Massive GARDEN CLEAN UP by volunteers. The REVEAL leaves us speachless!

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since we bought our chateau almost  three years ago we wanted to get rid   of the brambles growing around this giant  conifer in front of the two longhouses.   with all the work on the main building though  it never got done. but this was before an army   of volunteers came to the rescue. i'm gonna  show you the trees that are hidden underneath   how to recognize an oak tree as opposed to a  brambles. all these trees here they should stay.   there certainly another tree in here, yeah  so it would be good to work your way around   everything with thorns we take out exactly that's  that's not a lot we can do that i'm sure you can   and and hopefully no fingers, toes no fingers.  Dale was just saying that you top your tasks   every day like every day it's getting like better  What torture plan i can come up with today? do   you think you can be finished by lunchtime  so you can prepare food? well we're good! i love it you've done a great job  thank you so much are you injured   i am not injured to my knowledge no i'm  just old i'm not injured no injuries so far   oh no oh no i've been attacked by blackberry oh  no think the blackberry won i mean you will live   i will live i will sue you but i will no i won't  yeah your doctor you can self-heal i can sell fuel   you think yes maybe i should put something yeah  yeah it's very small it's okay i'm sorry but it   looks okay it looks survivable i'm happy because  i found already an object well you guys found an   oak tree and there's another one it's like an oak  forest it's a massive one it's a third one oh i'm   so pleased yeah two trunks they're right close  beautiful should we lop it while we're in there   or leave it alone these things well we need  to take care of this tree anyway it's massive   imagine it used to be a christmas tree it's crazy  and this limb is broken did you see that oh yeah   interesting oh there's something on the floor i  don't know what that is can you see that there   investigate this it looks like a fire extinguisher  how unexciting that's funny fire extinguisher   underneath a tree looks like this tree has a an  ass excuse my language but i'm just observing i've got betty over here who has very kindly  offered to help us with documenting all of our   massive box of very ancient paperworks  that we received with the chate   and we're very lucky because betty is  actually a professional photographer   so she bought her camera with her and it's amazing  because we've been dying to find out a bit more   about the history we've had a few people reach  out to us offer to help us to translate them   and so that we can maybe discover some of the  hidden secrets and history of our chateau we have   purchased some of these beautiful white gloves  but betty is also modeling um because we want to   be really careful and we don't want to damage any  of the papers because we have some papers in here   which are from the 15th century it's  exciting all right are you ready ah yes   camera wiggle looks nice and sharp amazing so  i think this is actually one of the designs for   the layout of the garden probably from 1917 when  the previous owners were renovating and decorating   this is the first floor attached premiere tag  and this is radio ray de chaucer and that is   the ground floor so maybe we could have those  two together so after taking a picture you put   them into this non-acidic paper correct look at  this oh that's not as old as i thought just 1659 assessing volunteer behavior work speed  average but acceptable disobedience warning engage disciplination mode thank you philip you know i love this cell phone usage is strictly forbidden without  previous allowance from your favorite influencer.   phone usage fine will be added to volunteer   invoice now please proceed  with brumble elimination well you've just found the first  document from the 1700s is that right   yes it is it's barely 1797 but it's still exciting  to see a 17 yeah that's exciting and it looks   really beautiful you were just having a quick  look won't we it's lovely if you turn the page look it has some beautiful stamps on it look  that's calvardos the stamp of calvados amazing   yeah look at that wow and we had a quick look  and we tried to sort of decipher what it said   and we think it was some kind of legal document  there's a lot of legal documents in this box   we have a little bit of background  noise from the builders but   you've just found a really interesting  one haven't you yes let me show it to you   oh and they've set off the fire alarm so this  one is dated 1645 and when you open it up and   then you look on the back there's an interesting  little seal that apparently was probably glued at   some point at some point it's beautiful let's have  a look you can see there's like the fleur de lis   i can't wait to find out what this is and just  you know what is this this little signature here   several of the documents very elaborate  1645 second 22nd of june 1645. this one is   very very faint but i believe we can enhance it  enough to to see that's 1606 by the look of it   and you can see that looks  like it's on some kind of   animal skin isn't it it's not it's not paper  it's not like the other papers no yeah stunning ladies are you ready yes yes very  ready ready to attack the day two   we had some sleep we reflected on our mistakes  and now we're ready hey dale morning they have   the weapons of war here yeah but i'm still upset  with the time lapse how easy it makes it look yeah we will put it real time was 10 hours dale is unstoppable your battle is almost  one name philip's also getting involved philip where is your protection  where's your protective clothing top everybody's busy clearing up you okay dale   you've done a great   bound to job to get it done we're  afraid phillip will charge us 500   more we're not getting it finished oh we have a new volunteer we have  derrick did i say it right yeah   very good yeah we have another cheeky  dutchie those are the best smart boutiques what do you think about the tree now it's amazing  if you look at the films before and after it's   it's not the same it isn't it's it's like  a new a whole new space a new landscape yes   it completely transformed this area  and you're able to see the outbuilding   which is so lovely it was a shame that it was  all covered and that's thanks to you guys really   you've done such a hard work it's been a lot  of fun thank you so much a lot of fun really i   have no words you've worked so hard well thank you  for letting us be part of the chateau experience   now we understand well you need to  pay so much to have this project yes   because it's so much fun it's a lot of fun they're  not doing much do they it's mostly it's mostly you and he came filming can you pretend to work well guys you've done an amazing job you don't seem  convinced no i don't know it still looks like a   bit of a mess don't you think no i think  it looks fantastic it looks really nice   compared to what it was but it's still what  would you do get rid of the christmas tree what do you think i think it looks good  yes it's close enough close enough for us   hey you completely lost your voice or  over doing this yes i know i you worked   me so hard that i can't talk yeah but because  nobody else did anything just you and betty   no i'm kidding you're hard-working as well  anik and i decided that when we come home we   want to have a garden full of brambles look at  the trailer yeah can we take it back tomorrow   you can take it back that's amazing most welcome  when we started this we thought it was impossible   to do yeah i honestly thought you were  making a joke when you asked us to do this but then you realized that i was that serious yes   dale i think you have had your  fair share of blackberries yes   how will you feel in the future about blackberry  tart the same way i do now i hate them one two three four five six seven eight oak  trees growing underneath the christmas tree   they grew underneath the brambles so the real  question now is what do we do with this tree here   this christmas tree has been planted 40 years  ago to re use it next year but it was forgotten   and now it has this massive size should we keep  this 40 year old christmas tree and sacrifice   the eight oak trees growing underneath or should  we cut down the christmas tree and so those oak   trees can thrive i'd love to hear what you would  do in the comments well i know what i would do   but let me know what you would do thank you is it  okay if you leave it like this it's more than okay   it's wonderful okay really anyone driving with  me i wonder why nobody wants to drive with you right there it was nice meeting you so it wasn't me it was him it was him it really was  i wonder who was it it was direct it wasn't me   it really wasn't what are you i don't know what we do without jerome is he's  always there when we need him   did you put the car on four wheel drive we don't know how to so we have a doctor a fighter  pilot and a very experienced guy from texas the   only only batty has nothing to do with it she's in  the sense i can tell and they got they managed to   get the car stuck it's ironic because jerome was  wondering how you managed not to get stuck and i   said oh don't worry it's a four-wheel drive okay  that's why he welcomed me with a big big smile thanks so much again to our amazing  gang of volunteers and patrons   betty dale claire and nikon dirk  you accomplished so much and   we thoroughly enjoyed having you to  stay with us and we miss you already   if you enjoyed this episode don't forget to  subscribe and hit the like button for exclusive   videos and behind the scenes updates have a look  at our patreon page thank you so much for watching
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 292,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, barock, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden
Id: zaQ7r4ByXzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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