Is Cheap Grease better than Lucas Red N Tacky? Let's find out! Bearing Grease Test Episode 1

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when it comes to grease this brand really matter are all grease is pretty much the same or do some actually produce better results than others today we will be doing some testing on a general-purpose grease made by super tech and compare it against Lukas red and tacky now about three thousand years ago the Egyptians were believed to be the first ones to use grease in their chariot wheels since the 1940s lithium grease has been around so has the grease technology really improved that much since the 1940s and are all greases pretty much the same let's get the testing underway and see which of these two brands is the best in the first test will measure the tackiness of the grease we'll also see which grease can handle the heat and which one will go up in smoke we'll test the water resistance of both brands we'll measure how well these brands perform in extremely cold temperatures will also measure the film strength we'll see which grease offers the best protection against corrosion costing less than two dollars is this super tech lithium general-purpose grease it claims to be a versatile grease designed for light duty applications requiring long grease life light duty farm automotive industrial and construction equipment extremely stable and highly water resistant we're gonna test that use on chassis fittings Springs water pumps bearings and any general lubrication both brands we're testing our number two super tech advertises that the drop point is 350 degrees minimum we're gonna test that in a little bit and I'll explain more about the drop point when we do the testing the super tech uses a mineral oil as its base and lithium soap as its thickness do not mix greases of different type use a solvent to remove and clean out all traces of incompatible greases before we packing repack according to manufacturer's instructions when it comes to grease the ability of grease to cling to moving parts is extremely critical Lukas claims to be red and tacky it's obviously red but is it actually tackier than super tech we're about to find out in the next test I built the next test jig to quantify the cohesive and adhesive properties of grease the tester will measure the amount of force required to separate the two metal discs that are held together by the grease our first place approximately 25 milliliters of grease on the very center of the bottom disc the top disc will then be lowered into position and then apply a just enough pressure to squeeze out all the air pockets and to form a layer of grease around the entire perimeter of the disc finally I'll apply an upward force using a pulley and lover set up in an inline weight scale to measure the amount force required to separate the place it took about 50 1.5 pounds of force to pull apart the two-disc after grease was removed I used brake parts cleaner to clean off all grease residue costing twice as much as the super tech is this Lucas red and tacky grease it's a multi-purpose extreme pressure grease four to five with anti-seize from maximum surface protection it claims that its drop point is five hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit we're gonna test that just like super tech this is ngl ID number two grease excellent for trucks cars industrial equipment farm equipment boat trailers and wheel bearings good temperature stability we're gonna test that good resistance to acid and alkali we're gonna test that to good resistance to rust and corrosion good cold-weather characteristics in GLI rated for a GCL be the highest rating given for chassis and wheel bearing grease [Music] okay about 87 pounds much better than the super tap has an amazing difference between the two we got in tackiness I'm not sure what the technical term is for these greased streamers we've got one reaching from the very top all the way down to the bottom this is some very cohesive and adhesive stuff very impressive by the Lucas brand in the next test we'll be comparing the film strength of super tech to Lucas using the lubricity tester I'll begin by adding approximately 40 milliliters of grease into the test cup I'll make sure that both the test bearing and the wheel have a thorough coat of grease on each surface before the test begins since grease is an extreme pressure lubricant I've increased the amount of downward force applied to the bearing by 50% the test will last right at 2 minutes after the test we'll compare the size of the wear scar on each bearing to see which product offers the best protection against wear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] super tech is on the left and Lukas is on the right I really did not think we'd see such a huge difference between the two brands now in fairness super tech claims to be a light-duty Greece obviously the where scar is huge on this bearing compared to the Lucas which has a very small where scar indicating it has terrific film strength super tech grease indicated we should not mix greases unless we were sure they're compatible so we're gonna do a test we're gonna mix the Lucas with the super tech and we'll see if any sort of reaction occurs we'll check back on this in 24 hours a very important role of Greece is to prevent corrosion in the next test I'll apply a very aggressive rusting agent to three different wheels deadlocks I've already removed the protective zinc coating from the bolts to make sure they're more susceptible to rust we won't apply anything to the control bolt and I'll apply a very light coat of grease to the other two bolts finally I'll apply a very powerful oxidizer several times and we'll see how much corrosion takes place in 24 hours it's been less than a minute in our control boat which had nothing on it is already starting to oxidize the super tech as well as the Lucas are still looking really good up next we'll be measuring the cold temperature performance of each grease the purpose of this test is to measure how grease inhibits the motion of bearings at temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius the official test is called the grease low temperature torque test since I don't have the official test equipment I'll put together a test Jade to compare the brands both sets of bearings have been chemically cleaned to ensure that all the original grease has been removed I'll first pack each set of bearings with grease then both sets of bearings will be placed into a freezer that's set to negative 20 degrees Fahrenheit we'll come back in 24 hours to test a cold weather performance of each grease the dropping point of Greece is a temperature at which it passes from a semi solid to a liquid it determines the cohesiveness of the oil and the thickness of the grease if the substructure is formed properly can withstand very high temperatures in fairness super tech advertises that the dropping point for their grease is only 350 degrees Fahrenheit why Lucas says the dropping point for their grace is over 500 I'll be applying approximately 25 milliliters of each grease on the grease slide the grease slide is made of metal and both sides are securely attached to a quarter inch piece of sheet metal to ensure equal conductivity of heat to each half during the test I have the temperature probe touching the sheet metal during the test so we can keep an eye on the temperature grease that avoids turning into liquid and then avoids going up in smoke we'll win this test so let's turn up the burner to the maximum temperature and we'll see which grease can handle the heat the best and which one is going to go up in smoke it's been right at 17 and a half minutes and the heat is beginning to get to the super tech grease three slide is at three hundred and thirty five degrees Fahrenheit and super tech is showing signs of weakness and is beginning to sweat a trail of grease is beginning to form and it's heading down the ramp okay the super deck has reached dropping point you can see that there's a steady stream of oil going all the way down this ramp I'm gonna apply a little bit more heat to this oil slide by tilting up the burners and laying the burners directly on to the heating element [Music] super tech is really on the move now and this is not going to end well can Lucas hold on or a super tech going to go up and smoke first hit Lucas is chilling out in the left lane completely unfazed by all the heat and smoke and the wind goes to Lucas the water spray off tests will let us know how well these greases withstand exposure to water we'll test one grease at a time we'll take a weight management of the test plate once we've applied a quarter inch layer of grease to it the water in the test will be right out a hundred degrees Fahrenheit once the test plate is in position the test will begin when the water jet sprays wire onto the test plate the test will last right at one minute after the test I'll scrape away any grease that's extending beyond the edges of the test plate and then we'll weigh the test plate again additionally we'll measure the size of the grease spread and compare performance [Music] [Music] [Music] the super tech Greece actually did a fairly good job you could see quite a big crater in the middle but it did stay intact as far as on the metal plate to scrape loose any sort of grease that's hanging over the edge as well as over the end so I'm going to do that and then we'll take a weight measurement besides the crater is a little over 51 millimeters the test sample started off at two hundred thirteen point three seven grams it now weighs 200 eleven point eight that's a loss of one point five seven grams I got the middle plate cleaned up so imma go ahead and apply the Lucas and we'll begin the testing before testing the Lucas grease hot water was added to the tank [Music] the super tech was around 50 millimeters let's see what we have with Lucas definitely a lot smaller crater size with the Lucas I'm going to scrape off the excess Lucas and then we'll take away Lucas start off at two hundred thirteen point six five it now weighs two hundred twelve point six that's a loss of one point zero five super tech lost one point five seven so it's Lucas for the win it's been run at twenty four hours so let's go and take a look at each one these wheel stud lugs to see how much corrosion has taken place now our control looks terrible there's a lot of corrosion that has a current in twenty four hours let's take a look at Lucas first obviously there's some corrosion especially around the lower part the wheel stud lug where the bolt was coming in contact with the liquid let's take out the super tech and see how it compares the amount of corrosion between super tech and Lucas is very close both products did a very good job at preventing corrosion compared to the control 24 hours ago I mix the super tech as well as the Lucas together to see if these two greases would have some type of reaction and fortunately they did not the bearings have been in the freezer right at 24 hours so let's get the testing underway and compare the cold temperature performance of each brand I'll first attach the test bearing on the front of the drill and then secure the drill in place on the tester once the bearing is in position I'll place the weight scale hook through the eyelet on the bearing holder and then we'll begin the test the amount of weight recorded by the weight scale will indicate how each brand of grease inhibits the rolling motion of bearings and the super tech quickly jumped up to 16 pounds in the maximum recorded weight for the super tech was a little over 18 pounds up next we'll test Lucas and Lucas quickly jump up the 9 pounds and picked out at ten point seven pounds but that's still a lot less than the 18 pounds with super tech so the Lucas demonstrated better cold temperature performance than a super tech grease if you've ever heard it said before grease is grease just use whatever oh that's a huge mistake in my opinion and I've made that mistake I've used some very cheap grease in some equipment that definitely deserves better quality grease and I've used in the past so super tech claims to be a light-duty grease and we saw why it's considered to be that today in our testing in the future I plan to test other brands of grease I'm not sponsored by Lucas or any other brand I've never accepted a single sponsorship I buy all the products tested on this channel at viewers request so if you have a video I hope you'll take time to leave a comment just want to say thanks so much for watching the video please take care and look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 3,086,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, project farm, bearing grease, lucas red n tacky, grease, lucas red n tacky grease, lithium grease, drop point, water spray off, super tech, supertech, supertech general purpose grease, super tech grease, extreme pressure grease, grease test, axle grease, equipment grease test, best lithium grease, best ngli grease, timken load test, timken grease, wheel bearing grease
Id: mMmSQSjraSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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