ChatGPT Tutorial: How to Use Chat GPT For AWS Cloud Beginners

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel this is hambu from cloud Tech today I will talk about One open AI like chat GPT how we can use chargpt and why I came this today's topic because I thought like before going to that how we can integrate charging between AWS I have a plan to give that session I thought like before giving that session let's give you like how we can create a charge but how can we can use basically chargeability and if you would like to integrate charging it with any any Cloud platform or any any programming language like Java python or C plus whatever language you would like to integrate right then what we need we need open API key basically then how we can create those key from where we can get those key I will show you those all the details in this today's session and any professional language like not any professional language like I mean to say like either you are a developer or you are a QA or you are a manager or your school student whatever position you are everyone can use this charge GPT to solve their problem so let's go to how we can sign up first so if you try to sign up then this page will come will come back then you have to give the email address and there could be multiple options like continue with Google or Microsoft or apple this is the sign up page will come then you have to give your name date of birth and what the account name you would like to specify right then next page will come please enter your mobile number then it will send some code to your mobile number for the verification purpose basically it's a multi-factor authentication you can say and before giving you the code is this AI platform will give you some project so you have to answer that how puzzle looks like it will be looks like that how the in which direction hand is there right in same direction by clicking this left and right arrow you have to move this uh this animal accordingly to this left side picture if this how the direction here is right so this finger Direction this animal head or Mount should be in the same direction something like that we have to do here and then once you complete this verifications like it you are not a robot kind of thing right to test that one on once you pass this one then you will receive the code to your mobile number then you have to enter that code to this here the six digit code you will get then once you enter then you will be in the home page of the charging Beauty okay guys so let me show you that in a browser how it is so let's go to the browser so I have already logged in here so before login let me show you that so this is the sign up page will come it will look like this and here if you have already account then you can log in directly or if you want to sign up I will show you that all the slide right if you click here then one by one slide whatever I have stored in there all it will come here one by one okay guys so since I have already created account let's go to the account and let's show you how we can use it okay so once you logged into this charge EBT so this is the place you will see here and there are two version one is the charge if it's 3.5 and charge everybody four so charge ability for it's like many uh other features of functionality is there but you have to pay for that but I would request like if you are in the learner by using then better use the charge charge if it 3.5 until an unrest you have like a heavy type requirement then only go here like if you have requirement then definitely go charge you put it for others for your basic need I by using 3.5 you can do everything here so once you logged in you will come here then you can by default it will be select if you select this one then you have to upgrade your plan and the charges will be monthly twenty dollar so accordingly you have to pay okay only that difference is here like you can compare both the plan what is the difference here okay guys and let's go to here now let's use charge 53 so one more thing I would say here like let me show you that this is the if you want to create suppose integrate to your any like programming language right then what you have to go you have to come here API reference or document those products you have to come and there you have to go to that in my next subsequent video I will show you like how we can integrate this charge if you hit AWS okay guys AWS Lambda or any service how we can integrate okay that I will show you and here you can create if you click on manage account and here you can see organization ID is there and if you go to here API key right here we can see my I have already created one API key if you would like to create new you can create new also want to edit you can edit also okay guys so this is how we get cleared so let me show you if you just click here create then if you give the key name suppose test I am giving okay then it will generate the key and that key we have to save then again it will give you the password so budget it will now this month this points would be like this and next submit now again these animal points will be in this direction now submit you are done okay so now you will get the code this is the code you can get it and we can copy this code and we can use for our any programming language to integration and player or in Cloud okay so this is how it created and if you want to delete it just simply delete this one remove okay guys so this is how we can create a key now let's go to the charge Equity how we can use it that's the very exciting thing right nowadays like we used to search in Google whatever problem we are facing right okay I I want to do this thing that that or maybe some programming authentication issue is coming then we used to search in Google and we used to get the response right but if you charge if you also we can it will be very like a structure format it will give the response let me show you very first example like AWS [Music] and for history zinc python hey guys so I am giving like this okay let's see what the answer is sure we can help you see it started this is the Lambda function Lambda Handler and then it started recording and then you can read that full structure code it is given actually if you see right then you can utilize this code and accordingly you can change your Source bucket distance and bucket and sports key and bucket of name this all thing you just change and just run this program then you will be good now let's type how to write the Lambda function foreign it started giving that to all the requirement is going to one by one is giving steps test your function everything is written how to test also it is written see if you go here little up log into AWS Management console then open Lambda service then create a function then configure the function fill the function detail function will go on all this thing and then configure trigger then function code that Lambda function whatever code you have get here right that code you can copy paste here and you can run also or if you want to see like who's ahead of this yes anything you can see now see it started coming now answer is create a parameter converter stream string SSM and then and then Python Programming also is given everything is given right or suppose you are a school to the student or you want to write some email to your manager or you are a profession suppose you want to write email leave application okay how to type and enter now it is giving for you all the structure format that email how you can write the email very interesting so it is giving oh and then just you feel that your name and your job title and your contact information best regard and then here subject is also given your name you can give and your respective to whom you are going to write in the email you can give the email something like that or if you want new chat like each and every search you want to save one one chat history right then you can click on new chat then here you can write Who is the foreign CEO of an Accenture okay let's see what it is current CEO of the Accenture see here it is given who is the current CEO Judy sweet is the current CEO so it's giving and if you want one more new and how to apply AWS jobs something like that it will come visit the Google carrier oh my God it's coming everything this is everything will come and if you want who who like who is written any books like uh anything like let me give you like one more example latest news right when India probably into wind see India one is giving let's see chandraj and three any news is there or not let's try but this is very recent right few days back let's see uh there is some limitation also now see for most current and accurate inference I about this Mission I recommend a visit the official website yeah so there is a it's not like that everything can be possible see just few days back right we launch India launch that's 2003 yeah the Nissan right and we successfully launched we are very proud of that right but that information is not there when it is launched right but challenge them one in provinces uh have this charged right so there are some limitation also it's not like that every up-to-date data will be here uh but yeah it will give you at least some point of some limit data will be there maybe uh in that charge gbt for uh maybe that will be have more recent data also but in that free version this kind of limitation also there okay so India third low information however the exact launch date of the channel they had not been confirmed at this time see but it is we are already in the mood right okay and if you want you can like also dislike also if you want dislike you can say dislike you can give your review this is not helpful something like that you can give then it will give you something like and if you feel like some some is a like then you can give the like also and you can simply something like that okay guys I hope you guys clearly understood how we can use the charge gbt in in our like chargeability is like a like AI tool right basically behind the skin AI is basically filtering all your need it's giving to you right but one good thing is like it's a very structure for me right we saw right the program language all right it's very structural format it is given so that's really benefited an email address if you want to like write some email also that also giving very structure for me so that is very good right it's completely like coloring all this thing like it's very nice look also right I hope this session will helpful to you guys I will see you in my next video regarding how we can integrate shared GPT with AWS Lambda okay guys see you in my next video bye and if you like this session then I will request you guys please do like and subscribe my channel that will really Inspire to me to create this kind of uh new videos okay guys hello bye
Channel: CloudTech AWS & Azure & GCP for Everyone 🤝
Views: 277
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Keywords: how to use chatgpt, chatgpt how to use, what is chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt trading, chatgpt, chatgpt 4, how to use chatgpt 4 for free, prompt engineering chatgpt, chatgpt prompt engineering, what is chatgpt and how to use it, chatgpt code interpreter, chatgpt full course, how chatgpt works, make money with chatgpt, how to earn money from chatgpt, ai chatgpt, aws chatgpt, GPT3, OpenAI GPT3
Id: LbjI3axlvEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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