Chasing wild brown trout with Mepps Aglia & Black Fury lures ( part 2) Nov 2018

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you know you come we're going to push our here good thing is I've noticed his scent when I pick it up with it with the camera but this cat is here there you go those are watching the cat us moss no traffic so let's hopefully hear it so we get in a few more up this way it's just gone just trying to living a clock weather's getting darker Clavin getting Laura they said they went but I'm strong I suppose hitting in about midday so I've got at least an hour a fleeter kids of you know catch a couple more fish here we go no we pick one up in the first class first cast up there's over where those carrots moths were love the lure just standing around and run yeah no attack a year and yes I get fish like a little good a little rid of that one no the lovely little stretch of river I was fishing water happened here yet I just hooked him lost one Betsy thank you and that little fast water around there and had him on then I wouldn't even yellow and try to get give me camera around and do a few mother so ends the break came out through there they hooked and lost three tree out in here so I've gone back to the copper totally a mooch again yeah you see that one stay on that by they grabbing the gold colors actually giving them the tiger baby not yeah this is not getting the trebles proper now they won't will go back and throw a copper one will head up for here it's a nice tight little stretch of water if I just got to move in there a bit I can get a line up into there coming back down I may be lucky enough to series nice and deep maybe holding a decent fish any luck nobody saying that all day nope did home run I got a name not a vegan a little one he was picked up the stony under that under that ledge so we'll get him off me out thing let's pick up this nice little fat brie on there I'll just toss up the arrow next to that rock for back down through the shallows and he smashed it lovely run beautiful colors in him many beautiful colors in this race we're gonna know the colors in there he's off knowledge right under nother Brown here lovely colored fish he was picked up from makes make sure that log over there I just let me see him sleep son off the surface over know if look over there he's fading no hard cover of these fish either by the way bond doing this doing this filming because I'm where I do take the camera away from I'm keeping them down in the water or I'll just tear this off and getting dragged around I just got him up there that when they makes that big boulder there so we'll get him here quickly in letting go there rain starting to come into I Ram as long as I got fishing here before it turns on me he was taking just up there off that out of the river back there we'll get him off quick smart another nice little stretch of water here too is if it did would they're cooking good they range getting heavier so you have to move it kind of small to everywhere here at the moment let me see the little white speck just watching around [Applause] suppose there's no more trout jumping after I seen a couple jumping but yeah not all that many another nice picture River here too so hope we can pick up another fish here before it - perhaps I head back to the Carver's about a kilometer away so now hooks in lost three trout here I'd say missing the rear I try to give me camera to do this filming with it says the only damn fault yeah it's been a good day so far how much longer I gotta keep going you're getting wetter and wetter we'll put on a little bit more - love that enough of it boil the fish avoiding you never want to leave them do you just got another one like this cast over that pocket there absolutely smashed it so yeah beautiful ecology and then tiny cousin he's really spots absolutely beautiful on colors absolutely glorious in that fish never letting go another day I will just continue on up here now some good water up around the corner so you say I think I got a backlog and move up into this one here looking good - this border - - the least yet - captain this one after that last one losing season three in that last time there's smaller pool right picked up this one halfway I fly up I stopped by the pool and drew him in here and yeah come and took it another one here he took it right at the edge of this pool here I thought something broad down there he's sitting in as it went fast he just turned and smashed it we hear another lovely little brown and I'm just feeding off the bank and get rid of give you the color color in there a nice little fish make him go now that's a bit of a hazard has it across the river here that's a timely way around it easy enough we just push it up here and there right up to the end of this run and there's a nice little bit of water just around the corner the top in there and we'll push that and get out and head back to the cap I'll call it a day a little one just take it right up there castor out there over that to your cattle bridges and then you had three guys out free ticket so that's the last stretch of water I fished and I thought would give up food so I hit fire to follow and they just wouldn't touch it we'll get this little boy off beautiful little bit of river this Metiria Chaubey telling little tim streams now from adage done yeah I'm just trying to start walking back the car near cut across through the bush house through the pines and a bit of bush and back for the car he's just on me way back to town I got across the river again to see it come down across here and flicked up in there and earlier this little thing beautiful colors of a little fella you'll get him off the hook me out here must be a good session overcast day breezy come up in here rain rain good pop negative booster start rendering of I try I don't trail on that tonight I'll give you a fury so then I went for a gold egg Leah got a few on there then neighbors just went back to the copper ugly mooch New Mexico vaguely moots and yeah and got the wrists on that though the further up I've written the visitor fishing got and then all sudden it just died off to nothing so I guess when I recorded I I think I finished up fully anything three fifteen and seventeen trout I think that I lost I know I lost five or six hours anyway so yeah my bottom of the stage of the season you know in a little weenie tenant skinny little water that good day real good day next time tight lines you [Music]
Channel: Adrian Webb
Views: 667
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Cr9LOfrjVhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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