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hey everyone so sometimes in my vlogs I will film myself feeling in my Copic chart if I get new markers and you guys seem to like that a lot and I got some requests to do that for my latest batch of markers that I've received so I figured why not just chat with you guys while I fill in my chart I have I don't have that many colors to add this time around I think I have around 18 new colors but I also have a bunch of new refills and I need to put little arse on the ones that I have refills for so I'm going to go ahead and do that today and I'm actually live-streaming as I do this so I'm getting my questions from my twitch chat if you're wondering so I'm going to take my bucket of stuff and go through it I think we'll start with the actual markers themselves and I can get to the refills after okay here we go I think that's it for new marker colors I hope I didn't pull any out and then didn't return them back to this pile because then I'm not gonna do I have that color and I'm probably never gonna use it cuz I always check my chart unless I'm using a color that I've used just a so often that I just go to it all the time like my east 70s or like RV 34 Y 28 those are colors I don't need to check the chart for but yeah anyway let's start with some questions from the twitch chat I need one that I can't just answer in three words anyone that'll like sustain me okay a lot of people are asking how I decided to become an artist so I'll kind of quickly answer that we got our W 10 this is basically black these are all basically black like you really do not need all these colors I'm just kind of obsessed with completing the chart I just was kind of always into art okay there goes the dryer thanks oh we just always had drawing and crafting supplies as a kid my mom used to draw when I was little and my grandma was always into arts and craftsy things like sewing or oil painting that kind of things I guess I was surrounded by people who drew even one of my aunt's drew um I don't know if you stole that she probably does but I think that just is what influenced me to get into it in the first place plus all kids draw I just never stopped I guess well I kind of did like I would draw on and off through a lot of my life especially once I got to like high school and college I didn't draw as much just cuz I was busy but yeah I guess like grade 10 and an 11 I drew quite a bit it was more like grade 12 and then my first few years of college where I hardly drew at all this color is called Jasper chips okay next we have B quadruple zero pale Celestine okay I was like it looks like I have it as BG though these are so pale it's kind of hard to tell if you already have a color but they come in so handy you might think like why you need to color that pale oh you do you do fish this is where a lot of other marker brands I've tried failed because they usually have a lot of mid-tones and then some darker colors but they really don't have any of the lighter colors a lot of the times and so that makes them as head that's why I love Copic says they have so many of these super pale colors which come in really handy okay warm gray double zero - okay I thought this video is gonna be like five minutes long it's probably to be like 20 minutes at least good okay let's look for some more questions Neelu asks where do you buy your kopecks kind of a little bit of everywhere I got my first okay it's really hard to talk about looking at the color I don't know why 18 I'd I got my first kopecks from music calm and I got a singular marker from a art store called Swinton's in Calgary then I don't know the order after that I've gotten stuff from otaku fuel Dick Blick curries above ground art supplies I've even purchased kopecks from Michael's using coupons although most of those were like for giveaways but um yeah lots of places basically wherever has the colors I need for a decent price it's basically where I order from okay w8 one grade number eight oh my gosh I'm going to have dr n8 I'm gonna all the grades now death did totally unnecessary but it looks like oh this is so juicy it's gonna leak out of the lines yeah I like to color mine in really solid I know some people do their charts like a gradient so that they can see the range of colors a single marker can get button I don't like to do it like that I kind of do two coats and then that's it okay are v99 Argyle purple purple one thing I don't like with copics is a lot of their dark colors are not dark enough and so I usually have to mix in some of the grays with them this one actually is pretty dark though my darkest red color previously was my are wanted to say are 89 and my are 59 but I always felt like they weren't dark enough so I'd usually mix purple in with them this purple is a nice color to shade reds with but this one looks even darker hallelujah and it's kind of brown Wow I actually really like this color it's going to come in handy a lot wait wait wait Zach doodle says wait Bailey why don't you use the Copic app because I don't like using apps to keep track of my colors like any kind of digital list I won't maintain it it's just yeah I don't like digital lists like I used to have a profile on the website Copic color I think that became a thing before the app came a thing and I never like I never updated it I went in there once added the colors I had and I never went back like it's just a pain in the butt it's like okay I buy new colors I gotta fill in my chart got a feelin on Kulpa color got a fill-in on my app like he's too many things I'd rather just fill in my chart this way this is much more simple because I'm not going to pull out my phone while I'm drawing anyway I'd rather see what the colors look like on the paper instead of seeing what they look like on a screen I feel like this is much more accurate that was special black by the way 110 than that one but then again that might be faded I was kind of debating just filling in the chart entirely from scratch but it takes so much time I'm like nah I'm not gonna do that okay why are 21 cream here we go I do know that one of the refills I ordered I actually already have I think it might be Y 11 or something no I don't have that one yr 21 one of the wise I ordered a refill and then realized I already have a refill for it so there's a dupe somewhere in there okay next is G 19 bright parrot green oh it's running away okay 19 whoa whoa who's phoning me hello goodbye as that call went on there was like this wind in the background and it was just getting louder and louder to let the end that was just like I could barely hear the guy it just sounds like loud wind I was like yeah okay why did I answer that I didn't want to turn him down though it was just a survey about my service um I had to call my gas company the other day and they were just doing a survey about how my service was and I'm like I'll do it why not do my good deed for the day if it was them like trying to sell some company trying to sell me something I'd be like no but they were being nice I just wanted to survey the wind sound is very really difficult I like that green it's pretty nice g19 bright parrot green okay ooh I like this question from Nutella is BAE when you read comments how many are hate that's a good question because it kind of varies but it says BG 99 flagstone blue so um when it's my subscribers I get very very little hate from people who are subscribed to me or just people who are watching my videos within like the first week it's up which is actually pretty nice and pretty surprising I do get a lot more rude comments on older videos though because those are the videos that are being watched by random people because most of my views do come from my older videos and so they're just random people stumbling across these older videos and they leave really really rude comments I don't see those most of the time because I don't monitor my old videos that much um usually I only see those kind of comments when I go in to Kazan times comments get flagged as spam or just get filtered and need approval before they show up and so I go through those occasionally and I approve stuff and sometimes the person they were applying to is someone who said something super mean on one of my old videos so that's like Hello and if I go to those videos I'm like they're a bunch of just trash comments here but I don't like go through it with a filter member anything because like I don't have time for that if people want to say mean things whatever they can say mean things I don't have time to go through all my old videos and like delete the mean ones because whatever they can say what they want oh this is B 79 iris by the way so yeah most of the hate comments on the old videos so thankfully I don't have to deal with them they just sit there on the old videos and I never see them well I see someone else like I said but I just stay away from them I usually only look at comments on my most recent videos just because I get so many now I I can't look through them all okay yg 0 1 green vise I thought I said Green Bay I was like hey okay whine go1 I really wanted these pale yellows and I ordered them and it turns out they were out of stock Y triple 0 and Y quad zero I want them so bad eventually I will complete this collection it's always hard to find those scraggly colors because no matter what website you go on they're out of stock of some colors you need and it's like oh so you go to a different website oh but they're at a stock of some other colors it's a never-ending struggle BG 90 gray sky okay so this is mm this is one I accidentally filled in I had BG oh nine and accidentally filled my BG 90 with BG oh nine I have a little moment there I might actually just cut a little square or a little rectangle of paper and glue it over that because this is a really pale color there's no way it'll cover that even if I go over with my colorless blender again so let me cut out a little rectangle of paper Kiki's laying on it actually I don't need to pull it out from under her to cut it there are some scissors I have like 500 painters here's one thank you for donating a piece of paper I wanted to start on a big side though cuz he could always cut it small glue that down just happened to have a glue stick here I don't know why this glue stick is out what did i glue oh I think I glued a shipping label when I mailed to my YouTube artists collective piece okay don't get glue on top though that will interfere with the marker good well hopefully that works if what's my favorite video on my vlogs and why I mean I'd have to kind of go back and look to see what's my top favorite but some of my favorite ones are when I go out and do something exciting like my Disneyland vlogs in the d23 vlogs I love looking at those ones especially Disneyland like watching myself go on the rides and stuff like I filmed on the rollercoasters I filmed on the water rides my camera got soaked I like good stuff so I like looking back on that kind of thing I guess trips in general those are the ones I look back on because you know a lot of vloggers say that they vlog for the memories that is true to a certain extent but really you don't have time to go back and watch a ten minute plus vlog like every single day your life there's good if you do was so that's potentially hundreds of videos to look back on you're not gonna look back on all those like let's be honest here I say like for me it's more just like an addiction I started the daily vlogging so I thought it'd be fun and now I'm like addicted to it it's so part of my routine I tried cutting back to weekly vlogs once because I just thought my life wasn't interesting enough but I just couldn't help it I just kept picking up the camera it's just like I loved it too much but I'm not going to go back and watch all my vlogs just the exciting ones like my trips or like if the cats did something extra cute or extra funny I'll look back on that so I'm not saying all these color names that was n8 here's why G quod zero so for me I do it cuz it's fun not so much for the memories but of course it's nice to be able to look back on those memories like when you do want to you know catch on change especially when you do something exciting okay see this is what's up with old colors is number eight looks darker than number nine and this is still a little bit wet but still it's kind of like over here this home looks darker than it's just cuz it's fresher ink anyway y23 yellowish beige hmm I like that I mean it's pretty similar to y21 it's not really any darker mm-hmm you get touch yeah I hate when they're too similar when there's two colors next to each other like that like you could have made it a little bit darker or made that one a little bit lighter yes okay we have one more marker and that should be it for markers this is why oh I take it why triple zero oh right okay it was why quads err I missed out on and then like the B V and V quad zeros I ordered I think maybe all three of these and then they were out of stock or something I got one of them whoo whoo so except someday those pale colors will be mine okay now we have all these refills to just quickly go through but I'm not coloring them in I'm just basically writing down that I have a refill for them it looks like I may be using point three marker for those yeah here we go point three multiliner let's quickly go through these I've got my B trip zero OOP b12 hmm me gee I was a baby gee triples yeah refill okay I'm gonna try to grab them by color groups like I just did cuz that's easy those ones were together but just kind of do three at a time like this oh did she do the color where she has to go over the square no I didn't oh my God thank you so much tactical I just skipped that huh wait where did I put the marker oh it's right here yeah I never did do this one thank you this fish Wow there we go there's BG 96 tiles after write in the name using my super tiny pen be g90 there we go Fifi Fox asked where did you get your cats we got them from a friend of Christians coworker their cat had kittens and they were looking to get rid of them and so we said leave it take to get your pet spayed and neutered kids some of these are hard to read because the ink is so dark like where's b37 sister there are already so many animals needing homes we don't need to add to that if you can't afford to get your pet spayed or then you shouldn't have gotten a pet in the first place that's my opinion same with just affording to care for them if you can't afford to take your pet to the vet don't get a pet they're living creatures they're not toys so you know BG 53 where are you oh I'm looking at the bees that's why I can't find it they're in numerical order is like this shouldn't be difficult I got so many B and B G refills yeah the ones I need next are I definitely want b99 not markers running out a lot actually I should add that to my list of colors I need if I haven't be 99 I didn't write a 33 on here and a 13 yet B 32 what's up here due to do BG 11 to be G quad zero again I'm listed in V naught V G and B 21 little Boop well the babies be in the wedding no we're probably not gonna bring I mean I've considered it I'm like the people we usually get to watch our cats will be at the wedding so I'm like well we probably put with one of those boarding services except it'd probably do the one where they like come to your house to check in on the cats because I don't really want to send them to a boarding place I'd rather just pay for someone to stop by B need to do I feel like they'd be stressed though like on the drive stressed at the house like they'd be much happier just staying here Ruby fifty-two is beautiful then you have to fell soft greenish blue is what the name is and why isn't it WG it actually doesn't look very green but it's like a desaturated blue mm-hm it allows me my D saturated colors lately okay BG oh one little boop boop bo1 we do boob that's the ugliest are in my life I like knowing which colors I have refills for like one if it dies I can just quickly check the code I have a refill for that but also my camera stopped recording I don't know when it stopped recording it has it's silent when it stops recording but then I can hear it click when the screen shuts off but the screen doesn't shut off till like 30 seconds after it stopped filming so not sure when that cut me off last thing I said was that I accidentally ordered a refill for a color I already have a refill for but that's kind of ok I'll just make a mental note to actually use this color more often because there's a lot of similar-looking yellows in there so what I'm looking through if I'm kind of torn between a couple I'll just go with the y21 be like okay two refills for it use that one huh would you recommend your vlog camera for recording our videos yes it is a great camera and I used to use it for my Arbutus and sometimes I kind of wish I still did because it was less complicated than this big thing I use now and I still use it for some shots and like for filming my intros and stuff like anytime you see my face on my art channel i'm using my vlog camera it's it's a great camera it's so expensive oh that's why I'm I'm sad I had to buy a new one I mean I wanted to eventually upgrade to this one but I thought when I upgraded I would still have my old one as I got back up but now I have to lose it okay sorry trying to like grab trying to grab like colors Spang an animal actually helps with behavior oh yeah it's when your cat goes into he told I'm so annoying so we're doing and they're just stressed out because they're like I need to mate and so they're a lot more calm when there's bait Kiki went into heat one time I don't think Midna wanted to heat it all before she got spayed but Kiki did once and it was just like she's being tortured she's like her hormones are torturing herself poor boob do I know of any good but inexpensive cameras for filming art videos for YouTube no like there's always new cameras coming out I don't keep up with that so I'm not sure what's out there for like really affordable point shoots because they are out there there's always cheap options but I don't really bother researching into that because I don't have the time you know why isn't v95 darker than V 93 like that's really annoying they're basically the sink and RV 93 oh no it's mean anything Power Beam anything okay there we go warm gray number zero warm gray number do I love my warm grace so much into warm gray number nine seven eight nine I have to count them cuz I can't read I should put an R next to it actually because it's so dark although what about these colors I should just use like a white gel pen ruined I ruined my chart hmm where is my white gel pen uh it's always so easy soup because I always use it and so it's always laying around somewhere I'll do that later some other day Sierra fairy tale says this may be a silly question about what do you use to dust minifigures I use a makeup brush I haven't really had to dust much of my stuff yet but the things I did dust I used some of my paintbrushes I took one of my bigger paintbrushes and just dusted and with that but I haven't really needed to dust much because I haven't really been in the whole collecting thing that long Barbie 63 where are you and r-27 wait what oh looks like there is no 27 that was the RV's that's confusing okay next batch BB 25 20 oh Jesus I knew I did this one too I also ordered a refill for BV 29 because I didn't think I had but I do again two refills around Wow what a waste of money what a waste I mean I might need it eventually a v25 a great kind of muted purple wait what I already took mark to sundown as like okay yeah good I was like do I have two twenty fives as well no we're good work I've also accidentally ordered duplicate markers as well in the past like there are times when I knew I was gonna get duplicates like when I ordered the anniversary set I knew I was getting duplicates but then there are other times I just messed up and already had in like in the one order I ordered two of the same color in the same order that happen like two times I ordered two why 26 is once and to be zero once once it's like bail why why you do this okay easy Row one yr 16 that one's been dead for ages it's like the perfect regular orange it's called apricot it's just like your generic orange and so I'm so sad I was out of that one I don't use orange that often but man that's when I've had forever that was like one of my original colors okay so that is all of it my basket is empty I hope you guys enjoyed this little chatting charting video stuff people for all I thought it was intensely boring but it's kind of fun and you guys seem to enjoy it as much a throw these back in the basket I should actually put those away I'll put the refills back in the basket for now but I'll put my copics back in their case so anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video and I'll see you in my next video you
Channel: Baylee Jae
Views: 615,527
Rating: 4.9113731 out of 5
Keywords: copic, marker, tutorial, how to, how to draw, art, illustration, cartoon, comic, charting, chatting, copic marker, copic sketch, copic ciao, copic refill, various ink, copic various ink, color chart
Id: lnaPOwWYVEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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