Chasing the Highest Rating on vs GM Daniel Naroditsky

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i mean what do i have here exactly i've got  what four pawns for a queen or something like   i don't have enough but there is no trick right  also i should have gone to h1 probably go here   oh that's actually just a bad move yeah it  just says rook f8 and now i can't i can't   even stop the threat oh daniel blundered oh my god  daniel blundered it oh my god i have just a draw oh daniel cannot be happy daniel wants to play i'll play daniel a couple   of games play knight f3 not  many just a couple go here not feeling high on energy at the moment so i  don't really want to go and play a huge match i could have played d3 first i mean f3 is fine  let's go here 92 all pretty standard so far but   daniel's dan i mean this also is kind of unhappy  times because daniel's underrated too which is   pretty annoying like danny's rating is 30 50. so  like this is actually a bad matchup right now i   shouldn't be playing daniel at these ratings okay  let's just go here i guess we sacks i just take   it's actually a very bad match but i should  only be playing daniel's about plus minus 100.   it's plus 200 right now it's a pretty pretty  unhappy matchup oh daniel's not streaming okay   castle of course i go knight t2 d4 c4 just a  question of the move order more than anything go here i mean i don't know if he should be  over 3100 i like i don't know if he's underway   or i'm overweight or what it is but i would say  plus minus fair value should be about 100 point   differential that's what i would say so let's take  because c4d4 i think i've got a very nice position   here i don't know if it's like winning or anything  but it feels very pleasant a lot of pressure in   the center of the board as well so i think i'm  doing very very well and i'm up a lot of time okay so i can obviously take queen e2 looks  like a reasonable move g5 is obviously here   but queen e2 seems like a safe move  i know it's the best move bishop e5   of course i completely forgot that this is  a move so let's go here i guess in rook b2 i think the bond clap for five no i mean i'm not  going to get easy pairings no matter what at this   point um so i just want to play i mean again  my ratings 3250 i've got like 100 points to go   there's i would say there's like less than  i mean i would say honestly there's like   okay i have g5 i think you forgot  about g5 i would say there's like   five percent chance that i can get  to 33.32 but i'm gonna try at least   um now the question is do i take the pawn first or  they take i mean it's actually quite tricky here kind of unclear my instinct is that i should  take g7 it's just my instinct okay so let's take   and take it goes rick v8 i saw that move and now  it's like now it's actually very tricky to play   i guess i'll do this i mean i'm probably gonna  blunder and lose this game it doesn't look right   maybe i can take though okay let's go here  i guess i'm gonna try to take probably have   some way to draw this i don't think i can  win this though i suspect this is the draw i take this might be a mistake too actually i suspect i should be able to draw  this but i'm not quite sure how maybe i'm just losing though the more i  look at this more i think i'm just losing yeah i think i'm just losing  i think i just blundered this yeah it's got this and i'm actually i think  i just lose right yeah it's just losing the reason i thought i had a trick  here but i just miscalculated it i think i was actually better but i missed the i  missed something here exactly i guess i'll go here yeah i just wandered this if i do  what what do i have i guess i go   yeah this is just a blunder by me go here let's have d4 and queen e5 or something trying to   go over some kind of weird trick  i mean i'm sure i'm lost but i'm also i also don't have  enough time to win this check back yeah this just this is just losing   if you have like 20 seconds left i can maybe  win this but yeah it's about it's a bad start take here i'm obviously down a ton of  material but the funny thing is that like   i do have weird checks every  which way so i go check i can play f4 can i go no i think i'm just okay  let's go four i mean what do i have here exactly   i've got what what is the material count even  i'm so confused i guess i'll go here i have what   a knight in a bit i've got what four pawns for a  queen or something like i don't have enough but um no i don't want to check i'm trying to say  there's some trick like knight g3 knight h5 but there is no trick right also i should  have gone to h1 probably go here oh that's   actually just a bad move yeah it just says rook  f8 and now i can't i can't even stop the threat oh daniel blundered oh my god daniel  blundered it oh my god i have just a draw oh daniel cannot be happy oh man he totally  flubbed that thank you half full nelson for the   four that was a very bad flood by dania very very  bad i mean that was so lucky behind me my joy's   probably much better earlier to be fair so i mean  it's probably a fair it's a balanced result but   still that was pretty poor my knight was hanging  no my knight was guarded by the bishop on g2 oh wasn't it or am i crazy mj toshi for the uh  for the prime thing or chipotle sensei for the 12. daniel's not streaming right he was just doing  commentaries he's probably a little bit tired too   i do have bishop a6 here which i  think is supposed to be correct   i'm going to go rook c8 i've got  95 here bishop b3 i go knight a5   i think i'm a little bit better already maybe  not better but i think i'm i mean probably   equal okay so let's see what do i want to do here  knight a5 looks pretty reasonable with knight c4 um seems seems like a reasonable move  knight c4 just trade off gold knight d5   i don't know if it's right but it seems  seems as reasonable as anything else at least   okay go bishop d5 here i mean i obviously can  play like bishop d5 and g6 i don't really want   to though so i think i'm gonna go here hopefully  this isn't a blunder this feels a little bit   strange oh here i have to be careful [ __ ] before  but i b5 actually he's trying to go d5 himself   i play h60 stacks if i go g6 is d5 a threat not  really i can just take i think i think i can take   although again i put the rook on e8 so he's always  got very nasty a4 that i completely forgot about time is balanced nothing  nothing really too special there   i think you don't miss trustful for the  12 months thank you so much trustful   so he does d5 switch if i take i mean maybe  he's just winning and i blundered the house   somehow but i don't see it oh i did blunder the  house yes right on cue he's got he's got this   oh wait no he doesn't because i take oh he must  yeah the bishop guards we're both so bad at chess   i think he thought he had takes takes in rook  d5 but i take and i guard but he wondered but   did he get lucky and is it not not an actual  blunder i take okay so i'm fine okay now i'm fine   although it's gonna be hard to win it's gonna  be very hard to win this i go here and takes pretty equal position i'm up a pond but i have  a slight weakness and i've got an isolated pawn   i suspect this will be a draw too go bishop f8 got to be careful the dark  square meets the bishop g7   just gonna be a draw i think if any  tricks not really let's just go here go say h4 logical i can obviously trade play h5  but again this is going to be a draw not much i   can do i don't think um or can i let's go here  if i get the pawn rolling but i can't of course wait i do have rook d one  rook c4 in d5 takes can do one nc7 okay let's go for it i think i'll go here i'm going to try to  win this it's kind of scary a little bit   i mean maybe i have a mate threat or something  i mean i could have traded and played   a6 which was a draw too i don't really have a  choice okay let's go here in rook a4 i guess   i'm up a pawn so i can't really i mean i can't  lose obviously question is can i win this game   or not that's really a big question so i bring the  rook i guard the pawns i mean i guess i go here here i'm gonna go f6 king g6 of course now he allows rook c2 and now it's  kind of really scary but check and take um i don't have b4 though do i i'll still do it anyway um yeah that's just a draw  but i can actually waste some time i guess i'll go here and try actually this  does nothing either i don't know why i did this yeah this was pretty stupid too just  to draw maybe i had something before yeah it's just it's just a draw maybe i had  something unclear if four if i wait probably   always a draw honestly never really had much there  draws yeah but see the problem is because dan is   200 points lower i actually lose like four points  for draw so that's actually the biggest problem   that's actually the problem with playing him  right now except 100 is like minus two minus   three and that's like nothing nothing at all  but right now with him like he's 200 points   lower if i try a game that's the same as same  as a win so it's very unpleasant let me go here it's not supposed to be good although i i  actually i put the bishop on the wrong square   oh this was really stupid of  me to go here in 95. go here yeah i just blundered this too  i guess i go aaron takes if 94   have queenie through and i'm weirdly okay rating doesn't matter well the problem though  is if i say the problem is like i i would   like to say rating doesn't matter but if rating  doesn't matter then what am i really playing for   uh i'm gonna guess i'm gonna go for  this i don't know if this is right   if i take i mean he has queen a5 but i guess  i go queen d5 back and then he has to trade i   should be better i'll primo because it's a safe  pre-move he's not going to do it um buy nobody   for the prime yeah i mean i guess to be realistic  i can be delusional and pretend that i can get   33 33 but i'm not really that's not really gonna  happen but because it's not gonna happen i should   just play play chess and just enjoy it let's  go here i'm gonna take on d6 next move i mean   takes i take if i take his knight f6 i guess  this idea i can go e5 here not lovely king b1   actually looks like a pretty stable safe move but  i feel like i should have something better here   i have knight d4 the knight six i'm  looking to see there's some way i can   take advantage here i don't see it right off  and king b1 is obviously i guess a safe move   goes to b6 i actually did not expect that  now i think i can go b7 maybe and bishop d6 and e5 i mean ip6 looks kind of weird i'm sure it  would go to f6 and it was just like about equal   still very unclear of course  because he has rookie eight   but i suspect that i should  be quite a bit better here we need upon large seafood to return in order to  get a large seafood that's a nice nickname for   uh for photos they have large seafood i like it  large seafood that's a good one a large seafood   that's a that's a good one large seafood i like it oh you're  trying to go queen f1 i mean b3 is   a move actually queen b5 is probably  a very good move i kind of didn't   i actually didn't even see queen b5 kind of  shows that i'm not quite spotting everything yeah i actually didn't see 292 then queen b2   f3 i don't really like that either i don't want  to get too low on time though so i guess i'll go i don't want to get too low on time so  we're queen e7 knight c4 27 i guess i do it go here egg i'm gonna go knight  c4 and then i go queen d7   i'm gonna have to go rook f8 and then  i have like queen d5 or queen d3 maybe i'm up i'm not up on the clock temporarily but i  should should be fine here we're gonna be eight i   think i just go here the knight a3 i just take 95  of queen e2 actually i have queen e6 also i guess i think he'll go 95 i don't see  any other moves because i ever have   22 or something i guess trap  the queen very complicated in fact i think 95 is  actually just four sir i don't   oh or did i just i just blundered that  instead nice um i guess i take and take this will play b3 i don't know if  it's the right move but it makes sense   play e5 i want to go e6 maybe at some point because queen here he wants to attack  the pawn that makes a lot of sense i mean   i just go each string yes  this is definitely not correct over here off of the trade it takes on  winning if rookie want to go king b2   he's also way down on time  i mean e6 must be winning i mean i assume this is winning this isn't  winning the soviet what goes there so i take   oh i have queen e6 here but i'm gonna  go queen e4 to hit all the pawns all right i'll go here still  attacking everything um i don't really want to take but i think i will uh oh i missed that let's go check here oh i had rook f1 why did i play rook f1  there jeez right here i have queen of four   and i win the rook still winning but i was  pretty poor yeah i mean the work f1 allows   rookie one to be fair but i still should've  seen let's go check and take go here and here here we got the dub let's  keep going one up one down   hey jeez let's go back push from g7 let's go here play h5 of course all right i'm gonna go knight h6 maybe e6 knight   of five let's take let's go e6  of course i have queen h4 here probably it's just going to castle i  mean i okay it goes there so i go h4   oh actually danny got discon wait did dan  just deal with the disconnection nonsense   wait actually i think danny got disconnected there  lovely uh i've been dealing with disconnections i   mean it looks like dan just got hit with the same  problem not very good yeah he got disconnected   yeah i mean it's been happening to me a lot lately  too it's a little bit disconcerting um for sure   it does castle i'm kind of surprised i  guess i'll i mean i guess i'll go here   and just castle i mean c5 is always a move  i'm gonna castle take he's gonna go g4 surely yeah some days some days i mean i  will say yeah some days like there are   there are some annoying issues okay i can play rook h7 rook hd  i mean it looks completely fine   actually why that doesn't even do  anything that's very stupid of me   i guess i'll go rookie shakes i can take  and take maybe oh it doesn't look right yeah there's that i guess i can go here move the bishop out  of the line i mean there's still pressure   on the pawn i can always go queen  b6 i also have c5 i just realized i think i should play c5 here  chop away at the structure   got to be the right idea here i think he has  to take and then maybe i take with the knight   probably i take with the bishop i can also  stick with the queen so many options here   i'm not sure which one's right bishop c2 i  think queen b6 should be right target the pawn can obviously take and it's probably actually   why did i do i'm gonna go c4 even  though i suspect this is very wrong i'll go back here gonna just move my thing here i guess maybe i  go b5 i don't really know what my plan is i don't   really have a plan at the moment let's go here  attack the rook i'm gonna go knight b6 and maybe   knight h984 here kind of an idea i don't know  if it's any good it was a3 okay so i sack here   not really let's just go knight uh  this also probably isn't right but   i don't know he goes rook h2 what's the idea here  if i go queen b5 i'm gonna go a5 at some point problem for dan is i am very slowly gonna go  b5 b4 here and attack hi mr nerds my name is   herbert i'm a rare snail connector my snail  died recently oh i'm sorry dude let's go let's go here play b5 i'm probably  going to play b4 at some point i also play s6 i don't really want to go b4  so i think i'll go here and maybe queen b6 the h6 i think i always the bishop f8 attack  attacking the pond um he fell for what herbert   yeah sorry what you lost your snail i  mean that's that's really unfortunate let's go for it play here maybe takes  i'll go here i still have queen c2   starting to collapse actually  for white um i have queen c2 go here i mean i can obviously trade i take this way yeah there's something wrong with the site i think  dan is getting disconnected i got disconnected   as well i mean yeah there's definitely  something wrong with the sight i just don't yeah there's something wrong with the sight got  the dub i assume he's really wants to play okay i   wasn't sure if he wanted to keep going considering  the lag but i guess he does go here in castles go here with d1 of course i think about  a loop concept for the two months um   when does he end streams he has so much energy oh  i'm not any stream anytime soon uh okay knight h5   i don't i'm just gonna play rook d1 seems like a  logical human move i guess i'll go here maybe d5 okay g5 does give me some d there's some  trick here i've got to figure out what it is   maybe it's just e4 the default wait d5 e5  19 wait no i have 95 and bishop h5 of course   oh wait but actually is g4 there so  that means i don't want to take on e5   i'll just go here maybe e4 this looks right  yeah e forks up where i take it takes i take   knight of four i just take so this should be  correct where do i get my energy from you guys   chat you guys give me all the energy that  i need um uh joking aside seriously like i   mean if it wasn't for you guys i i would be very  tough it would be um i can play knight e4 here   i think it's the right move uh knight no i just  moved the king okay i guess i'll go back why not okay i think i have knight b5 here i'm hitting the  pawn at c7 right see it i just take and come back   if work fc8 i assume i have some move maybe g3  i'm just gonna go queen b1 oh maybe this was i   should have put the queen on a different square um  that was a big mistake i should have gone queen c1 whatever let's stack and have fun i always go g3 here i can also play like b4 trying to complicate i mean this this probably  is a bad sack i don't doubt that this isn't right   i'm trying to complicate the situation quite  a bit this bishop is stuck if he moves it push okay so i can obviously take and take e5 now i just take this one i mean i'm not really  much better then again i'm not worth either thank   you to mendy for the get this sub mini 1981  thank you zugswang as well thank you thanks   for amanda ed for the gift it's up appreciate it  okay g3 here i mean i feel like i'm better but   i don't know if i can win this i'm i'm gonna be  honest yes i mean i don't really want to play g3   trying to find something better here rookie  four okay you guys seriously stop stop and   i don't know what you're writing but it's it's  annoying um maybe rook d1 and d6 i'm trying to   i guess i'll just do it whatever i don't  really think i can lose this well maybe i   can and i guess i just trade and take i mean it is  a pawn it's what three pawns i guess technically oh here in rook f4 and yeah i can't i really can't  lose this maybe it's a draw but i assume that with   the pawns going up the board yeah it's probably  oh wait but i can check um wait a second let's go h5 bishop c5 and i don't really have a way to hold   actually i'm gonna go for it  i don't know why i did this this was kind of insane by me this was completely insane by me why did i do this   i guess i'm going for it now fairly insane i'm  gonna go g4 or d6 here this is pretty insane   to me i don't know why i played this i'm basically  going for the win or the loss which is pretty nuts let's go i have g4 maybe let's go g4 and b5 i have d6 and i can't lose so as long  as i can't lose i don't mind playing this this bishop e7 so i'm going to go out  four here here here i have rookie six i have three pawns i mean i assume  with correct play this is still a draw   but how hard do i try i'm  gonna try to win this go here i'm gonna try to win this it's probably  wrong and then i've got check let's go here in here and rick b6 i couldn't go right away bishop c5 um go here go it's just a draw i guess got b3 oh no i have f6 wait wait wait  a second okay so i go here there we go there we go another win you guys   okay another win three wins so i think right now  i'm actually i'm gaining points at the moment go   here i took the risk trying to sack the piece  i mean i'm sure it was not right but it worked okay let's go here rook c8  actually fish basics again and let's do it why not what's the worst that can  happen it goes rookie one i go rook c8 i lost the   tempo but it's not a big deal oh i said couple  of games and now i'm playing a lot that is a good   point that is actually a very valid point i said a  few games and now here i am just playing this like   a deep long match you're right you're absolutely  right i said yeah i'm gonna play a couple of   games and now it's just like that this is like  wait and undoubtedly i'm gonna make a blunder   here with knight d7 this looks like a blunder i  don't really know why but it feels like a blender   i mean d5 i just trade i mean it feels like a  blunder like maybe i know queen a4 at b5 maybe good practice for friday true yeah good games  don't encourage me to stop yeah i mean i guess   i just take and i mean i'm slightly i i'm how much  worse am i here i have bishops no i think i just   you can obviously take and i just take not sure  what i think of this position definitely a little   bit worse is my guess actually if not much worse  i just realized that there's a big problem here there might be a big problem  but we'll see what he does okay so he takes for the bishop which i thought  was wrong i think he had taken in god but   see one he's probably winning now he's now he's  better but is he actually winning let's go here oh thank you ravi for the seven months so  much i mean i assume i'm in trouble here   but i don't see a forced win  i go g6 and i go rookie eight   actually i feel like daniel's misplaying  this at bishop e2 for example let's go here yeah daniel's definitely miss  playing this i have bishop c4 maybe   i have any tricks here is what i'm trying to  figure out i don't see any tricks i'm just going   to go here you can obviously trade and equalize  with knight e3 but then he can never win either could cast me out for the 18 months yeah queen e3   expected that the question is do i  have tricks like 25 i don't have 95 let's just play the end game  with this knight c5 i guess trying to get something here  like 93 or 94. if i go here i'm gonna go bishop c3 i  guess i take and i go here   king is kind of got knight b1  i mean his pawns look very iffy this looks very bad for white here  here here there knight knight v1 d6   was a4 i kind of expected that  i thought i had knight e4 though   yeah c4 knight c5 and i win the pawn  and with it i should win the game   i mean it's got knight t1 i just wrote ah should  not have done this oh well let's go here go here just c4 so i think i can just wait now cuz i  can always play a5 and fix the weak pawn here   his knight is permanently bad that also  looks kind of suspicious let's go g5 oh here knight d3 i think i  oh is this actually a draw   wait well okay wait i guess i  take d6 e4 no this must be winning i mean my outside pawn is really fast here  i think this is just winning over here i have f6 i guess and now i win the game because  the pawn is too fast yes yes very good very very   good five one thank you to mike hernandez  for the three months go here the same thing   so here's the knight c3 plays  h5 so he wants the same f5 idea   what are the moves here i'm just trying to think  what i want i think i'll go rookie one anyway i think i have c5 here let's try it i don't  know if it's good but i'm gonna try it   or did i just hang a pawn i  just hung up on what am i doing right as i start playing well i have  to hang a pawn like this very very poor   here i guess and i just totally bungled this i take with the knight it's bad but maybe not the  end of the world thank you to a camera for the   sixth position for the get the sub thank you so  much appreciate it not ideal but it's it's maybe   playable actually maybe more than playable maybe  it's completely fine if knight c6 i have f3 i can   take got knight b5 it's maybe okay i forgot to  take with the b-pawn i only thought d-takes for   some very very weird reason nice c6 queen g5 f3  is no good f3 right away makes a lot of sense   knight b5 makes sense i mean there's so many  options here i just figure out which one's right   i'm gonna go knight b5 and he takes i take a queen  shoot five out of f3 so i take with the knight   if rook see it i just take and come back or i can just blunder a6  that is rather unfortunate oh very unfortunate okay let's just play  this position pretend i've done nothing wrong   if i take his rook c which  i just completely forgot definitely worse here but the question is how  much worse am i the c5 i i don't actually think   that was a great choice i think i can go here and  target the pawn now i got 92 at some point go here   target the bishop f3 i mean actually  starting to look a little bit sketchy   like oh more than a little maybe  very sketchy here for black danny appears to be disconnected too his bishop  is also kind of trapped that's the other problem   i think 91 and f3 is but wait don't have f3 just take f2 and then i bishop a6 i can also take oh wait a  second wait a second i know i'm much better here   i just have to be smart about how i play this  the bishop a6 or do i play bishop h5 is a big   question mark bishop h5 makes the most sense  but it's also most unlikely to be correct a6   makes a lot of sense here also doesn't but i'm  going to take it oh he's got rook f no i have 94   thank god very nearly just through this  game 94 i believe is queenie four rookie   two and knight f4 and he's got some kind of  weird bishop g7 you have two it's just a draw   very poor um let's see knight f3   tonight three is okay i can take and just  take and play rook f3 it's kind of okay all right bishop b5 and takes uh thank  you to offend being gold for the 500   thank you to ben uh sorry thank you defend buying  gold the five hundos appreciate it man thank you   i should be better if he moves the rook i go  bishop b5 and i'm winning if he doesn't i mean i think i'm doing really really well  here okay so i take i take of course he's   got the center pawns but i mean i don't  want to take i mean knight p2 is a move   if i go g4 you can't go knight six like  take the pawn they can take mono after b4   i mean the central pawns are just so much  less effect so much more ineffective here   i also have knight d3 i mean this this  looks bad i put it mildly for uh for black   what's he thinking about do you think about  knight just e5 okay i mean rook f1 looks pretty okay let's think that work f1 i'm  trying to trade knights now if he takes   i trade if he takes i just take d3 rook d6  okay so he trades i mean he's got two pawns   but these pawns are not fast my king gets  in i also b4 next to remove the knight   and there we go and that's game  another win 6-1 let's keep going   all right let's keep playing sicilian  he's yet to or he's yet to prove it   let's go here i mean what i'm playing  is junk make no mistake about it here c8 i guess probably goes queen d3 so he's  trying to get the bishop g5 i mean knight   85 is always a move somewhere i don't  really want to play g6 knight a5 bishop   g5g six knight hey what do i want to do here  let's think i don't want to play h6 knight   d5 i don't want to play knight b it is maybe a  move knight beat is actually kind of interesting   i'm gonna play knight b in 97. i don't  know if it's right it looks wrong but   maybe it's okay maybe being the key word  i'll just go here after the trade he can   trade in bishop b5 of g6 i guess and i should  be okay although i'm not really sure about it i want danny to be benji's brother i'm not  gonna adopt him no chance yeah bishop f4   very logical move i guess i just take and  go g6 knight d5 i think my position is okay   knight d5 queen h6 bishop f6 knight e4 is not a  move it takes i just take if he takes i just take   because queen h6 i have bishop f6 he goes 94 he  hangs the bishop yeah this should be fine for me i go here of course can't i just take the  bishop or am i insane oh he's got knight g5   oh i did blunder he does have knight g5 i forgot  he had knight g5 here if i take and play f5 wait this is weird wait a second i have  to take oh it's got knight g5 right away   i missed that well i take a take and how about  wait rook c2 knight g5 so i go f5 takes oh it's   just mate in one oh whoops i have to take i  thought i could take the bishop i forgot it   was mate in one um maybe i'm okay though  actually the queen is seven queen up six weird i'm actually not losing i don't think   yeah very weirdly i think my position  is relatively okay very strange i guess i'll pray it's a safe room he won't  take i'm pretty confident but just in case this looks scary but now i think i've  survived it's just meeting one yeah i   thought i could take the bishop on c2 and  i forgot there's queen g7 very very poor i go here and i just takes i've made  i'll still pre-move it to save premium   bit should be one i mean i can obviously  trade everything down and make a draw i mean   oh i can also take and go here wait  let's take and go here knight f2   dan is getting a little bit careless here maybe  more than a little character i also have queen h4   uh now do i take f2 or not as with the rooker with  the knight i guess i take with the knight probably   uh let's take this way pack the rook got knight e4  rook c1 is kind of an only move um i don't see a   win which is really annoying because it feels  like there should be one let's just go here maybe i just take a rook d2 and  just play the end game i'm gonna go   here oh did i just hang work f1 i've got  queen g5 or queen d4 queen d4 is safer i guess let's just go here okay i guess go here i guess i'll go i have to  be careful i guess i just go here in king g7   and i have e5 and queen d4  it's just a draw i guess yeah it's just a draw nothing i can i mean rook f5 maybe it's definitely dubious i think it's  just a draw yeah it's just a draw okay dan has declined my draw offers um   yeah okay now he offers cause he  realizes there's no chance let's go e4 um let's play knight c3 again let's  do the same thing with bishop c4 no to what oh was i supposed to win for you guys  is there some uh some bad or something play h3 um i guess we'll play knight of three  why not i mean knight a4 and knight c5 is   always an idea here it's not particularly  strong or anything but it's playable um this castle keep it simple yeah it goes bishop e6 i guess i'll try queen  e2 i'm sure it's not a good move but i'm gonna   try it anyway that's how i like to play chess  i like to do things that are not particularly   uh attractive let's go c3 here i'm  always gonna take on b6 obviously   it's a matter of one okay it goes  rookie eight look at b4 why not trying to try to force him to trade  the bishops okay so it goes b5   or d5 which i saw i guess i'll just  go here because i still b5 at some   point i don't really like the  way daniel's playing this game it finally plays the asic so i take he takes not  a great position for me that much is clear um   i guess i'll play over b1 maybe i  can take maybe i can play a3 here   or a4 actually what about just bishop c2 maybe go here takes okay rook d1 of course i'm gonna play a3 bishop b2 don't really like my position here i have to say what are the odds danny has 2700 pretty low  i would say um i think at this point it's   probably too late for him but again  you never really know he's obviously   always very dangerous but the problem is like  getting from 2620 to 2700 is very different   than getting from like um getting from like 26  then getting to like 25 to 26 20 or 30 or whatever   it is uh it's very very different it's a lot more  grinding like you have to play tournaments you   have to eke out the tournament where you like gain  five points to turn where you gain five points you   lose ten points there you have to really grind and  eek it out and i think it's just it's very very   hard it's like dana's style is not really that's  not sort of the style that he wants to play and   i don't think he should play that style frankly  so um like i i think i i just don't think it's   realistic oh now i've blundered bishop d3 if oh  wait bishop c5 okay um let's just go here i guess like daniel the thing is danny would  have to play a different style than   what he's currently playing i would say and  i just i don't really see the point to that   it's not a fourth threat i don't really  think it is i'm gonna go here knight f6 i guess i'll go f3 why not  consolidate the structure here   i don't know what that does exactly so i'm  just going to go here and we'll see one maybe probably see for next move um yeah it's like  because the thing is what dan has to do to get   there is basically is to play a different style be  like okay i'm gonna be happy with some like small   small advantages and games no brilliancy it's just  like a little bit too classical in my opinion for   daniel in general i just don't think it's what he  should be aiming for um this looks like a mistake i just wonder or not if there should be two  don't i or am i insane go here a knight of one so yeah i would say that's the thing  yeah he beat fabi but the thing is like   he beat fabiano but the rest of the tournament was  not great he lost rating points i think rooks c5 can i hit this too like he it was the result was  relatively okay but it wasn't great like it wasn't   as good as it looked on paper um i have to be  careful not to allow some weird trick here i'm   gonna go knight f1 and maybe queen c3 maybe knight  knight e3 let's go here yeah now it's starting to   spin out of control i have knight e3 i've got  rook c7 dan is in a little bit of trouble here go here i think i'm just much better i'm up a  pawn i mean i should be i know about winning but   i feel like i'm much better let's go oh do i go  to c7 or c6 the big question i'm gonna go to c6 i like my position okay that's got to be  a mistake so i think i just come back now   maybe i just should have moved the king but   because knight c4 that's probably a good move  actually i like i like the concept at least   yeah this was a little bit of a mistake by me   take pics with the pawn he's trying to go  queen d7 or something oh i realize i've   got no time wait i've just got no time  what am i doing you're busy talking um too busy talking yeah i was just too busy talking  and now i just threw the game uh here guys wonder yeah i got too busy talking  i just got too busy talking about dan i'm going   to win one more and then i'm going to stop i  should not have lost that game i just got careless   just talking too much during the game they  can go here way way too much talking like it   was completely fine and just too much  talking so here let's go here rook c8 and just like that i've also ruined my rating  that's that's the best part about this is like   one one mistake like that and suddenly my  rating is just ruined uh it feels pretty   pretty gross um i don't want to  take on e5 so what am i going to do   and i'm thinking too long  let's just go here i guess   i mean i guess i'll go to ic4 again and hit the  pawn yeah 32 well the thing is i'm losing points   that's actually the main point okay let's  just go here uh did i just no i've got here i'm threatening b2 also like this is  a big big threat okay i guess i go   i goes c7 or d7 i think i should go here  probably force him to trade this way i think i should force him to trade that  much i think it's clear guys he wants to   go knight d5 i see his threat oh my  bishop d7 i've not h6 i guess wait   h695 looks very unplug it's not really that  unpleasant probably it is i think i should go wait   i'm starting to miss some stuff i just realized i  just really just wandered something let's see um seven oh did i just i just wanted this too yeah um  take and take i'm going for something weird   i just wandered got careless funny thing  is it's not maybe weirdly not so bad   somehow like i mean i assume i  should be losing i can take d4 i need a bamboo thank you to matus marcus for  24. but yeah as i was saying anyway i think i   mean that's the biggest problem is that for danny  to get 27. you have to really switch a style up   and i just i don't think i i mean i don't think  it's worth it for him i don't think it makes a   lot of sense oh did i have queen g6 there i had  queen g6 which i forgot about uh okay let's go   here in queen d4 maybe very weirdly i'm not just  lost here kind of very strange they can't go rook   d1 because the pawn is weak i might actually have  a shot to salvage this as long as you blunt her   let's talk about danny moore why blunders so  now it's like it's on him to win the game so   it's easy for me i just respond to his moves hey  does this i guess i just take and take i mean   d3 i mean this is very weird by danya white's  still better but i'm not sure what white's   actually winning anymore it's 94 logical move  i have knight d3 maybe oh knight of 167 maybe go here i guess oh i'm turning checkmate  wait did dana just blunder the game   i'm gonna ice skater him oh he's got  f3 never mind almost let's go here it's still very weird i mean  it still feels very unpleasant   oh a5 i'm trying to go like a4 here or something  you won oh did i just i just plugged this well that was pretty stupid i guess i go   b5 maybe no there's knight let's  go here still's wrong go here i mean i have a42 actually it's kind of weird very tricky go here i mean i know that i i  shouldn't be winning here but   a five restrict the knight i'm just gonna bring  the king back maybe here with d7 go e5 consolidate   give me king over i ah this is a good good  good decision by danny knight c1 very smart um go here i guess in king c5 guaranteed i could have maybe traded there too go here i mean i assume this is a  draw but i honestly i don't know oh here is really kind of trying to misplace  i mean it's still probably a draw yeah it's just a draw i'll live with this uh or  dana can try to make a loss or i can blunder oh oh i got careless shoot okay god careless  that that should have been a draw at the   end right when it was a draw i just let  go let my guard down let my guard down   oh okay i'm going to win two and then i'm  going to probably just stop against the nx i   feel like i'm i'm gonna end up on the cycle  where i start losing points no matter what   but i don't really want to end up  there so i'm gonna go knight of one   knight g3 i mean d4 is obviously okay h3 is a move  i don't know if it's the right move so yeah that   was just so careless don't do don't do the old  giveaway yeah yeah no i mean i realized that as   soon as i moved um d4 is not a good move bishop b3  and d4 is fine 93 is fine knight g3 is also fine   i seem to remember what the what the right line  is takes is fine i think this is fine with d4 there's a good chance i just made a mistake  too ambition b3 was the correct move good d4 it was f4 i expected that um yeah i'm just trying to get really careless  here i'm gonna play b4 maybe a4 with b1   it tries to go for g5 i can play  knight h4 but then he's bishop f6 let me go here and with b1 i guess v5 next  move uh i'm just gonna sack upon i'm not   really concerned about any of this you can just  take the pawn that bishop d3 here i thought yeah let's just play bishop d3 and play  the position thank you so much for to   john bartholomew for the raid 203 okay blunder's  check should be fine big shout out to john john   bartholomew uh i was watching a stream the other  day not super close but i was looking at it um knight c6 queen d6 bishop f8 i don't see a i mean i take i probably should have  thought longer before grabbing but if knight c6   i take brookie and i have back bishop f8 queen  d5 brook f6 i have queen d5 or d7 i have queen   takes knight it looks like my queen's getting  trapped but it's not quite getting trapped   or at least i assume it's not maybe there's some  magic way that he traps it but i don't see it   and daniel's probably gonna  think for a very long time here   you have pacquiao for the prime  thing search pacco you ran but yeah throwing shade uh shade who  john bartholomew what do you mean i take go here okay so he can take the pawn back i guess   okay so i take i've b6 oh wait  no there's knight c2 oh yeah that would have been very poor by me  i was about to just blunder the game   okay let's think about how i want to play this what is this thread it's red is knight  c2 only threat but the weird thing is   i don't have any good squares for my my  queen or my rook i'm also down on time   no no rookie wants a blunder  wait i just gotta move go here and take i guess gotta move quickly gotta move  quicker thinking way too long here   down 20 seconds which is already  a big problem i just go here it's gonna trade i'm gonna take the good  thing is it's simplifying so i can't   really be much worse here i don't think  um i'll go here maybe knight g4 maybe e5   probably just a draw but it's worth a shot if  i can get queen b3 or something i'll check here yeah he's got this i guess i'll trade and  play the end game i can't really be much   i can't be worse here i probably can't  win either but it's worth a shot so here uh i guess i go here although i kind of i'm not  really sure why i did this i'll play h4 try to go king king h3  maybe i also have e5 at some moment really not sure why i did this though  i could lose this if i'm not careful   well i guess i have knight of two  knight h3 and it's not really a problem   i also broke b5 maybe yeah i think  i should go rook b5 at some point   let's go here i guess or the pawn 95 knight c4  is the threat um king h5 i guess i just go here   i mean both of our kings are a little bit strange  is that just a blunder by me i think it is and i   have no time here either which is a big problem as  well i gotta move you gotta move i'm gonna go here i will dude i've gotta move why can't i  find a move i can't find a move let's take pure knight of five maybe shaq and i wouldn't i wouldn't rook checking me oh beautiful  meat beautiful checkmate okay yeah didn't he have something else i didn't see  any other moves yeah daniel insulted on each gear   today i don't know if you're trying to debate me  or something or what you're doing there was no   knight takes f3 because there was a because  my night guard at h2 i don't think so maybe   you could have done it on previous move i don't  know let's go here no you're trying to troll me why did i do this this doesn't even make any sense let's go here and take some it's it's  very strange i think i'm not better   uh let's just take what move didn't he have  knight h3 no i don't think he had a knight h3   it's probably a bad move it feels wrong  but maybe if i can get rick deaton i'm   probably just better here as my guess okay  knight a4 why did i do this i thought i had   something and now just knight a4 and  b4 and i just feel like a total idiot i feel like a total idiot for doing this i'm still  probably okay because i've ripped the eight here oh we can take g6 oh what am i doing oh yeah or danny can blunder him blunder bishop  d3 he just blundered i tricked him   and now he's gonna lose an exchange here   um wait a second wait a second if i  take a4 do i take d1 is the question i'm gonna just take a4 all right or am i pieces yeah i should be better here maybe not  winning but i'm definitely better go here bishop   consolidates bishop holds i've got the double  ops i can play a five this should be better i   should be winning with perfect play um  let's just open up the queen side here bishop d2 very reasonable move   probably a very good move let's go here  just take i also had i also 94 maybe now let's go here 94 is my idea of course  maybe 94 first was better but anyway go here i guess um how do i do this i know i'm better but i  have to approve him so let's go here maybe we'll go here in knight d3 that's my idea and knight d3 still looks good but i don't like it   that much i'm just going to  go 96 and consolidate here go here g6 i mean i've got bishop c5 of course go here take take the files  maybe i've worked d3 i think go here go here why did i even do this this makes no sense either i think you buying gold for the five gifts  i'm gonna play h4 i don't know if it's right   over here in bishop a6 i think i can still go here in king e6 go check actually just got his  king kind of stuck let's go here yes a knight of one there we go we got a dub oh let's go here i need a big dewey's for  the formula it's gonna be the last game   either way i think i'm pretty good  here it's a lot of games we played um let's just castle i guess move my king up and just take i guess yeah  this is gonna be the last game regardless   i just i need to use the restroom it  feels like a good spot to stop anyway   i don't feel like i'm i don't feel like my  my play is not very crisp at the moment it   feels very uncrisp that's not even a word but  anyway and my plate doesn't feel crisp at all is still down it's not down for me is  it down for you guys let's go here maybe knight g3 i guess i'll go here and here try to do  something oh he goes wait was that a mouse   slip or not i don't know anyway let's go here  i think that was just a mouse up by daniel he   probably expected me to move the knight and  not bring the other knight to g3 i say every   day my game isn't crisp no it's not very crisp  uh i can feel it in the last couple of games daniel's not playing in the tournament no he's  not um i mean again it feels like there should   be some way to win like knight h5 or something but  it's not actually winning so i think what i do is   first of all i take some space in the center  here let's go c3 oh wait is this not winning ace takes takes wait i can also just oh i can  just take and it's a free pawn this is a safe way yeah the whole getting rid of live chest  is all the hallmarks of a cluster something   yeah i'm not happy i will actually say that you  guys i mean everybody knows that i generally toe   the party line but i will say that i'm not  happy about that i feel like the um i feel   like the play and and live chess that i don't  know why they're why they're getting rid of it   it really it boggles my mind a little bit um i'm  not happy about let's go here and take i guess   i mean it's g6 and i just go like rookie  one rookie four i mean this has to be losing go here rookie four rook h4  f6 i just take the juicer   okay i mean this must be winning but wait  a second takes takes takes check king g7   should be eight bishop d2 f5 it's actually  not as clear as i would like it to be   okay i guess i'll just go um i can play h4  actually h4 looks just crushing let's just go h4 okay he's trying to hang in there um   wait wait a second i know i'm winning but i need  to focus queen h5 queen of seven i'll just go here see what he does oh i think i can go to e2 i think i go to e2 i can  also go to d3 but this must be winning i just take   and take too many pawns here just f3 i take must  be when i have 94 i mean even this is just winning   let's go here can't move the pawn can't  move the bishop please a5 will just go b3   go here too many problems for  black this should just be losing   the daniel resigns so we got the dub you guys  we got the dub nine and a half three and i think   you're jacksonitis for seven months thank you  so much for jacksonitis appreciate it all right   you guys going to take a short break we'll come  right back and we'll keep rolling right along you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 183,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, highest rating, highest chess rating ever, my highest chess rating ever, highest elo rating in chess, highest rating chess player ever, Hikaru vs danya, hikaru vs naroditsky, daniel naroditsky vs hikaru rage, gm naroditsky vs hikaru, gm hikaru vs daniel naroditsky
Id: BJnk1Dy4txM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 14sec (3974 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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