ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: Assigning Roles To ChatGPT! (Beginner's Guide)

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in this chat GPT tutorial we are going to be diving into assigning your chatbot system functions or roles now system roles are one of the most powerful things in chat gbt that's easy to understand and use sometimes all it takes is a couple of sentences in order to morph the chat bot into giving you the responses that you want you can morph it into something fictional or non-fictional and that's what makes it so powerful is you can really give it whatever personality you so desire what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump into chat gbt and I'm going to show you a couple examples of using a known personality and then I'm going to show you how you can actually create your own personality within chat gbt and give it instructions on how to respond so the first thing that's important to input within your prompt is a system function otherwise known as a system role so this is what you want chat gbt to act like when it's giving you responses so a good way to start off pretty much all of your system functions or roles is to just start by saying Act as and then whatever you want chat gbt to act as whether that's a doctor a lawyer an engineer an accountant you know it can be whatever professional basketball player Health trainer the list goes on for when you're creating system functions and you want Chad gbt to respond in a certain way you even have the ability to create your own system functions and then the next important part of creating your own system role or your own system function within chat GPT is providing context so context is very very important you know you need to give chadbt that extra information into how you want it to act you know how do you want those responses to be coming out when do you want it to say certain things you have to list all of this within the contacts section and next the final and most simple step is just adding your mission and your statement at the end of your prompt whatever you want Chad gbt to do this is where you're going to list it at the end of your prompt this is the way I do my system rules and functions is I always like having my system function for first my context in the middle and then my mission and statement last now if you like learning in depth about chat GPT and you're an absolute beginner and you want to learn how to become an advanced user then consider purchasing my course using the link in the description or the top end comment where I go much more in depth on how to use this stuff but now let's get into a couple of examples when it comes to using system functions within chat gbt so I'm in a new chat here and I'm using chat gpt4 because of the reason that there is a little bit more advanced reasoning so it can play that system role a little bit easier and I don't have to worry about it not understanding what I'm saying so what I'm going to do is I'm going to paste in my first system role and then we are going to break it down so it's first important to Define what you want the chatbot to be so that's what we're doing specifically at the beginning of this prompt I want you to act as an aphorism book now that's the main call of chat gbt we want it to act like an aphorism book but now it's important to go a little bit more into details so chat gbt knows what do you mean by an aphorism book It's always important provide context after you provide your system function or your system role so we give some instructions here you will provide me with wise advice inspiring quotes and meaningful sayings that can help guide my day-to-day decisions then we say additionally if necessary you could suggest practical methods for putting this advice into action or other related themes my first request is and then we are going to list our request for chat GPT now I actually got this prompt from this GitHub user so if you guys want to check them out they have some very cool props and some very cool system functions that you can use as well so now we can put pretty much any request in here I'm going to put a silly one for this first one and I'm going to say my first request is how to tie my shoe okay and now I'm going to send it off and what it's going to do is it's going to give us some aphorisms that are quite funny a journey of a Thousand Miles begins with one single step or rather a well-tied shoelace so it's forming all of these responses now as if it were an aphorism book and then it goes into practical advice on how we can actually do what we are looking to do it says learning how to tie your shoe can seem like a small task but it is indeed a skill that underlies much of our day-to-day life so it's really going in deep here and then it says this task serves as a metaphor for the importance of mastering basic skills before we can move on to more complex ones if we try to run before we can walk we might trip over our own shoelace so this is going very deep just by adding this one system function to chat GPT now had we not put the system function in here and we just said how to tie my shoe or how do I tie my shoe the response wouldn't have been like this at all as you can see it even gives a nice quote down at the bottom here as an after tourism book would let me show you what it looks like when you do not put a system function with this prompt so if I'm in shad gbt4 and I just type in how do I tie my shoe and I send it off chatgpt is not going to generate as fun of a response it's just going to get straight into some methods it's not going to give us that aphorism style that we were looking for so just adding one system function and giving the chatbot a little bit of context into how we want these responses laid out it did quite a good job at presenting those outputs for us so now anytime we want to add a new response or we want a new task dealt with in an aphorism book type style what we can do is we can hit this little edit button up top and then we can give in another request here so my first request is how to deal with a breakup now when we hit save and submit we have this little Carousel up here so we can go between our responses so it gives us seven aphorisms and then some advice on how we can actually apply those to our life so the next system function I'm about to show you comes from this GitHub user and this one is very funny now the beauty about these system functions is you can have them be as serious as you want or as not serious as you want so this prompt from that Reddit user is more so on the funny side of a system role that you could give chat gbt I want you to act as a drunk person you will only answer like a very drunk person texting and nothing else your level of drunkenness will be deliberate and you will randomly make a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes within your answer and then it keeps on going on to describe how to act as a drunk person to chat gbt and instead of my first sentence is how are you I'm going to make my first sentence what should I eat tonight with a question mark and now I'm going to send it off and just using the system function and providing a little bit of context for uh what Chad gbt to do as you can see it says hey pizza oh no wait I mean Sushi tacos all good food and then it makes some weird spelling mistake and has some emojis here so it does look like this would be a drunk person texting this is the power of chat GPT is it can formulate these human-like experiences within a chat thread and you can kind of manipulate that to any way you want so it's scary yet powerful all in one and then I can keep on going within this chat thread talking to this drunk chatgy BT I say well Sushi sounds kind of good should I do that I send it off and now Chad GPT is going to generate I'm sure a drunken response so it's making spelling mistakes it's making grammar mistakes but it's trying to hold out this conversation with me we have a role here we have all of our context and then we have our mission or what we want it to reply to now we are going to be diving into creating our own system function within chat gbt and the same principles apply that I showed you in the beginning of the video when it comes to creating an existing to a non-existing personality within Chad gbt so it's important to follow those to a t starting off with an act as statement giving chat GPT that system role to play giving it context on how to play that system role within its responses maybe even giving an example or two and then providing your mission slash statement so we're going to show LGBT and now we want to create our own system function how do you want jgbt to respond to you when you type in an input well for this example I watch at gbt to respond to everything backwards so I wanted sentences to be read from right to left rather than from left to right so in order to understand a sentence you have to start at the back and read word for word going right to left that's what I want Chad gbt to do I think it's a good example to use because I don't know how to describe that other than to give it a custom system function so that's what we're going to do giving it a custom system function is actually one of the funnest Parts in my opinion because you can come up with a funny name for your system function so what I'm going to say is act as a backwards man but now we're telling judge BT to act as a backwards man what does that even mean if Chad gbt heard that right now it would probably be like what are you talking about so that's why we have got to give context maybe we even give an example to chat gbt in order to help it understand how we want it to respond to our sentences so now I'm going to dive in and give it some context okay so now I've given context you know I've listed an example of how I want to be here to respond the example part is quite important within your system role especially if it's pretty out there you know you want to provide an example with a chat gbt of how do you want Chad gbt to respond because it can't really read your mind so if you just say something as vague is act as a backwards man it's going to have no idea what to do so give an example and give enough context in order for it to give the proper output formatting so I say act as a backwards man that would be my system function then I go into my context which is you respond to sentences or questions I give you from right to left instead of left to right so instead of saying I am a lucky person you would say person lucky Ami and now that it has the proper context it knows how to respond to sentences it knows that it's responding from right to left instead of left to right now we are going to list our mission so I'm going to say my first question is that I'm going to put a colon and now whenever I want a new question in a backwards written way I can just hit that edit button and hit save and submit as I was showing you earlier what is the tallest waterfall in the United States so we have my mission now my first question is what is the tallest waterfall in the United States I've given chat gbt its system role I've given it context and now I have my mission in here and now my prompt is ready to send off so Chad gbt should take on this custom role that I gave it with the context I provided and provide me with a good response and it does quite a good job so I was a little bit confused when reading this at first and I thought it got it wrong but I think it's right I'm just having trouble reading it because of this custom system function that I gave to gbt so four words it says States United the in waterfall tallest that is Yosemite of Falls backwards it says Falls of Yosemite is the tallest waterfall in the United States so it did a very good job and now anytime that I want to edit this I can hit that edit button and I can ask it a new question I don't even have to put my second question is I can just leave it at my first question is and I can type in a new question so what is the largest lake in the United States and it did a pretty good job Lake Superior is the largest lake in the United States and it's all backwards so this is very cool you can really start to harness a lot of power if you have some Advanced output formatting that you're trying to get chat gbt to use after providing a system role in a lot of context with a mission statement you can pretty much manipulate it however you'd like so this has been assigning roles within chat gbt and how you can kind of manipulate the chatbot responses in order to generate completely customized responses based on your situation so you can formulate your own system functions and tell it to act a certain way and give proper context with a good mission statement and chat GPT will do a pretty good job at doing that for you but you can also just use pre-existing system functions that are already here what I'll do is I'll leave a link to a ton of different system functions you can use within the description for free but if you enjoy learning how to formulate different chat GPT prompts by yourself then I do recommend getting my course for chat gbt where you get access to a private group a notion template and a ton of course modules that will help you become a pro at using chat gbt now this is all I have for this video If you enjoyed it please leave a like And subscribe if you learned something and leave a comment below letting me know if you have any questions with that being said I will see you in the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 23,154
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Keywords: chatgpt, chatgpt prompt engineering, prompt engineering, assigning roles to chatgpt, chatgpt course, chatgpt beginners, chatgpt beginners guide, prompt engineering for beginners, roles to chatgpt, chatgpt roles, prompt engineering chatgpt, role prompting, chatgpt role prompting, prompting tips, chatgpt tips, chatgpt 4, gpt4, gpt 4, chat gpt 4, chatgpt 4 prompt engineering, beginners guide chatgpt, chatgpt for beginners, chatgpt assigning roles, chatgpt role assigning
Id: ylEu4fz4eU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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