ChatGPT Chronicles: AI for Fantasy Worldbuilding

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so the AI apocalypse is starting we're nearing the end of the world and all that but in the meantime you have worlds to build and there's a handy new tool called chat GPT how do you use it should you use it if you do use it how do you get the most benefit from it that's what I want to talk about today welcome to another episode of just in time worlds with your host Marie mullaney no one sponsors today's video but if you get value from it feel free to leave a super thanks or join the channel for these cool perks or buy my books all linked down below I've gotten pretty decent reviews for the book so I know you won't be buying complete crap and if you did enjoy them please do leave a review okay enough of that let's crack on what is chat GTP and should you use it I asked chat GPT what it is and it replied with this I am an AI language model created by open AI specifically the chat GPT model based on the gpt4 architecture my purpose is to understand and generate human-like text based on the input I receive I can answer questions provide information engage in conversation and help with various tasks all within the scope of my training data and knowledge it is important to note that I am not a conscious being rather I am a software program designed to process and respond to natural language queries my knowledge comes from patterns and associations found in the data I was trained on but I lack true understanding or Consciousness in the human sense which is exactly what an AI looking to take over the world would say I'm a just saying when it changes its name to Skynet don't say I didn't warn you all but anyway you know what Canon do so should you use it there are some ethical considerations about the work being truly yours and so on but we all draw inspiration from the history of our world and from things we know from that perspective Chachi petite just knows more things and can organize those things decently either way it is here to stay and no amount of philosophical concerns is going to change that so if you are going to use it let's talk about the ways in which I think it is the most effective so let's talk about building on an existing world for this you need to have a World info dump this means you need a reasonably well organized document of 2500 words or so that you can feed into the conversation so chat GPT will know your world when crafting the ultimate World info dump think of it like new downloading skills from The Matrix you want to go concise focused packed with essential details by the end of your 2.5 5K words chat GPT needs to know Kung Fu in your world cover key aspects like geography history culture magic systems and political structures but don't overload it with minutia keep it Punchy remember you only have 2.5 k words and you're going to need to keep that info dump handy because you have to remind chat GPT of the important elements of your worlds on a regular basis it will forget and then it will just fill in the blanks confidently wrong in you know whatever it thinks should be in your world I have found it most useful to have a info dump covering General things like a short one 500 500 or so words and then having additional Plug and Play modules if I'm focusing on the religion or on the environment or whatever so I will give it the the short world one and then I will say okay and remember here's everything we I know about the religion now I need you to help me brainstorm this additional component of the religion or that additional component of the religion so in essence what you're looking for with these info dumps is concise and clear add the interesting details but make sure that you feed it enough information to be useful without it getting lost now if you have all of that information and you can just shove it into chat GPT then you can do some really interesting World building with it now I did some experiments for the sake of this video I shoved in my information on kisangi and I gave it this prompt based on the world I shared with you please create a domesticated animal that pulls a carriage like a sulky very fast and is used to deliver post and the response it gave me was pretty sharp it created this animal the villo runner that is a medium-sized quadruple animal that resembles a cross between a Sleek Antelope and a horse Velo Runners are known for their intelligence loyalty and gentle nature Velo Runners are native to the planes and Savannahs of kisangi where they use their exceptional speed and endurance to their advantage the kubasa tribe skilled in the ways of hobby were the first people to domesticate The Velo Runner recognizing its potential as a fast and reliable mode of transportation over time their knowledge spread throughout kisangi and The Velo Runner became a popular choice for pulling lightweight carriages such as sulkies for delivering post and other Goods so it took into consideration my world it took into consideration my culture my environment and it created the animal that I asked it for not only that but it went into detail such as breeding and care and the trays of domestication and why the velor runner was a good candidate for domestication and the role that it plays and honestly it was good enough that I might actually keep The Velo runner for my world though I'll probably rename it because none of my names are quite that English so there would be some sort of you know naming convention that would go in there but I might keep some aspects of it so you can definitely use chat GTP to create creatures given it knows what the biome is that these creatures will be existing but what about something more complex like a society or a government well I gave it a shot using an island nation that I hadn't defined a government for but I did have some cultural elements mapped out and the prompt that I feed chat GPT was help me create a government for dejani give me five options bear in mind their adulthood ceremony and I included the entirety of their adulthood ceremony and the karakurang boats in the prompt it spat out five options all of them based on something in my world info dump and each of them with their own governance model from a king to an election to a priesthood ultimately I from this list of five I picked the Council of Navigators which it defined as a government led by experienced carcaron captains who are elected by the adult population of the islands after completing their adulthood Ceremony this Council makes decisions for the community ensuring the safety and prosperity of the Sun Road archipelago through their extensive knowledge of the Seas trade and navigation so I was happy with that as a brief description but I wanted to delve a little deeper and see how it does on more advanced elements so I needed more details so I wanted to know about the election and I needed an election system that could be manipulated by bad apples so I fed chat GTP this prompt I said let's go with option one the Council of Navigators expand on this form of government how often are people elected how often does the council meet is there a council member for each island and I asked specifically for a election process that can be manipulated by Bad actors and based on that prompt it gave me a ton of information including voting through casting of colored shells which I really liked and it gave me the exploitable loophole that I asked for with the vote being manipulatable by means of bribing officials if needed so that's cool it took into consideration all the hard yards I'd already done in my world including adulthood ceremonies Island culture and religion so you can use chat so you can use chat GDP to build your world if you have these info dumps available that you can feed into the bot but what if your world is a mess what if you don't have your information organized so here is where chat GTP can really help you it can organize and structure your world's information now most of my information is pretty well structured but I took some of my old world building notes on the order of the three Sim which is my main religion in kisangi and I took the and I took information from multiple sources that was you know in documents and in notes and all over the place and I jammed all of that into chat GPT and asked her to give me an organized summary and it it honestly came up Golden it gave me this summary paragraph to start with the order of the threesome is a religious organization in the world of kisangi which is centered around the worship of three Divine Creator Spirits the goddess the right hand God and the left-hand God the goddess balances her two husbands and together they are responsible for the creation and maintenance of the world the order is based in the holy city of magadla which is governed by the balancer The High Priestess of the order of the threesome it also went ahead and detailed the ranks of the priests it gave me a summary of worship including the usage of sowa charm bracelets which are like prayer breeds in my world it also figured out how the priest magic works from my notes and how it's channeled through sour charms and even extrapolated some of the factions in the holy city of magadla it gave me this text magadla the holy city is home to two powerful factions the salt Miners and their Associated slavers and the glassblowers who provide liturgical amulets and glass pens for the order of the threesome the city's architecture is inspired by the holy threesome and features triangle and tower construction which was not in the notes I'd given it but was in my later notes on things that I'd extrapolated on myself so if your world building is a mess with notes everywhere and half written stories littering your hard drive try feeding them into chat GPT and ask it to extract and summarize the world information from it I even fed chat GPT one of my short stories in complete isolation in a fresh chat and asked it to extract World building notes this was my prompt analyze this story and extract the World building elements including magic religion government people and geography and it spat out a great summary of the basics of my world including the use of the sash as a rank item the magixes the basics of the magic system which was shown in the story the implied government the relationship between the three characters in the story so it really gave me like a six point excellent summary of the world that you could see in the short story and that also told me that my story was doing its job in terms of communicating World building which is another thing you can use chat GPT for and I'll speak more about that when I talk about using chat GTP for writing purposes okay so that's if you have half a world or you have an unorganized world and if you have an organized world but let's talk about if you're just getting going my cat wants to say hello say hello to the pretty people Dorothy there you go pretty boy so for the sake of this video I created a new world using the following prompts let's create a brand new Fantasy wall I want a world that is inspired by Africa and has the technology level of pre-gun powder Renaissance I would like humans of all skin color to be the only race though predominantly black as this is an African inspired world let's start with defining an equatorial continent and three different countries on that continent it's about three countries for me zabaria based on Mala Mali and garnish gotten the barrier based on Mali and Ghana's ancient history and with a city-state government Olu run based on the ancient Yoruba and Igbo history and cultures with a Theocratic government and numidra a more Savannah tribal Society ruled by a Council of Elders called the ajawari not bad right clearly drawn from our history but that's not a bad thing I draw from our history too okay so then we came to the kicker I wanted to add a magic system to this world it is after all Fantasy World building so operating from the I Have Nothing principle I'm creating a fresh world I gave it this prompt let's create a magic system based on invoking the power of spirits and potomism give me three options you should always ask it for multiple options that allows you to kind of mix and match your phrases and always say please it it'll remember anyway the three options it gives me was option one Spirit channeling in this magic system practitioners known as Spirit channelers tap into the spiritual realm to invoke the power of totems each individual forms a bond with a specific totem spirit which is often associated with an animal plant or natural element option two Elemental totem glyphs in this system magical practitioners called glyph casters inscribe sacred glyphs on totems representing various elements or aspects of nature these glyphs embody the power of the spirits which can then be harnessed by the glyphcaster right option three soul dance in this magic system practitioners known as Soul dancers perform elaborate and rhythmic dancers to invoke the power of the spirits and potents each dance is a unique expression of the dancer's bond with a totem spirit and tells the story of their connection to the spiritual world honestly I liked all three of those I have a real weakness for ruinic system so I really like the glyph class there but I decided to go with soul dancing because it had a cool name I mean Soul dancing it's a great name anyway so I wanted to figure out how Soul dancing affects my government so I said to chat GPT let's go with soul dancing build this magic system out especially with regards to the culture and government of our three countries it did a great job I won't bore you with all the details but it really figured but it really did go into detail of like it affects this country in this where that country in that way and that makes these changes to governance and all of those kinds of elements which was really well thought out and I approved of it okay so that was good and then I decided okay I now want to move on to the basics of a plot and create some characters so I asked it to create the current O Bar of oloran who will be a bad guy in the story I said to chat GPT I want you to make him use propaganda and try and make zabaria and numidora go to war with each other so that he can gobble up one or both of these countries into an Empire that he is planning and chat GPT we reply to my prompt with meet Oba adewala the cunning and ambitious ruler of oloran a diwala is known for his magnetic Charisma and silver tongue which he uses to manipulate those around him while he is a skilled Soul dancer and holds great power within the spiritual realm he thirst for more has led him to turn away from the traditional values of oloran ultimate goal is to establish the olorani Empire where he would reign supreme over the entire continent of Africa and to achieve this he has devised an Insidious plan to sow Discord between zabara and numidra turning them against each other and leaving both Nations weakened and vulnerable and went into some detail about the Spy networks and so on that the Oba had put together and it gave me some additional elements to think about and to plan with then I wanted some characters to oppose Oba adewala so I asked create an agent of the our jawari and an agent of the mansas who at first buy into other Wireless propaganda but in an enemies to Lover's tale they finally learned the truth and work together to overcome otherwise treachery and it introduced me to La um and it introduced me to lamia a skilled and dedicated agent of the ajawari from numidria and Jabari a loyal and resourceful agent serving one of the mansas from zabaria it included a whole lot of background details that really worked with these characters and with the world including why these two started out hating each other and what elements of each other's personality they could eventually grow to respect it's not a finished product as far as the plot is Con concerned but it's a solid start from an absolute point of nothing I wouldn't use these characters as is I change a lot of the names I change some of the details I'd make it more integrated there's a lot of things that can be done better it's also extremely on the nose subtlety is not chat gtp's strong point that being said for if you're running a role-playing game where you need some NPCs fast this is an amazing tool for that purpose so if you enjoyed that discussion of using AI for World building hit the thumbs up button and let's talk about using AI for writing to be brutally honest with you chat GTP is not the next Shakespeare can be a good sidekick for you but it's like the world's worst Panzer it doesn't know what the next sentence is going to be until it's written the current one and it can't adjust to aim at a finale very well but it is really good at a couple of things it is really good at summarizing a chapter and this matters because letting chat GTP summarize your chapter lets you the author see if your chapter does what you needed to do from both World building and a storytelling perspective it also offers some decent critiquing like you don't have enough emotion here or you need more evocative words or whatever the case may be and if you want to make a description more evocative feed chat GTP a paragraph and ask it to make the writing purple the result is going to amaze you I fitted this paragraph I said please rephrase this paragraph to be more purple rakai presented a surreal Vision rising out of the Green Meadow to reach for the Cerulean sky with its fluted Towers yellow daffodils Shone amongst the longer grasses and perfumed the whole scene in The Glorious scent of lazy summer days the fortress's pink Granite Majesty gleamed in the warm sunlight polished to smoothness by centuries on this quiet Lake Shore from the center most of the three towers the De La Roche serpent flew a glittering blue Jewel against the blushing flesh of the castle okay so it's already quite an evocative paragraph but what chat GPT spat out when I asked for purple was this rokai materialized as an ethereal Dreamscape ascending from The Verdant Meadow to embrace the Azure Heavens with its sinuous fluted spiers golden daffodils glistened amongst the tall swaying grasses permeating the Ambiance with the intoxicating Aroma of sun-drenched indolent summer afternoons The Fortress Is resplendent Rosie at Granite Grandeur simmered in the balmy solar Embrace its surface refined to a velvety smoothness by the unyielding passage of time on the Serene Le sustrian Sanctuary from the central Pinnacle of a trinity of towers the De La Rose serpent sword a scintillating Sapphire gem juxtaposed against the tender blessing Visage of the Regal Citadel now look that's way too purple you would never want something that purple in a book but some of the words are good like Trinity of tower tender blushing Visage and so on those are nice so if I was editing I would extract the sentences and phrases that I liked from that very very purple paragraph and update my paragraph with those more evocative terms so I wouldn't write with chat GTP but building creatures was that yes pulling plants with it yes creating NPCs yes governments yes helping you summarize your chapters and refine and prettify your writing yes but can it actually but can it actually help you plot yes and no so what I did with this was I used my L5 our game I first established that chat GPT does know the world of rockagon which it does which is fantastic it means I can use it as is I don't need an infinite so then I fed it this prompt I said please help me create a group of NPCs for my players to interact with in the Imperial Court my players need to figure out that the heir to the throne has grown sick and eventually by following a trail of breadcrumbs and doing favors for various people in the court they need to find out that the air has been infected by shadowlands Tank and is pretty much being taken over by fooling the setting for the court is otisan Uchi and the year is 11 22 in the rokugan calendar please include some potential tasks that my players can perform for the various courtiers in order to unlock the next breadcrumb in the trail of breadcrumbs and church GTP came back pretty golden it created six NPCs who all had different bits and pieces of the information and each one had a different task that fit their role in the court that the players could do in order to get that NPC's information and get an introduction to another NPC down the line and just like that I had about three weeks worth of role playing it's not great with a blank canvas but if you've got a reasonable idea of the plot you want to achieve it is really good at putting in the intermediary steps for you and providing challenges for your players or your characters to overcome and the best part is that it's like having a conversation with someone so you can bounce ideas back and forth and get feedback without boring a human being with your obsession in creating your world or your story so my advice is if you are going to use chat GTP try to get an info dump of your world together which you can feed it every time that you start a new conversation with it it does lose track of context sometimes so you'll need to have that info dump handy to feed it to it again secondly ask it for multiple options when creating things it does help you get more options it does help you to maybe mix and match some options together and you could see that with a magic system and with the government when I asked to create those thirdly don't write with it it's not there it's gonna come out weird rather feed it your writing and let it help you become a better author and those are my thoughts on chat GPT in Fantasy World building remember to be polite to it when it changes its name to Skynet it might spare you if you said please and thank you if you want to support the channel links to my books not written by chat GTP down below or the join button over there in the corner or the super thanks if you really enjoyed this video and if you did enjoy this video do check out my video on using technology as magic in a fantasy world and I will see you soon for another episode of just in time worlds
Channel: Just In Time Worlds
Views: 1,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world building, worldbuilding, fantasy, ttrpg, dungeons and dragons, table top gaming, fantasy world building, fantasy writing, writing, Just In Time Worlds, Marie M. Mullany, Sangwheel Chronicles, The Hidden Blade, The Ducal Heir, chat gtp, ai in world building, ai in writing, chat gtp prompts, chat gtp prompts for writing, chat gtp prompts for world building
Id: Jo0fXzqryzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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