ChatGPT Unleashed Mastering AI Conversations: Complete Training Walkthrough for Chat GPT

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[Music] Simon Says subscribe and click on the Bell icon to receive notifications we've made the files the instructor uses in this tutorial available for free just click the link below in the video details to get these welcome to the what is chat GPT course this course contains a breakdown of the latest developments in a tool the New York Times has dubbed the best AI chat bot ever released which probably doesn't give it the credit it truly deserves it might tactically be called a chat bot but it is far from what one would consider a typical chatbot this course isn't just a Hands-On course it also delves into a little history about the tool as well as mention some of the issues one might face using it however according to Forbes advisor 97 of business owners see chat EPT as beneficial with one-third planning its use for web content and 44 for multilingual content my name is Andrew Pearson and I am the founder and managing director of intelligencia limited a software and AI consulting company based in Macau in Hong Kong and I will be explaining how chat GPT functions as of June 2023 chat GPT had over 100 million users in February 2023 chat gbt surpassed 1 billion monthly page visits Chachi PT is forecasted to generate a revenue of 200 million dollars by the end of 2023 almost 88 of the traffic on chat GPT is direct traffic at the same time 4.22 percent of the traffic is directed from social media platforms 53 percent of the readers fail to identify chat GPT written content as being written by AI in March 2023 openai added chat GPT plugins and GPT for technology for chat GPT plus users and the launch of chat GPT led to a rise of 304 million visitors to the open AI website in terms of the course the first session details the history of chat GPT it hasn't been around that long but it has made a huge impact on the business world so it's important to understand how it came about I do a quick breakdown of what artificial intelligence and large language models are these are the backbones of chat GPT in session 3 I explain how to use Chachi PT showing users some of the best ways to fact check do research translate languages get summarizations brainstorm create lists and turn the tool into an editor session 4 continues these lessons showing how chat GPT can be used creatively as well as for coding Session 5 explains how to use Chachi PT creatively I discuss prompts and show users how they can be used by business Executives or their assistants and how marketers and students can get the most out of chat GPT session 6 explains how extensions and plugins can enhance chat GPT functions session 7 is a short discussion on the unique hallucination problem of chat GPT and how companies can potentially address it this course will give you a good overview of one of today's most exciting Technologies it is technology that is changing by the day so if you're interested in this field it would be a good idea to keep up with the news not only from openai but also companies like Google Apple Facebook Microsoft IBM Amazon as well as China's Baidu and 10 cents so hopefully you will join me and I'll see you in the first session chat GPT is an artificial intelligence AI chatbot developed by open AI since being released it has taken the World by storm because it greatly improves upon the usefulness of previous chat Bots the chat GPT service lets logged in users ask natural language questions as if communicating with a human the difference between Chachi PT and previous chat Bots is the human level response which are highly accurate and well written the GPT in chat GPT stands for generative pre-trained Transformer the New York Times quickly dubbed chat GPT chatgpt is quite simply the best artificial intelligence chat bot ever released to the general public said Kevin Roos in his article the Brilliance and weirdness of chatgpt in five days more than a million people signed up to test it according to Greg Brockman openai's president hundreds of screenshots of chat GPT conversations went viral on Twitter and many of its early fans speak of it in astonished grandiose terms as if it were some mix of software and sorcery ruse continued Chachi PT is part of an emerging field of AI known as generative AI it uses computers to generate content which can be in the form of written text to answer common questions creating ad or marketing copy providing chapter summarization of a novel or a philosophical idea translating languages helping write software code or even composing essays for a class assignment generative AI includes text image systems like Dali 2 stable diffusion and mid-journey which can produce images based on text description using a prompt like create an image of Elon Musk and Sam Altman of open AI will get mid-journey to produce an image of the two men that is quite accurate the history of Chachi PT in 2015 Elon Musk John Shulman Greg Brockman wojak zaremba and Sam Altman as well as other prominent Silicon Valley figures including Peter Thiel and Reed Hoffman of LinkedIn pledged 1 billion to open AI their intention was to Foster open collaboration by making their work accessible to the public and actively engaging with other institutions and researchers according to a December 11 2015 statement on open ai's website the company's aim was to create a non-profit focused on developing AI in the way most likely to benefit Humanity as a whole its mission statement attempted to ensure artificial general intelligence AGI would benefit all of humanity and Advance AI in a manner safe to humanity in 2016 the company launches Jim a platform letting researchers develop and compare machine learning reinforcement systems it teaches systems to reach a decision by utilizing the best cumulative rewards later that year open AI releases Universe the toolkit for training intelligent agents across websites and gaming Platforms in 2018 openai undergoes a shift in Focus towards more extensive research and development in AI they introduce generative pre-trained Transformers gpts these neural networks inspired by the human brain are trained on large amounts of human generated text and can perform tasks like generating and answering questions 2018 the first version of GPT which stands for generative pre-trained Transformer is released Transformer technology was a new AI technique for neural networks that was first introduced by Ashish vaswani in his article attention is all you need the initial model had 117 million parameters and was trained on about 40 gigs of text Data parameters have grown exponentially since into the trillions at this point also in 2018 Elon Musk resigns from open ai's board of directors the company says he resigned to eliminate any potential future conflict due to Tesla's focus on AI however musk would continue donating to the non-profit at least according to open AI 2019 openai makes a transition from a non-profit organization to a for-profit model with a cap profit limit of 100 times the investment made this allows openai LP to attract investment from Venture funds and offer employees equity in the company also in 2019 open AI forms a partnership with Microsoft which invests one billion dollars in the company another 2019 Event open AI announces plans to license its Technologies for commercial use however some researchers would criticize the shift to a for-profit status racing concerns about the company's commitment to democratizing AI 2020 openai introduces gpt3 a language model trained on extensive internet data sets while its function is to provide answers in natural language it can also generate coherent text spontaneously and perform language translation openai also announces their plans to develop a commercial product centered around an API called the API which is closely connected to gpt3 2021 openai introduces dally an advanced deep learning model that has the ability to generate digital images by interpreting natural language descriptions on November 30th 2022 openai introduces chat GPT in December 2022 Google the king of search recognizes chat GPT as such an existential threat to its business model IT issues an internal code red warning about the technology even calling in the company co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to help address the troubling situation we have no moat Google claims fearing their long dominance in search is under serious threat and they are right to be concerned as Microsoft has planned to use chat GPT to power its own search engine Bing in January 2023 chat GPT reaches the 100 million user Mark also in 2023 Microsoft plans to invest 10 billion in open AI over the next few years semaphore reports the investment gives Microsoft a 75 share of open ai's profits until the investment is earned back at which time they will receive a 49 stake in the company going forward traditional chat Bots versus chat GPT traditional chat Bots have been around for decades but up until chat GPT and its recent competitors they have been uninspiring normally found at the bottom of a website with an image of an AI bot wearing headphones these chat Bots offer simple assistance in strict step-by-step methodologies however users can easily get stuck in a never-ending Loop leading to nothing but frustration because the chat Bots contain a web of questions as well as some answers that might appear rather nonsensical at times interacting with today's chat Bots can feel like being stuck in an endless customer service maze because that's exactly what they are chat GPT however is unique rather than relying on prompts and pre-programmed responses it utilizes Ai and machine learning in the form of large language models or llms to answer questions in some cases hallucinating these answers I'll go into detail about how it does that but for now understand Chachi PT might be pulling off data that has been labeled by humans but there is a stepping into the void element about the results it produces which are sometimes completely wrong so any answers received from a chat GPT prompt should be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism and never be taken as a golden answer the best way to utilize chatgpt is to see it as part of a research service not as the end of the research per se hallucinations according to Bernard Marr hallucination in AI refers to the generation of outputs that may sound plausible but are either factually incorrect or unrelated to the given context these outputs often emerge from the AI model's inherent biases lack of real world understanding or training data limitations in other words the AI system hallucinates information that it has not been explicitly trained on leading to unreliable or misleading responses Chachi PT is built on artificial intelligence or AI which is a branch of computer science that deals with the simulation of intelligent behavior in machines it is one of the key Technologies behind robotics ML and deep learning in the next session I do a quick explanation of the AI technology behind jat GPT if you want to go straight into working with the tool skip that session and go to session three I will also talk in deeper detail about hallucinations in session five as there are ways to limit the hallucinating problem now chat GPT is available in several regions of the world including North America Europe Asia and South America some of the countries where chat GPT is available include the United States Canada the United Kingdom France Germany Japan Australia Brazil and Mexico chat GPT is expanding its services throughout the world but is limiting itself to those countries as of June 8 2023 so I'll see you in the next section Chachi PT is built on artificial intelligence or AI which is a brand of computer science that deals with the simulation of intelligent behaviors in machines it is one of the key Technologies behind robotics ML and deep learning in its paper what it is and why it matters the analytics Powerhouse SAS claims artificial intelligence AI makes it possible for machines to learn from experience adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks most AI examples that you hear about today from chess playing computers to self-driving cars rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing using these Technologies computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data common definitions include the ability for a machine to learn from experience without being explicitly programmed a system capable of perceiving its environment and taking actions based on what it has perceived this includes learning from previous experiences as well as adapting to changes in the world around it through trial and error learning processes known as reinforcement learning the ability for a machine to autonomously navigate through its environment using sensory input and reasoning applications of AI include machine learning deep learning natural language processing which includes speech recognition text to speech machine translation automated summarization and text to image applications as well as computer vision specifically chatgpt uses llm large language models according to the world's leading AI chip maker Nvidia a large language model or llm is a deep learning algorithm that can recognize summarize translate predict and generate text and other content based on knowledge gained from massive data sets large language models are among the most successful applications of Transformer models llms aren't just for teaching AI human languages they also help researchers understand proteins allow programmers to write more optimized code help website developers reimagine search engines give marketers gripping ad content assist Educators with better tutoring Services make robots more useful and provide writers with research assistance how do large language models work large language models learn from huge volumes of data as its name suggests Central to an llm is the size of the data set it's trained on but the definition of large is evolving along with AI now large language models are typically trained on data sets large enough to include nearly everything that has been written on the internet over a large span of time massive amounts of text are fed into the AI algorithm using unsupervised learning when a model is given a data set without explicit instructions on what to do with it through this method a large language model learns words as well as the relationships between and Concepts behind them it could for example learn to differentiate the two meanings of the word bark based on its context just as a person who Masters a language can guess what might come next in a sentence or paragraph or even come up with new words or concepts themselves a large language model can apply its knowledge to predict and generate content so how large was the chati PT model well the first version of gbt was released in 2018 and it had 117 million parameters and was trained on about 40 gigs of Text data gpt2 which was released in 2019 was trained on a similar size data set as GPT and had 1.5 billion parameters gpt3 was the first major increase in training set data and was trained on 570 gigs of text Data with 175 billion parameters chat gpt4 represents a massive improvement over previous models the data set size and number of parameters have not been disclosed it's expected that the data set is significantly larger from prior models with New Vision capabilities as well as the ability to interpret visual inputs such as images there are rumors that the model contains close to 1 trillion parameters open AI provides a comparison of the latest version of chat tpt's ability to answer questions and answer standardized tests on the open AI research website now that you've been given a quick overview of Chachi VT as well as an explanation of what it is built upon the next session will be a deep dive into the tool itself I will see you there to open an account go to and sign up for an account to create your account input your email address hit continue then add a password and hit continue again you will then be prompted to verify your email address you will then be asked to add your first name and last name as well as your date of birth go ahead and add that information you will then be asked to verify your phone number and this will ensure you have a phone number in one of the countries where chat GPT is available once you've logged in you'll see chatgpt's main screen on the left there's a sidebar that contains all of your previous searches I'll hide it for now the bottom you will see send a message this is where you type in your requests now to get the best out of chat GPT you will want to be clear concise direct and even explain what kind of an audience you plan to present the chat GPT content to adding things like explain this to me like I'm a seven-year-old or create an actionable list or summarize this into a 280 word tweet or even format this into a table or a bullet point can help chat GPT provide the exact answer that you're looking for also in the exact format that you want it as I go through these examples understand what chat GPT is doing is just calculating lists of next word probabilities for each word of its reply think of it like the autocomplete function on your browser or on Google chatgvt is adding the next word in an autocorrect way sometimes the model is really confident and it'll give you an answer with 100 probability but at other times it is adding words that it believes have the highest probability of being meaningful and correct oftentimes it is just plain wrong fact checking one of the best use cases for Chachi PT is turning it into a Google like search engine type in who is considered the father of AI or which books are written by Friedrich Nietzsche and you'll receive answers that are probably highly accurate Chachi PT is excellent at fact checking and its understanding is beyond encyclopedic these results clearly show why Google is worried translation Chachi PT can also be used to translate text into other languages so I've just taken the Friedrich Nietzsche answer and asked it to translate this into German here we go French and Chinese now if you ask it how many languages it can translate into it'll give you 15. everything from Spanish French German Italian Portuguese Dutch Russian Chinese Japanese Korean Arabic Hindi Swedish polish and Greek I've seen in other places it claims to support more than 50 languages that may not be in translating between languages though and the chat GP team is constantly working on adding more languages to their chatbot to make it more and more accessible throughout the world summarization Amazon has a tool named text summarizer which they call a solution to the problem of information overload it can reduce the size of long documents into a few paragraphs or sentences chat GPT has a similar tool using the prompt summarize the plot of Shakespeare's Macbeth you will get this if you want it summarized down to say a hundred words it'll give you this chat CPT is great at defining differences between two concepts I'll type in what's the difference between predictive and descriptive analytics and chat EPT produces the following now as someone who has produced courses on just this subject I can tell you that Chachi PT's answer is spot on Predictive Analytics does involve analyzing historical data and using statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to make predictions or forecasts about future events or outcomes it does aim to uncover patterns relationships and Trends and data to estimate what is likely to happen in the future Predictive Analytics uses historical data to build models that can be applied to new data to generate predictions its examples are spot on as well when I ask chat GPT to give me more examples it gave me this once again all highly relevant when I asked chat GPT to shorten this answer it gave me Predictive Analytics forecasts future outcomes based on historical data like predicting customer demand for umbrellas during rainy seasons in retail prescriptive analytics goes a step further recommending specific actions for optimal results such as suggesting Dynamic pricing strategies to maximize profitability based on factors like demand competition and inventory levels which is once again a perfect encapsulation of the two types of analytics especially by dropping in the dynamic pricing strategies which are extremely important for prescriptive Analytics chatgpt is great for brainstorming ideas as well it can give you ideas on a particular subject for example if I want to get more content from my retail website that sells yoga clothes I can give it an instruction like acting as a digital marketer for a retail company give me some ideas for website blogs on the subject of yoga here are the 10 ideas 10 essential yoga poses for beginners the benefits of practicing yoga how to choose the right yoga mat all the way down to a yoga apparel guide I then ask it to give me more ideas on this subject exploring the chakras understanding energy centers in yoga practice and it provided me with 10 more examples including the seven chakras explained an introduction to energy centers in yoga balancing the chakras etc etc etc these blog topics delve deeper into the concept of chakras and provide insight into how they relate to yoga practice and overall well-being they cover various aspects such as meditation poses healing techniques and the connection between chakras and emotions Additionally you can explore the use of specific tools like stones and crystals for chakra work so chai GPT is understanding the importance of stones and crystals in the chakra practice which isn't that surprising but it's good to see another great type of content for SEO is lists they are skimmable and easy to read visually they are easy to review they are also easy to create Google often condenses web content into a list anyway due to its use of Rich Snippets chat GPT can help users create top 10 best of chiefestav best reviewed Etc lists for example I'll input what are the top 10 yoga Brands and Chachi PT answers while the popularity and perception of yoga Brands may vary depending on personal preferences and geographic location here are 10 well-known yoga brands that have gained recognition in the industry and it lists some very recognizable names if I input what are the top 10 restaurants in Los Angeles according to Michelin chat GPT informs me that it has a cutoff date for information September 2021 and Michelin doesn't release a guide specifically for Los Angeles however it does have a Michelin guide for California which includes restaurants in Los Angeles and list the top 10 for California most of which are based in San Francisco once again because of chat gpt's encyclopedic knowledge you can build top 10 or best of lists on just about any topic you choose chatgpt is also a great tool for researching if you want to write a paper on a particular topic chatgpt has once again an encyclopedic knowledge base that can help you research just about any topic you can think of say you want to write an article about personalization marketing and the hospitality industry go ahead and type in a request such as writing as a professor of marketing explain how hotels and integrated Resorts can increase personalization marketing for their customers so chatgpt took on the Persona of a professor and answered in the form of a lecture starting with we will explore how hotels and integrated Resorts can increase personalization marketing for their customers then it proceeds to give seven very good answers I then asked it to cite some papers and references on the subject and it provided me with a list of 10 however double checking these sources revealed that number 7 9 and 10 might not be real which is a great example of chat gpt's hallucination problem Chachi PT can also be used to proofread a document to identify grammar spelling punctuation and word choice errors I'll input the following from the AI section of my company website now chat GPT found a few errors including in the sentence AI has become the buzzword of old buzzwords and major tech companies are embracing it as if it was one of man's most important discoveries the verb was should be changed to were to maintain subject verb agreement the correct form is as if it were in the sentence Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy co-founded the artificial intelligence project which soon became one of the preeminent AI research centers in the world and would later evolve into the MIT computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory the word centers c-e-n-t-r-e-s should be changed to senders c-e-n-t-e-r-s to use American English spelling and finally in the sentence Minsky defined AI as the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men the pronoun men should be changed to humans to use more inclusive language Chachi PT also provides a Rewritten sentence in the next section a continuation of working with chat GPT I will discuss how chat GPT can be used as a creative writing engine in a multitude of ways foreign Ed on so much information chatgpt can create many different types of content including blogs emails email responses business letters copywriting legal research and legal briefs marketing copy or building an ad short stories songs poems limericks class assignments of all kinds plot outlines novel character breakdowns PowerPoint presentation content you can create test questions including multiple choice questions you can produce resume ideas transcripts for a Blog influencer marketing as well as a whole host of other things blog writing I'll enter acting as an artificial intelligence expert write a blog on the latest developments in AI that can be showcased on the blog of a mid-size software company focus on the latest developments in coding and data integration now it is produced to 589 word blog on the subject including an introduction that talks about the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and then it moves into sections on neural programming automated data integration natural language processing knowledge graphs and it concludes with a quick summary of the article the article is a good starting point for a Blog as it contains a lot of the information needed for the blog but I'd advise customizing it while adding unique brand elements and creative flourishes chechi BT can help users create effective business emails by providing guidance on various aspects of the email such as formatting tone content and etiquette for example telling chat GP the following as a high-ranking executive in the oil industry write a letter of resignation and include specifics about the work I have done building out a large it Department as well as my regrets for having to leave because I have been offered another position in a different industry specifically mention the cyber security initiative I have successfully completed this results in a professional email like this it starts off nicely talks about the decision being difficult and notes the remarkable opportunities the job has presented them it uses several business buzzwords but has a professional tone and even the job details sound good it calls out the cyber security initiative I mentioned and adds a nice sentence filled with results I.E we significantly fortified fences against cyber threats mitigated risks and ensured the integrity and confidentiality of our critical data very much worded as someone in it would say gratitude is expressed as well as regrets professed for leaving should the employee have acquaintances in France this letter is easily translated into French you can also use Chachi PT for acquisition emails either Direct customer or via Prospect list to drive growth of your customer base you can use it for onboarding initial communication focusing on things like welcome packs sign up for auto pay payment reminders and product and service awareness you can also use it for cross-selling and upselling product usage stimulation communicating to customers proactively to entice or stimulate sales newsletters and articles you can drive traffic to landing pages or microsites to capture customer details renewal reminders you can Target customers who are approaching key product events to ensure they remain loyal significant events anniversary communication communicating to customers proactively around events like birthdays anniversaries Etc event initiated trigger marketing responding to real-time marketing opportunities by pushing relevant offers to customers retention proactively sending out emails to customers who might be on the verge of leaving for one reason or another because chat GPT understands the nuances of language so well it can assist copywriters in crafting more engaging and effective copy Chachi BT can help to generate ideas it can help brainstorm ideas and provide creative suggestions for copywriting projects it can help you refine the message if you have a draft of your copy chat GPT can assist in refining and improving the messaging it can help craft headlines and tag lines crafting catchy headlines and tag lines is crucial for capturing attention editing and proofreading Chachi PT can help identify grammar or punctuation errors as well as suggest sentence restructuring for clarity and provide feedback on overall readability when I asked chati PT to craft me a clever tagline for a virtual reality headset give me some clever double entenders in the copy it provides me with Unleash Your Imagination step into a new reality See Beyond the Veil your world reimagined reality reimagined where dreams take shape which sounds like a tagline for a product that's already out there or dive into a digital Wonderland where pixels become possibilities experience reality reloaded where illusion meets Innovation and VR Venture into Realms Vanquish restrictions chat GPT even notes the tag lines above contain clever wordplay and double entenders to evoke a sense of wonder and Intrigue associated with virtual reality legal research Chachi PT can assist with legal research by providing general information and explanations on legal Concepts principles and precedence for example can you give me an explanation of the Dred Scott Decision produces the response the case centered around Dred Scott an enslaved African-American man who lived in a free territories before returning to the slave state of Missouri Scott with the support of abolitionist lawyers filed a lawsuit claiming his freedom chechi VT provides a pretty good summary of the case can also help with case law and precedence Chachi PT can assist in finding relevant case law and precedence by discussing specific legal issues or providing guidance on how to approach legal research for example I'll type in how did the Miranda Rights case change legal precedence the result the Miranda case officially known as Miranda v Arizona was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court in 1966. chat GPT lists out the four significant effects the legal decision had on legal precedence chat GPT can provide general information about legislation and regulations including explanations of their provisions and potential implications it can help you understand the basic legal framework surrounding specific areas of law I'll input what is the Precedence for IP protection for a novel Chachi PT answers the legal precedence for IP protection for a novel primarily lies in copyright law copyright provides authors with exclusive rights to their original creative Works including novels granting them legal protection against unauthorized copying distribution or adaptation of their work which is once again a good quick summary it does also go into more detail about how the copyright owner has the exclusive rights to reproduce distribute publicly display and create derivative Works based on the original novel so it's a nice quick breakdown of General IP protection as with all chat GPT results but especially when it comes to legal research you should consult official legal databases or legal professionals to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding your searches Chachi PT can be a helpful tool for computer coding in several ways including syntax encode suggestions users unsure about correct syntax or how a specific code snippet should be structured can give the relevant details to Chachi PT which will offer suggestions and help with the correct syntax troubleshooting and debugging users who encounter errors or issues in their code can describe the problem to chat GPT which can help identify potential causes of the problem as well as offer guidance on how to fix them Chachi PT can provide information on how to use specific apis and libraries whether you need guidance on interacting with a web API integrating a popular library or leveraging a specific framework Chachi PT can help users understand the necessary steps as well as provide code examples project planning and architecture users starting a new coding project can discuss their requirements and goals with chatgpt it can assist users in planning the project structure recommending suitable Technologies and providing insights into potential challenges users might face concept explanations users struggling to understand a particular programming concept or topic can turn to chat GPT which can provide explanations in a conversational manner breaking down complex ideas into more understandable and digestible terms code review and optimization users who have a code snippet or program and want feedback on its structure efficiency or potential areas for optimization can ask chat GPT to review the code and provide suggestions for improvement users can ask chatgpt questions like what is the right python tool to use if you want to understand sentiment analysis chatgpt answers if you want to understand sentiment analysis in Python one popular tool that you can use is the natural language toolkit nltk which is a powerful library that provides various tools and resources for natural language processing tasks including sentiment analysis chechi PT can also help users understand programming syntax and language constructs whether working with python Java JavaScript or other languages users can ask questions about specific syntax rules or how to use certain language features for example if I enter this code telling Chachi PT I'm trying to write a python function that calculates the factorial of a number this is what I have so far Chachi PT will look at it and it tells me the code is almost correct however the function you have written correctly calculates the factorial of a number using recursion however it doesn't handle some edge cases properly provides me with the correct code which I can copy here and then input into my work what is a prompt a prompt is any phrase or set of keywords you can input into an AI tool such as chat GPT the tool will interpret the prompt and generate a response based on its existing knowledge base because AI powered tools like chat GPT can learn from prompts continuously users will enrich its analytical capabilities with varied prompts when writing prompts Clarity is key provide a clear Direction which includes complete context for the model to generate a response here are some guidelines to follow be specific provide as much detail as possible about what you're asking and the context intended for your prompt be concise keep your prompts short and to the point focusing on the most relevant information use natural language write prompts as you would ask a question of another person using proper grammar and sentence structure avoid ambiguity avoid using vague language or incomplete sentences that could have multiple interpretations avoid yes and no questions relating to being precise these yes and no questions may not produce as much comprehensive response as other types of queries consider tone and style consider the tone and style of your prompts to ensure the response generated by chat GPT is consistent with your desired manner continuously experiment and refine your prompts to improve results overall the goal is to provide chat GPT with a clear and specific prompt that it can use to generate a coherent and relevant response for example acting as a dictionary Give me the meaning of supercilious the answer supercilious is an adjective that describes a person's Behavior or attitude specifically referring to an exaggerated sense of superiority acting as a thesaurus Give me a synonym for truncate and it gives me shorten when writing prompts I like to provide the following type of information to chat GPT action with a Persona a task an audience that the prompt is for the goal of the prompt you can also add the style and in some cases you can tell it how to export I.E you wanted in a table or in some cases a graph so in this example I say acting as a librarian find me books about the Roman Empire I don't add an audience here or a goal because it's just a simple give me a list of books as you can see it gives me seven options many of them are well-known books on the subject when it comes to business prompts there are a whole host of ideas available with Chachi PT and I've provided an Excel spreadsheet that lists out prompt ideas for many different business types for now I'll just show you these three generate a script for a 60 second commercial promoting our new foldable solar panels as you can see it starts with an opening shot of of a picturesque outdoor scene with bright sunlight and green surroundings the camera pans to reveal a family sitting under a shaded area a narrator introduces the product which it's calling fold the Sun and then we have a series of shots more voice overs all the way to the end with the closing shot of the full desun logo and tagline along with the announcer saying power on the go get yours now so this could be a good place to start with your commercial acting as an SEO Guru create a list of potential blog post ideas for the website of a company working in the artificial intelligence space specifically on robotic process automation technology chap GPT provides me with the following blog ideas which are all pretty good and interesting how RPA is revolutionizing business operations the benefits of implementing RPA in your organization all the way to the Future impact of RPA on job roles and the workforce acting as a tech blogger create a list of potential blog post ideas for the website of a software consulting company working in the data integration field it has given me 20 great options including blogs titled the importance of data integration unlocking the power of your data demystifying data integration a comprehensive guide for businesses data integration versus data migration understanding the differences and exploring real-time data integration benefits and use cases among others all very useful stuff one of the most interesting areas to use chat GPT is in marketing for example if I ask chatgpt acting as a social media marketer create a general social media post announcing a new product launch of an energy drink which will maximize engagement and reach include a cool name for the drink as well it provides me with the following introducing energix Unleash Your energy and conquer the day get ready to experience an electrifying burst of energy like never before we are thrilled to announce the launch of our revolutionary energy drink energix Chachi PT has come up with a name for the product and it really hits all the right energy drink notes key features extreme energy boost mental Clarity and focus refreshing flavor explosions Chachi PT even provides a list of hashtags to add to your social media marketing channels energix hashtag unleash yourenergy hashtag power through the day hashtag conquer the day etc etc the next chat GPT prompt acting as an email marketer develop a personalized email marketing campaign for a customer segment based on their interest in purchase history produces the following a nice letter which just needs some customization to get it ready for emailing and finally in the third prompt I State acting as web developer build a personalized landing page for a customer segment based on their interests and purchase history this produces an interesting response as an AI language model I'm unable to directly build a personalized landing page but I can provide you with a template and guidelines for creating a personalized landing page based on customer interest and purchase history here's an example structure and content you can use as a starting point gives me the headline introduction personalized recommendations testimonials exclusive offers call to action social proof additional recommendations personalization and customization and then the contact information and support it does also State at the end remember the design and layout of the landing page should be visually appealing and user friendly incorporate compelling visuals use concise and persuasive copy and ensure a seamless browsing experience on different devices feel free to adapt this template it states as well for student prompts chat sheet VT can help with creating papers providing a study guide even providing test questions for example here I give Chachi PT The Prompt acting as a college English teacher generate a list of potential essay topics for introduction to Russian literature along with a brief outline of main points to be discussed it provides a lot of compelling topics for a student enrolled or thinking about enrolling in the course as Chad GP notes at the end these essay topics are designed to provide a broad range of options for students studying Russian literature the main points to be discussed in each essay should be further developed by conducting research referring to specific literary works and incorporating critical analysis much of which you can also get from Chachi PT the second prompt is acting as a math teacher explain the Pythagorean theorem and give me a multiple choice test at the End chat gpt's response is the Pythagorean theorem is a fundamental principle in geometry and it goes on to explain exactly what it is it also gives five multiple choice test questions that will help the student assess his or her understanding of the theorem the third prompt acting as a physics Professor clearly explained to me what Quantum Computing is explaining it like a seven-year-old to me so that I get an in-depth understanding of that concept Chachi PT starts with hey there let's talk about Quantum Computing in a way that a seven-year-old can understand imagine you have a special kind of computer that doesn't work like the regular ones you might have seen it's called a quantum computer chat EVT does a good job of keeping the concept simple and easily understandable with some careful prompting chat GPT can be used as a Persona can be asked to act as a travel guide in this case a potential prompt would be I will be traveling to Istanbul can you suggest historical places and museums to visit act as a stand-up comedian a prompt could be give me some topics related to current events and use your wit creativity and observational skills to create a routine based on those topics act as a motivational coach The Prompt could be to give me a list of goals and challenges for a weight trainer including positive affirmations helpful advice as well as suggesting activities I can do to reach my end goal of putting on 10 pounds of muscle act as a virtual personal assistant and drive some letters from me act as a language translator translate this document from English to Spanish act as a financial advisor generate a budget plan for me act as a personal chef suggest a healthy meal plan for the month that includes meals that have fewer than 500 calories prompts are truly the building blocks of chat GPT I have included an Excel spreadsheet with the course that breaks down the best prompts to use in a whole host of situations these should be able to help you in a multitude of ways all right a chat GPT extension refers to additional functionality or capabilities that can be added to the core chat GPT model certain extensions can enhance chat gpt's abilities and allow it to perform specific tasks or provide specialized knowledge extensions can be designed to provide domain-specific expertise or perform specific functions for example an extension could be created to enable chat GPT to answer questions about specific Fields like medicine law or Finance these extensions would provide the model with the necessary knowledge and vocabulary to generate more accurate and relevant responses in those domains it's important to note that while extensions can enhance the capabilities of chatgpt they are separate modules that work alongside the core model they are built on top of the core architecture to provide specialized functionality and should be tailored to specific use cases or domains overall chat GPT extensions allow for the customization and expansion of the core chat GPT model enabling it to handle a wider range of tasks provide more accurate responses and offer specialized expertise in different domains or functionalities some extensions include chat GPT for Google Chat gbt for Google is a browser extension that enhances search engines with the power of chat GPT it works by showing chat GPT responses alongside normal search engine results currently chat GPT for Google supports Google Baidu Bing DuckDuckGo Brave Yahoo Naver Yandex among other search engines to download it go to https colon forward slash forward slash chatgpt the number four now if you Google something you will see a window on the right that contains the chat GPT answer to your question another extension is web chat GPT this augments a user's chat GPT prompts with relevant web search results through web browsing this free extension adds relevant web results to your chat GPT prompts for more accurate and up-to-date conversations talk very the talkberry extension enables you to control chat GPT with voice commands making it effortless to get help with writing projects to practice your conversational skills or simply chat with a friendly AI language model talk very extension is a great tool for language Learners as it can help them immerse themselves in the language they're trying to learn tweet GPT improve your social media game with tweet GPT a chat GPT plugin that uses the power of the AI chatbot tool to craft funnier Smart Gear more engaging or friendlier tweets and replies you can select the topic you want to post about your emotional tone and the language and chatgpt will do the rest you can even edit the message afterwards if you don't like some of its wording YouTube and article summary powered by chatgpt a free Chrome extension that lets you quickly access the summary of both the YouTube videos and web articles you're consuming you can use this extension to save time and learn quicker the Wolfram plugin makes chat CPT smarter by giving it access to powerful computation accurate math curated knowledge real-time data and visualization through Wolfram Alpha and Wolfram language delivers Broad and deep coverage from chemistry to geography astronomy to popular culture nutrition to engineering along with algorithmic code execution Chachi PT is working on its own set of plugins which could be considered the same as extensions as per open ai's website in line with our iterative deployment philosophy we are gradually rolling out plugins in chat GPT so we can study their real world use impact and safety and Alignment challenges all of which will have to get right in order to achieve our mission plug-in developers who have been invited off our waitlist can use our documentation to build a plugin for chat GPT which then lists the enable plugins in the prompt shown to the language model as well as documentation to instruct the model how to use each the first plugins have been created by Expedia fiscal note instacart kayak klarna Milo OpenTable Shopify slack speak wolfrang and zapier chatgpt extensions and plugins can add great additional functionality and or capabilities to chat GPT most are easily added through the browsers extension Library extensions and plugins are constantly being added so keep an eye out for them anyone using chat GPT for an extended period of time will have seen its propensity to provide inaccurate information while I used it in a pretty innocuous way to give me comparable titles for a novel being published in the summer of 2023 one lawyer found himself in serious legal Jeopardy when he used Chachi PT to write up a brief for a clients personal injury lawsuit against Avianca Airlines the generative AI system cited six non-existent Court decisions to back up the client's case the lawyer faced a June 8 2023 sanctions briefing before U.S District Judge all jokes about a personal injury lawyer injuring himself by using an AI chatbot to skirt his work aside this is a very real issue with Chachi PT it just makes stuff up when it wants to there's little Rhyme or Reason to what it is doing and that is something to keep in mind while using it so why is hallucination a problem well there's an erosion of trust when AI systems produce incorrect or misleading information users may lose trust in the technology hampering its adoption across various sectors ethical concerns hallucinated outputs can potentially perpetuate harmful stereotypes or misinformation making AI systems ethically problematic an impact on decision making AI systems are increasingly used to inform critical decisions in fields such as Finance health care and law hallucinations can lead to poor choices with serious consequences legal implications inaccurate or misleading outputs May expose AI developers and users to potential legal liabilities addressing AI hallucination there are various ways these models can be improved to reduce hallucinations including improved training data ensuring that AI systems are trained on diverse accurate and contextually relevant data sets can help minimize the occurrence of hallucinations red teaming AI developers can simulate adversarial scenarios to test the AI system's vulnerability to hallucinations and iteratively improve the model transparency and explainability providing users with information on how the AI model works and its limitations can help them understand when to trust the system and when to seek additional verification human in the loop incorporating human reviewers to validate the AI system's outputs can mitigate the impact of hallucinations and improve the overall reliability of the technology like most new technology Chachi PT's accuracy will improve over time however part of the problem and challenge with chatgpt is that it's only as good as the data set it is trained on the internet contains billions of web pages filled with information of all kinds much of it good some of it falls some of it outright bad some outdated some conflicting with other more reputable sources the ability for anyone to create a web page for little to no money means the internet is filled with content containing differing opinions some of which are completely inaccurate chatgpt must sort through all of this information and determine sources credible from those that are unreliable it needs to understand which facts are worth repeating compared to those that should be suppressed for example if you were to search the internet to determine if the moon landing was real or the Earth was flat you would discover a wide range of answers even if the consensus is man really landed on the moon and the world is indeed round but the internet is filled with conspiracy theories that suck up a lot of oxygen and muddy the factual message when you're asking Chachi PT for particular answers just remember the training set from which it came now we'll run through some chat GPT examples click on the first example on the top right explain Quantum Computing in simple terms hit enter now it gives a five paragraph answer if we want to regenerate a response just click right here and at this point it gives you your two options up here and it also asks you whether the response was better or worse we'll say it was the same if you wanted to continue writing just click on the first option and here you also have the option to clarify and it's breaking it down into nice little sections let's say we want to provide some examples of this and now it will give us some examples we also have the option to expand explain let's do a rewrite and here it is giving a Rewritten version now let's ask it to shorten it so we can put it on a website and not have it explained so deeply and the last would be to make a tweet out of something and it here it can add some images as well and it includes a nice little hashtag thank you all for joining me on this chat GPT Journey as I said at the beginning calling it the best AI chat bot ever released as the New York Times Did probably doesn't do it justice it might technically be called a chat bot but it is far from what one would consider a typical chat bot this is a constantly evolving technology so do keep that in mind while you're using it the openai website is a good place to go to keep up with the latest developments and thank you for joining me in the course if you're not a subscriber click down below to subscribe so you get notified about similar videos we upload to get the files the instructor used in this tutorial and follow along click over there and click over there to watch more videos on YouTube from Simon says it
Channel: Simon Sez IT
Views: 10,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, what is chat gpt, chat gpt tutorial, chat gpt how to use, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, tutorial chatgpt, chatgpt demo, prompt, artificial intelligence, chat gpt prompts, chatgpt prompts, chatgpt 4, what is chatgpt, prompt engineering, chatgpt plus, ai, generative ai, chatgpt prompt engineering, prompts chatgpt, prompts, open ai, chatgpt hallucination, ai automation, ai tools, how to get better results using chatgpt, openai
Id: 8hHk-Te09aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 48sec (3708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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