ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: LEVEL UP Your Skills!

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today I want to show you a few prompts I have been using for a while but I have not shared with anyone yet so all of today's prompts are gonna be based around how you can improve your skills and learn faster they have the audiobook prompt that easily turns your notes into voice and episodes on Spotify so you can listen to them on your phone and we take a look at the quiz prompt that I found great for learning about new topics and a few more I think are very helpful so let's just get started the first prompt we are going to take a look at is the audiobook prompt so here we're just going to start by asking chat GPT about the topic and here we can do it without a read context that's up to you and then we just go what should I start learning about from the topic and topic equals and here's going to be our topic of course and when we get that response back you're so great I want you to write a concise audiobook summary with the most important things to know about your topic of course then we're gonna take that text run it in 11 labs to get our voice I'm gonna show you all of this then we're gonna go on to a free platform that's called anchor FM and upload our MP3 and then that gets uploaded to Spotify so we can just use our phone to listen to that for free so let's just head over to chatgpt and execute those steps so the first thing I'm just gonna do here is just go hello let's talk about machine learning what should I start learning about from topics so our topic is machine learning just click submit so as you can see here we get some suggestions of topics to get us started so we have the fundamentals of machine learning supervised learning unsupervised learning deep learning and some model evaluation and optimization I decided I want to know more about deep learning so then I just go great I want you to write as concise audiobook summary the most important things to know about topics so topic equals deep learning click submit yeah and here we have a concise summary of deep learning so what I want to do now is just copy all of this and then we head over to 11 labs in the speech synthetics window so you can just paste your text here and we gotta find a voice we want to use for our text so let's just have a listen here not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our you cannot find yourself by going into the past you can find yourself by coming into the present well begun is half done so I think I'm gonna go with Bella here I kind of like that one now it's just click on generate deep learning is a type of machine learning that involves training neural networks with multiple layers to learn from vast amounts of data it has been successfully applied in various Fields including computer vision speech recognition natural language processing and Robotics yeah I'm happy with that so now I can just click download here and this will be saved to an MP3 file so now let's head over to Anchor dot fm so here over at if you don't have an account of course you will have to sign up but when you have signed up it's very easy you just have to create your podcast of course and then it's just click new episode create an episode just click browse and pick your MP3 file deep learning okay good so upload that deep learning is a type of machine it's the one then it's just click save changes and we gotta give an episode a name so deep learning notes just go my deep learning notes and then it's just gonna hit publish now episode published great and you can click on your own episodes here you can see I did some yesterday so now I have three different kind of notes here and let's just head over to Spotify on my iPhone and see if we can find them and here they are on my phone so let's have a quick listen images of deep learning are its ability to automatically learn features from the data and its scalability so I think this works kind of good if you just want to learn something on the train or on the go if you're out walking just listen to your notes and maybe you can learn something that way so I think this is a great feature the next prompt I wanted to show you is the quiz prompt so here we again we're just going to ask about a topic so we can give context we cannot give context in this case I'm going to give context and then we can just go what should I start learning about topic if you want to go that that is great can you give me a multiple choice quiz about topic one question at a time and don't show the answer and then you can just go if you don't know it give me a hint just go your with your answer and when you're finished just go next quiz please so let's head over to chatibility and test this out and here I just go hello following is the text in curly brackets I want to learn about just respond with dot dot dot if you have read the text and then I just go text equals so I actually want to learn about the zombie fungi that inspired the last of us let's just let me just copy all of this article here and then I just go back to chat jpt paste it in here behind text and just click submit so we get I have read the text so that's good now we can move on to our next step and then I just go can you give me a multiple choice quiz about the text in curly brackets only one and one question at a time and don't show the answer sure here is your first multiple choice question so let's try that in what way is cordyceps portrait in the TV show The Last of Us as an orange tendril fungus as a fungus second Incorrect and control humans turning into mindless monsters yeah isn't it that I think so so I'm gonna go with B but before we go with B let's just do give me a hint in the TV show The Last of Us cordyceps is responsible for the apocalypse okay I'm still gonna go with B so I'll go with B that's correct nice and then we can just go next uh quiz please here is your next question what are some purported benefits of consuming cordyceps I have no idea so let's just go give me a hint cordyceps is considered a tonic food and herbal medicine in East Asian cultures okay that's interesting so I'm gonna go with B again I'll go with B that's correct quarter steps has been considered autonic food and herbal medicine is you have Purpose with energy increasing and Immunity boosting and anti-inflammatory effects who would I know so I think this is kind of funny because you can make this into like a family game about some topic that maybe there are no quizzes about like this fungus from The Last of Us so yeah I kind of like this prompt and it's really funny so this could be like a family thing or like something you do with friends the next prompt maybe you have already tested but I found this very helpful so that is explaining Advanced concept easy so we're just gonna start with asking chat GPT about an advanced subject maybe and then we're gonna explain the concept with analogies or a metaphor so I really like that and we have seen this popular explaining to like a fifth grader or High School student I also like layman terms so and finally we're just gonna great write a note in a format so I can copy them I kind of like this if you haven't tested this so I'm going to show you that so let's just go back here I just want to start with hello I want you to talk about deep neural networks what is a deep neural network and what does it do so here we get uh Kano it was not that advanced answer but it's kind of technical so we want to make this a bit easier and then I just go explain the concept with an analogy foreign okay so here we get sure I can try to explain the concept of deep neural network with with an analogy think of a deep neural network as a team of detectives who are trying to solve a complex case each detective represents a neuron in a network and they work together in a series of layers to analyze and process the evidence in the first layer the detective receives the raw data like fingerprints Footprints and witness statements they each analyze the different aspects of the data and pass their findings to the next layer of detectives so in the second layer they take the results from the first layer and look for patterns and connections between the pieces of evidence yeah and as the data moves through more layers the detectives become more specialized in their analysis you get the point this can be a very helpful way to understand more advanced concepts now let's try to explain it like to a fifth grader or in layman's terms so I'll explain the concept to a fifth grader so let's have a look here you can give the Box some pictures or words and we'll try to figure out what those pictures and word means box has a lot of layers inside it like a cake each layer does a different job but looking at the color of the picture or the shape of the letters yeah this is good so the more layers the Box had the better you can figure out what pictures or words means it's like I have a big team of detectives who all work together to solve a mystery that's why we call it a deep neural network okay so that was not bad I kind of like that so you probably have been using this kind of prompts if you have been on track GPD for a while still every time I use it I'm kind of fascinated by easy it is to understand advanced concepts so the final prompt I wanted to show you is the advanced notes prompt so here we're just gonna ask for Coppell text into chat GPT like we did before and then I just want you to write an advanced concise notes in a structured format with a space between each note from the text that is optimized from learning great write the notes in a windowed format so I can copy them so let's head over to chapter T and I can show you how this works so here I also want to just go hello following is the text I want to learn about just respond with DOT if you have read the text text equals so let's just grab that fungus article again just copy that paste it in here and hit submit I have read the text great now we can move on to the next step and that is going to be great I want you to write Advanced concise notes in a structured format with space in pain that's optimized for learning okay foreign yes these are some great notes actually I read over this and these are just perfect so that's basically everything we need to know about the cordyceps from that article and then I just go great write the notes with a space between them in a windowed format so I can copy them okay great so now we have our notes here now we can just click copy code right go to let's say our notepad just paste it in here so let's take a quick look here so we have cordyceps cannot infect humans or cause a zombie apocalypse edible and used medically for thousands of years so we got some good notes here from our article so this is just a nice way to get it in copy but of course you can just copy all of these two right if you really need to but I like to use this I think it's quite good but anyway I think that was it I hope this video gave you some inspiration and if you want to use the prompts I use in this video sign up for my newsletter down below and you will get a free pdf with over 20 chat GPT prompts also if you want to dive deeper into prompt engineering and generative AI check out my membership below where we have over 35 members only videos now I think and also don't forget to check out this video here I think if you like this one you will also like that and as always have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 45,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt examples, chatgpt explained, generative ai, chatbot tutorial, prompt engineering, prompt crafting, productivity
Id: O52nKYk0lbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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