Marker Review - Copic v Tombow v Crayola

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hi everyone welcome back to plum Mashable so this one's been asked for for quite a while I'm going to be talking about copics tombos and Crayola super tips so if you want to hear a little bit about all of these kinds of minors then just keep watching [Music] all right so as most of you who have been around for a little while know I have been collecting markers for longer than I care to remember started out with the tombos and then I got some crowler's and recently I've moved over to croppings now there's different reasons that I like each of them but I do like them all and I'm going to show you a little bit okay show and tell you a little bit about all of them today so I started off and I'll give you positive and negatives on all of them as well so I started with the tombos I have all 108 colors yes that is ridiculous and I collected them in a very wrong way I collected them one by one if I'm going to give the best advice if you want to get tombos buy them all in one kit because that way you actually save money by buying them in bulk you can buy Jumbo's from office works or from Exley's but you can also buy them online obviously there's lots of places that you can get them as well so start off with I guess a little bit of what the pen looks like all the marker looks like sorry so it's got two ends everything except the crowler's I'm going to show you today have two different ends so one is a brush in and I'm just going to grab it a notebook so that I can sort of show you this a little bit better so it's got a brush tip in at one end and it's got a fine point at the other the brush tip is great for brush lettering which I'm still not very good at but okay so it's a really great color great marker for that it is also really good for coloring and it has obviously a wide range of colors with a hundred and eight of them it does blend really nicely as well this is the fine tip and just so you can sort of see what it looks like I will admit I don't use the fine tip anywhere near as much as I should they do blend you can do that so I've got 403 and 443 here they are kind of similar so I just put that down this down they do kind of blend together they're a little hard to do I will admit getting shading and stuff like that is a little difficult because you do get peeling of the paper but the other thing that you can do which works really nicely which also does work with the Copic so you take your lighter color and hold the tip of that to darker color and this does work with opposite markers as well I just sort of either hold it or brush it either way you can sort of see you get a bit of a very faint next I didn't hold it long enough but you do get a little bit of a transfer of the color which you then can blend together now the thing with tombos is that they are water-based which means they are very very very very easily to use with water coloring or water brush pens I'm just going to grab it in this is just a palette that I use to actually stand block but you can use it as a palette and I just sort of put a bit of ink on here grab my water brush pen any water brush pen to do things sometimes you've got to come out of them but I had color on it you see already I've made a bit of a soupy mess there which is kind of easy use and then you can get some really nice results with the water coloring so with that if you wanted to bring in that doctor one these are very quick examples obviously so you can obviously to a lot more than is this than what I'm showing you but you can get some really cool effects with using these with water and using a brush pen you can get these from basically anywhere there are also a colorless blender that comes in this that you can use to pick up either some of this so just to sort of show you what I mean with that it does sort of wipe the color away so even though that's now got a little bit of blue to it it will just blend to nothing so if you do want that faded effect there are ways to do it with the tombos and that actually looks really cool and I like the tombos for for water coloring more than anything else I do find that sometimes the pigment in here isn't as good as I would like which is why I do it also whoops have watercolor paints as well and they are reasonably inexpensive this sort of six dollars fifty each a pen depending on where you get them from that you can obviously get them cheaper than that and like I said at the beginning if you do buy them not in like not separately or in bulk you can get them firm if you buy them from office works you get them for five dollars fifteen if you buy them more than five at a time so there are ways to buy them that aren't quite so expensive now some drawbacks to the tombos they are they do peel so if you put sort of like a lot there and then you want to go over and add some darker ones I add some darker here and then try and blend it together it is gonna peel really badly the more you add and I'm just trying to get that to do it so you can see so it's starting to peel that up it does blend but you are pulling pulling up a lot of the paper which I find kind of counterintuitive and you can't replace anything in here so the the nibs once you've wasted will not waste it and once you've gone through them they aren't replaceable at any way shape or form and the same thing with an ink if you run out you have to buy a whole new marker the co pics are different in that that you can fill them up and I'll tell you a little bit more about that later so this is it's not watercolor paper but it's it's fairly thick papers out of a Kmart kind of notebook it's kind of like art paper that you get out of a sketch pad and no bleed through it all through that which is really good just to sort of give you that it will bleed through your planet pages though so if you are going to use them in your planner just be aware that when you especially add water to them they are going to bleed through so just something to be aware of that so I started with the tombos because I thought they were going to be what I wanted what I found out very quickly was that they wouldn't weren't and what I actually wanted were the alcohol markers because they were the ones that landed really nicely but like I said I'll give you a little bit more information about those in just a second I keep all of my Tom boats in these little market caddies I got these from office works I'm pretty sure they are actually supposed to be brush holders but they fit the coping keep saying kopecks I mean tombow they keep the Tom booth in here really nicely for whatever reason I don't mind keeping these ones up vertically the Copic so I'm really hell-bent on keeping horizontal personal preference as far as I'm aware most people said there aren't any long-term differences between either tombos I've never had a problem keeping them up vertically so that just sort of seems to be a bit easier now if you're looking for watercolor or water-based markers that are a little bit cheaper you want to have a play with them but you're not sure you want to commit to obviously six dollars fifty or pin and try the super tip so these are Crayola ones you can get them in packs of 10 all the way up to fifty and I'm pretty sure from Officeworks these are sort of sitting at about a price point for fifty of them for $34 really really good a guro - you've got sort of heat grays obviously the tombos have lots and lots of lots and lots of colors these ones obviously only had 50 I think you can buy a hundred pack but I don't know if you can get them in Australia but you've got your grazie Browns and pinks etc etc these work in a very similar way to the tombow in that they are water based so they work really well with water and they do have a just one tip on them they don't have a bottom end and you can get a wide kind of one or really fine tip depending on how you hold the pen they do blend a little bit not quite as well I wouldn't say as the tombos do and obviously the colors are a little bit further apart on the spectrum so there's not really ones that you can look to get close as you can see here as I'm blending those together they do pill very much like the tombos do but then also like the time bed you can use them with water so just put some down on this block again [Music] it'll be a little bit too punitive but that's okay so you can see you get some nice effects with the watercolors by using these ones like I said they're a budget option but if you are interested in playing with markers and giving them a shot and seeing what works and what doesn't these are a really good way to start cause honestly if your weights $35 150 markers are you really going to be too worried my opinion all this is my opinion so they are the water-based markers that I really enjoy using I think it's really hard to compare the Tom bows to the krail was because they are really in a completely different kind of price point family you can't replace anything in here either so once it once they're gone they're gone but again for that price I'm not really too worried about that I think that's the downfall to me with the Tom bows now looking back on them and if I should have started with copics or started with Tom bows knowing that none of these are refillable and once I've killed the marker I've killed the marker that kind of makes me a little bit sad and I probably should have done a little bit more research into that but I am I really like having my water color water-based markers because you can use them for all those things out just to show you a quick lead test bleeds a little bit when I'm putting all that double sort of ink on there but other than that it actually works out really well okay moving on to the kopecks obviously this is my newest obsession I haven't had them for quite as long oh by the way sorry I keep the super tips in the same storage caddy as I keep my black and gray markers because they don't fit in here I'm pretty sure that the these hold 96 and that's originally how many tom bows they had but they brought out another 12 recently so it's brought it up to 108 colors total so the the tombow stood at the back and I've got my super tips that stick out the front my copics live in this storage caddy they got from it's a mega thing at the moment I'm thinking about when I'm moving to the new place they might get there a different kind of hold up but I really do like this and if you want to see a little bit more information on it check out my November favorites because they did show that off a little bit so there are four different kinds of Copic markers I've only got one these are the sketch markers the sketch markers come in three hundred and fifty eight colors which is how many colors total made by Copic there are three other kinds of markers there is a classic which has 214 a ciao which has 180 and a wide which has 56 the differences between them all come down to how much ink they hold the different nib types and and how wide those nibs are I would really recommend that you check out dawn Lewis's podcast if you're interested in a little bit more about copics and all the different sizes and bits and pieces and if you are investigating a bit further up that podcast was really helpful to me and Dawn was fantastic when I was buying my copics so I highly recommend checking that out the sketch marker has two different kinds of nibs it has the chisel nib which obviously I never used and also has the brush tip then you need which is the one I use the most so I get really nice results with this with the brush tip but the chisel tip you can use to sort of go through big wide areas and stuff so the difference between the Copic and the tombow these are alcohol-based markers which means that they do blend together really really really nicely because it doesn't sort of you don't get those streaks when you're coloring so I'll just grab two colors so you know blend together really nicely so I was gonna grab these reds so do a bit of a square now this paper it does have a lot to do with which kind of paper you use as well I don't think this paper is gonna treat me as nicely as my blending card does I get really nice results on my Xpress it blending card which is what I use when I'm stamping and creating cards and things with micro pigs but this might give me what I want so you see there that blend is really really nice and you can work on that and get that a bit better you can blend between two colours you can do that holding tip to tip to trying to pick up the alcohol like pick up the other color and then blend along you see how that started darker and then went light up there's lots of different techniques to use with the kopeeks that I find really useful and I'm having a lot of fun just learning how to give you these I have 80 of them right now that seems excessive I know especially when you put into perspective they start from about nine dollars 50 they are all the same price but they are at different price points at different places they're very very similar to my distress oxides I found I can buy them cheaper in some places Dorne has them starting from $9 54 most of the markers I think they're a couple that it might be 995 but most of them are $9 50 or if you really want to grab them from office works I started about $10 50 and get them for $10 if you buy more than five at once so there are ways to pick these up you can also buy them at Nicki sleaze and where else if I see them I know I've seen them somewhere I'll strike like specialty art places because it's really good one actually near Adelaide Airport at Harbor town called art art which had these for $10 if you've bought more than five so they were on par there are the things that we do keep in line with the kopecks are that they are refillable so if you do run out of ink and this is a different story between the sketch markers and the ciao markers the ciao markers don't hold as much ink the sketch is sort of hold a little bit more which means you can use them for long before you need to refill them but any one of them can be refilled and the ink is same in every single markup so it doesn't matter if you pick up if you've got like ten of these and then you bought ten Chows they are the same color no matter what sort of design of pan you use so the ink can be used to refill any of them the nibs are replaceable if you don't like the chisel end you can bias and other nibs that can go in the end same thing you can replace any of the nibs if you use them which is a really cool feature and they've also got all of the numbers on the end so they were really easy to find whereas the tombos have them on the side and and the the super tips don't have them at all so I wrote them on myself so that I knew what color they were all in all I think it comes down to what kind of oh sorry please the Copic sleeve the kopecks played a lot can't use them in your planner flat out just don't even try like I said this is pretty thick and it's gone straight through one other extra bit where I did do that really dark blend if you're just doing the one step story you should be okay but as soon as you start adding sort of other layers on here they are going to bleed straight through so just be aware of that like I said they are used for different things I don't think you can compare them and I think that was my mistake at the beginning that I tried to compare these these are apples versus oranges they are completely different kinds of markers and as soon as you understand that you sort of get which what what each of them are for these are great for water coloring they are great for a little bit of coloring if you just sort of do want to do really basic stuff if you want to do anything that has shadows or blends or anything like that you need to grab the kopecks there are obviously other kinds of alcohol markers on the market I started off with the LD ones and they were brilliant for a good 12 months I really enjoyed them the only problem I have with the LD markers was that they didn't have a brush tip they had a really strong kind of pencil a pencil but pen like tip which made it really hard to get those nice sort of color blends because you couldn't really blame them together Toodee in which then made the paper pill oh but when you did get them to work they actually we're really nice the alcohol in them is really nice so if you want to start off with the LD markers or something similar you get some from Kmart and I know you can get some from riot art and crafts if you wanted to start with those that'd be a really good way to sort of introduce yourself before you go jumping into kopecks because they are expensive and is a gigantic collection if you're anything like me you're a completionist and you're going to want all of them which is what happened with the tombo thankfully I've tricked myself into thinking I have all the kopecks by having them all in one kind of container that's now so perhaps I'm okay for a little bit longer I am really glad that I have both now it's a really cool way to make sure that I can basically cover myself for any kind of coloring I want to do but they are used for different things so it like I said just keep that in mind we have any questions about either of them obviously this is a very kind of short and not so detailed review or comparison between the two there are lots and lots of articles on the internet about kopecks V Tom bows or so have a good listen to Dawn's podcast I'll link it down below if you do want any more information on kopecks because like I said I found that really really really helpful when I was deciding what I wanted to do oh sorry and one more thing with the with the colors actually no I'm not going to go into the colors it's all in Dawn's podcast and it will sure let's find it 10 times better than I ever could but there are there is a reason why they're named the necklace the numbers they are and there's a system to that so like I said have a listen and you'll learn very quickly sort of what the numbers mean and why they get numbered the way they do so it is it for today's video I hope you did enjoy it like I said it's one that has been asked for for a fairly long time so thank you so much for being patient while I kind of worked out what I was doing with these this is a very very brief overview of all of them it's not designed to be a review or a full in-depth this is all the information you're it is a bit more of an overview so please take it as such if you have any other questions about Tom bows or Crayolas or kopeeks please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them whenever I can but yeah I just thought this was a really good kind of kind of video to do especially coming up to Christmas if you've got sort of something you're looking for and you're interested in markers maybe this sort of helps guide you before you tell people what you actually want I hope you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up if you did and don't forget to be subscribed to my channel for any future videos using tombow copics or the super tips hope you have an absolutely fantastic fantastic rest of your day and I will see you again in my next video sending lots of house [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Plum_Mashable
Views: 6,118
Rating: 4.7551022 out of 5
Keywords: marker, copic, tombow, crayola, super tips, dual brush tip marker, dual brush, dual, brush, brush lettering, 108 colours, officeworks, eckersleys, bulk, tombow maker, water based, water, watercolour, budget option, sketch, technique, wide, colour, color, colours, texta, mega thing
Id: 1biUAu7F7rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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