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all right guys so today we're going to show  you how to set up a spreadsheet in order to   create content bulk create content in you know  under an hour um so we're going to be using   a chat cpta API and an extension in Google  Sheets so we'll show you how to do that here   so the first thing is I've got a spreadsheet  here which is set up to create a blog long   video script short video script and an Instagram  post so what we're going to do the first thing is   is we need to set up our utility API um account  so you're going to go to API and that's   going to bring you here click get started and  it will bring you into here if you don't have an   account go ahead and create one and when you log  in you will come into a page that looks like this   and in the top right you will click view API  keys and whenever you create a new one it'll   allow you to grab that and copy and paste and  paste so the next step is go ahead and paste   that in your notes somewhere in terms of what  your API key is and save that for the next step   so now that you have that done you're going to  want to add this GPT for sheets and docs into   um into your extensions so under extensions  go to add-ons manage add-ons and you're going   to search GPT for sheets and Docs and when you  click that it's going to have you install it so   I already have this installed but you're going to  go ahead and install this and then once complete   that'll pop up here under your extensions so  once we have this what we're going to do the   very first thing we need to do is set our API key  so from that first step that we went and created   our API key we're just going to go ahead and set  our API key so if you already have one set it's   going to show you that one's been set but you'll  paste your API key here hit check and then you'll   save once you have that saved you're going to  come back into extensions at the top here GPT   for sheets and docs and you will hit enable GPT  functions so once we enable that it's going to   give you an okay we're all set to go and what we  can do now is set up our formulas so under blog   what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit equals  GPT and that's going to give me this formula so   the very first thing we need to do is insert  a prompt so you can do this for any business   um I'll specifically do this for solar  businesses because that is the most of   our audience but you can do this for just  about any business so for the prompt what   we want to do is insert quotations and then  type you know a prompt create a 600 word detail and search post out and then we'll close those quotations comma  and we're going to reference a value so the value   we're going to reference here is our topic and  we'll reference that first one and then the next   one it gives you here is the temperature so  I like to it's either zero or one or if you   leave it blank it's going to default to zero  so I like to put one this makes the outputs   um unique and creative so and then the  next thing we'll want to do is put our Max   tokens to four thousand and then  we can close quotes and we have our   um it'll it'll say loading since we don't  have a topic here nothing's going to load   but we will complete this for each of  our things here so we'll create a prompt um as descriptive as you can be in these prompts  the better right with the research style and   educational and just use some words that let them  know um you know kind of what what you want out   of it right and so we'll reference the topic again  temperature to 1 Max tokens to four thousand close   quote we're gonna do this and again just repeat  this for each step make sure you use the quote um some some topics right so maybe you want  to create them one by one you can put a lot   of detail into it so the topic that you're  feeding into it is really gonna you know   determine the output so as much detail as you  can give it but one way to do this quickly   this will come over to chat  GPT and just say please right 15 vlog 15 topics that would  interest a homeowner to Church all right so here are some blog topics for you  it's going to spit out 15 of these we're going   to take these copy and paste them to your  notes um because if you paste it straight   into the spreadsheet it's going to give  you a black background so I pasted into   Apple notes and then I'm going to take those  and I'm going to come over to our spreadsheet   and I'm just going to paste  all those blog topics and let's open this up so you guys can see this all right  but basically what you're going to get is it's   going to start spitting these out now you don't  want to overload the API because it will spit out   errors and you're going to get a you know a couple  errors I suggest doing about 15 of them at a time   um especially with the blogs now with like these   um with these like shorter form posts you can  go ahead and you know just Hammer these out   it shouldn't have any issues doing that with the  short form video script same thing you can kind of   count on that it's not going to produce too too  many errors doing it that way um but with these   longer form videos and the blogs you're gonna  you know when you do them make sure nothing   else is running and make sure you just do one of  those columns at a time try not to do you know   more than 15 or 20 of them at a time but after  they're done with the 15 or 20 go in get 15 more   topics and you can create hundreds and hundreds  of pieces of content in under an hour right   um so really really cool stuff you can go in and  so just to give you an example we're going to copy   let's do this so we're gonna copy and let's paste  this values only in order to see the whole thing   so it is you know giving you a short form script  a person sitting on their couch onto their phone   walk outside let's see is this one any good  shot shot of solar panels on the roof shining   brightly so it's giving you you know a nice  little short form video that you can you   know put together or at least some ideas  that you can utilize to put that together   um so let's go ahead it went ahead and created  all those I'm just gonna do some formatting   stuff here to make it easier for you guys to see  but you should get the point you know at this at   this point like this is how you can create tons  and tons of content ideas and or you know I mean   pretty much done content for you right so let's  go ahead and we'll drag all 15 of these blog posts   down and then we'll wait for those to complete  and do the same for long form video script so   that's it guys um I will attach a you know just  kind of a template to the spreadsheet below with   a little bit of info in terms of directions and  stuff in case you need to see that again but   um great tool here create tons of content  blog content for your website you can even   use in the prompt you know create a 600  word detailed research style blog post   um optimized for SEO keyword and then give them  a keyword and make 15 posts you know optimized   one keyword 15 posts for the next keyword and you  can really pump out some content to put on your   website and help optimize some organic traffic as  well so that along with you know other organic if   you want of the hardest things about it is just  create you know thinking of the ideas to create   um you know putting that all on paper  pre-producing it and then obviously you   know you got to get out there and do it but  having all of this together gives you tons of   you know content if you go out for a day just to  mess around with and and put out organically and   see what works for you so you can do this for  any kind of post you know really anything at   all that you might need to you know bulk create  like this you can use the GPT function thanks
Channel: SMB Operators Only
Views: 28,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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