How do I trout fish?

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today we're talking about trout fishing I'm gonna show you how I trout fish so I fished these little creeks and we got some brown trout nomes and brown trout are a little more aggressive so I tend to fish with a little jerk bait alright here I got a little Rapala ultralight minnow is the brown trout color favorite mine but this is just the right weight to cast easily and it sinks a little bit the reason why I like it's sinking I fish downstream with it when I cast it in front of a laydown it'll sink and I can get under that lay down or under that cut bank and work it out and that's how I pull them out of there so you got to be a little more stealthy when you're coming from up above cast downstream let it sink under that lay down and twitch it to give it some series of twitches so it comes out a little bit sinks back just like a little bait fish that's trying to come out of there dart out and then sink back in there and you'll pull those big trout right out of there I move kind of quick when I fish so I hit a spot I make a few casts and I move on and if there's a fish in there usually the biggest ones gonna hit first and he's gonna hit first cast second cast if you bring him out if you spook him or if he hooks he's gonna go into hiding and you're not gonna catch him again so I make a few cast if I don't get anything that is willing to bite wet right away I keep walking down the stream this is a great little bait for that except the brown trout are pretty aggressive I've tried some other baits you can try like a panther Marten or a map spinner there are some other some other brands but a lot of the other minnow baits or floaters with the other mineral base you can cast them out and you got a jerk them down to get them down but then as they drift back to that lay down that you want to go under they'll drift up and get stuck in it all that brush and stuff like that so this bait nicely goes down then you can work it up out of there as you retrieve it sometimes it'll come up a little bit depending on how fast the stream is this is just kind of a slow gentle stream and these were Paula's work great there's also a little bit smaller size ultralight for and that was pretty good too I just liked a little bit more weight and the shape of this six I'm gonna do this over a series of days so I'm gonna give you some different footage try to give you some different angles I'm talking about try some different spots on the stream I'll just throw in some footage of some fish catches the reason why I don't fish upstream with these you're coming with the current and as you're twitching that you make a couple twitches and it looks alright and then it just drifts five feet without any action at all until you twitch it again so those fish see that you you can catch some I've cut some that way but it seems better when you can cast downstream with these and you can kind of twitch them back the whole way or reel them in a little bit they're not moving as fast they kind of blow past and when you're coming with the current it's easier to sneak up on the trout that way because you're coming up from behind them but it's harder to make this bait work that way because I use a spade so much I tend to find out how I like to work downstream once you spoon fish especially when you're going downstream if you spook the fish they're done you're gonna catch those fish as soon as you see a fish and it sees you and it darts off under the comebacker the brush consider that one done and just move on to the next spot cuz you're gonna waste your time sitting there for 20 minutes trying to cast that that nice fish you saw so I just keep moving tried to be stealthy but it's not always easy when you're right next to the stream so long casts are important which is why these baits are nice you can make a long cast right down the stream and as you're working it back up hopefully you can catch a fish that hasn't spotted you yet upstream you can try to pick your spots a little bit better and you might get them but they got to react to it right away because as soon as they see that kind of unnatural just floating downstream they kind of lose interests I'll show you right here we'll just make a long cast there's a little bit of brush on the right twitch twitch twitch because you watch in the water kind of see how then B is coming with the current I twitch and stop and it just ripped with if I go the opposite way I'm coming up current look like this now as far as being stealthy sometimes it's good to really just crouch down so you don't have that tall profile as you work in the shoreline I don't always do that because I don't always have enough time when I'm fishing I'll just kind of keep walking and moving and hope I can catch one or two if you really want to be stealthy stay low to the ground look your baits like that if you come to like a bridge like this always fish under a bridge there's usually a hole under therefore when they constructed this one's a little high there's not much of a hold there like here bait you can cast like your bait drift and it'll slowly sink you will slowly sink you know snagging around it will slowly sink right if your cast you can better get down a little bit and start working it back here's a little bit of a brush pile it kind of sticks out into the flow of stream a little bit of a hole in front of it I used to be a little bit bigger and closer a better brush pile but floods kind of pushed it back and out of the way see if we can't get anything I'm gonna cast the bridges right here I can sit on the bridge and cast right down to the middle of it and you'll see I'm gonna cast about five or ten feet in front of that let my bait sink down before it gets to that brush I'll try to cast far enough to let my bait sink under the brush that way I can work it out underneath the brush and if anything is under there it's just gonna come out and pop that be there could be something in the little bit of the hole out in front of that like said just a few KS is all I'll make and then I'll move on because if I can't draw something out right away they're gonna react to it or they're not my time just sit here making 30-40 past three four or five castes nothing I'll move off tried different angle maybe and that's how I fish little lay down like this there's a view from above and try to make the cast and let you see what that looks like from here cast about four or five feet in front of that let my bait drift back Justin from the brush pile working a few times to get the bait a little deeper maybe see if I can't pull something out of there just like that drift down twitch twitch I work it pretty hard kind of like a jerk bait for bass I give a couple sharp twitches just work it back sometimes I go pull and then twitch twitch pull with the rod twitch twitch twitch just mix it up a little bit like that now Polaroid glasses are a very important piece to so I'm going to show you what it looks like through polarized glasses you can see all those rocks and stuff down there just through my glasses so you can see the power of polarized lenses compared to no polarized lenses just a polarized lens again so without the polarized lens it's not as easy to step all right glasses got a couple pair of Costa Del Mar glasses these are both fantails I've got green mirror and a blue mirror and glass and I had some of the plastic ones before and they just scratched on the inside wiping them clean these glass ones have been scratch free their touch heavier on your face you might notice it at first but after that these ones are just awesome I'd only have a preference the blue or the green mirror they're both pretty good there's slight color change the green mirrors got a little bit more of an amber tint to it so it brightens things up a touch but as far as being able to see in the water and streams or in lakes I haven't had really a preference of one over the other so the choice is kind of yours I guess I wear these amber ones the green mirror one's a little bit more often because they kind of brighten it up a touch but I don't think you have any any problems either way but so far Costa Del Mar have been good glasses for me but any kind of polarized glasses are such a big help on your sight fishing for trout or bass fishing and you can even even the trout that you see that you missed that you scared it gives you an idea that there's some Trotter around to come back maybe for next time where the good holes are where the fish tend to be so to always be watching in the water for any fish activity at all they can tell you so much just always watching the water so get yourself a good pair of polarized glasses they don't have to be these these are expensive I know but any kind of polarized glasses probably the cheap ones will work something to cut the glare so you can see the fish through the water [Music] he's gonna work this section how I normally would see if we can't catch something I'm bill another thing that's critical learn how to cast from both sides of your body especially on the stream you're gonna have a lot of blocked obstructed cast from trees and whatnot so learn how to cast from the right and the left and just straight vertical little pitches learn how the feather your reel with your finger you're just slowing down that beat you know I said he stopped with the real handle I think it's a nice soft landing [Music] this is my thumb and just kind of slide and put it right over there nice and light I can also cast the other way and get it right on the spool lip where that lines kind of coming off that will save you a lot of trouble from getting snagged in the trees and still keeping your casts good learn how to do that spinning gears what I prefer this is a st. Croix premiere this is a six foot medium light power fast action it's a two-piece rod so I can keep it in my car I can stop it in Little Creek real quick I've also got the strategy i-4 plus it doesn't have to be this real expensive reel I know but it balances with this rod very nice I know it's got a good drag I'm using five pound son line sniper line with this it cast really nice for a fluorocarbon and it's had good strength I've been very happy with that line so and it's good it's good and thin for these trout so I'm not spooking too many of them could go low later if you want but that's my setup stay in court premiere I like the medium light a lot of guys use ultra light that can help you when you're guessing the real tiny baits but with these heavier Rapala ultra light minnows you don't need so light and whippy of a rod I don't like the whip eNOS of an ultra light trying to set the hook on a fish and the rod just gives you get no hook setting power I can't work a bigger fish out of any cover because I have no strength really my rod so I prefer this medium light st. croix is a little heavier than most that might be almost be like a medium action rod but then I know I've got some hook setting power and if I happen to be shorter rod and I'm going bass fishing from shore I can grab this super light set up and still have enough hook setting power to set into a bass and play the bass so it's kind of a good all-around rod but it does really well with Proficient now let's see if we can catch something I have a problem I casted over a branch and twitched it off of there but I jerked too hard I broke the lip right off of the bait I've happened it's happened before on me a couple times you cast over a branch whatever you give it too hard of a jerk and these little plastic clips will break doesn't happen very often but it does happen this bait still looks okay I didn't bring any others with me in my pocket I usually keeping a spare one I didn't bring any today so I'm just gonna keep fishing this without the lip you've really got to twitch it to make it make any action it's got a pretty good action we'll see if we can't catch anything on it still it doesn't dive down quite as deep but you can still work it back and forth almost like a twitch bait on the surface it'll sink down a little ways and you can get it to twitch so we'll see if we can't trick anything even with our broken bait I missed that one I'll work perfect first cast got it right under there hit right away leave it too long lost that one these fish probably 14 inch or so maybe there's hope try to kitchen I'll keep watching [Music] this is a tricky spot because you can we come at a stream which is perpendicular to it you don't have a way to work up and down the side so I can sneak up there as best I can make a cast across stream it's gonna drips real short area it's gonna drift so that's not where I want to go it's a long pool I will try that first see if I can get anything that's really aggressive and I'll slowly closer and closer and then try to work downstream or upstream and hit the hole that way [Applause] next this log is a little bit of an undercut even though I'm gonna be standing right over top of the fish so it was good to try a couple of cast you'd be surprised what will shoot out from right underneath your feet and grab something so always make a couple jerks just right along and anything like that always watch for trees above you when you're casting sometimes you'll cast right up into a grant and snag your lure or break your line like me little brown trout I got there's a little Martin baby markings on them Oh Brown band so let's get them back in the water [Applause] that's what we're looking for there there we go a nice brown trout probably a 14-inch er the back in the water beautiful brown trout alright guys we're gonna give it a try we just had a bunch of rain last night and then this morning there was an hour of just a hard hard downpour so the creek is flooded but we're gonna give it a shot see if the big trout are biting right now [Applause] yeah he's not nearly as big as I expected and he really is big that's nice I don't know 12 in Jerusalem we go flooded river trout number one [Music] now fish dirty water it's kind of hard but these repellers will work they can see that flash and that bigger bodies so it'll work I should have probably almost use the bigger apalla see I don't make this many repeated cast to areas on this Creek when it's clear first couple cats if they don't bite it they're not interested so I usually move on the dirty water like this you got to keep making casts the fish can't see it so you got to try to get it right by their faces broke my rod tip broke my rod tip I had a strike for that fish I've been trying and I came right out and nailed it as I was just swimming moving fast set the hook my lure came flying hit my pole right here broke it now I need another trout fishing rod I don't have one yep that doesn't make for a good day and I lost my lure it broke off then it's down here somewhere somebody's been pigeon here let their can of crawlers out there here today or not they're still fresh so I'm French it's still alive I get to try that and they speak their junk for him [Applause] good more Trish we'll pick that up too I had a little trout come up and chase my bait for a second but we didn't get to go sometimes that's a color issue with your lure so a different color I'm using a black and silver which isn't my favorite absolute obviously not the trout's favorite either well there goes lost the lure yeah good attempt it's a good spot right there but current blows pushes it right past that little lay down and it sweeps your bait right behind it it's hard to get around it need a longer Pole to be able to do that work that right ten-foot pole and you'd be able to do fine oh well let's pick up the trash we found [Music] alright by the way I got a new new trout rod how much different than my last one I had a six foot medium light st. croix premier two-piece proud before and all they did was go with a six six two-piece medium like st. Croix premiere there you go I am there twelve-inch ourselves first fish on the new trout rod nice little trout could be an eater but we're gonna let me go oops well we just missed one newest little guy ten inches or so same spot we caught one yesterday that one yesterday was a little bit bigger but same spot so I catching them anywhere else I saw a couple move or flash at my bait but I couldn't get him by it's a couple little ones rising for bugs go boy catch see if I cast upstream come around mid August we just had a rainstorm poured real hard for an hour - real nice Brown nice spot Simon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] almost at him well you saw that that was a good throw and huge forgive them nice one Big Jim
Channel: Geezers Bassin
Views: 38,480
Rating: 4.5868545 out of 5
Keywords: Brown Trout, Trout fishing, Rapala, Ultralight Minnow, St. Croix Rods, Shimano Stradic CI4+, How to Trout Fish
Id: FuO4Zc3yU1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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