The Parkland Trial Is Horrible | MoistCr1tikal

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foreign yeah this is I'm assuming you're talking about this the guy that just talked about the lawyer the Parklands school shooter is on trial now I'm sure most of you know that but it doesn't seem like many people realize just how absolutely insane his defense team is so for pretty much this whole trial well I actually can't say the whole trial because I've only seen the clips for a while now they've been making absolute fools of themselves but it boiled over yesterday with a uh public display of one of the lawyers giving the finger to the entire court and laughing with the school shooter and then one of the you know actually I'll just play it I I don't even know why I'm giving the full contacts I'll just show you judge I'm standing here and I see that Jeff Mark is jumped up really quickly but no one jumped up when people were referring to Karma acting in the universe no one was jumping up when they referring to the defense children no one jumped up to try to tap down that rhetoric that is the rhetoric that I am talking about that is what I'm trying to be very clear on Jeff Marcus the state they can hide behind their arguments but we all are witnessing what is occurring in this court Which is my sister and I understand that thank you and I feel that 99 or a great percentage of what has been said has been appropriate everybody has maintained the Quorum but so what they're referring to since I don't I don't know if this clip is going to include it apparently at some point one of the defense lawyers the family was brought up I don't really know the context of it but apparently there was an offhand mention of one of the lawyers kids or something and now they've completely steered away from like the actual core discussion in order to address that like this is so disrespectful I'm a [ __ ] lawyer how dare you bring up my kids this is outrageous and now they're making like this public complaint to the judge and the judge is like I don't know what you're talking about from everything I've seen here it's maintained a very professional decorum nothing you know fishy or weird or low blows or anything and then it starts to go off the rails true judge judge what I am witnessing a building of momentum and I'm encouraging the court to direct the state to tap down on that momentum so it does not reoccur and it does not become a theme thank you judge they're becoming too powerful insulting the kids said to any of these Witnesses when they get up is would they like to say something on behalf of the victim they're representing there's been no encouraging or inciting as Mr weeks has put on this record that is a blatant falsehood and a recreation of the record as far as no objections being made it's the defense that could have objected it's not the state's duty to object to their own Witnesses when they are testified these are the bits Jimmy in the prime shorty listen I've already heard if you have anything else to say you can put it in writing at a later time I've heard from both sides more than once that's going to be it I've made my decision also this judge is [ __ ] awesome by the way SFI 2 has been appropriate I do not want to highlight uh the few things that were said that were perhaps not appropriate and let's move on you can have as many seconds as you want in writing and you can put all of your objectives you've been made multiple times she speaks to them like children like actual kids and I don't want to hear anything else I've already heard it is there something that has not already been argued okay exactly what is it says Mr Marcus Mr sass look at the statement Department agreement and so their implicit adoption of what he was saying is improper arguments okay but what you are doing right so this guy is a giant big baby man so I think the strategy was to get on a tangent to buy time or something so he starts whining like way way they were being mean and the judge has already heard it like a thousand times by now so that's why she's like very like shutting it down yeah I guess kind of filibustering I suppose but like really pathetically so he just keeps bringing up the the way they spoke about this was very inappropriate it was ill-mannered they were not brought up properly very inhospitable and then eventually one of them they reflect and one of the lawyers from this team defending the Parkland school shooter just gave the whole Court the finger I think it's in this clip I haven't actually watched this clip but it's from this segment that I was watching so I imagine it's here something and making more of a spectacle so if your office in general does not want to facilitate any or incite violence then we need to just sit down and move on that's it there were 18 Witnesses 16 or 18 Witnesses like it feels like a teacher calling out the class clown in front of everyone to do anything about maybe stopping it from happening again when these people are upset about specific things that have gone on from that table like shooting the characters are up at this court and laughing and joking Miss McNeil be quiet is that [ __ ] wild this is a school shooter and this is part of his legal team and they're just giggling with them giving everyone the finger isn't that wild I couldn't believe that [ __ ] what and I was reading apparently like this judge showed tremendous restraint not holding this team in contempt because they made a mockery out of the court and I think the reason at least based on what I read I'm no expert but the reason for them for her not holding them in contempt is because that prolongs this trial even longer so she wanted to like make sure the sentencing gets passed smoothly I believe because that is crazy actually when these people have sat in this courtroom and watched this behavior from that table and they want to say that they're not happy about it what is the problem George I have no problems but once you bring in my children I think that's highly impropriate I didn't even know you have children I don't know what you're talking about children I also don't even think he has children for what it's worth so I got real parasocial with this I don't know this guy I didn't really like look into him too much but he doesn't have a wedding ring on and I feel like he's just making [ __ ] up because he just keeps finding new things to whine about and like pulling things out of thin air to whine about and then he eventually just gets disciplined like a misbehaving youth it was I don't remember any comments about any children and if there was it obviously didn't it it came and went without me noticing it because I can assure you that if it your children you would definitely notice you need to sit down right now you're out of line in fact you're excused you need to go sit in the back with your with your and put on the duns cap Chief public defender put on the stupid hat Mr weeks please ask the lawyer to try to threaten my children and bring up my children is inappropriate go to the back of the room now that just violated about every rule of professional responsibility that I have ever I have never if you're going to get up here and you're going to should I asked you to go side far on this matter you don't have one of your assistant public defender say something about my children it's an absolute clown show a court is expressing is the same Venom that defense Counsel had to sit through this entire morning what do you mean so the Vietnamese talking about is in reference to when the uh the lawyer for the school shooter gave the finger and started laughing I believe they got uh reprimanded for that behavior so that's the I think I could be wrong I believe that's the Venom he's referring to it's not like they were just like innocently defending someone doing their due diligence in court they were actively making a joke out of it I am so glad a lot of these court cases are being like publicized now because a lot of this is absolute lunacy that I had no idea actually went on in these high profile cases it's crazy I had no no clue that this all happen today no it was yesterday I think the prime Felix Fletch and the resub RICO Reaper doinks monk pancake in the tier one old greet up her children multiple times during the trial nobody knows if I'm Barren or not they don't know about my children sit down sit down judge sit down Mr weak please do not summarily dissonance I'm asking the court I asked the court to go sidewalk go sit down don't don't children everyone in this courtroom go sit down sit down no no one in this courtroom had to endure what we had to do sit down Miss McNeil has made her style that was her choice you have absolutely no right to have one of your assistants come up here and suggest something about my children now please go sit down judge you're inappropriate and out of line go sit down you have a brief recess no may I have a brief recess can I have some ice cream my attorneys we're moving on with the sentencing Mr can I have a brief research no thank you it's 1 36 thank you hey great work out there thank you you got her champ nice work yeah it's it's a it is a wild trial which is so crazy because how can you even like act this way when you're defending someone who is like there's no room for argument this is the school shooter like this is they are defending the school shooter and somehow laughing about it joking with them and making a complete fool out of themselves like I don't get how this even happens that's the job though the job is like they have a due diligence that they have to perform where they defend the defenseless right I get that but why are they all laughing with them and flipping off the court and then like talking about the judges kids and like oh why are you guys being mean to us we just gave you the finger why do we have to endure such Venom they probably don't want to be there because they have no chance of winning yeah yeah but it still doesn't really excuse the actions like you go there go through the motions do the bare minimum and leave like no one expects them to somehow get this kid out of jail or something yet they're in there like absolutely ruining their reputation like [ __ ] this this guy from what I've read he could like legitimately be disbarred this guy big baby man isn't this Florida yeah it's in Florida he's the prime Chief in the resub Google gobble and Dylan and the prime Sanctum if they don't dispar her for flipping the bird I'll [ __ ] oh yeah that was another thing I mean like you can't really do that like you can't just go into court as the goddamn lawyer and just give them all the finger like not even Saul Goodman did that and he was like the bad boy lawyer it really isn't even subtle well no it's not subtle they even start laughing about it man import and laughing and joking missing be quiet it's just so weird you would think that this is his mom by the way this is the piece of [ __ ] that pretended to be crazy in the interrogations yep I know I'm well aware I I may not have really kept up with the trial apart from Lee's wacky Clips but I I do know about the the kid what did he do this is the school shooter the Parkland school shooter Link's resub lettuce and rebel and Jack he's not a kid he's an adult well yeah no I I say kid just because he's young like he's obviously an absolute monster I'm not like excusing anything he did by calling him a kid I think he's like 19. please resub's style and Custer in the resub Luda didn't he plead guilty to I don't remember actually he may have I'm not positive he did thanks to the resub ERM tea and the bits silver he was sentenced to life in prison today oh they gave him life instead of the death penalty laser Prime has been 34 consecutive life sentences they give people death penalty still depends on this on the state but yeah I think they were pushing for death penalty if I remember correctly I didn't I didn't know the sentencing was complete so apparently today sentence to 34 consecutive life sentences with no parole foreign [Music]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 527,605
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Id: 0Hyf6EKYHC4
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Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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