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I'm going crazy here so there's something that happened last night but I have to give you the backstory first so N9 years ago when my son Dylan was eight b d a c f f g I was playing my turntable in here and I was playing the song bright siiz life Pat meeni song and I said to Dylan isn't it cool how it goes from G to B flat to D and right when I hit the D chord I played the note D on the piano and I was shocked I was like oh my God so [Music] this I said oh my God my turntable's running sharp it's running too fast so the pitches there I said Dylan didn't you notice that the turntable is Out Of Tune he says how would I know I've never heard the song before and I said what so I started thinking about this for days and days and I thought well maybe to Dylan he's like he's never heard the song and he probably hears stuff that's out of pitch all the time because there's many songs Beatles songs Stone songs sound garden songs that are sped up or slowed down that are not quite in Pitch vanan Halen Jimmy Hendrick songs that he had heard and so maybe he's thinking okay i' never heard the song there's a lot of things that aren't quite in Pitch so last night Dylan's practicing his guitar for a concert tonight and I told him if anything happens don't stop playing if you make a mistake or something so as he's playing his a string slips out of tune so I said to my wife man you hear how Out Of Tune that is she says what are you talking about said his guitar is Out Of Tune she's like how would I know it's Out Of Tune I've never heard the song before I was like what wait what do you mean she's like I don't never heard the song how would I know if it's Out Of Tune I said it's it's out of tune with itself I don't know what you're talking about he finished his something I said Dylan bring your guitar down here for a second with your tuner so he brings the guitar downstairs I put the headstock tuner around he's got a left-handed guitar and I play the low E string and I show my wife the thing comes up to the center and it lights up the green light and I said that means it's in tune and then I play the a string and the red light is to the left and it's flat I said this is means it's flat and then I play the string and I turn it and then it goes up and it hits the green light I said now it's in tune and I play the power chords and the guitar is in tune she's like I don't I don't get it so later last night I'm FaceTiming with my two sisters and they said to me hey doesn't Dylan have a concert tomorrow night he's playing guitar at I said yeah yeah yeah is he practicing for it yeah as a matter of fact he was just practicing a little while ago and one of his strings Went Out Of Tune and I said to nah oh my God here how out ofune that is and she says how would I know I don't know the song and they said to me yeah how would she know if it's Out Of Tune if she doesn't know the song I was like what are you talking about the guitar is Out Of Tune with itself I don't know what you mean they both said this to me I said what do you mean you don't know what I mean so I pick up this guitar and I say hear this that sounds good right that's a c chord okay what if I do this does this sound good and they like oh that sounds terrible I said that sounds terrible because it's Out Of Tune so I'm thinking to myself there must be something wrong with me people don't know what in tune and Out Of Tune means and I'm thinking like when I make these videos and I say oh that's really flat oh that's flat people like what is he even talking about so this morning I'm driving my 11-year-old Laya to school I'm going to ask Lea this thing so I said hey Lea you know last night remember when Dylan was practicing his guitar and she said yeah I said you know I said to Mom Dylan's guitar is Way Out Of Tune don't you notice that and she said how would I know I don't know the song and Leila says how would Mom know if she doesn't know the song I'm like what again she's like yeah you know like hard- shaped box is tuned down a half step how would Mom know that I said no no no the guitar is Out Of Tune with itself like one of the strings Out Of Tune oh well I would know that so I'm completely obsessed with this thing now that you guys out there do you even know what I mean when I say something is Out Of Tune cuz there's different things it can be out of tune with standard pitch it can be out of tune with itself I mean typically when I say something is Out Of Tune I mean it's Out Of Tune with the other instruments around it or it's out of tune with itself like this this one string is way flat if I tune it up like that and I play the chord it sounds In Tune In Tune Out Of Tune is related to some standard of pitch whatever it is many times you'll have songs that are out of tune with standard tuning so you have to retune your guitar in order to play along with it if you played black hole son or if you play a Van Halen song or Jimmy Hendrick songs or Beatles songs you have to retune your guitar because the tape has been sped up or slowed down which changes the pitch but I just assume that people understand in tune versus Out Of Tune and here's the weird thing is that nowadays people are so aune to things being in tune because of autotune that when they hear something that's out of tune it bothers them they actually realize oh that sounds bad yeah because it's not tuned to death and the same thing is happening with rhythm so many of the songs that you hear today use programming or if they use acoustic instruments they've actually been fixed to a grid meaning they've been cut up and quantized so they're essentially like a drum machine so if you hear somebody playing without a click it sounds weird because it has a human feel or if they hear somebody that sings like a bluesy note or something that maybe go a little bit low or whatever that makes it sound bluesy it sounds weird to them because they're hyper attuned to things that are in tune because of autotune am I crazy I feel like I'm crazy love to know your thoughts I know you have opinions on this leave a comment hit the Subscribe button thanks for watching
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 1,423,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, Pitch, Perfect Pitch, Tuning, Relative Pitch, Ear Training, 440 vs 432, Autotune, Beat Detective, Pro Tools, Van Halen, The Beatles
Id: ifJPjMlwB0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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