ChatGPT vs Bard Ai By Google (Surprising Results)

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I finally got my invitation to Bard by Google so now we're going to do a comparison between chat GPT and Google's Bard and let's see which one of these AI beer moths is going to be the best one so I've got a whole load of prompts um which I'm going to try out here's Bard here's the interface that we've got here there's warnings there that it's still in the experimental phase which is absolutely fine chatting with it and rating its responses will help improve the experience so pretty much the same as what goes on with chat GPT you get your little thumb up and thumb down and it's just helping them to you know refine and make it better which is really good uh it does say here that Bard May display inaccurate or offensive information that doesn't represent Google's views so it's obviously still not perfect because they're a little bit scared of what it might come up with you can see your activity here on the left there's an FAQ there and some interest testing things within the FAQ it talks a little bit about um language models and so on but it says here you know does Bard give accurate and safe responses and again it's really saying that it does not and it's experimental and you should be very careful with it uh then it's talking about does Bard know what has been said earlier in the config in the conversation that you have with the chat uh it says Bard's ability to hold contacts is purposefully limited for now as Bard continues to learn its ability to hold context during longer conversations will improve so it doesn't seem to really operate in the same way that chat GPT does where it's remembering absolutely everything within that one chat that you're in but we'll soon see you know how effective it is by trying out some prompts and the pair of them so I think one of the classics that everybody's using chat gbt for at the moment is to create articles now I'm just going to put in a real simple prompt here in this one I'm using chat GPT plus version 3.5 at the time of doing this and this is a really simple article I would never use a prompt like this if I really wanted to create a good article but this is just uh can you create a 500 word article on how to get a six-pack stomach because we all need one of those so I'll let that get going and we'll go over to Bard and we'll ask the same question there here we go now speed wise it would be interesting obviously uh chat GPT had a little bit of a head start there but they're both running but this is now done and finished and chat gbt is still writing so you could argue straight away that Bard is faster but is it better well let's let's just have a little look at the content here so first of all how to get a six-pack stomach that is what I ask and it's put it there as a title uh getting a six-pack stomach is a goal that many people strive for it's true it can be difficult goal to achieve also true but it is definitely possible with hard work and dedication and then in this article we will discuss some of the key things you need in order to get a six pack and then it's got eat a healthy diet exercise regularly be patient very patient uh stay motivated get help and then it's got the conclusion and then some additional tips which I quite like that bit there make sure you're getting enough sleep that's probably why I haven't got a six-pack I'm a terrible sleeper um sleep is essential for Muscle Recovery and growth I do stay hydrated so that's good and I think overall that's a pretty good article actually so let's now go over to our chat GPT uh let's see what they've said now this is not using you know four which would probably produce a better article but they've gone for uh reduce body fat that's the first step in getting a six pack uh strength training also good to make the muscles stronger and more visible cardiovascular exercise such as running or cycling which helps burn calories and reduce body fat so I think both of them overall did a good job I think the thing that we're seeing with chat GPT is if you just put in a really simple prompt like that you do get a fairly rigid robotic uh response an article and that's why we use much more uh detailed prompts to get a better output and that always sort of ends in conclusion blah blah blah and and that and it's done it right there as well but I I'm actually quite happy with with bards there I don't know who can we give it to here or maybe I would say we're going to give that one to Bard buy a nose with that exact prompt um on both of them one because it was faster and two I actually do quite like the article and I like the additional tips at the end uh next one then let's see how good it is at uh suggesting some titles for a YouTube video because we all need that especially us YouTubers so I'm going to reset the chat which is a little bit annoying in Bard because obviously with chat gbt we just click new chat and we keep our old one but here you know we're going to have to reset and then we're going to have to start over here so I'll just set that one off there with that prompt I'm going to start a new chat here with chat GPT and this one is can you suggest 10 titles for a new YouTube video on how to make money online and let's rock it in a way chat gbt Bard has done it already um and it's done it in a very sort of non-creative way it's literally gone how to make money online how to make money online with every single title there and then just added on the various ways like with your computer with your phone with affiliate marketing so not very inventive it says that they are it says these titles are relevant to the topic and they're also catchy in attention and grabbing but I'm not sure I particularly agree with that so let's now go over to chat gbt and this is much more creative I think you'll agree how I made ten thousand dollars online in 30 days my step by step guide five passive income streams you can start today now that's got a element of curiosity to it which uh Bard has not produced so I would be looking at that and thinking wow what are those five passive income streams I've got to click on this so I think that chat gbt has has really done a much better job than Bard uh right there so so there's there's the results on that as definitely I'm giving that to uh chat gbt so next up um social media posts we use chat GPT an awful lot for doing social media posts because it's brilliant at it so I'll I probably could get away with not starting a new chat but I'll do it anyway and then we'll just paste that in or over there and what we're doing this time is we're going to create a social media post that promotes my new YouTube video on how to make money with AI so let's get that one going go over to Bard and we'll reset the chat and let's start again and let's see who does the best here so Bard's having a little think about it done and then over here also our chat gbt has done it let's start with chat GPT and by the way if you're finding this video useful please do feel free to like And subscribe to my channel always Grant glad to have uh new people in this exciting AI World comment on videos and here we are sure here's a possible social media post to promote your new YouTube video and making money with AI new video alerts this is such a classic mind you of the way that chat GPT does this they they always do new video alert with like couple of bombs I think they are check out my latest YouTube video where I share some tips on how to make money with AI which is done as a hashtag uh whether you're a student a freelancer or a business owner these strategies can help you Leverage The Power of AI to boost your income don't miss out what does Bard say uh here is a social media post you can use uh it's it suggested an image a screenshot of your YouTube thumbnail well that makes sense caption learn how to make money with AI in this new video oh that's kind of dull I think that that is pretty dull it's got some relevant uh hashtags AI machine learning uh Money YouTube I suppose and it's given some emojis it's also given the Emojis separately which is a bit odd hashtags um great done that but it's done it twice so I'm not sure that it's really done that great there either so I'm giving that one to chat GPT definitely uh next one can you improve uh the following article to make it more humorous okay so what I'm gonna do then is I'm going to give it an article that it wrote earlier and then I'm going to see if it can change the style of the writing to be more funny so there's the prompt and then I'm going to put the article I have to go over to chatgpt to get it there we are so we've got it right here so I'm going to take this article and I will grab it right from the top and then let's see if we can turn this relatively boring article that's very robotic into something humorous with Bard so and we'll let it get it on its way and let's get rid of all that rubbish on the end there there we go and I think that's about it it's let me paste all of that content in and we'll just get rid of that a little bit at the end there we go so now we'll let that get on with it and let's see if it can do it it's having a think about it and I can just carry on from this prompt uh here and just paste that in and all I'll do is just say can you please rewrite that article to make it more humorous there we go now with chat gbt it's just so easy to do that you know I love using the voice control with chat gbt it's just so quick to work with the one that I use by the way I often get comments as to what what are you using to do that it's no special extension or anything weird it's just literally uh the free built-in dictation tool that comes with the Mac that I'm using so here's here's chat gbt's effort of being slightly humorous about on how we get a six-pack uh oh it's even mentioned humor in the first line look at that so you want a six-pack well strap on your sense of humor and let's get started um and then it says uh here we go first things first you need to reduce your body fat sorry but you can't just wish away that beer belly you're gonna have to put down the pizza and pick up some vegetables I know I know vegetables are about as exciting as watching paint dry but think of it as an investment in your six-pack dreams love it it's injected some humor and some life into it I really like it and I I'll go and have a look now at Bard and see if Bard can make things funny uh so there's ours and here's the more humorous version of the article achieving a six-pack stomach is a common Fitness goal for many people and for good reason not only does having a six-pack signal fire healthy body and strong core muscles but it can also boost confidence and self-esteem where's the humor where is the humor I cannot see the humor looking at the first one here the first step in getting a six pack is to reduce your overall body fat percentage this can be achieved through a combination of exercise and healthy diet there is zero humor in this um and then it's put here are some additional tips to make the article more humorous which is what I wanted it to do use puns and wordplay for example you could say that achieving a six-pack stomach is a piece of cake if you're willing to slice through the layers of fat first I don't know if that's uh humorous is that humorous I don't know you could use exaggeration and hyperbole for example you could say the only way to get a six-pack stomach is to eat nothing but air and exercise 24 7. and then sarcasm irony and wordplay I think it just fails so once again I'm giving that to chat GPT it's knocked it out the park and it's done it with 3.5 I would think with chat gbt version four it'd probably do an even better job uh now what we could do is just say um here we go this is an interesting question now this is just a general question to see what it thinks about this and the prompt is how will artificial intelligence change the education system in the coming years so go Bard and go chat GPT let's get their opinions on this I think there's going to be some huge changes I don't know about you let me know what you think about this in the comments I'd be very interested to know how do you feel the education system is going to change now students and kids have got access to this crazy technology that's pretty much undetectable if you do it right to create content what are we gonna do I think um probably the the best way to be testing kids and stuff now is going to be through literally handwriting you know they're going to have to absorb the content and have an exam where they're writing or also maybe through um you know verbal verbal examinations because to be left alone with a computer to answer things is just not going to happen anymore I'm sure so there we are then um here is Bard's artificial intelligence has a potential to transform the education system in many ways and here's a few examples uh it can be used to personalize learning so that's good it can be used to automate tasks yes used to provide personalized feedback to create adaptive learning platforms but let's see what the sort of conclusion is overall AI has the potential to revolutionize the education education system and make it more effective and efficient however it's important to note that AI is not a replacement for teachers that's very true and I'm sure all teachers will be glad to hear that AI can be a powerful tool for teachers but it cannot replace the human touch that is essential for Effective teaching and learning yet let's go to um this version here with chat GPT instead of bard uh it sort of said it in the same introductory way actually artificial intelligence has the potential to transform the education system in numerous ways in the coming years and it and I'll tell you what a super similar isn't it personalized learning improved student assessment intelligent tutoring systems which is just pretty much what I said over here in a different language Predictive Analytics uh accessibility AI can make education more accessible for students with disabilities by providing assistive Technologies such as text-to-speech and speech to text tools well that's good isn't it overall has the potential to revolutionize the education system by providing personalized learning experiences and so on so they've both done I would say pretty much the same so I would definitely call that one a draw um finally this is something which I'm pretty sure that chat GPT cannot do right now even if I go and use version 4 which I will do this is although version 4 is out it's not fully functional yet so it's not able to connect to the web at the time of doing this video though hopefully in a few days I'll have access to gpt4's browser the built-in browser that's coming if I just paste this in can you give me the main benefits of this online course and then I've put the URL of my course little plug there if you want to learn everything about chat gbt and what it can do you'll probably love that now if I just press go it will probably give me a warning there or a message that I apologize but uh as an AI language model I am unable to access or browse the internet boring okay let's go to Bard and let's try the same thing so I'm just going to reset this chat let's just go with that same request to basically go to my website pull out the benefits and tell me what they are and there it is um sure here are the main benefits for this online course at chat gbt School flexibility affordability convenience quality Community okay so that that was actually really a bad because all it's done is give me the general benefits of taking any online course it hasn't gone to my page apparently and pulled in the information from it to tell me specifically what the benefits are for that course so um yeah I'm not really I'm not really happy with that and I would put a thumbs down and maybe just tell them that um you didn't actually actually uh Spider my page there we go let's help them out that's what we're there for right so I think that they both have failed but uh chat gbt with four is going to be able to uh help with that now look at what it's doing here though this is what's really interesting is it's coming up with the general benefit of doing an online course as well and again it's super similar to Bard flexibility accessibility you know all of that stuff the first thing it recommends is flexibility and then uh so does this one flexibility two different models all together yet they're coming up with very similar results um and then finally let's just try and ask it another question about affiliate marketing I'm just going to stop that generating as it will just go on and on and on it's going to stop there we go new chat now I'm going to just use 3.5 and give it name five ways you could help someone make money with affiliate marketing and let's try that with Bard too whoops there we go we'll reset things so we're all set again starting from afresh and then off we go so let's see what so what it comes up with Bard is usually quicker and it just displays the information as we can see instead of writing it out like chat GPT which we're sort of very used to seeing now so bars Bard's opinion on the best five ways that it can help us make money with affiliate marketing uh it's saying choose the right affiliate programs create high quality content and promote your content track your results and keep learning and experimenting is the main things but what it it's giving us general advice again on how people can do better with affiliate marketing but what it's not doing is telling me how bad can help me so I wonder if um maybe chat gbt is doing a little bit better here um sure here are five ways you could help someone make money with affiliate marketing maybe it's my prompt let's be fair maybe it's my prompt um I I can probably get it to refine that a little bit here we go specifically how can chat GPT help someone who is an affiliate marketer there we go great so that's probably maybe that's my prompt that wasn't brilliant because they both came out with the same thing it wasn't specific enough I should have said Google bard perhaps with them but now it's saying great you know chat gbt can help generate high quality content ideas for blog posts uh product selection all kinds of different stuff so I think that's done pretty well but I wonder if I can extend on that and just say the same thing for bard specifically how can Google bard help a affiliate marketer I'll have to I'll have to change it I'm never going to be able to say Bard because it's always going to be like b-a-r-e-d how annoying I'm just gonna have to type it in every time now there we go let's see let's see if it can refine those results now I've improved my prompt um there we go that's better so it has done pretty much the same as what chat gbt done and it said it can help by generating content researching keywords analyzing data creating reports and providing support to affiliate marketers um in the form of answering questions and providing guidance so there you go that that is like a comparison of the two of them I'm going to call that one a draw two overall right now I think chat GPT is the best system um but Bard isn't quite as bad as I was expecting a lot of people have been talking about it saying how terrible it is I don't think it's terrible but at the moment chat gbt you know with a hundred million plus users it's gonna have so much more information and feedback from real people using it that obviously you know it's able to produce better results and when gpt4 finally lets us all connect to the web scan images upload videos and do all these other crazy things it's going to be amazing so I think chat gbt is still in the lead by far versus Google's Bard but it is an experimental phase it's early days for Google they were late to the races in terms of releasing this stuff to the public and now they're paying the consequences which is catch up um so if you found this video useful and you're interested in chat GPT specifically I've got a free group here and we have got now nearly 3 000 members and they're fantastic people are sharing really good prompts in here for things like businesses Services they're sharing great plugins toolbars you you name it it's all in here and there's a a bunch of people from around the world who just love AI so if you'd like to join feel free it's it is free the links underneath this video and I'd love to see you come and join and welcome you into the group that's it for this video I hope you like the comparison between uh chat gbt and Google's Bard and thanks a lot for watching and look out for another video coming after this one
Channel: Jason West
Views: 36,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bard vs chatgpt, google vs chat gpt, chatgpt vs bard, chatgpt bard, how to use google bard ai, google ai vs chatgpt, google bard ai link, bard vs chatgpt 4, bard vs chatgpt3, google ai demo, chatgpt vs bard ai, bard google ai, jason west, chatgpt vs bird difference, chatgpt vs bad ai, chatgpt vs google bard ai, bird ai vs chatgpt, bard google demo, google bard demo, bard test, google bard example, chat gpt vs bard google, chat gpt, google bard ai, google bard, open ai
Id: IZOe0lF4otU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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