Chasing wild brown trout with Mepps Aglia & Black Fury lures (Part 1) Nov 2018

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get here gonna have another fish water I'll just hold on the side of the riverbank at the moment and then up in and then work my way up through through this little water but I'll get Dabney later and show you well you'll see running out of fish before I do I just mentioned he's in a small variety of that the MEPS I use there from left to right we haven't just say this is a size double O one half gram I used for small streams that's a copper thank you next to that is a black plated eglee a mooch soya that's followed by a a comet that has little red dots on it you can't get it with blue dots as well next to that is a the black fury let's see a gold one and then we have a flu row little flu row one which works will intend and water another black fury bit of size bigger then we have a stone flaw in the bug pattern next that I call this finally cata spot just like a little white moth and then next next that again is an ultra light hardly any weight or the only weight on this is the blade little MIPS a clear blade and I just call this a stream a little new lightweight streamer that's a red tag but yeah they're the the ones that will get a working I don't have to chop and change it's a tree I don't like one then I'll try another but if they take the first one that gets thrown at them which today I'm starting off with with the acting a mooch lawyer that there's one I'm using is going to have a copper blade though yes so we're gonna get into it and here we go but let's just give you an idea small just a small range of what I do use and these are very small water small little streams and creeks they're bigger rivers heavier lure they go from size well I can use anything from the double edge right up to the size one in the larger rivers here and trout so this what I'm starting off with today just some small double-o ugly aru's Nuria and you'll notice I have a six pound trace it have a swivel on here take the torch for easy changeover okay there are 16 inches of stitch pant trace I have a queue which they call a sound call any kinks I'm pulling a queue and that there will stop your fine four pound mono this is for very thin mono line it will stop that and get you from getting line to switch which occurs when using fine line on with blade spinners so we're going to fish up through here and up around the corner and just having bag of for you today I've had a couple little cast there but didn't get anything so we just got to that corner now and they're gonna work my way right up sorry here just ahead of me it drops officer deep holder in about four foot deep that I can wade through that it's safe enough it's a pretty even sort of bottom then it then it comes right up to shallow water again once you get to get to about where the camera is pointing now Shelley's off to around knee-deep just below and conditions are absolutely ideal this morning we've had a full day of light drizzle yesterday the rivers River hasn't come up must come up probably about a half inch or something like that but the conditions are absolutely beautiful kids too but there's more rain on the way so I want to get recession over and done with before it hits there we go and got our first little fish on for the day I'm not big not a big fella he was taking right at the top end of this deep pool here yes I will get him in now and take him off I just came out to that little run there to didn't have any success had to follow for a little tack on that was as far as it went there's two pretty of war rate it was to get a few yet they get much more than this little tack I tell you haven't a ridiculous catch up on this side he's just a bob just a little baby later there I'll game off as quick as I can and it's not gonna take much Decker I tell you it's unbelievable kitchen so that's as small as you get I just did it correct toss up there and they're a little bit of tight skinny water here and just thought it might be one of the flatter part up they above this little riffle in front of me and there's a country at Little River which is about Hinson after theory too deep and yeah the little tech I grabbed it wants to run up ahead of us here so once I can get to through here there's a nice bit of flat water which goes into there with a reach and then around to the left of that so any luck we might get something in there today hasn't that been here hadn't given up a piece of last four times of being here never never know today might be the day into another little stretch at a conflict over there and had a little taco I must be in the last one I caught they have a guard it and they're now here we're gonna make their way up through here good why don't do read deeper say hopefully maybe a bit bigger fish in there and you missed a nice fun to spec and then the last probably fish there and here's a solid fish but no just missed him around another little feller II know not a monster not a lot of iron he do no strain that he yeah he's just a lovely little brown so we feed off and pick him up just outside that Bush there and we'll just kick him off now letting go speak to you just really coming down from up this it's above me the allowed to get the camera out in a hurry and there's this huge it's probably the last minute all right we're just going on a nice damper the best friend of the day this fella yeah he's taking really bent the fentanyl or there yeah chopped honor there's a shrink really bent that and I that was a cast up under that part half did tea tree there he's just come out and smashed it sorry it's all a little like he was surface fading there so yes I won't flick in there and he just come out and smashed it they will get this feller off then go leaping the relate he's on his way to hit the flyout instruction straightened up this little ankle eh then we're going to head off up three into that Bush and fish I'm probably hope II mean you're not the kilometer in nice nice big wide run of waters just ahead of the other side of those bushes know there's a few bridge buzzing around there some insects above the water so we may any luck get older the trout up in there nice little bubble line on earth sneaked up in the ends here we go one thing about fishing these little rivers this time of year when they're so low you just got a patient take your time move as quietly as possible any bit of noise we just send the traps scurrying off so just remember patience it's a beautiful stretch of water I thought at least get one trade addresses - it's not more than a single fishing there to be had respect another little feller II was sim pick him up under that tree there's that kid I was back under here in this room toy area now to do a little back pain casting yeah yeah pictures little fella up they were getting off and they didn't go to he's picked up is another little baby right here she's lying up against it too hard word up in there where the waters running in that be minute Papa gave us that bit a little bit of waters flowering you you just sitting right up in there they're all getting often idly delete you grows to a big fish one day lovely wide open run here's little bit shallow beragon if I can you love a lure right at the top end of this run here through that little bit of waters come in and see the ripple on the water just there but you lovely were up there get up in with the chance of picking up a Breann they've had very spotty be sitting in in this bin this bit of water there before I hate my way up through this pushy up the river they've had to change the Laura decides I gotta give a couple ooh double like fury on look very gloomy out there as long as we can well the right fury worked a treat first cast first cast I've been here between the reeds and the bush there and here this blob really came out and absolutely smashed it so yeah well get him off as quick as we can and carry on it's where he was sitting having that little bit of water there there had a better 25 to 30 foot cast up into there and yeah smashed it straight up it was just picked up another to go out of tank I've gone back to her go just a gold uglier and yeah cast up there just by the riverbank and this little sardine came out and grabbed it there's only a little tuck of it beautiful colors in it slip him back in and he's on his way oh yeah so that was just taken up there it's a pretty deep hole you can't get up through here I've wired up a little bit cast out and then get out and move up further into those shallow or narrow runs of here hooking lot fun in this new little flat water here with this that did wood has logs on the left-hand side there and here wasn't over baked it's just nice solid fish I will ever go fish up to where that fallen log is up the air will bypass the rest of us there's all big long deep water and I'll get back into skinny water again [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] black enjoyed my and yes 18 when you see [Music] watch it in his joy [Music]
Channel: Adrian Webb
Views: 2,240
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Id: qcmuOATgJrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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