ChatGPT Explained in 5 Minutes - How to Start Using ChatGPT for Beginners - Introduction to Chat GPT

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Hello everyone,  This is a short video guide on how  to use Chat GPT as complete beginner. First, to access Chat GPT website, you  can type open AI dot com in your browser.   Open AI is the organization who created and  developed Chat GPT. Then click on chat GPT,   its location on the website keeps changing.  Or, you can type chat GPT directly  in your browser search bar,   such as google, and click on the first link. Now you are in the Chat GPT’s home page. After getting into the Chat GPT main  page, you have to create a new account.  Click on Sign up. Now you have the option to   create a new account using your email address. A phone number is required for verification. After your account has been created and verified,   just click on log in and enter  your email address and password. There is lots of usage pressure on  chat GPT, and you might see a message,   telling you that the chat GPT is at  full capacity right now, because there   are huge number of persons using chat GPT at the  moment, you have to wait a bit and try later on. After a successful login, you will be  directed into the Chat GPT’s main page. Now, the main purpose of the program is to answer   your questions, and provide solutions  for problems as close to a real human. After you created and login in, it is  finally the time to start using chat GPT. In the middle of the main page, you can see some   information about the platform. Such as  examples and some of its capabilities. At the button of the screen, you can see  a text bar. This is the main place where   you will start using chat GPT. Here you can type any question   you want. And expect a proper answer. Before that, you might to switch to the   dark color mode, if it is more convenient  to you. Just click on your profile name,   and select settings, then from the  theme menu select the desired color. Let’s type a simple question. Can you suggest for me some   healthy food to eat? By asking a question,   we entered into a new conversation with  Chat GPT, which will try to write an answer.  Please note that at the bottom of each answer,  there is a thumbs up and thumbs down buttons.   You can use those buttons to send feedback to  the system whether the answer is correct or not,   so in the future the system will use user’s  feedback to improve the accuracy of its answers. Now, if you are happy with the answer,  but didn’t like the overall style,   you can ask chat GPT to rephrase the answer  by clicking on the following button. The   system will produce you a similar answer  but with a different style and sentences. Moreover, since we are still  in the same conversation,   we can ask a follow up question, such as. Can you give me more suggestions?  The system will remember that we are  in the topic related to healthy food,   therefore it will continue answering  within the scope of the relevant subject.  You can start a new conversation topic by  clicking New Chat button at the top left.  Now, in the new conversation, let’s  ask the same follow up question.  As you can see the system doesn’t know  what we mean by: more suggestions,   because we are now in a completely new topic. We can go back to our previous conversation  about healthy foods from the history panel   on the left side, and continue our  questions related to healthy foods. That’s all for this video. As a beginner, we suggest that you try  some examples similar to what you have   learned in this video and get familiar with  the system. More advanced tutorials on the   way soon. Therefore, subscribe  and keep in touch. Bye for now.
Channel: MaxonShire
Views: 11,514
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Keywords: how to use ChatGPT, how to use Chat GPT, ChatGPT for beginners, Chat GPT for beginners, ChatGPT beginner guide, Chat GPT beginner guide, ChatGPT Features, ChatGPT tutorial, Chat GPT tutorial, how to start using ChatGPT, how to start using Chat GPT, ChatGPT basics, Chat GPT basics, Chat GPT, ChatGPT, ai, artificial intelligence, bot, chatbot, software, ai technology, technology, introduction to chatgpt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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