ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners - How to Start Using It in 6 min [2023]

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chat GPT generative pre-trained Transformer or I prefer to call it a great powerful tool it's a chat bot that answers pretty much anything that you want to know in a human-like format let's translate what is this instead of searching for information in Google like you used to do and you open a bunch of links and you have to scroll to that website you have to skip and Dodge ads so try to find what you need and then it's a long text because it was made to rank and you have to read read waste time and try to find that piece of information that you need with chat GPT you're gonna get that much faster okay so you ask something to the chat and it answers you pretty much like a dialogue with a person it's not perfect yet but it's very very good it's impressive and it's one of the most advanced AI tools available to the public let's take a look and guys by the way as far as I know there is no official app you do not download this from the Apple Store okay just go on your Google Chrome on your browser and type the URL that I'm giving Below on the description but alright let's just read some of the things that are going on on the screen here first the tool gives us a couple examples that we can use we can ask Quantum Computing simple terms explain a concept or you get any creative ideas for a 10 year old birthday or how do I make a JavaScript request which is like coding capabilities remembered whatever was said in an earlier conversation so you ask and then you can ask a follow-up question which is very impressive because in Google when you don't find something that you're looking for in the website now you need to use the search now you need to go back to the search engine and you have to search again there is no continuation okay so here this is great also the two is trained to decline some inappropriate requests and there are a couple limitations here you may occasionally generate incorrect information this is funny it may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content so in case it does for you just ignore it and it has limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021 okay but let's dive in okay so first let's click on the example here explain Quantum Computing in simple terms and we click here so as you can see this is my question and now the two chatbot is responding to us all right I'm not going to go ahead and read all this but you can see it's a pretty good explanation here okay I skipped to the end now if you're not happy with the answer you can say to regenerate the response and then it's going to try again in other terms for you so now you can see here that we have two of two or we can click and we go back to the prior answer and you can give a feedback to the two saying if it was good or if this was bad but let's hop into some of our own examples let's say here explain for me the reasons behind electric cars okay so now it starts spitting out the answer here there are several reasons why electric cars are becoming more popular environmental benefits cost Effectiveness energy Independence quiet operation performance and then overall electric cars offer a more sustainable and cost effective alternative to traditional gasoline cars which makes them appealing choice for many customers you can see it's a pretty nice answer you shouldn't take this copy and paste and try to produce content it serves as a foundation for you to produce content much faster and there's so many other business ideas that you can leverage this tool for but let's try to follow up and ask something else here so I'm asking a top three benefits of this so again you can see here it's repeating I skipped to the end and let's say I'm not happy so I can say give me three different reasons to buy okay so now I fix the question so give me three different reasons to buy it lower operation costs it doesn't require gasoline have a few moving parts that's good improve your quality and potential for government incentives so you see it follow up on my initial subject and gives us good answers imagine how much time I'm saving if I need to ask 10 follow-up questions instead of going through Google and trying to find that there so let's check one more example I'm asking here tell me the history of Tesla so now it's going to produce probably a nice bit of text here about the story so let's just fast forward this okay so we came to the end of the story and let's start a new chat as you can see each topic each thread it save is here so you can go back to it but let me ask something else to the two okay so we're asking here five ideas of low-cost trip around the world backpacking house sitting work exchange pretty good volunteer work yeah that can get you for three many places and a road trip so now check this out I just requested an outline of an article with the same subject but in bullet points and is creating for me the outline of the article like amazing the introduction the body and the conclusion now let's follow up again now I just asked the complete article so let's see what it's going to create okay it gave us a pretty basic or repeated answer but I can say okay I'm asking it now to expand in the article so let's see wow now look into this it made us a very decent extra amount of text that has quality here I'm not going to read everything but the one last thing so I'm asking for an attractive headline but with 160 characters short so look five budget friendly ways to explore the world from backpack into volunteer find your perfect Adventure alright guys this is it for this video I wanted to keep it short but I think now you know a little bit about chat GPT and you can go there and play around with the two then come back here post your comments and let me know what did you create okay thanks for watching see you on the next video bye
Channel: Cris Weiser
Views: 14,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt, chatgpt crash code, chat gpt tutorial, chat gpt crash course, tutorial chatgpt, ai, openai, tutorial, how to use chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, how to chat gpt
Id: tQIw8y0kujc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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