The Poor KEF LS50 Metas just get Flamed on this Stream

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[Music] hello hello we haven't been live for a while how y'all doing I hope you're doing well what is today Wednesday hump day just like we used to do Hump Day live streams oh Nick all the way across the pond from Paris hello Nick the quick how's it going atheist hello how are you I feel alive Kenny Bond I feel I'm feeling alive too on a Wednesday man we got greetings from the UK love your channel as an oldie returning to the Hi-Fi scene after many years in the wilderness I bet you picked up a lot of skills like how to start a fire how to skin a deer mule deer something like that I bet atheist from up in Canada knows how to skin a mu deer all those Canadians do take down an elk pack out quarter up an elk and pack it out of the Wilderness greetings from Manhattan Illinois what up Ray Bravo oh I love that Bravo Zulu Ray Bravo hey hey CBO my goodness rolling in today already 114 I didn't even didn't even promo this moving to the us tomorrow well welcome to the United United States of America uh Hey from Brussels hello I'm not going to ur Earth a minister see it aona yes sir Josh make sure you grab me hey 10:30 first day I don't know if you're going to be able to be there on Friday but at 10:30 I'll be speaking on a panel a YouTube panel for sure uh good to see you live hey Simon uh is it cold up your way it was cold this morning I think it's it's not as cold right now but it's cold enough that to or a jacket the insulation in my studio which is really the office uh isn't great good LOL uh Hey surviving nature again we have a whole theme going here surviving nature packing an elk out quartering up an elk and packing it out uh but I'm an Arab I'm in Arab Alabama okay he said I am an Arab anyway Kenny Bond very good Alabama hope you're well Christopher I'm great jersey in the house uh do you have your ears on today I think so I took a shower cleaned them out pretty good John my brother how are you my goodness we got Oakland now La we got the California contingent in the house Derek F uh Bremerton oh Gordon Cooper spent many a cold night in the Bremerton Naval Shipyard in Dry Dock that's a cold and lonely place about 3:00 a.m. when you're on duty uh Alberta Canada another can Ian uh building overnight Sensations fantastic I really want to build uh I want to do another speaker kit I think I'd have a blast doing that it's been a while though wonder if my wood glue is in a solid Chunk in a g one gallon bucket with a handle excuse me thank you for your patience Nashville all right we got Tennessee London hello Alice um congrats on being one of the first to review the amators I didn't know I was I thought that speaker had been out for a while um I get confused because there's the Lumin 2 and then those are like, 1400 pair and then the Lumina 2 amateurs $1,500 a pair I love them actually I just legitimately paid for those today so I had to send in uh my credit card information oh man what's up with you John Newman I love that profile pick look at your inquisit your inquisitive SL Whimsical look Mr Jay Newman um uh saw Pat meeni last night in Atlanta he was amazing that's amazing Israel what's going on um Des Moz my brother used to live there I bet it's cold up there Back To Nature eating insects that's right Detroit San Francisco Birmingham Romania Seattle we already got Detroit uh Germany all right um man I'm sorry I'm gonna have to skip forward we got Salem San Diego Lake Villa um AAR Wisconsin tells Tyler Jackson Belgium what's up Paul South Oregon coast o I was in Oregon recently well not recently probably a while ago man I loved it o I loved it Upstate New York Kevin my friend how are you Atlanta uh Amsterdam oh where else uh do an entire set of this DIY that would take a long time that one brother um for sure Derby UK hey Lee Lee awesome another Atlanta the world listens to you H they probably shouldn't Indiana Little John melan Camp's from up that way Saskatchewan oh you're here press the like button thank you very much Sylvia anach I don't I'm probably not saying that right I can almost guarantee it you're the best Los Angeles again Finland oh my goodness this is fun all right greetings from India what's up oh my goodness uh uh guten Obin uh I just coincidentally stumbled in plus overwhelming Feeling Good Guys till later salute yall Salute You Mr Schmid get to the point all right Keith um Brisbane 3:30 let's do like 10 more of these because Keith wanted me to get to the point Keith all right ready Keith uh East Hampton Western Massachusetts this could be a long stream you're right Buckingham Palace look at that north of Dallas Forest Robbins Southern California Keith have you had enough yet Nashville on ontar Ontario Canada how do I mispronounce Ontario Rockville California Keith you good you still want to go more um is there a theme today yeah we're just I'm just naming Geographic locations now I wanted to see if you uh if you all had seen um uh seen the last few videos and what your thoughts were on like the style um the pacing uh whether you liked it not liked it I'm having a ball making them I feel like I've kind of got my mojo back with some of the jokes and stuff so I didn't I just wanted to see if youall had watched it like my video yesterday on the Calis 50 metas was a ton of fun to make it was absolutely fun to make um but I didn't know how I was going to land I mean it's doing well the video is doing well but I wanted to get some realtime feedback from the wonderful cheap aium man audience um love the separation video I didn't know if that was going to be too slow paced to start off the video but I had to do it and then when I found the music I was just like I know I'm the wrong person to judge how funny I am but I made myself laugh uh with that one I loved it uh always love your delivery thank you Jane um uh watched The ls50 Meta one this morning and I like the new format more than the old one there you go justifi Justified flaw I think the world would be a better place if more people were listening to you than to some other entitled people I think everyone should listen to everybody um I listen I am not the expert when it comes to audio I've listened to a few things at this point and i' just like to share share my experience strength and hope with everybody um but most importantly I just want it to be fun that's it I just want it to be fun I can't tell you what's best for you I can't tell you whether one is better than the other I can just tell you that that um the ls50 matter from kef it's fine it's good Christopher uh loved it keep it up thank you for what you do well thank you the kef in car video was awesome I loved it thank you Ian love the jokes I prefer your office as a setting though oh okay well we're back we're back here David no reason to worry I just felt like I'm a little stagnant when I'm sitting here and I don't know man I just like I like the flow of being out but I try to film and the another thing is like I've been filming a lot of videos concurrently and so I kind of take what I can get at this point like when you're a new parent and your kids won't sleep and so you should just sleep when your kid is sleeping I call that taking what you can get when you can get it so that's kind of how I shoot script edit everything now is I take what I can get when I get it so yeah it's more difficult to be in the in the office all of the time um you uh could keep the CF as a weekend fling they're not mine to begin with um I have to sent them back uh format is light-hearted and easy to watch still informative though I like it yeah I felt like I was getting kind of buried in the specs and this I just wanted it to be fun but still con information your your humor in my wheelhouse finds My Funny Bone Randy Martin thank you [Music] Randy uh let's see new format is okay we already read that one uh we already read that one and I was wondering oh we missed the Super Chat all right hold on I got to go down here man we're getting a lot rolling in oh my goodness we are amongst a celebrity the Mad watch collector the man himself he was on a video with me he is the best russle the Mad watch collector if you're into watches at all this is like my spirit animal like my brother from another mother who talks about watches because he approaches like watches very s check this out it's a steinhardt I know you probably don't like that anyway he um approaches like watch collecting and uh watch reviews and he's so much more talented than I am but it's a very lighthearted fun way not too serious at all uh it's a great Channel great Channel Russ thank you so much for being here my friend what a treat uh Rob Hawk 1399 Canadian long lived cheap audio and expensive audio too thank you Rob you're the best Long Live Rob Hawk all right I don't want to swallow that was one of the like overwhelming comments I got on my earlier videos because I have like a lav mic right here and I'd take a drink and I didn't know how to edit so I just be um we need the comedy uh I'mma try to keep it going a Dine Audio would I ever review them sure uh absolutely so is track pronounced reek or tiak uh I don't know man I always I always said teak growing up nobody ever corrected me but to be fair I was in a rural community with not a lot of audio files so I could have been staying saying it wrong this whole time but teak rhymed with back so teak is back to me sounded better in the title but if it's pronounced te te is back it's not nearly as catchy oh uh thanks for introducing me to fzy smsl Etc you're welcome absolutely wrestle it's like a celebrity like I get all excited when I see the Mad watch collector which is awesome because like we all if you're on YouTube you watch YouTube and then you have like channels that you watch and then you get like All Star Struck I don't know what to say Russ feeling all jumbled in my in my words stay chill you're good thank you Brian hey look at this Lee Gil he's from the UK hey wrestle I'm subscribed to you too I think right Lee you're from the UK Feliciano I owe you a receiver actually hold see there it is right there I owe you that one Feliciano I have not for for gotten about you I just have a mental breakdown when it comes to packaging things up and sending them all right decent all right uh check them out you need to Brian mad watch collector ls50 appears too often on secondhand websites brilliant point and I didn't make it in the video but that was so that was always a great L litmus test of just how popular speaker is like if you go to eBay and there's like 20 listings of it if there's a whole bunch of what you're looking at on the used Market always a good sign that maybe this speaker isn't for everybody or maybe like go search out like skit audio products like current skit audio products or just Shelly lab stuff or um what is it where is it it's um the um Aries 2 denif reps go search out that stuff you don't find it very often so that is like a great sign of customer satisfaction is is it on the used Market if it's plentiful on the used Market chances are there's a reason for that I I missed that what a great Point uh I totally missed that we got another Super Chat um I I'm going to read every every comment from Russ my pleasure man there are a ton of content creators that get bogged down with specs make it fun for yourself dude you got to check out my last video and tell me what you think um I posted it yesterday I I would hope you would be proud you got to check it out it's the uh most overrated speaker is the title um Todd Evans $10 thanks for all the great advice Randy Todd thank you you little what is that a Dutch tilt is that what they call that in the movie industry uh oh my goodness talk about celebrities in the house why are you wearing a Parker and Ron it's cold in here man like I need to reinsulate this cuz this is right on the edge of the house got cold in here so I put I put on a put on a jacket this is what I use to pack out pack out a a quartered up elk in when I'm in the Rockies or the Pacific Northwest after I've harvested a giant elk we need to go hunting man that would be fun I hope I don't offend anybody Ron and I need to go hunting together smsl su1 $68 on Amazon what a bargain I was looking at um I'm actually I just shot the opening I called it the cold open for tomorrow's video and uh I I hope you like it there's a tie in there um emotiva versus uh morance and our 1200 is a preamp what do you I I've never heard the morance U but I mean it's morance chances are it's awesome both a 399 I don't know the nr1200 but I mean I I would say you can't go wrong either way but yeah I think you're probably going to get slightly better components with the emotiva because the morance you know they're selling through dealers and I know emotiva is very fair with their pricing so all things created equally I think the emotiv is probably a better buy but um it's up to you I like I said morance Is Awesome Justified flaw just got the dens Athena but that's fun I have a one of my patrons has an entire dens very very nice denr system Todd T all denps all the time he loves it every piece of dens I've gotten in I've really liked ls50 overhyped and too expensive for what it is yeah you know that was a lot of that video was hyperbole uh but not really because it was actually what I thought I just thought it was hilarious that there's so many apologists for that speaker like if you say that speaker if you criticize it at all people come out of the woodwork and that's why I try to do like the ting ting ting ting like I don't have enough power on it I don't have the right Electronics on it I'm not listening to the right music on it I don't have it placed correctly like there is no other product that I've ever reviewed did a video on or anything that has had more apologist than the KF ls50 I find it fascinating and I also think that's a good litmus test um when everybody is just apologizing for this thing and then it's all over the market so you know what's funny is I that speaker kind of gaslit me um because I saw all the reviews and I'm not saying the reviewers are wrong but I just saw all the reviews I was really early on in getting back hard and heavy into the hobby I saved up my money I bought it sold a bunch of action figures to buy it and like I got it I was just like H and I'm thinking to myself well am I wrong is this what highend or midfi or good fi actually I'm G to I need to write that down good f um is this what this is supposed to sound like and so I thought to myself self I'm wrong this is supposed to be good there's a story from another Patron good f story from another one of my patrons who went and listened to a pair of magnet pants magnan is also another very um passionate fan base and he went in with his daughter and they listened to some magnet pants wasn't the lrs listen to some magnet pans and his daughter goes are these supposed to sound good or something along those lines is like is this supposed to sound good anyway I I always get a kick out of of out of that story and if you're here uh you'll know who I'm talking about we'll do oh thank you um all right there's a super chat in here somewhere wow we're getting a lot of comments James Ryan $5 thoughts on buying emotiva base X A2 for SVS Ultra bookshelves for stereo setup using topping e70 velvet Dack all right Basics A2 that's a two channel nice Transformer in there puts out good power SVS are really not that power hungry at all uh I want to say I think I had something very similar when I had the SVS is in here the SVS Ultras I've had I've got a pair in here actually somewhere I think there's one on the floor over there um no that'd be great great pairing great great pairing because emotiva nice and full on the bottom end and not like harsh all uh from an amplifier standpoint great uh great combo full show uh you can look at the I can't believe I'm recommending this or even mentioning it but you can also look at the topping la90 discreet but I had some quality hiccups with it so but that is one good sounding amp and I don't know if the e70 I imagine the e70 has balanced outputs but the uh la90 discreet definitely has um balanced inputs which was one of my complaints about it um very subjective yes everything's subjective for sure it's like cake or cheeseburgers like a lot of people like somebody's going to love Burg Burger King somebody's going to love McDonald's somebody's going to love waterburger somebody's going to be like oh my goodness I can't believe you like Burger King well other people are going to be I can't believe you like waterburger so it's all subjective I think what we really need to come together on is that we all love cheeseburgers and that's really the important thing I should just end it end the live stream right here on the cheeseburger go out on a high note bring back tape monitor Loops I love my eqs I think the um I would grab it but I'm Tethered to it I think the advanced Paris has a tape Loop I could be wrong um I did a side by side comparison with the ls50 and KF R3 I much prefer the R3 yeah they look cool they're just like first of all kef has never sent me anything so every kef I've gotten I've either purchased well I've purchased this is the only product that I've ever gotten sent in the R3 looks really cool and I've heard great things about it it's just a little bit too much for me to go out and buy a pair just to just to try it maybe they're all over the used Market too uh there we go ls50 prevalence in the used Market is no indication of quality it has been a very big seller for a number of years people and speakers move on well there you go Storyteller taking taking the opposite side I'm not going to tell you you're wrong I can only share my experience but once again we have a CF ls50 apologist in the house Storyteller Rhymes just kidding man if you like it you like it I can see why people could like it it's not the speaker for me doesn't mean it can't be the speaker for you but come on man go look at any current Speaker or maybe previous jint speaker look up the clips rp600m the elac debut reference go look at any of those and and so Clips I guarantee you sold more rp600m than K sold the ls50 go check out on the E Market go check out the um pulk r100 r200s um haven't been out as long as the uh kef but just see how many are on the used market I'll wait I'm just kidding man I don't want to like um pick on any what is what is it called call anybody's kid ugly it was it's hyperbole it was good good for the channel That that speaker started out the channel I kind of gave it uh a poor review not really a poor review anyway it's a it's at this point the ls50 speaker is a character on my channel it's just a heel it's a character I don't like it I think it's boring but it's a character um all right we got another Super Chat oh a bunch uh Nick the quick 10 EUR this is for bringing up the fozy lc30 oh I went and bought one immediately hoping you'll have the opportunity to use it one day yeah mine's back there I wish I got the one that had the black background instead of the yellow background yellow not my favorite I think I'm going to either buy one with the black background when they come back in stock or see if they'll send one to me uh because it is the most useful piece of equipment that I think I have somebody got on to me because they were like we have 3 330 people in here and I didn't even post this early anyway somebody got in there oh you're putting something in the in the chain you mean tell me that you review speakers with that I'm like yes I can hear differences uh looking to upgrade from kfq 350s want something that plays well at lower volumes running a peach tree Karina 150 amp it depends what you like so there's some speakers that sound really great at low volumes and usually it's because it almost has its own um loudness curve with the way the speaker set up what I would rather have you do is keep what you have and then mess around with EQ put a little U curve on there and see what they sound like other than getting another pair of speakers because the problem with getting comp pair of speakers that sounds really great at low volumes is if you ever do want to turn it up it's not going to sound good at higher volumes so uh play around see if you can get some Electronics with the loudness control on it but keep what you have I mean we's got a great EQ in it you can do it for free or you can buy a wing mini for 70 80 bucks and they put a little EQ on it and you can look up I actually have a video on my favorite EQ curves that video was an absolute dog out of the gate and I just looked back on it it has over a 100,000 views at this point so it was a a late bloomer but thank you Dan for the $5 Canadian $5 even that's like 33 cents in the US I'm just kidding I know like you guys are getting hammered with um inflation uh but that's what I would do Dan play around with the EQ keep the C and then um if you still want to buy a new pair of speakers one of the one of the really cool speaker at low volumes is actually uh the aerion novas and also the imperion the the stepup those are really good at low volumes um the Sony sscs5 good at low volumes uh what else is good at low volum oh pul r100 they're great at low volumes so but 350s you're in the $5 $600 range I don't know if that's your current budget I mean Clips RP 600 great great low volume speaker uh yeah uh just checked UK eBay a goodly selection of ls50s I I'm not here to say anybody's right or wrong um I'm just LS 50 again it like every time somebody doubles down on it it makes me double down because I can it always they always come in like I can I can absolutely roast any non kef ls50 speaker and most people like don't care but that is something else man uh I love maggies but they definitely have room for improvement other ribbon companies that evolve will eat them alive please magn toan learn from the upgrade guys I've never had them I want to get a pair of the lrs in Scott rig $499 would love your opinion on the new super Dentons uh if you can get them in love to Great comparison versus your review uh of the lintons I have the lintons upstairs um I would love to I I I should reach out to them I'm replete with things to review right now uh um what no merch promo mug me LOL I don't have one on it's in the dishwasher actually I have like only one of my own merch and they're terrible this merch company that I'm with is terrible if I got like a decent merch and um brought stuff in house would you all buy merch I'm thinking about doing like t-shirts like limited run t-shirts though so not like just a thousand t-shirt but like something really cool and then sell a hundred of them at a time uh oh paradigms very good uh at low volumes too uh and I don't like aluminum dome is not my like first choice but paradig does make really good low volume speakers okay we got any Super chats Randy Martin $10 any insight up on the weam ultra no but I guess it's like public knowledge I did email them and they said when it's ready or whatever they're going to send me one so but they didn't give me any time frame and I kind of hinted around at it so I um no updates and if there is I haven't read the email so I can't give you any info on that one Randy I wish I knew CU that would be awesome uh ls50s in nearfield they sounded very good but the Martin Logan were much more refined and clear warell Evo 4. tws also outperform them agree I didn't mention the 4. tws 4. tws are a little bit uh fickle about their placement I can't believe you're listening to 4. tws in nearfield that's a big speaker in nearfield but yeah and especially like I didn't mention this in the video either we're just literally I should rename this uh live stream to like kef ls50 bashing um that thing has such low Sensitivity I had to crank the Cambridge Evo the DeLorean I had to almost Crank It full tilt to get those CS uh to wake up I mean they say 85 DB there's no way it's 85 DB because I had the emotiva the new XB 2s I had those up as well and they're 86 DB so on paper those should be about and 1db I mean 3db you can start to tell the difference but 1db is marginal but the amount of difference and where I had to put the volume to get them the same uh SPL was like very very different there's no way they're 85 DB all right I got to jump at 130 all right we still have time Metallica BGA 499 I mostly listen to Metallica well we're brothers or sister and brother I have emotiva Basics and SVS Prime speakers what speakers are best for Metallica anything you know it depends on how loud you like to listen um a warm speaker at louder volumes is so much fun because you start to really get that thump in your chest and the guitar riffs if you don't listen at louder levels and I would say anything above 80 I would consider to be loud um then you might want a speaker uh that's a little bit more focused on the top end uh I think you're fine with the SVS primes it's a great speaker very good speaker very good where's my M oh here we go I got one right here looky lookie at this one this is a really heavy one too oh this is a remastered you know Metallica did a really good job when they bought their own catalog back and re-release stuff because their initial recording were were terrible they were just terrible so they've there's a bunch more Dynamic ranging if anybody ever runs across one of these you need to pick it up so this was actually a I think a radio version so this is not for resale even though I have it now but I bought this from one of my patrons 1981 it's one of the most dynamic well record recorded well pressed whatever you want to call it records I've ever heard Clips I got to disagree um because if you really get into it there's going to be with a clip speaker on Metallica that upper mid-range you get fatigued very quickly so it's fun for about an hour and then it's not fun but that's my preference may not be yours $5 mark Cameron I wanted to love the CF ls50 if it's just going to poor CF ls50 we're just piling on I had a group over to compare them with the p car 200 have the price and the pulk one hands down yeah P pulk 200 is good speaker also very Punchy um that's a tough comparison because they're so different but yeah P card 200 is very good Sharky 499 I like the audio engines at low Bo and higher Violet lines would have liked to see you compare the powered versions to their passive version yeah a lot of people love the audio engine stuff I don't know if I've ever had anything in from audio engine I know they had like a little tiny amp that you could kind of set up at an angle I remember that thing um not a huge fan of um powered speakers though Q Acoustics 5020 Rock don't they though I just got the 50/50s in they're still in a box I need to unbox them maybe I'll do that this afternoon and put those up I feel like I'm going to be in for a treat because every I have the center speaker upstairs and that's awesome although I changed some stuff around and on my home theater there's so many wires back there so I pulled a bunch of stuff out to put another amp in and I don't know I don't know my head from a hole in the ground right now back there I've got to trace it all back and figure out and I've even labeled it but for some reason I couldn't get the center speaker to work [Music] um uh do Warf 12.2 is need to be towed in or no uh it depends on your your room a lot depends on what type of how close maybe a sidewall is to you uh how close the wall is behind you where you're at compared to the speakers how far away and stuff I would just play with it because it's free right that speaker when I when I heard it didn't particularly strike me as being super fatiguing or anything so I would leave them where they're at Leave You Where You're you're at and aim the tweeters directly at your ears and then I'd play that play a track and then I would tow them directly out so like facing right out into the room put yourself back there listen to the same song at the same level and then tell and then you can start moving them in and out and if there's ever been an expert on speaker placement and towing it would be Ron over at new record day I would suggest you go over check out his video It's called Lots loudspeaker optimization something something Lots everything you'd ever need to know uh about speaker placement thanks as always half a cheeseburger for you o cheeseburger sounds good I've been doing this intermittent fasting and I am by about this time every day unless I am busy I just get so hungry so hungry I'm not a owed speaker fan either with the A5 my poop my pants speaker never has there been a higher compliment than when a speaker makes you poop your pants I'll tell you I loved the clips the nines Lov those such a fun speaker so I have to kind of walk back but in general I've not been a huge fan of C speakers thanks Randy for the reply I'll play around with them this is the way oh you can't see it this is the way actually put that on the other day for a video uh oh H I just missed it here we go what do you think of the DeLorean Evo got the original version I love it you're gonna have to wait you're going to have to wait make sure you're subscribed and then you watch uh that video forthcoming uh but yeah yeah it's pretty good um uh room can be such a limiting factor I've tried to get my basement sounding like my living room space and down there it's tough to hear significant difference difference between gear yeah it's like you're locked into probably like a fallout shelter a bunker it's like you're in the speaker with the speaker uh in a basement unless it's like super open or something something but yeah I bet you've got Reflections going on everywhere so I usually kind of poke fun at room treatment but in that case maybe you want some room treatment uh yeah I miss any super chats thanks Randy for the reply I'll play around with them this is the way oh I already read that one um oh man it keeps popping up I wanted to NAB the new new emotiva speakers but they weren't available yeah I didn't know them I should have talked to them before I released the video but that first run went quickly very quickly they're great I love them I knew you'd say that but I had to ask uh yeah yeah uh and room perfect there uh you doing okay you look not so chipper what are you talking about I've been like super chipper this whole time this is probably the most energy I've ever brought to a live stream ever I'm doing great I was just on a meeting though so I was filming and editing this morning and then I had a meeting at 11:00 that lasted till 12:30 or 12:15 and then I got on here at 12:30 but yeah doing awesome thanks for checking on me though uh Derek F 199 Randy check out thank you uh check out the album Steel Heart Steel Heart come on now steel harder harder heart 30 Steel Heart L har 30 all right I will do it ordered Warf Dale lintons they come in Friday paired with the Marans 2252 look at you driving what I wanted to call a moped but that's a go-kart Pioneer rt77 real toore with a weam sending the signal to my whole house wow I don't know the 2252 is that vintage sounds vintage isn't the last two the the power rating though like the 22 35 52 seems a little bit weird um I didn't say I was going to say silly you help me decide on my elac and my SVS thanks well thank you bearded Wolverine $10 thank you grab some coffee on me oh I'm empty I woke up so early this morning 4:30 now it took me a while to get out of bed so I don't think I got out of bed until about 5:15 but I ran um now I wasn't an entire pot of coffee CU I usually only make four or six cups at a time but I did a four cuper this morning there's a joke in there don't say it um so I did four cups this morning and then I did um six cups later so yeah so 430 I think I'm bringing some enthusiasm and I've been up for a while at this point yes vintage 52 wats there you go I bet that sounds amazing Have you listened to new jud's Priest album I have not really good vintage priest I'll have to check it out uh uh sorry I just got to text do you have any interest in testing deware amp not really I'm I'm I'm kind of I'm kind of resigned to the fact that I'm not a tube guy and I don't think I'll ever be a tube guy it just they don't do anything for me uh great company though and I think I don't even think you can buy one if you want one um so yeah great company uh family run I think and and Stellar reputation but tube amps are not for me have you heard any Zoo stuff I did oh look at that boxer I used to have a boxer his name was Tinkerbell I cried like a baby when he died Daniel Caswell have you heard any Zoo stuff I have the zoo dirty weekends couple years ago at expona one of my patrons bought his own pair so I heard them in a hotel room probably not a great judge of sound but they were very interesting sounding a lot of uh bottom end any opinion about the obon I think that's what you're saying Opticon Oberon Decepticons dolly dolly I'm going to assume you're Oberon twos I haven't heard any of the Oberon level i' would love to though uh because I like the Spectre one and twos uh three years out on delivery yeah uh you're are you going to get the ever solo DMP A8 I thought I already reviewed that or maybe it was one of the other ones these companies have to change up their um model numbers I had the DMP A6 I can't remember um I don't have it oh maybe I do have it but I just don't know it um I maybe maybe uh will you uh review the RSL 10e is that the new subwoofer it may be in the house in a box but I do remember I did get an email and I never responded to the email because I got buried on something else I'll have to look at the email because they were going to send me one or they have already sent me one and it's in a box it's in the big um The Big Box hey look at this Jim from Grapevine what up Jimmy bird you were here from the beginning I looked at you for uh a swaff on Sat but I guess you were there on Fry yeah I could only make it so the irony is even when I audio shows in my backyard I can't go to it because when I'm in Chicago or or wherever like I'm there for the show when it's in Dallas on a weekend and my wife has a conference and the kids are at of school and they have you know like unfortunately I could only make it Friday night for about an hour and then I had um I had dinner with Lenny and had dinner with uh JY Labs saw a few folks and then I had to come back and that was the day of my daughter's birthday outing so I was dead tired because we had been to a water park and we had also been to kind of like a I don't know activity Park and we spent the night in a hotel and I don't sleep well in a hotel with my family I sleep great in a hotel on my own anyway I was dead tired but I was like I need to go if I'm G to go I need to go Friday night so I went Friday night any opinion on the T8 yeah great um great great little amp I don't know about the longevity but yeah great little amp for sure dally Opticon are more revealing transparent oh so it is a different line I've never heard the Opticon I've never heard the oons um so there you go hey look at this John sheppler Sith audio overcharging for inferior products for years You're darn right Billy windsock my boy four 499 quid 499 pounds watching you with a background serving of oh Jethro toll Happy Days uh do I have Jethro tall over here I think no that's not it oh I think maybe it's over here hey anyway do I have two copies of Master of Puppets I just flipped through the second copy of Master of Puppets too funny uh I think I think je to's in the back have you checked out anything from PS audio uh yes the Sprout it was okay I think grossly overpriced for what it is absolutely like bananas over overpriced um and I mean I thought it was okay I compared it to I think a $150 little integrated from China and the only thing that sprout had was uh phono stage but I really well regarded company so uh yeah I'm I mean it's probably fine it didn't do anything for me though and I think the reason it didn't do anything for me me and at the time I think the price was $600 um it looked good it had like a wood top it was um nice looking that's it uh sound if you're only in the performance if you like the looks and you want to pay the extra price pay it um but sonically it didn't do anything actually I think the Sprite ver the Sprout version one actually had a bump at 80 HZ they program that programmed that they designed into it so yeah uh PSB Alpha p5s I think I did that review I did the p3s I think I did the p5s way back when I thought it was good if I'm remembering correctly I thought it was overpriced and I bought that speaker if I'm thinking about the right speaker I bought it off of Amazon and it was an Amazon warehouse and I remember getting it and the port was just a cardboard Port that was glued onto a plastic flange was glued onto a plastic FL flange anyway it came off of the plastic flange and just fell in and if I remember correctly that speaker had pressed in binding post and a pressed in Port flange so it's not like you could get into it so somehow I was able to fish it and then kind of pull it so it at least seated itself back on the flange to listen to them but I sent them back um the QC wasn't they sounded really good they sounded very similar to the elac debut the first series so had a bit of a warm and but you could crank them up sounded really good but the QA was not good and I was kind of glad that it broke because it gave me a reason to s them back because I was buying everything back then uh there you go I have a sprout uh 100 and like it but agree it is average especially for PS audio Brian I have the FR it's the best thing ever you obviously listen to it wrong exactly um got Sprout on Black Friday very happy with it there you go I mean I I think it's good I think it's overpriced uh but I think most things are overpriced Randy I would love for you to start reviewing outdoor speakers any chance of that happening I've reviewed one outdoor speaker if you can call it a review it was the emotivas they're great great usually outdoor speakers have a lack of like any bottom end and base but the emotivas I have are great ported versus sealed subwoofers um I'm not the best person to comment on this but I'll just tell you what I like I like sealed for music I like ported for movies uh that's about it that's my opinion I have a sealed 12in SVS sb1000 Pro in the living room I have the big 12in RSL ported upstairs and then I have a variety they're just kind of around that aren't plugged in but and i' I've never I'm the wrong guy to ask go to uh Nemo propaganda he's like the subw warer guru go go check out what he has to say I'm the wrong guy to talk to about Subs I'm really the wrong guy to talk to about just about anything um but yeah he's more of the expert so sorry so sorry I got the ywn Steve gutenberger was meh on the Sprout 100 as well I think it's I mean it's fine it's fine a lot of sprout people in here are front height speakers on Towers worth it for atmas if you can't mount on a wall I think they are um I have I've tried those now it depends on where your ceiling's at if you have a lower ceiling I it so it's kind of if you have like 8ft ceilings it's awesome if you have 20ft ceilings it's kind of awesome too because it bounces around a little bit before it gets to your ears but if you have a good receiver that has decent room correction it's going to figure all that out on its own but I know some people think it's a gimmick uh I use them upstairs now I have just now changed so I used to use and it wasn't even an Atmos speaker it was an old pair of realistic Minimus speakers that would have on top of my uh entertainment center which had like a top above the TV so I just leaned them up ran the room correction it was great you know when stuff would come on sounded good and I've tried the ones that lay on top actually I have a pair of A1 I have two pairs of the a1s from emotiva and I've tried those on top and but then I did end up mounting them right where my ceiling meets the wall so right up there but my ceiling upstairs is not um nearly as high as it is downstairs so yeah uh any tips on knocking down siblings better Dack uh EQ um so start messing with like 3 4 6K and you can pull it down a little bit if the recording sibilant there's not much you can do uh but you can kind of tweak a speaker or Electronics there's some electronics are are sient um I'm especially thinking about a phono preamp that I listened to that was super sient but yeah 3 to 6K you can play with that and you'll you'll bring it down uh anyone know I can buy CD albums online even if used anyone know where I can buy CD if I'm reading this right yes go to Amazon go to eBay I mean I buy stuff on eBay not as much anymore because like a new CDs like $10 to $20 in 2024 in 1988 a new CD was 13 to $20 CDs have actually gotten cheaper like they are the inflation prooof media I love CDs I buy them new all the time because they're 10 bucks and they used to be 13 bucks when I was a kid isn't that crazy yeah there you go discogs eBay Amazon yeah there's a um a half pric book so I don't know if you have that they have CDs but they they charge a premium for them now does coax out or 3.5 mm out matter when using a Dap to a car audio amp N I don't think so I mean um you're going to have so much external ambient noise going on if you're actually driving the vehicle you're legit not going to be able to tell any difference at all I mean if you have like 60 or 70 DB road noise going on you're not going to be able to hear anything yards hold on yard sales for CDs that sounds like an inordinate amount of work to go find CDS like can you imagine driving somewhere to a yard sale in the hope that there's I'd rather just take the five minutes or two minutes and go on oh Walmart's a great place for CDs Walmart is actually like if you're into um physical media especially Blu-rays and 4K Blu-ray like Best Buy is getting out of it right Walmart's like doubling down on it which I think is great so Walmart has a ton of vinyl and really good uh uh what do you call it exclusive I don't know if it's just a gimmick but they have exclusive records and I bought them they sound great so yeah Walmart have you seen Dune to yet of course went by myself on my birthday uh so like at 11:00 in the morning I go to see Dune too I like going to movies by myself fantastic I can't wait to buy it on 4K blue or yeah 4K Blu-ray Ultra HD whatever it is so absolutely I saw it wonderful I went to the bathroom once and I came back in and it was right when um the guy was in Goonies um he's like the uh main like military captain that trained the kid I went to the bathroom and I came back and like I missed the reunion I was so mad I was in the bathroom for like 30 seconds that that movie is so great like you have to see every second of it CDs are nearly free every time I go to click on something it pops up on CDs are nearly free on discogs Goodwill stores and Salvation Army cheap CDs yeah I hate hate like some people like some people in my family go shopping as um like a hobby so they enjoy going on the search I don't I like to buy I like to I like to spend the least amount of time uh between me and music now I will go to a record store and kind of that's kind of like a destination for me but I'm not I'm not searching through Goodwill to find a CD at all but you can you can find them very cheap I think we're going to call it I appreciate y'all being here what a wonderful treat so many awesome people joined and it was well attended 340 people in here right now on a Wednesday just last minute uh have a great rest of the week hoping I'm gonna have a video out Friday all right so no video tomorrow but Friday there'll be a video and I'm hoping it will be as entertaining as as the one I posted yesterday which if you haven't seen it I'm sure you have that we made all the way through it um that uh you've seen it anyway it was fun it was a fun video Mark good to see you all right uh bye-bye bye love you all thank you so much
Channel: cheapaudioman
Views: 9,673
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Id: PHskr_2tGcc
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Length: 64min 36sec (3876 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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