ChatGPT Private Mode: AI Ideation with Knowledge Graphs | InfraNodus

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hello everyone in this video I'm going to show  you how you can use Chat GPT in a private mode   which can be very useful if you want to analyze  your own personal notes ideas or some documents   that you don't want to upload to ChatGPT and make  them available for the training algorithms we'll   be using an app that I created called InfraNodus  which is a visual AI text analysis tool and   actually the graph will be very helpful in keeping  our data private because the way that InfraNodus   works is that it visualizes your ideas or text  as a graph shows all the connections between them   identifies clusters of ideas that belong together  these are the main topics in your text and then   it finds the gaps between those clusters and feeds  those gaps into ChatGPT to generate some insights   for you so you don't have to feed your original  text into it but rather a processed version and   This Way Chad PT doesn't really get a very clear  idea of your original text so it can can be very   useful for analyzing your information and also  running it in a private mode where you don't want   to reveal your data keep watching if you want to  learn how it works so first of all normally what   I would do if I want to analyze something using  chat GPT I would have to go to chat GPT and then   upload my documents so for example these two notes  which I took with auter AI and I would ask it tell   me what's missing so there are some problems  here already for me one problem is that I'm   uploading those documents there and they will  be part of chpt training data I think this is   in their terms and conditions unless you're using  their their API like if you upload the files like   that they will use them in trainings and I don't  like this because these are my personal ideas and   thoughts and then when I start chatting with those  documents even though it can do a pretty good job   in summarizing ideas it's not so good when when um  when I want to see what the gaps are between those   ideas I have to read a lot like it just says like  okay this is what this note is about this is what   that note about and imagine what happens when I  have 10 notes so I will have to chat with it so   long that it will be much easier for me to read  all these transcripts of my notes and get the   ideas myself so this is where infr noes becomes  very helpful because what we can do here is go   in a private mode so you open open the menu on in  InfraNodus create a new private graph give it a   name so for example I will call it InfraNodus  otter private and when I do this through this   interface here it's going to open a new dialogue  where I can add new files so here I'm going to   upload um some of my auor notes and very important  at this stage choose this option do not save graph   what happens here is that InfraNodus is not going  to save anything in the database our scripts are   just going to process your data and give you back  the graph as the final result nothing saved so if   you do any operations on the graph you will not  see them it's kind of like private and Cognito   mode but this way you ensure that your data is  not even stored with us even though it would   still be safe because we would not be using them  in trainings they would just be used to show you   data so in any case here is a visualization of all  of my I think it's the notes that I took over the   last week I was thinking about two new projects  also some new ideas about infr so I just want   to kind of summarize my thinking process I will  make another video where I talk more about this   approach of analyzing your own ideas but here  I just wanted to show you how we're going to   use Chat GPT to derive some interesting insights  from it so first of all when I look at the graph   because it was voice notes I was using words like  kind and thing a lot so I'm selecting those words   and I will hide them from the graph because I want  to see what is around them and I can also do this   if I go to the analytics panel on the right main  ideas so it's available here if you don't see it   in your infernal interface and then I select  I see the most influential Concepts I see that   kind and thing are influential but I'm not really  interested in them so I click reveal underlying   ideas or I hide them from the graph it's going  to do the same thing and what infus does is that   it erases those two concepts from the graph and  visualizes a Knowledge Graph without those two   ideas and the way that the knowledge graph works  is that the more important ideas are shown bigger   on the graph so I was talking about time a lot  and making some games and interesting stories   but also starting with the questions so maybe a  description of some kind of process so these words   were quite important to the discourse and they're  all shown here in the most influential Concepts   and then here I have main topical clusters and by  the way nothing is saved now you're only operating   with what you're seeing on the screen so there is  no record of this anywhere at the moment except   for your browser session computer and that's it if  you close this tab everything disappears so that's   great if you don't want to share your data with  anyone now we will be using a little bit of AI to   generate some insights from this graph first  of all we look at the main topics and we can   see what they're about kind of but if you don't  have time to do the interpret ation yourself we   have a very nice button here called reveal high  level ideas and what it does is that it sends   it to gp4 those clusters there's actually more  of them if you click here so you can see what   those clusters are about so there is a very big  cluster on data visualization um I was talking   a lot about this in my notes time fractals code  making and relationships in game or how you create   games what's really interesting here is that we  didn't send this whole text to chat GPT and to   the underlying AI to generate those insights we  just used the special network analysis algorithm   to identify those clusters and we are asking to  summarize what those clusters are about by just   sending the keywords so your original data did  not travel in this case to Chad GPT which is   really useful so this feature you can use without  being worried that something is going to be sent   to chpt then the next interesting thing that  you can do so for example this gives me like   a clear idea of what those notes are about I  can also click here see some more topics design   interaction pattern difference so I remember  okay it was about game design fractals and   time and how time can be represented through the  framework of fractals also writing some code and   visualizing ideas okay this gives gives me a  really good reminder of what it's about I can   zoom into a certain topic so for example I can  go to let's say time fractals and then I can see   all the statements where I'm talking about time  fractals or I can also open this topic up and see   like okay what have I been saying about fractal  periods okay there are same seven statements let's   see fractal system and period okay so this is a  note where I'm talking about looking at natural   systems and see how the fractal representation  allows us to understand that it's an adaptable   entity that it's resilient to external influence  so that reminds me the context of my thoughts if   I want to get into it and I don't need to feed it  to the AI and tell it okay generate some summary   for me you can do that actually if you click here  summarize visible it's going to send it to AI but   I don't want it to be part of their training  I think because we do it through their API I   think it's in their terms and conditions that they  don't use this for training purposes you have to   verify this I cannot guarantee their terms for  them but I think this is a way to kind of work   around Char PT cuz Char PT is using your input for  training purposes but if you use an app which uses   API then it doesn't use it so this is another  way to kind of like circumvent it okay then you   don't have to do the also no no need to summarize  just select some words and read what you've been   writing about it's much more efficient and you  get a direct representation of your thought in   this case Okay so if we analyze a few topics like  that for example look at some other ones like here   and I see some interesting ideas like what have I  been saying about database algorithms for instance   click here and then I see that okay you right  into this database this was actually thinking   about this private mode and how to make sure  that no user data is saved on our server so this   reminds me about another idea and then I think  I was connecting it to the idea of visualizing   data so for example I can even see if there's any  connection between database and visualize okay   let's see oh yeah visualization of the data but  without representing it in the database so there I   show you how I can explore the ideas I'm not using  AI at this point except for creating the names for   these main topics now the most interesting part  comes here we go into blind spots and then if we   click on highlight in the network so let me just  reset all the filters then I click highlight and   network and then I reiterate through the gaps and  what happens here is that infus finds the clusters   of ideas that are existing in this graph but  that are not well connected and you can reiterate   through them by clicking show another Gap so  for example here I have a very interesting gap   between design interaction and pattern difference  so some kind of differences that you can identify   in patterns of data and interaction and design  so maybe uix stuff and I can click here to see   see which notes are relating to those two topics  directly so I'm not sending again anything to ey   I'm just using the knowledge graph to explore my  own thoughts okay so here I've been talking about um how we can see fractals everywhere  in nature this I remember now from   reading this text and then another one  is how it's personal no so it's pretty oh yeah so it's kind of like how you can develop  new ideas when you're just programming stuff and   from um the knowledge that you get from language  so you see this these two topics they seem to be   unrelated because and that's what the graph shows  also you see that there was a one context where I   was talking about how you can see different  patterns in nature another one very specific   about how I was talking about getting inspired  by your programming work and maybe also from the   technical um work that you're performing or  how you work in the team so I can think of a   connection between those two topics or I can send  this Gap to Ai and what happens here is that it's   just going to send those two clusters of words  toi not the whole statements and not the whole   text it's not going to send everything that  I generated so so far to the GPT 4 AI instead   it's just going to choose this Gap and then it's  going to send it here and then it will generate   some questions and here for example I can see how  can the physical design of an interface affect the   user ability to learn the relationship between  mean and difference in repeating pattern on   larger scale okay let's see what other questions  are there and then I'm going to choose one what   is the difference between the mean scale of a  big pattern changes so this is kind of like the   mathematical representation of change and how  how does the design of space affect the pattern   and mean of physical changes we F in a body over  time I think I like this one so as you can see   some of them are not so well formed and this is  because we're not feeding the whole data but just   the Clusters so you will have to rephrase them a  little bit but at least two out of three times you   will get to some really good results like here  how can design of space affect the pattern and   mean of physical changes we feel in our body over  time great so how can design of space affect the   pattern this I'm going to remove of the physical  changes we feel in our body over time I would   actually copy and paste this question into my  personal notes because I really like this idea   of thinking how I can design a space that will um  affect people's feelings it's something I didn't   think of about I think I was thinking more about  the uxix that will affect people's feeling so this   is also interesting for me I think I will kind  of go into like an interface space let's make it   really strange and then I'm going to take that  question that I collaboratively generated with   the AI and I'm going to feed it back into the  AI so I click elaborate there and then um here   I can add some statement or like a note what I  want to do with that statement I'm just going to   keep this default one elaborate on this statement  and then it's going to send this question that   the AI generated back to AI to come up with some  interesting ideas so for example here it says the   design of an interface space can directly affect  our physical responses by determining ergonomic   factors and using interaction duration which  over time shapes patterns of physical change   in our body which makes me think now about this  project that I'm working on and how in fact now   I'm making something that can visualize a  certain Dynamics in time and then feedback   not only visual representation but also sound  some kind of like a electronic drum machine   let's say based on natural Dynamics but I was  thinking about implementing user feedback into   it so we detect how they move and this in turn  affects the image and the sound and then it kind   of gets in a loop where both the software and the  human are influencing each other so it reminds me   about this very important idea and thinking more  about like how I can also take it into the space   of ergonomics which could be very interesting  for this idea economically right so as you can   see what I'm doing is that I'm not expecting  the readymade answers or questions from AI I'm   just feeding the data getting some results back I  think about them and my only intention here is is   to find the new connections I haven't thought of  before so that I can connect my ideas together in   a much more interesting way I can generate more  responses design of an interface impacts how we   interact with it shaping our movement and posture  these alterations in physical activity could then   use bodily changes over time perhaps leading  to improved agility or even potential strain   injuries so this is interesting because it kind of  says that it can improve agility but also create   injuries and that makes me think also how does  our body hold ourselves when we work with tools   and interfaces and it's quite interesting because  most of the time people are quite stiff so when   I'm thinking about developing a certain interface  like this new electronic drum machine that I'm   working on which would work from the screen I want  to also incorporate this idea that that the body   the way that the body interacts with it should  make it move also that you're not stuck in front   of the computer but that you're actually actively  physically engaged with it so I think this will   also be a pretty interesting approach and then  once I generated a few of those questions of   course I can write them down um because remember  this graph is not going to be saved so if I save   notes it's not going to be kept there right so  this is very important I should probably open my   own text editor on my own computer and save all  these ideas I'm recording this video so I don't   have to do it because I can always come back  to them but to you I would recommend if you're   working in this private mode to actually use like  a notepad on your computer and then I can generate   more responses more ideas even ask the system to  elaborate on them by clicking this button again   I can also write critique this statement this  is a very nice approach and you see we generate   all this data all these ideas without feeding our  original text to the AI we're just using the graph   to derive the most important elements keeping them  also General enough which is really suitable for   when you want to generate your ideas because we're  also not priming the ey with our own thoughts but   rather just kind of going through um the different  combinations of Concepts and trying to use thei to   generate some interesting ideas in relation to  them okay so for example here it's talking about   psychological effects so this is great because we  we talked about physiological effects now we talk   about psychological effects great challenges me  even more and makes me think about implementing   some of those ideas into the tool that I'm  working on and once you're done with this   then you can ask it to show another Gap and so on  once you reiterate through everything reset the   highlight and then use this um sort of approach  which I showed like in the previous videos that   you can actually slice up the layers from the  top of the graph and reveal what's underneath   so once you explored a certain idea just slice off  a few layers by using this button here or just by   selecting the nodes and hiding them from the graph  and then it will regenerate some more ideas for   you here and you will get deeper and deeper into  the subject and move away from the topics that you   already know to the more specific ones that maybe  you were not aware of so here for instance music   composition great this is a very good one because  I remember I was talking to myself about this   making mental node and it reminds me and here I'm  going to click on tension because it's interesting   in the context of music and frequency and see in  which context I use those two words you see when   I click on a word it shows me in which context  I used it so I was using it with the word music   harmony so yeah tension and harmony for instance  I have three statements that contain this I can   further reduce it by also choosing another word  and then I say okay so we let's see about let's   talk about music harmony mathematics and scales  and how Harmony works mathematically great this   reminds me also another idea which I had and by  by the way here's a special trick so for example   imagine you select some ideas about music harmony  and uh writing music on the one side of the graph   also a very good way to generate a new idea is to  choose some other part of the graph at the same   time so for example body movement and feel you  see it's on a completely opposite end so you're   generating the Gap yourself now then when you go  into AI insights all these words are selected you   go into GPT for chat mode click this button and  then it's going to generate an idea for you that   would try to connect those ideas those Concepts  together so for example here it says the tension   and Harmony in R music and evoke a unique body  movement fostering a profound sense of physical   appreciation and emotional feel great so the  connection between the music and how we move   when we dance to it this is very good I should  integrate it into the project I'm working on   then the intension and Harmony found in R music  and transparent expressive body movement creating   unique sensory experience of feeling the notes  great which makes me also think about how I'm   going to describe this project to the public I'm  kind of sad now I cannot save all these ideas into   the notes but luckily I'm recording this video so  this is why when you work on this using your own   files when you have the private mode graph not  saved just use a text editor but if you don't   mind saving your notes on our servers you can  also do that because you can always then erase   the graph so once you worked with it just erase  it and there will be no trace of it left anywhere   because we don't store your data and we don't copy  them into some other repository to then train them   or something so it will really stay private  and this is a great way to work with your own   thoughts because I know the feeling that you you  don't want to upload them anywhere but you still   want to use the AI to generate something from  them so this can be an interesting way and I   hope you enjoyed this presentation try it out with  your own notes and ideas using InfraNodus.Com and   if you have any questions or comments please  leave them in the comments to the video below   and also subscribe to this channel so you can get  informed about the new videos as they come out and   it's Merry Christmas today so I wish this to you  and thank you very much for your attention. Bye
Channel: Nodus Labs
Views: 3,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, gpt, ai, infranodus, infonodus, chat gpt, privacy, ideation, brainstorming, thinking tools, knowledge graphs, pkms
Id: oX2L1nuW4Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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