Charlie Helps Jake Sneak Out | Two and a Half Men

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Jake do you want grandmommy to teach you how to use chopsticks don't confuse him he just learned how to use a fork real funny Alan Allan what happened to Dad he turned into bonina Muson the San Francisco tree it's musolini Professor he's just upset cuz I won't let him go to a concert tonight why not because there's no adult supervision oh don't be such a funy daddy Alan he's a teenager teenagers don't go to concer with their parents I'm with Evelyn on this well forget it you are not going to the concert oh listen to you remember when I said you couldn't go to that Peter Frampton concert you snuck out of the house and went anyway really Mom no I was in Marque at the time but the housekeeper was beside herself and and I was severely punished for that right oh sure I tried grounding you and taking away TV privileges but at a certain point every parent has to accept that they're powerless when it comes to controlling a teenager really no no not not really parents are are powerful very powerful no no no trust me I I'm only doing this for your own good did did it even occur to you that you could help me with this I was not put on this Earth to help you out you're my mother yes and as you never tired of pointing out not a good one what are you doing sitting out here I can't stand up don't make a thing out of it what are you doing I snuck out to see a concert no way d so cool okay my dad doesn't know I went out so now I have to sneak back in oh well then you certainly don't want to go through this door why not if I know your dad and sadly I do he's sitting in there right now just waiting to tie you to a rock and throw you in the ocean what sorry I may have put the idea in his head follow me where are we going hey I'll ask the questions where are we going I'm okay here grab my what do you call it hand I'm okay it's great but you're sitting on my head do you have any idea how much trouble you're in I do not do you have any idea how beautiful you look in that light I'm not talking to you yeah well I'm not talking to you either except for right now this is me talking to you but no longer would you please just go to sleep doie dokie you and I have some talking to do will you make up your freaking mind I looked up Petri side really when did you learn to spell I sounded it out patricide huh our little boys growing up he's just upset cuz he snuck out so I grounded him for 3 months o that out of show what am I going to do ber I can't hit him well sure you can you just got to figure the wind and lead them they're like [Music] pheasants
Channel: Two and a Half Men
Views: 215,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoandahalfmen, tv, funny
Id: qU0ELvyaYKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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