is to get money for your family because it's your job this is my job this is my business and if I wasn't doing everything to get people to watch and to click then I wouldn't be doing my job but just because I do that doesn't mean that I don't try to put out good content that people want to watch because if I don't put out good content then people probably won't come back to watch the channel so there's there's no point to clickbait people there's no point to do that because what you really do when you do that is you get someone to watch Once and never come back again and that is not my intention but I feel like you went from somewhat positive comments and now you've gone very negative but um I agree with your comment 100% that is my job I will not apologize for it Peter S kany I have no idea what this currency is greetings from Raba tamas see keep up the good work we love you thank you Peter I have no idea where you're at what is Hun let's find this out what currency is hn um Hungarian oh very cool I think I don't think I've ever had someone from a Hungarian in um thank you Peter I really appreciate it that's [Music] awesome uh work is so terrible they have to pay you to do it that's right um your show is awesome thank you and making uh and amazing difference bro keep up the great work thank you SQ sounds you're welcome chip stride um this is the debate good content or any old rubbish any old rubbish if they'll click on it um actually that's easier for me because then I can just like repackage stuff I've already done and just put a new bow on it and then ship it out and then hopefully people will click on it actually the funny thing that you mentioned that is um so a couple of things one not everyone watches the first video two not everyone sees the first video because YouTube doesn't show it to everybody three I have taken older content and like um edited it together like my best ofs every year at the end of the year I'll do like a best amp best speaker best Dack or something like that and then I'll take the intros and the outros and the sponsorships I'm s sure that bothers you too that there that people pay to have like an integration on the channel so I'm sure you don't want to watch those so what I do is I edit all those out put it together and then I release that too some of my most viewed videos which is completely ironic I didn't think that would be the case but um it is because people want to watch all of them maybe turn it on and just kind of sit back what do I think about the JBL Studio 630 I don't think I've heard that one are you in a bathroom taking a selfie with a Ural in the background I don't know if I should be offended or like impressed that's quite possibly the best profile picture I've ever seen well done I may have cropped it out but man you're going for it I like it hey Randy Rick I enjoy your channel and I think your videos are Innovative and engaging keep up fine work I've been here for a while thank you Rick I appreciate that I appreciate that so much oh Edward leza look at that Godzilla to help feed your family enjoy your efforts thank you thank you very much I appreciate that I'm super hungry right now I may feed my face later after this love your channel Interstellar is inspired me to actually consider towers and I'm think you know what funny as I've never a floor standing speaker guy but I've got the emotiva XT On's in and absolutely love them thinking about getting the yamamo s809 and pair it with my fzy V3 love your channel and love what you're doing keep it up that's awesome you should watch tomorrow's video I think you'll like it I will think you will like that Interstellar um Bor silly reminded me to like you Karma Works you're the bomb mark thank you Mark uh cravy come on man doesn't bother me in the slightest mate all right this is it this is your last this is your last comment that I'm reading I'm just stunned how half the comments take what you say as worthy considering your lack of experience it's not a dig listen man I'm the first person to say I am not the most qualified person to do this I don't have any qualifications I turn on a speaker I listen to it and then I talk about what I hear sometimes I compare it to another speaker and then guess what I do I talk about the differences I don't know if there's a college degree necessary to be a um YouTube or speaker reviewer don't think there is so qualifications is relevant but I'm not qualified there's everybody else out there is better qualified than I am or maybe has more experience or something I just lean into my personality I like making videos I really enjoy making videos I really enjoy telling stories and I really enjoy audio I've never claimed to be an expert or the epitome of expertise I have listened to a lot of stuff so if you want to consider that to be um Worthy I mean I don't know like how many people have listened to as many things as I have so that's experience um so anyway I don't know man but I'm bored silly of bored silly so unless I click on you by accident I'm not going to give you any more oxygen what do you think about the smsl a300 I can't help but see the Ural at this point uh I think it's great I think it's like a variant of the A40 from lock or something spectacular I think it's awesome uh it was awesome to see you hanging with SVS live I love those guys I love Nick I love Gary I love their company they're spectacular have a pair of foscs Fe 126e full range anyone know if there's a front vented flat pack kit for them this is awesome the transmission line thing has me thinking I don't know at all my father-in-law recently passed I am so sorry a he was a huge fan of your channel man he is the one who turned me onto your channel absolutely love your content I'm in the Fort Worth area cool uh do you ever sell your old equipment Jay I am so sorry to hear about that that is terrible man wow well I I'm glad you're here man I mean that's stuff like that's when when I hear things like this it's a little bit overwhelming like to think that like someone you loved and cared about told you about my channel um so do I ever sell my old equipment generally not uh what I do is I give it away to patrons usually um I used to but I don't anymore so no just to pre uh Jeff just want to say I really appreciate your videos I used all of your reviews and feedback to build my own cheap good very good oh glad to see you change your thought about the Micah rb42 I like mine I can't wait to hear my date in audio opal one um yeah I mean I I think that I think my opinion is still kind of the same on them it's just I got them out and I think I got them in a in a on an amp that sounded good with them but pumped enough power through them to kind of get them to really wake up what qualification cheap audio man has is connections inventory and a good personality well thank you uh William what are your thoughts on sjy I just bought the moonlights and was wondering about your take on them I don't know anything about those unfortunately I do not all right have a personal relationship with Zilla he will stomp on your critics if you desire no I'm good the bigger uh I got the more critics I got which is part and partial I think to it so it is seems I am late ET I'm so I love Predator I wish they would come out with a new Predator movie I've heard heard that um they're going to be making another it was the latest one they did for Hulu I loved it prey that's what it was I've heard they're making a sequel to that and I cannot wait cannot wait I miss any super chats no I think we're just about caught up thoughts on emit tweeters from the 80s I the wrong guy to ask I'm unal qualified if you didn't know that um are those like those ribbon tweeters that Neil uses from like the realistic speakers they sound really good um oh new aliens movie coming I did see that too I cannot wait cannot wait Rick Bina 1999 a greetings from Omaha thanks for all your help thanks another Nebraskan like Nebraska I need to go back what's up Tony uh did you get a chance to listen to the Mofi Triple H new speakers they were packed in there and I did not sit down and um and listen to them I'm sure they're awesome I mean like I don't think Andrew Jones has made a bad speaker the EM emits were the ones on the realistics um then they're awesome I like them I wish somebody would like start to make those again like buy the rights the recipe whatever it is start making them again there's I've got some good comments in here I'm not gonna I'm not going to give this one any Oxygen either but um I'm going to put that user in timeout as well uh Robin nort ask me anything what what you have for breakfast today Robin or did you have breakfast I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of your reviews and advice I use them to build out my own cheap two channel system and have and I have been enjoying my vinyl collection all over again thanks wow I need to listen to some vinyl today too for sure oh I have the little um nope I missed that one nope here we go I have the little Andrew Jones pioneers and I'm listening to you through them right now what mic is that this is a sh I don't know was whatever the mic that Ron at new record day told me to get I think it's the M7 or something it's good it's good it's good um five eggs for lunch very good egg sound good you know when you're hungry everything sounds good I am super hungry right now right now um nick uh you reviewed the yamamo c93 too well the c93 is no longer available however the tower c97 to are on sale and your experience to the Sonic characteristics of bush shelf carry over the towers sometimes sometimes they do not that I don't I can't remember if I ever had the towers in I don't know if I did I don't know if I did did so yeah generally they do I mean they kind of sound the same I know Andrew Jones speaking of him he mentioned that listen my speakers sound exactly the same it's just that the towers are louder uh jump from a Modi 3E to a j2s ak4499 worth it I think it is um yeah just arriving to the chat any comment about Morel speakers exponent I like them I think I'm getting some in I was there and was impressed with the floor standers yeah we've emailed we've corresponded and I think they're going to be sent here I also have the um the um SVS the evolution bookshelves right outside this room vinyl or streamer listen I'm going to tell you like I tell my kids when they're in the frozen food section and they say I want to get this one but I also want to get that one and I say why don't you just get both you can have one on one day and one on the other day so I would suggest you get both and then alternate them and then call me in the morning uh what would be your go-to sub $2500 TL I don't know what TL means um my go-to sub $2,500 that's way too much money for me um I would uh I'll get whatever you want man for $2,500 I I get an SVS oh and the mini Wing there you go is that a coffee stain on your shirt no it's a bear playing a guitar does it's like one of those really faded ones but yeah be playing a guitar uh have you ever reviewed turntables I have Rich um a bunch of fluences uh let's see bunch of fluences some u-turns some Whatchamacallit projects yeah yeah I haven't reviewed any recently oh I reviewed um this is a Michelle love me shell turn it wasn't cheap but man this is the one that has stayed with me John Payne $10 thank you John so much oh sub $2500 transmission line speaker oh I'm a dingdong uh I would look at PMC prod series Prodigy series The Prodigy one I believe is like 1516 $1,700 so I'm sure that they may have a floor standard that's in that kind of line in that price point that's but I don't have a ton of experience with them but PMC the prodigies were awesome John I think I said thank you but I'm going to say thank you again um don't forget the Metallica turnable that's right that one I own too that's a project uh as well wonderful uh how come you don't list your recommendations in your notes anymore I am trying out some new things with all sorts of my video stuff so I'm I wouldn't say testing things out but I'm just seeing how things work so yeah I I had a very busy description in my videos so I've honed it down trying to figure things out and um yeah yeah that recommended list I mean if you go back to some of my older videos it's there so you can check it out there but yeah I'm just try new things try new things uh wasn't my opinion of cable risers lifters I I wouldn't buy them but that's just me I mean you could probably fold up some like cardboard like a little tense and just move them around I think you should break and make speakers I think you're right I think I should break speakers for sure what's a good DC and amp pairing for KF Q love KF q50s already have a weam man um well you can watch that video $60 to $600 amp if you if you get the ta1 from emotiva I think it's on sale for $500 right now has an internal deck in it I think it's the um Analog Devices I can't remember the name but it's good it's it's good it's 500 bucks that would drive the hack out of the q150 if you want separates um just Shelly Labs J2 is spectacular any of them really but I like the $44.99 recently and bunch of good and out there you could get one of these fzy audio za3 Yeah is a good one I think they're about 150 bucks you can run them in mono if you want so yeah good stuff lot of options I watch that video though if you haven't seen it $60 to $600 I think it was maybe a week or two ago I put that up but I kind of go right through all of the amps and talk about which ones I like and why uh hey Randy because of you about the JBL Studios 590s with a matching sub at 50% off their pricing is absolutely crazy on the website there's a reason why I also brought the blue sound node super happy nice uh yeah JBL does that that's that is a pricing strategy that a lot of companies use including big companies like klips and well jbl's obviously a big company too um we got some spice in here today chat that J Chinese stuff and the bins load of rubbish you know at one time uh everybody said the exact same thing about Japanese stuff um they used to call Radio Shack um what was it it was a really like um it was basically the same thing that you're saying except it was in direct of the Japanese I cannot remember what it they called it um but yeah I mean it's just history repeating itself it was Japan now it's China so maybe next it'll be India who knows but listen I've listened to a lot of Chinese amplifiers the irony about Chinese amplifiers is they contain an awful lot of American and US technology in here so like the case may come from China all the I mean it's TI stuff or it's um infinion stuff um the Dak chips are mostly us or um like a km is Japanese so like German stuff in there too so yeah but the only thing that's Chinese in that thing is is the enclosure maybe the speaker binding post nope not touching that one wish you uh make review on the Vigilant audio switch one it's a US company I think oh I'd love to I don't know what it is but I would love to what's the best way to connect a streamer to a receiver if you're using the internal deck of the streamer you would just take the RCA or the analog output maybe 3.5 to RCA and then you would connect that to any available analog input on your receiver if you want to use the internal Dack on your receiver what you would do is connect a digital output like a toslink or a coaxial from the streamer and then you you'd run that into any available digital input on your receiver like a toslink or a coaxial and then you would just select that on your receiver so you can do it both ways and see which one you like better see which one sounds better and then stick with that that's the cool thing about having those options is you get to be the reviewer uh recommendations for places in Fort Worth are to check out speakers that won't break the bank no man like I don't know of any Hi-Fi stores around here if they are I don't go into any of them um I think over in Dallas they have some but I pretty much like stick to Amazon Crutchfield that type of a thing but I don't know of any place that actually has stuff that we can listen to all right did you get to hear Thomas transmission line speakers no I did not I didn't get to see a lot of people there's a whole bunch of people I didn't see hey look Barry Sullivan another one of my patrons glad you made it back safe thanks for the fun weekend great to see everyone again Barry's awesome Barry is great to see you headphones or speakers well I'll say it like I tell my kids when they're trying to pick two things in the frozen food section I say get them both you can have one today and the other one tomorrow so I highly recommend headphones and speakers for sure Sleepless from Auckland New Zealand 400 a.m. wow subscribe from the begin uh beginning keep it up and help lots of us distracted from life and enjoy the hobby some positive vibes your way being sent from Down Under thank you toota Terry expon is a 5 hour drive but it couldn't go and kicking myself it's weird like we never regret the things that we do it's always we regret the things like we don't do well some I've regretted things that I've done but like trips generally no if I take a trip I'm usually like yeah I'm glad I did that can I use an Amazon Echo Show 8 as a streamer you can um I know on the what are those called I think there's the links they had a 3.5 millimeter output they could plug into a stereo but the internal deck was terrible so yeah um I don't know I think my daughter has an Echo Show although I don't know if there's an output on it but yes obviously the internal speakers maybe you may be able to Bluetooth to something else with it too I'm not sure though I don't know them very well use speakers for headphones and enjoy both there you go John John's nailing it yeah all right anybody else any more questions comments Brian romska agree John super duper nearfield yes where is the best place to see where events are going to be I've been looking for them locally and I haven't found anything like audio shows or like concerts or stuff like that where are you locally too Interstellar where are you from where are you from and what do you do yes audio okay where you from so the big ones are expona and then you have Capital audio Fest there's one in Seattle um they just started one in the Dallas area um then there's like a bunch of headphone shows like can jams around and other than that I don't really know um my boss asks me that every day can you review The Skit ERD yeah I can reach out to him Delaware yeah go to Capital audio Fest it's in November like November I don't know 12th or something like that or around there yeah go to Capital AUD Fest I'm assuming that's close to Delaware I was in Philadelphia and it was Delaware River I lost a pair of sunglasses yeah it's got to be close Simon my man living and listening vicariously through your shared content many thanks uh for including us all good to see you back live and crushing it thank you Simon take care brother thank you you take care Simon you growing the beard back Simon I'd like to see that bring it back I'm just kidding if you don't want the beard don't need to grow back it's your beard you can do what you want with it uh do you think you could make a video on the JBL 630 Studio bookshelf um I don't have any so I'm not saying no I'm not saying never but I don't have any in right now so yeah uh would love to get a list of South Florida events I get the feeling we don't have anything cool here audio wise oh Florida audio show is in Tampa I that I forgot to mention that one that was awesome I had a great time yeah uh February so just wait around for a little while longer now you're going to have to drive up to Tampa but it's it was a great show I had a ton of fun ton of fun what's the deal was C speak okay let me try this again what's the deal with speaker cable links shorter or better and if one way is way longer than the other uh left versus right cheers for great content thank you I don't think it matters man I mean like you have to do like miles of cable to get like any noticeable like change in inductance or capacitance or anything like that I think ideally they're going to be the same length but I run different lengths in the living room uh I'm also not qualified to do this so probably not doing it the right way yeah generally speaking though same cable links but I mean if you Loop the cable though you're kind of making an an inductor so anyway I don't think it really matters I mean if you had like a mile of speaker cable then maybe but I'm sure you'll be fine all right Brian lik the jelli uh the jelli amps Brian's wife says haha Brian um the unreal you should come to uh expona are you guys communicating online through this live stream I think that's funny uh still feel like the SVS Prime bookshelf speakers of a solid buy for sure they're awesome very awesome if you can if they still have the Ultras though check out the um check out basically their clearance section which I think is like returned and stuff they may have some ultas in there that and they were going for like 800 bucks so um those are really good deal cuz they used to be 1,200 Brian says we only talk to each other on your chat that's an interesting strategy for keeping a a marriage going because I don't do these all the time anymore I used to but I don't um anyway acos Randy I really admire the way you handle your critics with such class and professionalism without allowing them to get under your skin truly admire your experience and honesty much love from Arizona um well I don't always do it well um and I didn't do it very well early on and it depends on how spiritual I'm being in that given moment on whether or not I can handle it well but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless but yeah for sure I text my wife when you're in bed when we're in bed and annoys her to know when that's funny my wife and I pretty much text when she calls like I panic like when my phone rings and I see it's my wife I'm like oh my gosh one of the kids got hurt or somebody died that's like the only time that she calls me um or if the internet goes down those three things death of someone we know kid got hurt internet goes down Panic Echo Show stream question the five and eight have no external Jacks okay only Bluetooth to connect to an external non Amazon speakers that's how I use my shell five there you go I appreciate that uh that was the only explanation I could come up with okay Stevie D it was a blast to spend time with you in the mly crw exponent dude I just unboxed those um laser disc today you're the best Stevie D is the best we have the best Community for sure what's the best streamer um on a budget this is this is the weam mini absolutely amazing what you can get for like 80 bucks on this thing um I think a lot of people like the Evers solo that's good too and blue sound very good as well I like the weam stuff it's super cheap um and good I use an external deck though so I generally use them with an external deck can you explain the benefits of a Dack source that uses two deck chips compared to one I think better Channel separation I don't no though you'd have to talk to somebody that like designs them but there's a lot of them out there that have multiple Dack chips I don't know I really don't so I'm not going to say I mean I don't know um but More's not always better I mean I think the new jelli one has two chips it's got to be something with Channel separation well CAU you live I just had to stay up until one 20 a.m. oh man well I'm about ready to wrap this up so I'm sorry so I'm going out of the country next week and I have a meeting that's going to be like I'm going to be 14 hours ahead so I'm it's going to be in the middle of the morning when I get on if I remember to get on uh jell has three one for unbalanced and two for balanced okay that makes sense I mean one for each channel right um one for unbalanced yeah which would be two channels and then two for balanced yeah which would be two channels but inverted for each one so yeah that makes sense drag net sound5 so much um all right uh did any gear have to come back with uh no no not a bit I only do carryon so I had no gear coming back with me all right I hope you all have a great weekend make sure to check out tomorrow's video it's going to be a fun video a lot of fun the best video I've ever made just kidding um could be but yeah it's going up at 10 a.m. Central Standard Time Saturday April 20th thank you so much for hanging out with me thank you for all the super chats thank you for making my dreams come true all right bye-bye love you y'all bye bye-bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: cheapaudioman
Views: 11,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -DHAuWFwK58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 59sec (3659 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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