50+ DIY UPGRADES anyone can do! Simple, effective and clever ways to make your 4WD better!

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yeah guys heard you were looking for diy projects super super simple setup clip here two screws over there air tank under the tray so simple why haven't i thought of that before half of us aussies might be in lockdown right now but that just means more time in the shed to tackle a diy project on the 4b made it out of some box section solar panels hidden in between the cab this is the epitome of quirky setups after years of doing this i've never thought of that myself that's a cool idea joy how are you mate from across the other side of australia you doing well doing really good mate doing really good um just stuck down the shed mate doing a little bit of work on old soot here i was gonna say when you own toyota's should be spending a lot of time in the old understanding making sure i still got oil in the tv do you even know what they are mermaid uh some of them i've got a rough idea i might go on with the hammers one i use quite a bit of mate but i thought look i thought what better time for us to get together um during what has been another little wave of this of this pandemic that's sort of sweeping across australia at the moment and you know there's what it's like 12 mil can you believe like 12 million australians are currently in some form of lockdown right now it's crazy it's the population that's great yeah it's unbelievable mate i know a couple of my mates over easter sort of not doing it tough i won't say that but there's sort of oh again you know we're doing this again yeah i know it's just the frustration you know stuck in a house or a unit i mean yeah the only saving grace if there was such a thing mate is if you've got you know a bit of driveway space or a garage or even better exactly where you can do a couple of little odd jobs on your four-wheel drive mate now's the time i suppose while you can't go anywhere it's probably the best time to go and do those mods you've been thinking about doing for a while on your 4b that's what's happened with us of course i'm supposed to be over there with yourself right now doing a bit of shooting but i can't uh get across to the east coast at the moment wa has decided to put up the wall they've built a wall and uh so i've been spending quite a bit of time down the shed in fact if you could see that side of the camera which i'm not going to show you it's it's an absolute piston here mate i've got i've got archery gear everywhere i've got tools everywhere and a few little sneaky bits and pieces going on with the trucks here mate so i've been sort of making the most of you know my time back here in wa i reckon that's the whole theme of today's show is to give you guys a little bit of inspiration to do a couple of those diy mods yourself now we're going to show you today that you don't need a million bucks or a heap of skills in fact some of these mods require neither of those no money and not much skill so and this whole thing right exactly right mate there's a couple of even you could do to be honest with you yes and and um we actually went to our social media and look for some inspiration because like always we like hearing from you guys and um you guys have come up with some absolute cracking ideas there's a couple mate we're going to go through today i've already earmarked to do myself there's some really yes i agree i agree look just before we get stuck into this mode i just want to remind everyone that this kind of content we're putting out here you don't want to miss it because like sean just said there's little bits and pieces in here that i guarantee you're going to want to do to your full drive so make sure you like subscribe all that sort of stuff to all our social media channels especially this one here let's catch up on all the juicy bits mate exactly right mate and if you need just a little bit more motivation to click that subscribe button right now we have the biggest ever competition underway i mean we've got a price pool over 35 000 worth of prizes it's our way of giving back to you guys so by simply subscribing to our channel and following the link down in the description below you can enter and i think like today's prize we've got three prizes from red arc which total well over two thousand dollars mate there's a tow pro elite a bc dc and also a solar panel it's just under three thousand dollars to be to be fair i know i know it's a lot of a lot of prizes this is just today imagine like signing up for our page and subscribing to all our social media channels you're always in the running for some really cool prize and that's how you get notified of this sort of stuff i mean keep in touch good chances too man good chances tonight we've had uh submissions for this from all over the world would you believe of course australia is represented very heavily but we've had people sending diy projects from all over the world i just wanted to show this one here because this actually reminds me this is um this is from michael in uganda uganda g'day to everyone in uganda exactly wow actually reminds me of my very first shorty it was a tb-42 you could watch the fuel gauge going down as i went up hills um and i sort of did everything myself in the back like he's done he's got drop down tables he's got some wooden drawers in there i love his gravity-fed water system i know it's just later on one's like it's one of those things if you don't have water in your in your camping in your camping artillery i reckon one of the best mods you can do is just go real simple get yourself a jerry can with some water and get a hose so it's convenient to use i mean that'll be one of the best mods you'll ever do oh mate it's just so good to be able to wash your hands or brush your teeth or you know whatever you need water for when you get a tap [Music] i want to show you this one here mate from uh dan now dan has got a cracking little mod now i've seen this before i've actually done this to daryl but what i like about his little bottle crusher look at this the can crusher on the on the back of his canopy here number one it's easy to get to you don't want to make these sort of things hard but if you look really closely there's a bottle opener underneath that's getting two uses out of the same product mate that's that's very clever that's thinking smart now we've got uh this will be uh close to your heart mate we've got dan here he's got this trick have a look at what he's done here with regards to holding his fishing rods up i like it i like this a lot and you can always tell a bloke that enjoys wetting the line because the gear will always be readily available rigged up ready to go and you and i need to take a listen from this mate because we always put fishing rods in the middle of the vehicle yeah run them in your laptop you're trying to drive through the umbragari jackets um getting your travels inside that's right that's exactly right but that's that's a really cool i've always been looking for cool diy fishing rod storage solutions if that makes sense and yeah and that's the thing if you can get your your outfit all rigged up ready to go you might just have a quick second to have a cast and uh that could be the difference between not catching a barra hey graeme and uh exactly it's a lifetime exactly this one is um from james another fishing rod holder now what i like about this one is he's actually just gone into bunnings i mean i think he spent a total of about seven dollars on a broom holder and he's worked out that holds his fishing rod in quite well and he even says of course across the corrugations you know no dramas whatsoever have a look at this one mate just some room holders from bunnings [Music] it doesn't come loose at all not even on the rough tracks now sean i'm talking about things that you've seen in these diy projects that you're thinking you might implement yourself have a look at this one here from robert so simple on the back of a canopy door why haven't i thought of that before you hang your towel up you can put your hat in there oh man i'm doing it i'm doing it thank you you know what i've you know after years of doing this i've never thought of that myself every time i get you know wet grundys or board shorts or something like that i'm always chucking it on my bull bar chairs i've been out yeah it's covered in dust and dirt and mud all my clothes get muddy and i've just accepted that for the last 15 years that's a cool idea it is it is mate i'm going to do that one robert how about this one here mate this one here is from trent what i like about this one so much he's got a slide out solar panel now he's just used some basic runners that he's picked up from a hardware shop it slides away underneath his roof rack now you'll notice he's got a suzuki as well when you've got a small vehicle you know storage is a bit of a premium so of course you use roof rack quite regularly you can get to camp you can just quickly unhinge your solar pull that out so a lot plus you can still use a roof rack i reckon that's a cool little mod hey it's trent from the zuk adventures just with a super quick run down of my diy solar slide setup that we did so that um we pull up to camp or whatever and we decide we want to go do something else before setting up camp we can just slide out our solar panel and still be charging the batteries on board it's a super super simple setup it's literally just um two ebay heavy duty drawer slides that i picked up and they're mounted underneath the rack uh bolted to the rack and they literally just sit straight underneath there maintenance wise it's literally just uh give it a good wash and a lube after each trip especially to the beach um but yeah super happy super simple and effective that's a cool little mod mate i'll tell you what our creativity who would love that because they carry all their swags of course on top of that gu top but i would love to get a little bit of solar especially when you get to camp early that would work a treat for those guys mike that is a great idea now look talk about thinking outside the box we've got ourselves troy here with a what looks to be a bit of a space cab he's got a bit of space behind the front seat now getting into that can be a bit tricky he wants to put the fridge in there and he's just put his fridge on a little tiny slide but it looks like he's definitely made it himself and it's a cracking job too slides the fridge out can get into it easily see it's little ideas like that mate that get your thinking exactly right i think some of the best ideas just when you've been down the shed for the like having a few beers and just working out best utilize the space on your four-wheel drive that's right typically you get a lot of dead space in four-wheel drive if you can make those work you're right on the way to getting a really cool touring rig i just want to go through uh one one that i came up with recently mate just a real a couple of really quick um easy diy mods that um you might have seen these ones before but these are these are ones that you know you might be sitting in isolation thinking yeah that's all well and good if i could go and order something online or go to the shops or something but i can't i'm stuck at home here's a couple of mods that you might be able to do just from stuff you've got at home that'll cost you basically nothing the first one you've seen this before i love this idea graeme um i've even showed you this idea before i think a few times mate it's just getting things like you know you use all the time in your backyard drive like a lighter or a bottle opener or even a stubby holder or something making sure it's got a little bit of velcro on the back drive actually yeah but it's a fantastic idea and it's one of those ones look it's so simple i've got a lighter there when you go camping you can never find a lighter or your bottle opener or things like that your stubby holder they're ready to go they're ready to go and everyone who sees this modder's never seen it before absolutely love it it is a good little one i want to go to another one now this is when you get a 12-volt appliance for the backyard four-wheel drive like a fridge even like a travel buddy like a little oven or something like that one of the best things i think you can do is cut your little sig socket off and replace it with an anderson plug so this will take you about five minutes to do and probably cost you about five bucks if you're lucky and um that way that'll never ever shake out when you're driving on corrugations you never have to worry about your fridge turning off so that's a nice little one you can go and do straight away that'll uh that'll change the way you can and just the last one mate i just want to refer to what i just did just before i took the dirty 30 up the kimberley i was um i sort of had the impression i'm going to be using the max tracks a heck of a lot and i wanted to make sure they were easily accessible be before i set them right up on top of the rooftop tent bit of a pain when you get bogged you got to climb up yeah get them out yeah so i had a space case in the back of the tray i just mounted some little mounting things through the space case i could hold my um max tracks on the back of the space case there mate and soon as i was bogged they're at you know a nice little working height pull them off really easy and uh you can use them you can use them very very quickly i think some of these i mean what you've just sort of uh demonstrated right there is a lot of these little tips come from doing from being out there in the bush and finding out that hey that doesn't work how can i make that better your case an example there is your max tracks now yeah exactly and exactly and even better still when you're watching a show like this and you can learn from other people's mistakes so you don't have to make them you can go into your shed and do these ones easy you don't need to be a qualified anything to do these sort of mods these are really basic ones but they work a treat i don't know about this one here i'm really not sure if i'd go this far but um well ricardo has he's decided to put his nespresso machine on a slide yep mate do you love your coffee yeah do you well you don't get it i just like things on slides i like that um you know more things need to be on slides in my opinion i'm going to pull myself on a slide mate i'll put a slide on your front seat so i can just slide out i mean put you away again at the end of the day [Laughter] this one here is from troy now he's got some really cool little diy mods look at the drawers he's done um drop down little table and check this out a slide out pantry mate check this video it's really cool yeah guys heard you were looking for diy projects here we go let's get started draw system so everything on there built myself pull out pantry push in to pull out the oils and stuff in there and you get this is my favorite thing ever that it can come out as well and i've also been working on my current project false floor the compressor forex another fire extinguisher there water pump there jerry it's gonna have a floor on it all that stuff so i can get all this stuff in there so it's easy to reach that gives people ideas cheers my cracking idea speaking of which have a look what glynn has done here with the back door you know back doors one of those things there's there's all sorts of room in behind there and look what he's done he's got herbs and spices down here he's got his cavalry in there okay this will be my favorite mods on the car ge the obligatory drop down table but then i modified the doors to accept these pockets so i could stick things in there knives and forks spoons condiments that sort of thing um my drawer system and the other door that is my favorite mod that i have built for this car yeah look at that what a cracking idea that's a thing i'm gonna have a look at shorty's back door because there is a bit of space behind there however there's also about 40 years worth of accumulated crud so i'm not too sure if i'm going to put my cooking utensils down mate speaking of back doors we should uh check jacks out because i'll tell you what for a drop down slide look look what he's done here this is another clever idea mate and what he's done he's basically got one of those you know collapsible buckets and i reckon they're a yes champion mod to take with you anywhere but the way he's actually fitted that inside his little drop down table and also check out the water mate that's um that's really clever if you ask me that's a big trick that is that that is super cool now if you think one uh foldable bucket is good john here sorry john's got the ultimate hardware shop rear fit out he's got a washing bucket and a rinsing bucket might have a look at that oh no he's gone full commercial chef outfit here i got you really used to working in kitchens like this all the time where you've got all the stuff to utilize including a pull-out cooker like that's pretty cool what i'd like you if you could if you wouldn't mind just taking a second just lean really close to your laptop and have a closer look at his cooker see how clean it is mate oh far out that yeah he has not done many curry sausages on that outfit i can tell you're right or he already washes it one of the two right one of the two i'm going to go with probably hasn't done many curry sausages it's not it's not everyone's meal of choice speaking of speaking of sort of cheap setups in the back of your four-wheel drive i'll have a bit of a look at one of mine here um when i got the gu way back in the day i wanted to deck it out with all the latest and greatest draw systems in the back i wanted things that folded out folded down couldn't afford it i couldn't afford it and um it might surprise you to hear this i'm not much of a chippy no i can do a few things but i'm not i'm not the world's best chippy so yeah i put a bit of a thinking cap i went into bunnings and i got myself some storage boxes mate a little bit of matting underneath stop slipping around tied them all together with a couple of ratchet straps and mate those bad boys have been in there for about 10 years have never moved they've never broken and it just works bro and the amount of people i get asking me where do i get those drawers because they want to do the same ridiculous yeah one other little little cheap one mate i just put all my matches in a waterproof container on the back of the uh back of the truck there it's got a light on there a few matches and it's just on a zip you just zip it open you can you can light your jet foil or your camp stove and away you go and they never get wet doesn't matter how much moisture gets it never gets wet so just a real quick little diy hack mate just to keep things nice and easy that's really cool mate it just works that's what's so cool about it yeah that's it super expensive you don't have to be skilled to do it and it just works an absolute treat it makes your whole touring experience so much better mate that's a really cool really cool mod this one here is another home built one mate and it's just it's really clever because it serves a lot of different purposes this one's from alan yeah guys this is the other side of my kitchen uh so this here is some plywood again it's all made out of ply it is removable clip here two screws over there which screw into there and the same at the front and i have open bed but open tray but i sleep in here my young fellow sleeps up here we've got power for our electric blankets when the weather gets really bad i reckon that's one of my favorites it is it's a very good idea it's very good idea now look there's one here from brad um i just want to do a little wa shout out if i can uh to anyone who was a brad's braz made himself a a bar from the side steps of his tray which i think is genius just want to do a little shout out to anyone who's ever been to the gas dash up north in wa it's a big off-road race and if you have i want you to get back to me in the comments down below and i want you to tell me how they rated their bars what did their bars have to be rated at there will be a certain number of people in wa that will know exactly what i'm talking about right now [Laughter] i do like that idea and you know what this isn't what i've actually wanted to do the dirty 30 um since we first started building it and i haven't got around to it yet but i want to do that same thing where the drop down sort of of the side of the tray forms a table or a bar in this house but speak speaking of that do you remember when we were on i think it was fraser i think it was fraser uh well we met that bloke that had that old old old i think it was a toyota and he had a drop down table that he totally decked out to be a filleting table for when you have speech fishing yes that's clever had everything yeah you just know that guy has done his fair share of beach fishing when he's got a filming drop down table and bait station on the back of his ute i reckon that's pretty cool if you want to go look to the next level check this one out now jamie what he's done he's got a really cool trick little setup um quite similar to so how i sort of run the dirty 30 actually with like a little small dog box he's kidding this one out really cool with a draw but look what he's done here he's used those tactic boxes he just bought a hardware store and made a full set of drawers inside just using that that's that's thinking clever i reckon because it's quite affordable and looks like it's very practical too mate this next video here are speaking of insider jokes in west australia and i'm not going to call matt inside a joke he's a mate of mine his gu is literally the epitome of diy i'm not going to say any more just watch this video hey crew my name's matt i am putting myself in as a serious contender for the diy quirky setups i like to think this is the epitome of uh diy setups so to speak you can see there i've got a little plastic drawer system similar to how graham has a plastic set up in his gu another little mod i've got here as well is i've got this bungee cord on some carabiners and i've just got these i'll zoom in there i've just got these hoops on each side a bit of bungee cord and that's where i put my paper towel and probably the other the other biggest mod i've got is just some gravity-fed water like that coming straight out from a 30-litre tub in the back this is something i did as well diy just made some space because these wagons can be pretty small so you can see in there it's a bit dark but i've got my pillows up here under here i've got some random things and this is all space for firewood taking that beautiful southwest jar out with me got my compressor hardwired in over there 100 diy what do you reckon let me know appreciate it matt she's an absolute cracker mate i'll see you for the next daniel championships boy this one is i reckon one of the best homemade draw systems i have ever seen this is kane's look at it wooden drawers drawers the way he's done this mate he's obviously very skilled when it comes to working with timber he has made what i reckon is just a really cool setup it looks cool he's kept the timber look he hasn't bothered with the marine carpet and stuff like that except for the bits where he needs it and it just it works for his use very practical he's really thought about this setup mate he has you know when i said i was thinking of doing something myself in the back of the gu that's what i had in mind but that wouldn't have looked like that yeah you would have been using all four we were looking at this one before mate and we both frothed on it we thought it was a fantastic idea jared with his mitts canopy yep and he's got a built-in induction system that just how trick is that that is so cool i've always wanted that out of a touring setup for my mate to be able to have doesn't matter if you use an induction or an old gas cooker but be able to have your cooker come out just on a slide so you want to cook something yeah yeah give give me two seconds and we're on we're cooking with gas i'm talking about clever ideas mate this one here from aidan is a really cool way in my opinion to set the back of your canopy especially if you're on a budget check this one out hey guys i thought i'd just give you a quick rundown on my diy touring setup first of all peace apply replacing the rear seats plenty of room now moving on to the canopy we've got a custom diy event it's made out of a lunchbox that links nicely to my fan which keeps the internal temperatures of the canopy down now that's linked over here can be turned on manually or through a thermoswitch for those hot days i've also got a secondhand fridge slide that i've made into a tilt slide trusty travel buddy here my own custom pantry for it to sit on everything i've got here including the canopy is either made by myself or purchased second hand for cheap on gumtree well that's a cool mod and i don't reckon he would have had to break the bank on those ones as well and that's some of the best mods in my opinion ones that you don't need to go and spend a lot on you don't need a lot of you know skilled labor and put the car in the mechanics for three weeks to get you know it all kitted out you can do it yourself pretty easy just wanted to run through a couple of really cool mods i've got on the dirty 30 that i reckon you guys at home can use as well um they're nice and easy easy to do yourself the first one is just having in-cab switches for your winch so i reckon that's a real cracker as well i've got the isolator on a switch right beside an in and out button that's a three-way switch whereby i can basically from inside the cab turn my winch on the isolator on and then i can also winch in and out so if i'm in a bit of a pickle off road you know stuck up to me axle or something like that i can winch out straight away and then straight away winching i don't have to try and find the controller get the boys to plug it in when it's half underneath the mud and all that stuff it just makes winking so much faster off-road and another one which we've just done recently um to the dirty 30 is hooking up an air clutch to the run to winch so now everyone will know that the free spool handle on a winch can sometimes be a little bit hard to get to depending on what bull bar you got um again when you're in a bit of a pickle how nice would it be to be inside the cab be able to hit a switch and your winch goes straight into freeze ball so the boys can actually just grab the winch rope hook me up i can turn it off free spool and start winching all from inside the cab i reckon that's a pretty cool mod that shouldn't take you that long to do as well if you're a little bit handy it's a little bit more tricky than the other mods i was giving away before but um once you get that one right your 4b is going to be out of the bog hole before you know it speaking of cool might have a look at this neat little trick that um yeah i think his name's claudia i'm gonna go with clawdy has done with his air compressor he's put a little um pressure release on the air compressor so as he's pumping up his tires when they get to the desired pressure cuts out he just knows to move across the next tyre and you're done leading splits one of my pet hates his pumping up tires it's just pain in the bum no it is that is super clever that he's super clever just to be able to do it hook it up to your tire walk away yeah have a chat with your mate come back and swap the tyres around i'm gonna do that one i definitely will do that one that's really cool check this one out from marty i reckon this is an absolute cracker too mate quick little video on my onboard air system that i've made up made some fittings tap them into it air tank under the tray made the brackets mounted it up plug the air hose in there 150 psi comes straight out of it got some cheeky air horns [Music] back there because why not good on you marty that is a cracking idea might now sean we're starting to get into some well let's just say it's starting to get a little bit more advanced yeah a couple of ideas i came up with mate this is quite some time ago but in the old cd that i've got behind me here it doesn't have a passenger airbag but it does have the space for the passenger airbag and behind that space is kind of a it's kind of a fake glovebox if you will now what i did was i undid all that ran some wiring from the auxiliary battery up to there and then just put in one of these distribution boards here that's giving me it's got a clock on there it's got a few bits and pieces some sig sockets you know some usb sockets uh and i've now got a little power box if you will in the front of the cab so that i can power my mobile phone my gps units all that sort of stuff so that's a really neat use of that space there now folks one thing i do have to preface make sure if you do have a tv like mine that you do not have a passenger side airbag before you start unbolting things because it could go horribly pear shaped on you you want to make sure you don't have a passenger side airbag now mate every now and again you do need to get a bit more complex and break out the welder the problem i used to have in shorty was that when i would pull my fridge out on the fridge slide everything that i had down the side or packed up next to it for a weekend away would fall behind the fridge absolute pain in the bum so mate of mine lee and i we made a bit of a fridge cage for my fridge put the fridge inside there does two things firstly stops everything falling behind the fridge so it's dance job but secondly i can put things up on top of that fridge cage i mount things to the side of it it's just become one of the best mods i've ever done i still rate that as my favorite mod i've ever done in either of my two four-wheel drives wow yeah it is cool the some of the most simple ones that are very practical are often the best mate and that's um certainly chose speaking of uh practical and done diy bronson here has made his own tray story he's actually done a pretty darn good job of it that's the sort of thing what i'm getting at here is you're not going to buy that off the shelf mate he has made that to fit exactly what he needs on his four-wheel drive that's cool mate and that's the thing i mean when you're thinking about you know upping your diy skill set to the next level and maybe bringing the welder out i think it's a lot easier than you might think just just welding in general i mean if you just want to do basic stuff using you know box section and stuff like that you'll actually be able to get away with that at home and even if you're not a welder or a fabricator or don't really think you've got the skills welders these days might make the job so much easier i mean yeah have a go this one here um aaron's made his homemade roof rack again probably couldn't just buy one off the shelf or wanted to to make it basically suit his full drive so he's just going you know what i'll just make it and it's it's simple but it's no doubt very strong it's going to work mate that looks like it would survive a bomb blast it really does if a bomb blast happened to go off on the roof he will be protected now have a look at he's made a rear bar for his pad and look at it he exceptionally neat i'll just show you this video here mate so this is my diy custom home mod it's a redesigned rear bar for the mitsubishi pajera the mighty padge so the old bar was plastic had a big scoop underneath so he got bogged in the sand it'll just tear itself off the car so now it comes down as little as possible it's got no scoop underneath and bloody strong made it out of some box section the other end of which is up the garage still a little bit to go played out here but um it's good right i reckon hugh has done a great little rebar for his pages there i might actually ring him up and see if you can make one for old city here this one's starting to get a bit old late and um i need to start thinking about a new rebar i don't think you can afford i know i know i might have to make it myself mate um it might be a lot of steel and not very strong but we'll give it a go we'll give it a go that's a cool thing about you know tackling a diy project as well you can just you can just have a go even if you don't necessarily have the right skill set i mean you know look jocko and i remember we made a canopy for the back of the old pony lux and look to be honest with you we literally right on the back of a beer cart and we're working it out different measurements and different angles we just started just tacking into it quite literally and we made ourselves a bloody good little canopy and it worked an absolute treat speaking of jocko mate let's uh cut over to jocko now and see how he's doing down in lockdown mate no doubt he's got the tools out and probably no doubt working on that lux mate hey guys jocko here and like so many of you i've been in lockdown for the last month in that time i've been trying to think of heaps of little different mods i can do to the hilux and one i've done recently is i installed a compressor under the passenger seat and i wanted to mount an air up point for it uh out of the way so i eventually came up with this i don't use this fuel filler cap anymore because my fuel tanks at the back now and the filler is on the other side so what i've done so i just made a little bracket that mounts to the inside here and then i've just got the air fitting here so when i pull up just turn the compressor on hop out the air hoses behind the driver's seat and i plug it in keeps it out of the way and nice and neat and uh yeah i'm pretty happy with that the other thing i've done is i've installed a water tank the reason i went for this one this one i bought online was because my tray is so high it was really hard to find one that would actually fit managed to find this one it's a 40 litre tank and i've managed to mount it a fair way forward so i can still clear my falling tower to do it i just had to move the tray floor support in the middle forward a bit and then i just made up some straps for the tank to sit in the last thing i got to do though is my exhaust was hitting it so i've got to just remake this tail section of the exhaust i ordered some exhaust parts online so once that arrives i can finish the exhaust then i've got to plumb it up and i'll have on-board water so i'm looking forward to getting back out in the bush again with it and giving it a test run well there's a couple of mods i've done to the luxie while i've been in lockdown tell you what though it's been pretty awesome to see some of the diy mods that you guys have come up with some of those are pretty awesome and giving me a couple ideas for what i got to do next to the luxie anyway if you are on lockdown hope you're staying safe and keep them well and hopefully we'll be back out on the tracks in no time as always mate jocko loving his time in the i think if jocko could live in the shed he probably would in fact i wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even bother buying a house moving forward he'll just buy himself a great big container and move on in mate now we were just looking at one of the mods i did us mentioning that uh that's that space behind where there would be a secondary airbag aaron has done exactly what i was talking about he's made himself a secondary glove compartment and it's a lot neater than i ever would have done look at that absolutely sensational that's what i'm talking about look at the extra storage he's got there that would otherwise have just gone to waste mate i'm going to say it's a very neat job as well he's done very well it is yeah have a go of this this is thinking outside the box if you ask me this is jacob and his little suzuki now obviously he must spin a few spanners on that rig or he's making them because he's put vinyl on his bonnet here so he can basically put tools straight down on his bonnet spare parts all that sort of stuff and he's working on cars out in the bush i reckon uh we could take a leaf out of jacob's book mate because that's uh that's a cool little motto if you ask me it protects he's bought it from the scratches as well so it's another cool little way he's just basically put some vinyl on there simple it looks all right too it's not bad at all he's done he's done he was obviously pretty competent contacting his books when he was back in school and uh supposed now mate because he's done he's done a ripper of a job on his body he's got those little folds that you did on the corners to make sure everything looked like yeah i'd probably go for the holographic one myself with dinosaurs or something but anyway up to you now look nathan as nathan's having a bit of a look at what he's got in his vehicle and he's found some spare space behind the seats and talking of neat speaking of neat have a look what he's done with his story to the back there he's got there's a space for everything back there and that is what we're sort of talking about when it comes to making the most of every little space you've got these nailed it the only thing i would suggest there nathan and this is i'm putting my safety sam hat on if you were stuck in your vehicle can you reach that fire extinguisher from the front seat i'm just going to put that out there that safety sam say she doesn't take a holiday i reckon you should be able to reach a fire extinguisher from your uh from your front seat that's the only thing i'm going to say about that one that's true the only thing i would say about that is it's so neat that if i uh went camping for one weekend nothing would go back in the same spot the second time around and i might just chuck it all in the passenger seat really yeah exactly right worry about it later exactly exactly it's a good one nathan that's a nice one here check out this one from chris mate you know graham you got a dog mate so do i love coming to 4b adventures if your dog is anything like mine likes to be as close to you as possible check out this little uh dog seat that chris made so the dog could basically stretch out on those long cami trips obviously loves to sit in the middle there so it can keep its head up on the center console i reckon that's a cool mod yeah just sitting there with his head there just a loving life knowing he's going to a cool little campsite or a beach or something cool you know what else you could do with that mate if you if you were the designated driver for the friday night down the pub and you had five mates coming with you you could put three across the back one in the front and one on that middle seat and i reckon you'll still be legal stick me in there i'll be good to go now look we've got the big the 60 bus he's done himself a diy center console fridge now mate you would be frothing over this because you live and breathe by your center console fridge you are i do i still think that is one of the coolest mods ever there's nothing like it ultimately he's got one of course but yeah see how he's used the original mounts it's exactly what i did on sunday when i built this one here i used to mount off the original center console to build a platform to put your fridge on but obviously he's gone on just one better mate and made it so much neater he's got switches he's got cupholders yeah that's that's that's a that's a way better version than one i've got to be honest with you and he's still got an armrest there so you can still you know you can still be nice and comfy as you're driving so no that's a that's a winner in my book yeah very very well done how about this one from kieran mate when look when one gq isn't enough you get yourself one and a half yeah what i mean by this he's cut one into uh you just use the rear probably the best bit of a gq if you ask me settled made it into a trailer so he's got himself a little gq trailer i reckon that actually looks really cool handy on the tools that come up with that that's a that's a work of art it's all color-coded i love that he's color-coded i was going to say yeah yeah yeah definitely matches it definitely matches now he's speaking of something a bit different gq and a half have a look at justin's ford e150 off-road van now justin has basically made the most of every single space here there's things that pull out fold down drop out roll out he's got a bed in the back fridge that comes down more storage compartments than you could ever throw a stick at the bloke obviously uses this you can see that it wouldn't surprise me if he's one of those blokes that spends a lot of time off grid as they say um camping out of that bad boy he's it's it's a testament to him he's done well another thing i like what he's done is he's used basically all the panels that have voids behind them he's cut into them to actually maximize the space i reckon it's pretty clever if you ask me very clever not very clever and if you want to see one of the i reckon one of the best um camp kitchens going around the back of a four-wheel drive look no further than this one from camo he's done a full kitchen setup in the back of his disco now look how slick that thing looks mate he's got the drawer fridges but um look he's got a cooker that comes out of a drawer it's all he's custom made that as well used aluminium made it really lightweight he's even got a cutting board mounted there i reckon that's a slick little setup mate he obviously does a bit of gourmet bush cooking if you if you're getting like that mate you couldn't go wrong and i love these guys fire extinguisher speaking of safety sam directly above the cooker i reckon he's had the office oh i need one of those mate i need a couple of those in the back i swear to be honest exactly the only thing that would complement that there uh camo i reckon if you want to get yourself a 270 degree awning that wrapped around the back of that so you could cook under there in any weather mate loving life loving life yeah big time now my lastly we've got one of the sickest 40s getting around this is donovan's rickman he's obviously put a lot of time cool and a lot of effort into this bad boy right here and he's basically done every mod we've talked about in the last half an hour or so diy wise he's done on this bad boy just have a look at this video will you hey guys just a quick little walk around video of my canopy set up here on hj47 it's got the bunnings uh storage boxes the plastic ones nice and cheap more storage there little solar setup here fire extinguisher jerry king on the back this side has got a little air thing here homemade 12 volt setup twin compressor milwaukee charger travel buddy mounted on the roof there fridge and fridge slide little camping table hidden behind there that's tracks me out on the back so solar panel hidden in between the cab cherry thing on this side as well so yeah cheap little canopy setup mate i think you'll have to agree that is a cracking example of exactly what we're talking about diy mods donovan big thumbs up from me mate that's absolutely cracking mate that's one of the cleanest 40s i've ever seen the fact that he's done most of that work himself mate it just um takes all my boxes it's give me a couple of ideas smile girl actually that would have been really good up in cape york we could have done with a few mods up in cape york right now listen that's right folks i want to know what did you think of this episode and what was your favorite diy mods or maybe you didn't get your video in time to us and you've got something better still love to see it check it in the comments down below let us know we might we might chuck it in another episode of maybe using the or something down the line right exactly right mate if not i'll go through it and get a bit of inspiration for myself because i'm exactly gonna spend the rest of day down the shed today do a bit of tinkering on the old city mobile here mate and i hope you guys are keeping busy and safe as well with so much lockdown happening around the country stay positive guys and if you do get a chance spin a couple of spanners on your rig so when those lock downs do finish which hopefully are very soon you can get out and explore the best country in the world mate absolutely mate for me now i'm about to put a new starter battery in the front of the gu not exactly a diy mod but something that's got to be done mate i hope you're having a good time over on the east coast yeah and let's just hope these boarders open up soon mate so i can come across and we can we can have one or two beers sounds like an absolute plan mate well good luck mate and uh make sure graham just a word of advice before i let you go mate just get the fire extinguisher um maybe get a couple just hit them really close and good luck champion the red goes on the black doesn't it that's right yeah black on probably like that you'll be right cheers mate we'll catch you later see ya bye
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 355,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, rear drawers, diy drawers, 4wd induction cook top, 12v system, diy mods, diy 4wd mods, slide out kitchen, fridge slide, camp kitchen
Id: gyBxeJ3cDsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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