Cheap 2-Stroke Oil Better? Let's find out! Amsoil vs SuperTech 2-Cycle Oil.

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in a previous series on four-stroke motor oil we saw quite a bit difference between the different brands but what about two-stroke oil is EMS oil which is a very expensive two-stroke oil any better than super tech or are you better off just saving a whole bunch of money and buying this super tech let's get the testing underway and see which brand is the best we'll test both of these oils and brand new two-stroke generators and compare engine wear and performance we'll use a five to one gasoline lubricant ratio and a small engine and compare carbon deposit formation will compare the ability of both oils to prevent corrosion we'll see which oil has the lowest flashpoint we'll see which oil provides the best protection against where well have both oils tested by an independent oil testing lab at a very reasonable price that around $3 per quart is this super tech Universal two cycle engine oil specially formulated to use a high-performance air-cool two cycle engines such as lawn mower string trimmers and chainsaws as you can see there's no American Petroleum Institute donut on this container costing $12.95 are about four times as much as a super tech is this AMSOIL Dominator racing oil now that's a synthetic two-stroke oil anti friction anti scuff we're gonna test that using high-performance two-stroke engines we're AP ITC oils are specified race proven anti friction chemistry provides an extra measure of protection against piston scuffing in bearing we're superior films drink provides protection engines that can exceed ten thousand rpm burns clean helps prevent ring sticking and plug fouling suitable for use with exhaust power valves formulated blended and packaged in the USA in the next test we'll be comparing the lubricity or film strength of each brand we're going to measure out twenty milliliters of gasoline and blend it with twenty milliliters of oil the tests will last right at one minute the lubricity test will give us some good information on which two-stroke oil is better preventing piston scuffing and bearing we're after the test we'll compare the size of the wear scars on each of the bearings determine which oil provides the best film strength while this test doesn't simulate engine operating conditions perfectly it'll provide us with some great information [Music] [Music] [Music] super tech is on the left that a Missoula's on the right it's not even close AMSOIL had a 17 percent smaller wheres car than the super tech before we move on to our next test I need to package in mail the super tech and AMSOIL to an oil testing lab that can provide us a lot of great information on each oils anti wear additive package flashpoint and overall oil chemistry we'll go over the oil analysis results near the end of the video a very important role for two-stroke oil is to prevent corrosion in the next test I'll coat two bolts in a 50/50 gasoline oil mix I'll also have a control bolt that won't have any sort of protective coating then I'll spray each of the bolts with an aggressive rusting agent and we'll see which brands as the best job of preventing corrosion will check back on this later in the video it's been 30 seconds if the rust is beginning to explode on this control ball which didn't have any sort of coating on it I'll spray down each one of these bolts over the next few hours and we'll come back and check in on these bolts later the next test is a two-part test in the first part 10 milliliters of two-stroke oil will be added to each crucible the crucibles will be placed directly under a flame the oil with a lower flashpoint will ignite first when it comes to two-stroke oil a relatively low flash point usually allows the oil to provide a cleaner burn than an oil with a high flash point which resists burning and the AMSOIL definitely has a lower flashpoint and it's the first to go up in flames about a minute and 15 seconds later the super tech finally lit will kick off part two of this test later in the video in the next test we'll be adding 4 ounces of oil to 20 ounces of gasoline and then running the gasoline mix through a small engine unlike four-stroke oil two-stroke oil is designed to be low ash and provide a clean burn so even though there's a lot of two-stroke oil mixed into the gasoline there shouldn't be too much smoke for small engine testing we'll be using this combustible gas detector determined just how clean the engine is burning so just demonstrate how it works this measures the number of parts per million of combustible gas we'll be doing some testing with this brake parts cleaner [Music] the super tech is doing a great job and there isn't any visible smoke even though we can't see any smoke the combustible gas sniffer is detecting a pretty high concentration of unburned hydrocarbons super tech actually seems have done a pretty good job the cylinder head is nearly spotless with some carbon buildup around the area closest to the valves the intake valve has some buildup on it and there's some carbon accumulation between the intake and exhaust valve overall super tech did a good job up next we'll see if AMSOIL can do any better I always start off with a new spark plug and a new head gasket just to make sure we're getting good test results just like with super tech there isn't any visible smoke with AMSOIL after allowing the engine to fully warm up combustible gas sniffer was sensing somewhere between 15 and 108 parts per million which is quite a bit lower than a super tech which had between 300 and 400 75 parts per million the AMSOIL does have a lower flashpoint meaning that it should burn a little bit easier than the super tech well [Music] the super tech sparkplug is on the left and the AMSOIL is on the right the Amazon spark plug definitely has a little bit more carbon buildup on it the amount of carbon buildup on the AMSOIL cylinder head is very similar to the super Tech's super tech did have quite a bit more carbon buildup on the intake valve and between the valves so overall it seems like Amzad that's slightly better than super tech as far as carbon deposits it's wholly been an hour and a half since I applied the oxidizer to these three bolts and there's already winners and losers the ability of these products to block corrosion is pretty significant check out the amount of rust in our control it's hard to believe that something would rust this much in just an hour and a half let's check out the super tech oil next there's quite a bit of rust on the super tech bolt unfortunately super tech just didn't do a very good job of blocking the rust Wow check out this damsel bo looks as good as new no visible corrosion on this bolt super tech to the left Amazon in the middle and the control is on the right you can see there's a tremendous amount of rust on our control comparing the Amazon to the super tech AMSOIL did an amazing job it's hard to believe is that much difference between two different brands of oil for the next test I'll be using two brand new two-stroke generators I purchased at Harbor Freight [Music] before beginning the test let's take a look inside up both engines to see how they look I found it very interesting that the spark plugs and both brand new engines already had a small amount of carbon buildup on them based upon the condition of the cell doors it looks like the factory did a brief dry engine run using propane or some sort of gas without any sort of lubricant the engine that's going to be used with the super tech seems to be in slightly better condition than the AMSOIL engine let's put these back together we'll test the compression on both engines [Music] the super tech tested at 89 psi [Music] the AMSOIL engine tested a little bit lower than a super tech in 85 the generators require a 50 to one fuel to lubricant ratio the ASTM D for 863 lubricity test evaluates the ability of a lubricant to minimize piston and cylinder bore scuffing and two-stroke spark ignition gasoline engines the engine is operated at a hundred and fifty one gas to oil ratio much leaner than normal instead of using one hundred fifteen to one ratio that's used in the ASTM D 48 sixty three I'll be using a hundred to one ratio since I'll be using a different testing procedure after adding one gallon of non ethanol fuel into each fuel tank I'll be adding one point two ounces of each oil now the fuel and oil have been added into both fuel tanks and thoroughly mixed I'll go ahead and open the fuel valve and we'll get the test underway during the test I'll be monitoring the cylinder head temperature at the spark plug and the exhaust gas temperature the generators are rated for 900 pequots and 700 continuous I'll be using a 500 watt halogen light during the test to place a pretty good-sized load on both engines after the compression test I reoriented the engine so that the exhaust would not interfere with the test results the top two numbers are for the am zoll engine and the bottom two are for the super tech the exhaust gas temperature on the Angela engine was at 370 and 373 for the super tech engine the cylinder head temperature was nearly the same at 402 degrees Fahrenheit with the shop door open the cooler outdoor air allowed both engines to cool down a little and after an hour both engines were at nearly identical temperatures after two hours the exhaust gas temperature on the AMSOIL engine was slightly cooler and the cylinder head on the AMSOIL engine was around five degrees cooler than the super tech engine after three hours the exhaust gas temperature on the am Zul engine was about 10 degrees cooler and the cylinder head was around 15 degrees cooler after nearly four hours the exhaust gas temperature on the anvil engine was around 10 degrees cooler but the cylinder head was around 16 degrees cooler after about four and a half hours the exhaust gas temperature on the AMSOIL engine was still around 10 degrees cooler but the cylinder head was now 20 degrees cooler while the generators are cooling off let's begin another test well first measure out 20 milliliters of each boil and we'll be adding the oil into the crucibles this time I'll place the crucibles on top of a piece of cast iron to prevent the oil vapors from igniting 1c well evaporates we'll visually inspect the amount of deposits left behind hey Ames ole is definitely evaporating much more quickly than the super tech [Music] a Missoula's to the left super tech to the right there definitely seems to be more residue in the crucible that had the an oil in it compared to the super tech the new AMSOIL engine may 85 psi but after using a 100 to 1 fuel to lubricant ratio under load for four and a half hours the compression is up to 90 psi the super tech engine started out at 88 psi but is now at 90 so both engines are now testing equally [Music] just like we saw with a lawnmower engine the am's are left behind a little bit more deposit on the spark plug there's also slightly more carbon buildup on the cylinder head and on the piston of the AMSOIL engine the amount of wear to both engines is very insignificant and looks to be about the same [Music] super tech to the left and Am's all to the right what's very interesting is just how much the base oil really impacts the performance of the motor oil neither one of these oils really have much of an additive package however the super tech does have a little bit calcium in it which is a detergent dispersant and that may have some impact on the amount of buildup left behind the super tech did seem to have a little bit less carbon build up compared to the amsoil the elaborate alysus results on the flashpoint go along with art local testing 330 degrees Fahrenheit for the super tech in a lower flashpoint at 225 degrees for the AMSOIL in my opinion both damsel and super tech are very good oils now super tech not being a synthetic world was definitely at a disadvantage and that really started to show we did several the test whether its corrosion resistance film strength as far as the engine temperature during the generator run am ZOL had a huge advantage all my video ideas including this one come from viewers so if you have a video idea I hope you take time to leave a comment I read reply to as many comments as possible thanks so much for watching the video please take care and look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 1,093,529
Rating: 4.9395795 out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, project farm, amsoil, amsoil dominator, 2-stroke oil, 2 stroke oil, 2 cycle oil, 2-cycle oil, amsoil dominator 2 cycle oil, amsoil dominator 2-cycle oil, super tech, supertech, super tech 2 cycle oil, supertech 2 cycle oil, supertech 2 stroke oil, amsoil 2 stroke oil, amsoil dominator 2 stroke oil, synthetic 2 stroke oil, synthetic oil, amsoil dominator racing oil, super tech motor oil, supertech motor oil review, amsoil review, amsoil motor oil review
Id: EZG6EBakNfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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