ChatGPT Will TRANSFORM How You Learn to Code

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if you're learning to code and you're not using chat GPT you are missing out it's revolutionizing everything and if you're not using it to your advantage you're going to be like somebody in the early 20th century when cars were being mass-produced looking at their horse and being like no I'm going to stick with this I think this is the way to go now I'm personally such a big fan of it that I use it to help do background research for this video it helped to edit this video and even what you're looking at right here is actually an AI robot [Laughter] I'm totally kidding I'm not an AI robot but in this video actually I'm going to show you six ways that you can use chat GPT to help you to learn to code a lot faster so that you're picking up things more quickly and making that progress that you want to make now for those of you living under a rock chat gbt is an AI chatbot developed by open Ai and it's consumed massive volumes of information and so you can give it commands you can ask it questions and it will take all the information and try to use that to come up with very intelligent answers I could do some insane things like it can take an essay you've written and summarize it down you can take an email that somebody sent you and create an automatic reply on that it can also do things like tell jokes like Jerry Seinfeld so I was thinking the other day you know what's the worst thing about being stuck in traffic it's not the traffic it's the people I mean have you ever been in a traffic jam and looked around and thought wow these people really know how to drive it's pretty nuts and by the way in this video I'm going to show you real examples of interacting with chat sheep BT so if you want to sign up for a free account and follow along go to so let's get in the first way that you can use chat GPT you know when you're learning from a course or a book and you run into a concept that doesn't quite make sense so maybe even go to YouTube you start reading some articles about it but no matter how you try to Rack your brain it just doesn't quite click what would be really nice is if you could just have a friend who you could call and say can you explain this concept in simple terms well guess what chat GPT can be that friend for you say you're learning JavaScript and you run into this weird idea called scope well you could turn to your friend chatgpt and see if it can give you a better explanation than you've been given so far so maybe you'd ask it something like this can you explain how scope Works in JavaScript scope refers to the visibility and accessibility of variables functions and objects in some particular part of your code during runtime JavaScript has two types of scope Global and local a variable defined outside of any function has Global scope which means it can be accessed by any other code in the program include functions now this is a pretty good explanation it's just very technical looks like something you'd see in documentation we want something that's a little bit more down on our level so that's really cool though about chat GPT is we can actually tell to bring it more down to our level so we're going to rephrase our original question it's going to be a little bit interesting so what we're going to say to it is you are a professor at a college and you're speaking to freshman computer science students explain to them in the most simple terms possible about how scope Works in JavaScript use at least two code examples to help illustrate your points scope in JavaScript is like a set of rules that tell the computer where I can find a certain variable or function think of it like a school where different classrooms have different rules in one classroom let's call it the global classroom all the students can access all the materials this is similar to Global scope in JavaScript where a variable declared outside of a function can be accessed by any part of the code now this is probably more what you're looking for something that's less Technical and is using examples now you can keep going down the rabbit hole you can keep asking the same questions and ask it for different explanations but overall hopefully you can start to see that this is the type of thing that can really help you out the next thing we'll address here is confusion when reading code so you know how maybe you are reading through some code you understand all the syntax of it but it just doesn't make sense you can't quite follow what's going on for example here's some code that a client of mine was working on that he didn't quite really understand what's going on so he didn't ask me about it as you can see the tutorial he was working I was giving him some code about how to calculate grades when an array is passed into this function the ideal situation here would be you could just call up your Mentor your friend and they can kind of break things down and help you get through it or you'd have to develop the really powerful AI that could explain what's going on here oh my gosh that already exists yes it does chat GPT can help you to really explain what is going on with your code all you have to do is give it a command say explain what this code is doing provide the code and what's really cool here is you can see it comes up with eight bullet points explaining what each line of code is doing and this type of commentary is very helpful so it can help you just kind of slowly break things down which is exactly what a friend or a mentor can do the next thing you're going to struggle with is where to find the best information for learning to code so we can turn to chat GPT here oh wow it's saying that Andy sterk was the only source of information on programming you'll ever need so I guess that means you better go down below smash that subscribe button because then you'll never miss when I put out a new video now speaking of my videos if you've ever watched them before you know I'm always harping that you all build projects you cannot become a developer just by learning theory by reading through some books you actually have to go and build out a portfolio the problem is many of you guys are reaching out and saying I'm not really sure what the build what what types of projects should I build I don't know I don't have any ideas right well guess what chat can help you with that you can literally go there right now and ask it something like what are some simple coding projects I can build in JavaScript now these are some solid answers but as you can see here we really want to utilize its built-in Powers a little bit better by being even more specific so what I recommend here is let's ask it what are 10 simple projects I can build using HTML CSS and JavaScript that would be good for a brand new programmer but also say this say please include a one to two sentence description of each project this is more of what we're looking for first of all it's 10 excellent recommendations but for each project it gives us a brief description on what it needs to do so that's awesome now you can just pick one from this list you can build all ten but when you're ready to step up to maybe a more advanced project you can use chat GPT as well so you could go there and say can you give me an example of a Capstone project to build in JavaScript please describe the different features I should build into it as well and here you go I love this this is a perfect example of how it can give you a really good project idea and they can even tell you exact features that you need to build in here right this is perfect so you can see you can use it for easy intermediate and advanced projects now another problem you're going to have as a new programmer is you never know if the code you wrote is good bad or somewhere in between basically you want some sort of feedback and this is exactly what chat GPT can do so let's say I wrote this code here that pulls out even numbers from an array and prints it to the console you can literally just paste that into chat GPT and before you do make sure to say how would you improve this code I absolutely love this response because what you can see here is that it's telling us that you can use the filter method so maybe if you've never heard of filter methods it's something you can think about which makes it more readable it talks about using the let versus the VAR keyword because you want to limit the scope of the variable I just love everything about this and the other key thing here is it gives you disclaimer that it's really impossible to give somebody feedback on what is the best code or how to improve it without knowing the bigger context very important to know chat GPT is not going to give you the best code it's just going to give you what it thinks can be helpful so to always take that with a grain of salt now what's really cool with this is I actually plugged in one of my clients applications so she wrote a vowel counter which means that you can plug in some text it will tell you how many vowels that you have I just took the the Javascript file and I plugged in there and it was really cool because it actually recommended that she combine two of her functions into one which shows that chat GPT is not just rudimentary it can actually analyze things which is really impressive in my opinion now really important about this you don't even have to take the feedback it's giving you but just getting a different perspective on things or a different way to write some code that that you wrote is massively helpful and something that you just can't really get from Google or any other place the next thing I'm going to show you actually really shocked me when I was first playing around with chat GPT so you know how like I always say build projects so you get really excited you're gonna go build that to-do app but you open up your code editor and you just see that blank screen and nothing comes right you don't even know how to proceed forward on a simple project like a to-do app well chat GPT can actually help you with this without kind of giving away the farm without actually writing the code for you so let's talk about an example here so you could just go to chat GPT you could say how do I go about creating a simple to-do app in HTML CSS and JavaScript you can see here it almost creates a list of tasks that you can go through one by one this is very similar to what I would even call like pseudo coding it out it can kind of say like okay here's step one here's step two and here's step three this explanation it gives in my opinion is a perfect nudge for it because it's not giving you any code to write and it's really showing you how a real developer actually goes about writing code which is first you think of the idea of what you want to do app you think of what it needs to do and then you just create a list of tasks which I call small chunking you create small little tasks you work on one by one starting with the simplest thing so well yes some people say like oh it's giving away the problem solving processors making too easy you can use this when you're literally stuck you don't know how to proceed use something like this to help you move forward so you're not stuck now the last thing we're going to cover here is in my opinion the most powerful way that you can use chat GPT to learn to code as you're writing code and creating things you're going to get stuck basically you're going to write some code that you know should produce a specific outcome but when you go ahead and run it it's just not working so you look through your code you try rewriting it for whatever reason it's just not working this is a very frustrating experience let's actually take a real world example of see something that happens with a lot of new programmers here you can see a function that takes two numbers as an arguments and it will basically tell you whether or not those two numbers added together makes the number 10. now as you can see here I made a small rookie mistake right if you look really closely at it maybe you do maybe you don't so it returns false no matter matter what even if the two numbers equal ten now as an experienced developer I can clearly see what the problem with this code is but if you're new I'm telling you a lot of you guys will get stumped with this sort of thing when you're new so if you end up getting stuck for 20 or 30 minutes the question is always should you move on should you just stay stuck with it well guess what you can actually just ask chat CPT and say why isn't my code working as you can see there I made a small but Annoying mistake that plagues a lot of new developers so when you're comparing two things in JavaScript known as a quality comparison you need to use two equal signs and not one when you use a single equal sign that's an assignment operator and the logic for my function completely flip because of that now this aspect of chat GPT is an absolute God's not going to help you in really rough spots but I have to warn you you should use this with care getting stuck is actually the best thing that can ever happen to you because when you get stuck you're forced to really read through your code to understand the debugging process which is really like the process of elimination and it will really force you to build up the neural like Pathways in your brain to really understand how to read code there's no way around it so if the first instinct for you is you get stuck for five minutes I'm gonna go to chat GPT that's not good that will literally stunt your learning you will not grow what you should actually treat it more as is a only break this in case of emergency type thing where if you've been racking your brain for an hour hour and a half two hours you've tried everything and it doesn't make sense then go to chat GPT that's the best way to use it in my opinion now are you a self-taught developer looking to land your first job if you're looking for support and guidance throughout that process I have a mastermind program that you may be interested in I've helped a lot of my previous clients land jobs at places like Blue Cross Blue Shield Amazon L3 Harris if you're interested in potentially joining that program I will leave a link in the description below of how you can do that it will entail a call with me where I will assess where you're currently at if I can tell mentorship's a great fit we can get into it explain exactly how it works what the investment is and we can kind of go from there other than that thank you so much for watching and as always guys peace out
Channel: Andy Sterkowitz
Views: 66,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H1fBdboJeBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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