Trout Fishing spinner COMPARISON! Mepps Aglia vs Panther Martin!

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what's up guys and welcome to another episode here on nrv outdoors today we're here at the old trophy trial stream to test out two iconic inline spinners today we have got the panther martin we've got the meps we've got them both in a silver blade and kind of a similar build and the exact same weight we're going to be fishing these around today guys comparing the two and having a ton of fun so let's not waste any time let's get started and i think i'm going to start off the day with that panther martin right there with that little red and yellow body so let's go ahead and get him out of his package here guys we'll just quickly pop him out now as a lot of you guys know the trout fishermen out there that follow the channel i don't use a whole lot of spinners but when i do i really like the joe's flights just because it's got that added fly on the end but a lot of you guys are super big fans of meps and panther martins so i wanted to get out today put the two side by side fish them around have a lot of fun with them and just see what happens let's go ahead and get this thing tied up we're going to start with just a simple fisherman's knot improved clinch knot if you will very simple little knot here polymer knot is not quite necessary when you're working around treble hooks it can just be a total pain in the butt we'll get that little guy all tied up just like that pinch off our tag end and we'll get in here and we'll get started so there's our first date of the day we'll fish it around and we'll see what happens let's get started oh got one looking already got him that took seconds guys make sure the camera's rolling yeah that took seconds i dropped that little spinner in there and he absolutely crushed it he absolutely just crushed it just pushing in the current was not retrieving it back i was just simply letting it work around down there and that little beauty came over and just slapped it seen her come up out of the water column and chase it and she came on over to get it got that big beauty right in the net there coming in hot it's our very first fish of the day didn't take too long super nice fish right here too see how she's got it we'll try to get her all undone here there we go oh yep popped her off got it stuck in the net there all right guys there's fish number one let's go on ahead and let her go there she goes like a rocket guys heck yeah so there's fish number one of the day on the old panther martin and it didn't take too long to get one to bite you got that little number four blade there and she come up out of the depths and just absolutely crushed it so we'll keep fishing around see if we can get us another one and we'll just see what happens heck yeah guys let's just slide right on out here into the creek guys we're going to drop our spinner right over here in front of this bush and we're going to try to call somebody out of it we'll allow the current to spin our blades while we pop it and just see if there's anybody in here don't look like it but you don't know unless you try it it's always worth a try guys absolutely always what is running on out of there now nice and slow yep nobody inside of there but it was worth checking put our rod tip out towards the center just to make sure that our retrieve comes back in the exact line that we want it to keep that in mind guys when you're fishing these spinners your raw tip determines where and how it comes back to you so it's important to be kind of adverse and willing to try different stuff when it comes to how you position your rod while retrieving your spinner oh guys got one right in the butt right in the butt seen her come over and try to get it and i'm guessing she swirled at the perfectly wrong time and that spinner snagged her right in the hind corners oh and she broke it off gosh guys i hate that that happens that is probably one of the worst films in all the trout fishing when you accidentally snag something and then break him off like that gosh that sucks guys maybe we'll get lucky and we can catch him again and get the spinner off of his hindquarters there but we'll keep fishing around we're going ahead and grab out our little meps here we'll fish it around next and we'll see what happens got him on on the old map spinner slide on down the bank here angry fish got him in this current so here we go jump right out of the net there we go guys we got in the net heck yeah big old nice one right there that old map spinner right in the roof of the mouth there let's just let her go right here there she goes heck yeah guys so that's one to one so far and both bites were almost instantaneous once the spinner hit the water so it's pretty safe to say they're both putting in work really good so far heck yeah there he is got another one meps is absolutely putting in work guys another super nice fish here about to slide on back down this old bank angry fish angry slide right on down here into the creek there we go there we go heck yeah guys so that's pretty much two to two i would say on the two spinners they're both really doing good getting bites keeping these fish active there we go turn that old spinner right on out let's just let this little beauty take right back off right here again there she goes heck yeah guys all right guys last cast on this little run right here we're going to take our little spinner somewhere else trying to keep it right up against that bank over there giving it every chance to get spotted all right guys we'll keep it moving we'll head on downstream here we'll see what we can find all righty guys this is one of my favorite little holes right here to flip and pitch spinners i've caught a lot of fish flipping right here so we'll just flip him one out there we'll use our left hand to pull the spinner back just like so and if you would like to watch a full in-depth video on this technique i'll leave a link down below for you guys you guys can go watch that after you get done with this video oh there he was right there he come out and slapped it guys there he is there he is come out from under that old tree oh he's angry kick the old meps right there it'll happen i'm thinking that it's time to go back to the old panther martin and what i've got here guys is a panther martin and a mips in the gold blade so i want to fish those around to end out this video i want to just kind of cast them around see what happens um compare the two the only difference really is the body color and the blade color like i said this particular color is gold once again a very simple fisherman's knot is our knot of choice while tying up these inline spinners there we go pull that nice and tight all right let's go on ahead and try out the old gold blade let's see what happens we're going to do the same thing guys we're just going to pitch it out and just pull it back in with the string on a rod here guys very simple easy technique to use just going to slow roll this blade right on through there now one thing i'm sure a lot of you guys know already but i'll tell you just in case you don't the panther martin has a lot stronger thump and the reason it's got such a stronger thump guys is the way the spinner is made as you can see here there's no clevis involved that blade just simply sits right on that little gold bead there on the top of the little weighted section and it causes a ton of flop that the fish absolutely love and it kind of you know it kind of differs than from other spinner baits because of that and that's one of the aspects about it that i really truly like let's let it get down there slow rolling on back i have a feeling i'm gonna have to put this thing straight into the current guys and pull it back that away oh there was one chase here he comes he got it we got him oh yeah guys oh yeah absolutely stopped that spinner he come up out of the depths chasing it came over and absolutely crushed it right there heck yeah that is too much fun let's see if we can get him with the old net cam there we go oh popped off in the net can't ask for more than that guys there's that little old panther a gorgeous fish right there let's let her go take off girl heck yeah guys there we go so there's one on that old gold blade for the old panther we're going to cast it in here again and just see we can get another one to chase because that was a lot of fun and that big girl just chased all the way up here to the bank and then just completely stopped it way too much fun guys way too much fun so we fished around the old panther there for a while called one over really quickly and he just completely crushed it but what i'm thinking guys let's go ahead and grab out our meps here let's get him all rigged up it's a very similar body and a similar blade there we've got the red accents there on the bottom we have our gold blade but as you can see here guys that major difference is there's a clevis there holding that blade onto the shank of that spinner there and so there's really no crazy wobble however there's a very true and clean spin as you can see right there guys very true and clean and that's really what's made this bait so famous but when it comes to the two guys they are just as old as the sport they've been catching fish since the beginning of it and there's really and honestly no way to go wrong with fishing either one guys i did this video just to kind of put them side by side but the truth of the matter is guys there's no wrong answer when it comes to meps and panther martin there just isn't i would like to mention guys that if you want a chance to win both the panther martin and the meps simply head down there to the comments drop me a comment smash that like button and make sure you are subscribed that comment will be your entry to have a chance to win some of these to test out for yourself so go ahead and head down there now and leave me that comment alrighty guys the very last cast of our experiment for the day right here and no chasers all right guys so that's pretty much going to do it for today's little video now i would like to say that both of these spinners are just absolute classics they're absolute legends and they both slay trout guys and they have been for years but i would have to give the dub to that panther martin today it just outshined a little bit more and caught a few more fish and got more bites and just kept them chasing a little bit longer and i really think it's because that old panther martin was lacking that clevis there creating that awesome wobble that it's so famous for but get out if you can guys and give these a try and see what you think put them head to head in your own waters change up those blade colors and see what happens today being overcast that silver color really did shine but the gold didn't do too bad but get out if you can guys do some fishing and have some fun but most importantly be safe and tight lines
Channel: NRV Outdoors
Views: 15,336
Rating: 4.9702969 out of 5
Id: 4dr-dL2qYmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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