CHEAP $1000 Canopy & $200 Drawers Built in Shauno’s shed! This will make you want to modify your 4WD

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the hilux is back in the shed we've got a bunch of new upgrades planned to turn a track weapon into a touring machine well we're down to the shed at the moment with my little pony again and jocko and um we're getting ready for our big trip to fraser island now it's a shakedown for the dirty 30. it's almost done behind us here and um i've got a couple little things to do for that but for this one here we're going to completely transform my little pony into an absolute touring weapon now jocko spent all his money on you know i was gonna say go fast that wasn't go fast wasn't performance mods full drive mods to get this thing to drive second place in the bush mechanic challenge now he did a good job on that there's no doubt about it but we're here to make this thing into a touring weapon so we're thinking let's build a canopy yeah yeah and i've also got a super budget and awesome little 12 volt system i'm going to put in as well and the catch is we've got about 30 hours and about a thousand bucks to build a canopy so um stick with us folks and hopefully get a little bit inspiration out of this and maybe if we can do some cheap mods and make this thing an absolute weapon well should give you the confidence to do some jobs at home on your own football drive so let's get into it mate because we do not have much time in a couple days what are we thinking well we'll be right let's do it despite a lot of jobs to get into jock's decided the first job for the day is to remove the luxie's custom paint job and i have to say i'm a little bit disappointed it'll always be the little pony lux to me can't lose all my horsepower so i'm just gonna leave one little pony in the cab the biggest job of the build of course is fabbing up a new canopy and given we're on a tight budget the design for this one was done a little on the cheap all right so last night we had a bit of a think about this jock and i came down here with a few beers and then a few more beers we came up with a few measurements bit of a plan of attack so barely think it's just a great joke it took us about three seconds to do this believe it or not no actually doing this bear with this artist's interpretation of what's going on here that's a tub that's a tire this is a canopy it's going to go up straight then on a bit of an angle you can see here we've taken our time and really drawn that together we're going to try and make this as simple as possible um it's going to be cheap but also it's going to be quite practical as well yeah the plan definitely and i think we should uh check these measurements again anyway and then yeah let's do that let's go and measure it cut some steel and then um get ready and here's a little tip for you as well if you don't consider yourself a fabricator there's no reason why you shouldn't maybe consider a job like this this is a pretty easy sort of fabrication job we're certainly not fabricators absolutely not in fact i taught myself how to weld from watching youtube videos and if we can do it so can you right mate was that 250 on that side or that side let's check the steel frame of our canopy will bolt directly down onto the sides of the tray and after a bit of a double checking on the measurements jocko soon has the verticals ready to cut after prepping the cuts for welding it's time to jump onto one of my favorite tools in the shed and just like jock in a date night when it comes to welding what i lack an experience i make up for enthusiasm what i'm doing here before i weld anything significant i'm just setting the welder up so i know it's going to be welding this two mil steel uh well i can have to battle when you're welding is just trying to set your welder up once you get the welder sorted pretty much anyone including make and weld so i think i made it a little bit hot i'm starting to blow little holes through the metal so it's going to turn it down a little bit i'll turn the amps and the volts down cracko try that i think we're on mate i think we're on that's not too bad no that'll work nice and strong anyway hasn't been able to break it so yeah for trusting you with the tensile strength of it maybe it'll be sweet as i weld together all the vertical beams choco is preparing the bases that'll mount them to the hilux's tub right oh so we didn't actually have any angle with us someone forgot to buy something sean uh so what i did instead is just cut some um sats or some box in half at each corner so that um they'll sit on the tub the plan is these are going to be the feet for the canopy we'll cut these so there's one foot on each corner and it'll sit up against the top of the tub like that and then you can bolt through before we mount the verticals to the bases i'm going to grind down some of those welds which will also help our planned canvas cover fit closely to the frame [Music] so i'm just getting ready to set these feet up what i'm going to do with two front ones is cut them about halfway on this back section here that so you can slide the foot forward to the front of the tub i've also got to cut the headboard off so i've just put a drop sheet on the back of the vehicle so i don't damage it with grinding sparks so don't accidentally put the grinding wheel into the back of the cab which i definitely want to avoid with the headboard gone the canopy will fit snugly behind the cab and although i don't want to call it too early i reckon this home jobby is going to come out looking pretty mint there you go mate good uh headboards cut off i just i'm going to tidy these up with a flappy yep yep and then i'm going to do a bit more of these mounts how'd you go with the yeah we've got four that are roughly the same roughly the same yeah they look all right they're um they're not pretty good to get a paint on they look better that's okay but um that's what we're dealing with very good and then once we get that up we can just put the uprights or the tops in place and then um yep tack them on and i think so build it almost on the tray after that yeah that's a good way to try and get those angles as close to perfect as possible yeah try and build it on the tray two master fabricators oh i could go [Music] wrong the next step is to line up the feet and drill some mounting points and with a couple of blokes on the job it doesn't take too long to get everything in place and ready for the welder [Music] what i'm doing here is i'm just um basically bolting this bracket up so um before i weld obviously the angle to it now the reason i'm doing that is i want it to stay in one spot i don't want it to move and this is of course where it's going to bolt when it's all finished up i'm going to use knight nuts when we do it properly but this is just to temporarily hold it in also when we weld that metal is going to want to move a little bit as well so i'm going to tack it on first and try and get our angle perfect on both sides before we go and finish it off and it will also put the top support in as well it'll keep the whole thing quite rigid and then we'll be able to attack it all together and then go for a couple of hero worlds get it all nice and strong and then um we have to take it off for painting well on the way so a handy tip if you are doing any welding on the vehicle even though we're not welding directly to the body or the chassis or anything like that it is good practice just to take the negative strap off the battery it takes two seconds and can help protect your [Music] electrics now of course this is a backyard build and we're not exactly fabrication experts if you haven't told by now so there's a little bit of eyeballing going on thinking about you is not very straight jocko a lot of things about me are very straight mate how many kind of visions have you built just out of interest oh not many how many of you built zero big old zero and speaking of i might have made a first timers mistake on this one for attack i did a double hit one more no more sean had a few guys attacking the uh the uprights and it wasn't really working for you i just cut one off to check and there's a few porosity holes in it i think someone forgot to turn the gas back on i think someone's a nerd mate listen okay let's try that again sounds like it's got gas in it just leave it straight mate that's actually if anyone should be checking it straight it's probably me not you mate that's pretty good to be honest we don't have the math skills or the right tools to have pre-calculated the angle for the cuts to marry the cross beams to the uprights so we're doing it with the uprights in place of course this does come with a downside we've got a couple little marks here we want to try and cut this on an angle without an angle so it all goes together and as you know we've got a specific length that we need to keep everything level and um we've got one chance of doing this right if otherwise we're in trouble we'll keep cutting and eventually it'll be right [Music] this is a pretty important part of the build so we take our time and measure twice before cutting and soon enough we've got everything lined up pretty decently then we tack the cross beams into place and measure up for an extra support piece [Music] for a couple of very average full drivers we're making some i don't know some progress man yeah digging that i reckon it's pretty cool this is all level folks we can confirm that angles i'm not too sure about but it's looking all right and like it looks good yeah and um for quick maths and stuff it's pretty good yeah it's not too bad at all we'll do the the rear of course yeah put some supports between it we're just tack welding everything together at the moment then we'll take it off weld it all properly um give it a coat of paint and then we're we're laughing we're nearly gonna be done we obviously need some canvas on the on so on three sides not the fourth we're gonna put some alloy across there alloy roof on it um a couple more supports and all that sort of stuff but once the angles are taking the time i think if you're just doing 90 degree well it'd be so much easier yeah but this is good time for the back end of the canopy frame and now we're really starting to get into the groove of things now no doubt you would have noticed we're using some woodwork clamps for this project now the truth of the matter is this is a backyard job we don't have all the tools required to do this properly but we're making do with what we have yeah that's the best one i've done gee hey we're getting better at it yeah but the next canopy we make after this will be shawnee and jock's fabrication it's got a ring to it doesn't it yeah don't worry folks shaun and jock customs is not going to become a thing unless some of you are keen to let us have a crack at your rig of course [Music] for us the next step is completing our canopy frame and pretty soon this little ripper is starting to come together very cool after a fair bit of time in the tools we've got everything cut and the full frame tacked into position not too bad for an afternoon down in the shed i'm pretty stoked with that look it's not the prettiest thing in the world but soon as we fully weld we've attacked everything in the position now we just need to fully weld that reckon it's going to look alright yeah yeah i think so once it gets some canvas and some paint on it it'll hide any imperfections we may or may not know i reckon that'd be good what do you reckon how about you weld that side and i'll weld this side sounds like a plan mate so when you're in fraser and that side collapsing yeah yeah now here's a little tip of using a gas mig welder like we are if the conditions are quite windy outside it'll actually blow the gas away and make your world's not very good at all but luckily today there's no wind around so we're welding it outside seriously jocko try and keep the lugs upright next time around mate i'm pretty happy with the welds and i don't need you ruining it [Music] the frame is soon all stitched together and while those worlds might not look that pretty they're really strong and now we can take the frame off and give it a lick of paint we should bring it up an absolute treat i gotta say this is the first canopy i've ever built with jocko of course and there's a sense of achievement i mean i've never tried to build a canopy i've always thought that's all out of my pay grade and um sort of got me thinking what have you done to your football drive you know something that you're probably out of your depths on you've given it a go and you've come up trumps or if you haven't come up trumps let us know in the comments below very keen to see what projects you've been involved in lately on your full drive [Music] look at that weight that's strong i like that just like jocko it's lightweight and strong yep and tell the side you're welded mate before we get into painting this bad boy we're gonna clean up some of the remaining welds [Music] [Applause] then we're gonna give it a spray using some metal shield now it's got a primer as well as a top coat in the one can it's going to make things a heck of a lot easier [Music] looking good mate yeah i think it's come up all right for look at that bit of black paint yeah oh yeah cheers mate cheers what a cracking day yeah it took what about maybe five hours or so five or six hours today not long at all and um you know i think we spent most the time working at those angles yeah and um we're certainly not experts so i got a really you know i got to really press upon you guys that we're not experts we're not fabricators we're just a couple of blokes in the shed having a bit of a go and um it goes to show though if you if you put your wand to something you can get it done 100 tomorrow um we're going to get stuck back into it put the roof on which will be really easy we've got an aluminium roof i think some checkered play left yeah pop rivet that in um we've got a materials coming to put some canvas on as well can't wait for that because open the canvas that'll make it look nice absolutely make it that'll take it from a home job into something quite professional obviously we're not skilled enough to work with canvas so we're going to call in the experts there yeah definitely what's that what's what i'm not missed no at all seriously i reckon we just finished this beer off um there's a few patches every now and again where oh my just yeah there we go all right again we'll just clean up here and i reckon tomorrow might get stuck in yeah sounds good in the light of the morning jock's new canopy frame isn't looking half bad we've got a lot of work left to do to get this canopy finished today and in time for our trip to fraser tomorrow [Music] this is most awkward way of carrying it okay oh well let's go made that hard didn't we yeah look at that that is beautiful let's get some bolts into that yeah some worlds over this side isn't there yeah mate good worlds from a good bloke one of the really cool things about this canopy is the fact it's removable so that means you know should we ever want to take this canopy off it really is easy just a few bolts and the whole thing lifts straight off it's actually nice and lightweight as well so quick camping setup just put it on take it off and you don't need it exactly right exactly right jocko rolls his truck again which is a high possibility very high we're going to take the canopy off and give it someone else more deserving yep i'm still still got nothing on that a bunch of bolts later and the canopy is sitting pretty solidly on the lux you know what you should have done before we bolted it on let's put the headboard on oh how is it fits though we get good at tightening nuts up for the headboard and the roof we're getting on the blower to a metal shop down the road we're going to cut out some aluminium checker plate to suit it'll make it a cheap strong and light solution for the new canopy while i'm on the measurements jock is planning out another diy setup for the back of the lux it's going to be the makings of my state-of-the-art draw system have a guess what's going to be in this one my spares i reckon the plan is maybe sit two tubs like that and then maybe if i can fit a fridge on this side or something like that that's really cool yeah you could build a false floor through here yep a little end cap here the tub will stop these drawers from moving around yep drawers that draw drawers really lightly that's perfect i've got a cheap mod though yeah and i've got a battery to set up in in the front there um yeah it'll be really good we've got enough room to put some stuff stuff like this wagon things and now we've got all this space as well yeah we're going to knock up the drawer frames from plywood and with more measurements done we've put together a shopping list for jock to take to the local hardware store [Music] after watching how the boy shops i'm glad i sent him out by himself jock you're one of a kind mate back at the shed a mate of ours has stopped by alan runs a canvas company called sea island canopies it's local to our area and reckons he can knock out a basic covering for us today i reckon if anyone can make this canopy look good it's got to be alan to speed things along allen has left me with the canvas sail tracks to fit as he goes back to his workshop to cut the canvas allen will do another set of measurements after the first fitting before a final install attaching zips and hooks to keep everything looking smick jock's come back from the shop with a bunch of ply and gets stuck right into his new draw system [Music] all right oh so that'll sit like that just put a little divider in the middle right here and then cap it off at the top what an easy set of drawers yeah super simple and um turn them this way so that i can still fit a fridge behind and also have a little bit of storage space as well but yeah super simple drawers all that hits there hopefully that clears still if he's measured once he's gonna be cutting twice now credit's to josh this is a pretty simple and awesome setup it costs next to nothing it will give you an easy way to store his camping gear and spares on fraser i'll tell you what they're going to be snug oh that's what you want though that's what you want to like considering i found these at bunnings they were 652 wide and i was like yeah that should work and perfect perfect perfect blake that's very good so the track's coming along good that's all in um just waiting for that aluminium to be cut to the roof yep and we're on to finish off the draw system jock just needs to put some pilot holes for the divider and then screw everything together and once the rain stops we're going to apply a liquor paint [Music] while we wait the aluminium arrives so we get started on the canopy roof [Music] to secure the roof we're first going to glue it down with a bit of sicker flex and later we'll screw it to the steel frame as we secure those canvas sail tracks [Music] the sail tracks are in just in time as alan has already done the initial canvas cut out and he's back to take the next set of measurements [Music] i reckon this is going to be one tiny looking canopy by the end of today especially with paint skills like these [Music] look at that technique would ya wait i think these have gone from hundred dollar drawers to hundred and ten dollar drawers but we've oh sorry mate should we initial like an artist's impression you do that one oh i just heard jm i can't write my name well we've been adding it up on the sidelines the canvas has been measured up and allen heads off to do the final cutting and stitching we've put together the last couple of rivets to hold on the roof properly one more one more no more mate yeah good is that a roof look at the roof and it's nice and stable too yeah i reckon by the end of today mate it'll be completely done it's like a day and a half canopy yeah for actually not just canopy full touring setup two qualified fabricators full turing set up in a day and a half well what's the end of that of course we've still got to get the headboard on so it's off again with the canopy but that's one of the cool things about this canopy with just a few bolts this canopy can be lifted on and off very easily [Music] with a few more rivets and a little bit more sicker flex to seal it all up it's time to get this bad boy bolted back in and ready for the final installs with a lift above your head that's real good oh that made me laugh well jocko it's getting all mighty close to beer o'clock mate so might leave you with it yeah look i'm just going to bolt this down put my super tourer draw system in your drawer system my tubby boys ah then i'm not going to do 12 volts that's all right i can't the night before we're going to fraser so you can literally is the night before you've got a few hours up your sleeve yeah that won't take long i like i'll just you know all right well i'm gonna get the 30 going yep and i'm packed yeah so it's running i just need to get it packed so we've both got a bit to do got a bit to do so i'm gonna leave you this one mate good luck thanks mate a long day is turning into a long night as alan returns with some freshly stitched canvas that fits the canopy like a glove [Music] and look at that not bad for a budget solution and after we've secured the canvas down i reckon it looks as good as a bought canopy what do you reckon looks too good for you mate yeah it's beautiful look how tall it is hold i've tempted to swap the dirty 30 for this this is a work of art with the canopy done i've still got to get my 12 volt system in luckily i've got a trick new setup to make things a bit easier right oh the canvas is done and i reckon it looks absolutely unreal got a few more finishing touches to do that to make it a bit more of a tourer actually got a kick-ass battery box and it's got a dc charger on the top so all i need to do is plug it in and then i've got a dual battery system so i went and bought a whole bunch of wire and stuff like that so all i've got to do is run it to the crank battery and plug it all in i should be good to go all i'm doing here is running a positive and negative cable back to the crank battery i'm running it through the tub and along the chassis and protecting the wires and split perforated tubing and cable tying everything out of the way make sure if you're doing a cable run like this you keep the cable away from any moving parts and also keep it away from your hot exhaust system as well i'm also adding heat shrink to the cable as well to keep it a bit more bush proof [Music] what i love about this is i've just put an anderson plug on this end connect it up and i've got a 25 amp charger and a 120 amp hour battery super tourer i'm also going to put a midi fuse inline in the engine bay to keep things safe right let's see if she's charging how good's that happy day has got a dual battery system time to put the fridge in 75 litres it's even got a freezer too so might chuck a few sneaky ice creams in there for fraser which would be good and just like that i've got a fridge what a rig this luxie's turning out to be eh so mate this is looking quite so good i think it looks very cool yeah i just i can't believe that it was only yesterday about lunchtime we started and i thought when we first started cutting a few bits we're trying to work out those angles yeah oh they all know this is not gonna happen reminded me of like finishing maths in high school and being like oh yeah but this is called a trait i've got to say the canvas has absolutely made it yeah definitely definitely it just looks so good it looks it looks really good man that is a fantastic job and something we should be proud of i mean that's the first canopy i've ever been involved in building i'm going to say it's probably going to be the last one no this is just joking as well look it wasn't that hard but you know we worked it out and this goes to show you're thinking about doing a project in your truck doesn't matter what your budget is give it a go doesn't matter what your skill level is give it a go if you've got sure on your team anything's possible it is possible look we made it work and um look i'm going to go back and pack the 30 now yep i've got to pack this too and i think i'll give it a bit of a check over and she'll be good to go i'll see you on the phrase very good see you there the long nights are absolutely worth it when you catch your first glimpse of fraser and roll onto the island ferry and with the luxie all loaded up with my new touring setup i'm chasing to catch up with sean and the rest of the crew who are already on the island how good is this fraser island i just jumped off the ferry i'm gonna go meet the boys at the pub i left a little bit later this morning because i had to do a few last-minute mods to the pony luxy even chuck some maxtrax holders on the roof have a go at that canopy though i reckon it's come up an absolute treat for a couple of days and even with a bloke like shawn doing some of the welds i reckon it looks pretty schmick and i'm pretty keen to uh test the luxie out on fraser for the next few days thanks so much for watching and if you've got any tips for what we should do next to the little beast leave them in the comments below and i might steal a few ideas as always be sure to like comment and subscribe to four drive 24 7. cheers guys if you've enjoyed today's app you'll love what we've got in store for you next week as we take on the tough tracks of coughs harbour this feels so wild it's east verse west as graeme joins us for the weekend from his side of the country exploring the remote wa coastline [Music] don't miss all the action next thursday on youtube [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 425,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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