Chateau Floristry on a BUDGET - How To Renovate a Chateau (Without killing your partner) ep. 6

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maria i finished you missed what i finished my arrangement beautiful thank you i love it just doing something you really like to do you'll be so happy i think we should let marie do the florals sorry i think that you're ahead of your time it's very modern [Music] [Music] my name is anna i'm an english former fashion and textile designer i moved to paris age 23 to work for the french couture house bauman and stayed for the questions the wine and of course for philip a filmmaker from the south terrorian alps after 10 amazing years getting married buying and renovating two homes and having two babies we decided city life was no longer for us phillip had been dreaming of buying a chateau since the day we met and finally convinced me to start looking we came to visit chateau gonville saunfler despite being in quite poor condition and needing a complete renovation we immediately fell in love in may 2019 we got the keys to the chateau our new home with a tight budget we had no choice but to do most of the renovations by ourselves we're learning new skills as we go building muscles we never knew we had and getting creative to make the chateau as personal as possible whilst preserving its historic features it's all part of this crazy family adventure and we wouldn't change it for anything anna loves decorating the shutter with flowers but with 16 rooms and no more cut flowers during the winter months this means spending a lot of money money that i could more wisely spend on power tools and camera gadgets however thankfully marie came to the rescue a talented young florist who we discovered on instagram and look how they just um when you sort of shake them a little bit they're pretty emotion yeah i would always have sort of iv as a weed so no no no no nothing is underneath okay something like that yeah it's nice in the winter to use them isn't it to bring a little bit i like that there's some colors yeah yeah we should get back yeah we do there's a little bit here as [Music] naturally died yeah no need to buy them died but this is beautiful absolutely it looks yeah yeah they're pretty aren't they oh don't use all of them we only have 5 000 tons well it's probably good because we're dead heading at the same time no yeah do you have enough room or do you want to put it in here have you got some room yeah all right it's getting nice and full now yes is it quite a good forage oh here we go should i just put that there yeah perfect look at that already it looks pretty where it is yeah these are all the things that we foraged this morning yeah the iv and we got the fans a little bit of everything really we got the dried here vasquez hydrangea and then i've got all the flowers i bought with me obviously so quite a good collection good mix last year i got as far as sewing some wild meadow flowers and that was about it but i loved it because it was so easy and i had flowers the whole summer for our guests you know to make little posies for the tables and the guest rooms so yeah so i'll definitely i definitely want some sort of something i want to to get better at this i actually picked in the hedgehog and it's a good stage so it smells really lovely yeah and um i like it when they got really uh like new shoots and they look really quirky and green yeah and i thought it would look nice as a little addition yeah beautiful yeah so you can get a lot of things in the hedge grow as long as you sort of respect respective plants and not uproot things because i never do that i just cut a little bit here and there pick as you've never been there before and nobody can see that you've been there it's like my golden rule i discovered marie like i think it was quite a while ago on instagram um and i just love marie's florals and her style and um so i've been following you for ages and and also always trying to sort of be a bit inspired by your um creations for doing things myself here because i have no idea i have no experience with florals i'm trying to pick it up from you but obviously when we have guests here it's lovely to fill the chateau with flowers and if we can do it ourselves then obviously it's a big saving for us and yeah so i'd just love to learn a little bit more about how how you work and pick up some tips and absolutely you can basically get whatever you want and quite lovely beautiful foliage and flowers not so much flowers now but yeah i picked these uh wild radish plants which has flowers on them and it's incredible you can actually find now in january and out and about and it doesn't need to be expensive it's actually can be free yeah and that's wired up and why i love with flowers and for all design is to combine what you can find in nature with something that you bought i generally like to mix them in because then you get that natural beautiful look again quite far away if you just sort of pick up like a little bunch of broom for example which is beautiful and smells amazing and and just mix it with whatever you get dried oh that's pretty yeah yeah like sometimes i find that florals just mixed with foliage filler flowers is what we call them like flowers are not like a concrete flower but a foliage looks like flowers and just mix that in a glass that could be quite beautiful as well yeah and using lots of picked greens in the garden i love that so pretty and you can get you can get quite far just by you know picking up a few blooms in the market and that's it i sort of like to start with the greens and the foliage first so everything that's dried of green make that little nest and then i add the little flowers which is more the design um side of the bouquet making it look aesthetically pleasing you sort of make a little pyramid as i like to say you um sort of cross their stems into each other so that you get a spiral okay and and then you continue to add the stems and down on your right on the side waist and make sure there's no leaves underneath your hands because this is where the water will be and then you just add you keep on adding and you can spin the bouquet around in your hand and the spiral is what gives volume to the bouquet up here yeah yeah so if you don't have the spiral down here the flowers look very flat in together up here it's really interesting because there's obviously so much technique behind what you're doing marie but you make it look so effortless and um yeah but it's really good to learn a few of those little tips so that you know you can try to keep that in mind and i love to use these little buds off cuts and it's here and there and i'm working more on one side since i'm going to make this for the mantle piece here i'm making a like a front and then a back so flowers in the back go higher and then the flowers in the front go lower and i'm going to add more flowers in here now i've sort of bind it together and i'm going to have this go a little bit taller and after the edge and then i'm going to make the similar one just a little bit shorter and i thought maybe you wanted to do one yeah yeah please thank you so much you take one straight one to the side okay so they make another cross yes and then one like that crosses in so okay it looks like there's a pyramid i see yeah like a wig yeah yeah and think about where your front is and where is that yeah perfect okay you want to use this one yeah and then this would go sort of over the top like this you can even poke it in between ah yeah yeah yeah yeah and maybe add some more something over this side yeah yeah like and maybe try to add some more greens down below not so much building up because it's going to be quite a low one i think yeah if i compare it with maurice i must say we're not there yet yes we are it's not finished yeah [Music] i see the orange flowers i popped them in there beautiful thank you i love it and they look stunning last final touch and i love the orange it's so nice and yeah it lifts it yeah it does it's sort of um gives that little extra color and then it really complements the green color in the wall on the wall yeah yeah beautiful i love these quirky little bits so you can just pop in there yeah color wise i like to go like in like dusty soft colors and i don't tend to mix too many colors i like to maybe have one contrast color it doesn't need to be difficult or complicated just take what you have and make the most out of it [Music] now the whole day i was filming ana marie doing their flower arrangements and not once did they ask me if i want to have a go i assume they think i'm not good at it but i'm gonna prove them wrong i have everything i need my basket i forgot my scissors but who needs scissors looking for something nice for something green and leafy how about this ivy this on its own would look nice in the past [Music] what else this is quite green i need something maybe in a different color oh too big of a branch if you wonder what style i'm going for i think i want something a bit more contemporary something bold but at the same time poetic with a hint of avant-garde without being pretentious oh yeah fun perfect scissors would have been good after all one two three that's good holly holly is always nice one two these leaves i like them well i don't want to harm this beautiful treat [Music] ah no i can't oh look at this what's that but that's too pretty i want to take that i have no choice but to go for one of the hydrangeas i know it looks like i'm copying them but it's kind of an obvious choice isn't it this is already a bit broken maybe this is nice this looks good [Music] i know it's really bad doing it like this but i have to prune these hydrangeas anyway so what else what else what else i think one of these branches it could look really nice you know make it more structural more architectural this is a brilliant idea everything looks the same here it's probably because everything is the same here it's not so easy after all to find the right plants for a bouquet oh no i just dropped my hydrangea that was my best piece i think i'm done wait bamboo that looks different the reason why you find bamboo in many 18th century shuttle gardens is because they harvested the sticks for their vegetable gardens but if you don't cut them back regularly then they get totally out of hand and that's exactly what happened in our garden so what we learned was that the plants have to be in a pyram pyramid shape something like this well then you add things and and you look at it and you go you hold it like this and then you see if it looks nice and if it's not enough you add even more things and that's going to make it different from all the other arrangements the branch naked nature interesting if nothing else it's interesting one last touch beautiful maria i finished i finished my arrangement and i need your honest opinion i wanted something a bit more contemporary yeah without being pretentious wow here it is well i do like it different textures really really nice um i do like that you use the branch as well yes really i think that's original isn't it yeah only thing is there's quite a lot of leaves in the water oh is that a bad thing well um leaves in the water will contaminate the water and create bacteria then the flowers will last less and but although it's very nice thank you i think you're really kind to me because you're here i'm not sure how honest you are no absolutely this is just a proof of how you actually do not need to buy flowers uh to create something fresh and nice into your home sometimes just branches in a bath without water even can look really nice it's really pretty i like it thank you thank you let's call it a prototype maybe yeah but i do i liked it different because you got the boston here and you got the ruskas and you've got bamboo yes i think it's a bit of an asian touch yeah maybe the hall is a bit off but i couldn't find anything else it's like there's so much holly everywhere but i like it i think you should show anna i will okay thank you very much marie you're really kind what do you think oh wow marie thinks it's good why are you laughing yeah it's very rustic yeah it's um no it's not rustic it's experimental it's contemporary without being pretentious yeah yeah i can see that i think you're making fun of me i i think we should let marie do the florals sorry can we put in one of the guest rooms in the evening salon no maybe we can leave it here in the kitchen in our room or we could keep it outside outside i think you know it could look great in the garden i see what you mean no you did a great job really love it well you had a personal coach for several hours whilst i was filming so i just picked up a couple of things and i tried to reproduce them so it wasn't a real success with anna my bouquet but i have one more chance i have two very special guests here today and with a bit of luck [Laughter] oh this is the one you may have shall i hold it for you yeah what do you think i like the different foliage i like it you like it yes i think it has a japanese quality look at that you brought you brought the woods in yes exactly exactly i think it's an original choice i like holly and then like hydrangeas for me and i like the twigs well there's something for everyone in there like that did you decide that you just are you going for the blunt the blunt-ended bit there yes i promised i didn't have scissors i forgot to take scissors into the forest oh okay it was a long way back so i had to it's very matisha adams like just cutting off the tops of the roses and just leaving the stones yeah well i think you might be on to something i mean seriously twigs and fans imagine an entire book a huge bass with just twigs and fans oh thank you so much it'll be amazing i think that you're ahead of your time it's very modern yeah yeah thank you thank you very much i appreciate it taking this inspiration where is it going to live by the way should we put it down somewhere for you well i asked anna and she thought that the best place would be in a garden [Applause] i mean they do that to me whenever i really like something and that they don't like they're like so you can save it for a summer garden yeah i'm gonna put it down somewhere for you though yes you can place it in the in the breakfast style and as long as anna doesn't see it it's always nice to develop new skills maybe where the candle is oh yes it is true that anything that's been on this fireplace we're sitting having breakfast here thinking we're so jealous we're so jealous because we haven't got one wall of any room in the entire chateau atlanta that's symmetrical not one there's nothing here look at that it's like a wes anderson movie i can stare at it for hours it makes me really happy being here [Music] do [Music] join us next time for part two of our chateau tour if you like this video please don't forget to hit the like button subscribe to our channel and check out our patreon page where we post exclusive videos and offer other goodies to 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Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 215,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, chandelier, gilding, house tour, chateau tour, real estate, french property, stephanie jarvis, marie wiik, floristry, winter flowers, foraging, woodland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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