How to Use ChatGPT - Beginner's Guide

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chatgpt is one of the fastest growing platforms and Technologies of all time and I wanted to show you exactly what it is and exactly how to use it in this video now if you ask Chad GPT what it is it's going to tell you that it's artificial intelligent power chatbot what does that mean exactly well it's a chat bot just like a text messaging platform where you could ask a question and it would respond in chat format but unlike Google it actually doesn't have current access to the internet it's not searching the web and delivering a result is using AI or artificial intelligence to actually create an original response to your question now chat GPT was created by this company openai back in 2017 and openai was founded and currently led by CEO Sam Altman now it has other co-founders as well and one of the more notable co-founders back in 2015 is Elon Musk and he also has very significant banking from Microsoft in November 30th 2022 Chad GPT released their third version called Chad gpt3 and in just five days from launch he reached a million daily users and just a month from that point it reached 100 million active users making it the fastest growing platform out there and just 12 months into it it is estimated that it's going to reach a billion users now the way chat GPT works is it was basically trained by a massive data set they gave it a whole bunch of data and its purpose is to take that data and actually give you human-like responses to lots of different questions you could ask it so you could use the prompt box to ask it a question and it's going to use chat format to respond to you now again unlike Google is not searching the internet and finding something someone else wrote is giving you original responses based on the train that is gone through now Chad GPT could be used for a variety of different personal and business tasks so for example you could help you write content or write the content for you it could come up with an entire marketing plan for your business for your personal life it could come up with short stories or poetry you could also write computer code if you're a computer programmer it could translate languages you could write research paper summarize books movies and articles so let's jump in here I want to show you exactly how to use it and I'll show you some really Advanced options too towards the end of the video now to get started you could go to and you need to create an account and verify that account and that helps reduce spam but there is no app right now for iPhone or Android devices this is just on a computer or mobile website so don't try to download any type of app there's some copycats but they are not chat GPT now Chad GPT is also completely free to use they actually really don't have a paid program right now even though there are some talks of a paid version the pro version of it coming in the near future right now is completely free to use now when you log in you'll see a box now this is a place where you could type in your chat or your prompt so here you could ask it a question for example now keep in mind chat GPT doesn't have access to the internet it was trained based on a data set so some things that are more recent or are happening right now it is not going to know about that information because the data set was from a previous year so make sure if you're asking a current information keep that in mind it's not accessing the internet and pulling up new data so one of the things I actually asked Chad GPT was what are some of the most popular use cases for using chat GPT and he gave me a list of 10 that I'll put on the screen here but a lot of people use it for customer service as a chat bot they use it as a virtual assistants other companies could actually build applications on top of this using their API basically they give access to their internal code and other companies could build entire apps using the technology that Chad GPT has now for personal use cases you could also do a lot of different things it could recap entire books or movies for you it could write an entire email for your personal email or make your existing email even better it could extend or expand text so any text that you wrote in previously you could give it to it and you could ask it to expand it for you you could ask it for recommendations for a ton of different activities even travel destination exactly how to put a whole trip together you could even ask it to create a personal budget for you that you could customize now if you get stuck you're not sure exactly what prompt to give it to get a good response after you try for a while there are now entire marketplaces for example prompt base is an entire marketplace where people could buy and sell prompts to basically save them money to get the desired outcome out of chat GPT so for example if you're using this as a marketing tool there's an all-in-one marketing prompt package here available to you if you're trying to build an audience if you're trying to post on LinkedIn as a writing assistant as a personal coach all these different prompts are available you could help it write you an email for example or write the intro to your article you can see there's a whole bunch of them here that you could go ahead and buy from other users or you could sell your own prompts as you find things that are working for you now open AI is currently training chat gpt4 the next evolution in chat GPT and the data set behind chat gpt4 is supposed to be massive way way bigger than the data set that trained Chad gpt3 so stay tuned for that and if you have any questions about AI let me know in the comment section and I hope you found this useful see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 107,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, chat GPT, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, chatgpt tutorial, how to use chatgpt, chat gpt how to use, how to use chat gpt, what is chatgpt, chat gpt explained, chat gpt tutorial, chatgpt explained, chatgpt examples, what is chat gpt, artificial intelligence, prompt engineering, chatgpt tutorial for beginners, chat gpt tutorial for beginners, Tutorial chatgpt
Id: Vayo2RSwcRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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