Charles Barkley On Michael Jordan’s Son Dating Scottie Pippen’s Ex-Wife & Talks MJ vs Scottie Feud

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Michael's son Marcus is was I don't know if he currently still is dating Scotty's ex-wife yeah how would you feel if a teammate of yours dated your daughter would you feel some type of way hell yeah hell yeah I that is a really I feel bad for Michael I feel bad for Scotty yes that is so messy I don't like messy uh because when it's messy everybody has an opinion on it everybody has an opinion and you know the internet is not a place for messy no and you have to understand it's a lot of kids involved yes and people are mean people are mean and and that's unfortunate you know I just got into social media M because I didn't want to be around the meanness and I feel bad for everybody involved because you I see all the pictures uh I don't do the comment stuff but I know they going to be mean right uh but it's just a I I just hate messy and it's just really messy and there are no winners uh there's only losers mhm because obviously Michael and Scott's relationship can't ever be the same right did you know did was it the last dance when Michael put that that because he wasn't there at the time when Scotty refused to go in the game yeah and he inserted that into the Last Dance did you always know that that Scotty and Michael had this kind of contentious relationship because from the outside it like it it looked pretty good yeah I was surprised it was so bad okay I was surprised but in fair I didn't spend a ton of time with those guys together I spent a lot more time with Michael mhm a lot more time with Michael uh you know it it's just a sad situation because I think if you not that I know but you know if you win a championship with guys y'all probably have a special bond for life oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I think if you win six y'all might as well y'all should be brothers Brothers I like so like I said you know if you win one Championship I'm pretty sure every time y'all get together cuz you got to you going to have the reunion every every five five year 10 year 15 20 30 but if you win six together y'all should be damn near blood bu so that's the thing I most feel better there's guys I didn't wear with some they some of my best friends every time I see them it's like man I got another brother and like we bumping each other at at allar game maybe the Hall of Fame ceremony it or we just bumping each other it's like a family reunion right but if I had won six Championship with somebody I would think man we blood brothers for life when when people that do what we do take shots at you I mean you had the the funny back and forth you and Shaq had the funny back and forth you put Kendrick per Perkins face on the punching back and you you punching it you getting the shape I mean how do you how do you handle that when when guys that do what we do take shots at you yeah it doesn't bother me cuz cuz I guess technically we take shots at Players right I the only problem that I had with what Kendrick says there's nobody in the world watch more basketball than me uh I tell you like and I had just come out of March mag which pissed me off even more cuz I was watching two or three college basketball games a day March Madness really sucks cuz I'm watching games all day long right but the say another guys don't watch the games because he has a different opinion than yours yeah yeah and so that's the only thing bothered me I can say I say there's nobody in the world watch more basketball than me so but I don't get mad right and the thing is really funny about it Shaq is so sensitive at times right cuz I was going to like Let It Go and he's like no no no my mama told me growing up we kill all roaches and I said like so that's how the whole roach thing came up right and so anytime anything happen right now Shaq's like we killing roaches and Shaq is so crazy he made a a rap this song yeah and but I don't take it like I really the only person I've taken shots at honestly is is skill bis because man what we do is such an honor mm I don't think you can say stuff just to say it because my whole going back then I say man there's somebody in Montana Maine South Dakota if I said something bad about these guys they're like well I saw it on television it's got to be true right so I'm be like man I'm not going to say anything about a player especially if it's personal there's somebody in Montana or South Dakota going to say well you know Charles Barker said this guy was blah blah blah so I'm never going to use my platform for negativity for negativity I'm goingon get you out on this one you once said that you probably lost about 20 million in gambling have you quenched that urge to gamble or do you still like to gamble I love to gamble I don't like to gamble you know I got I got to the point so I would go to Vegas and I'd win a million dollars damn how what you playing a hand 25 30 40,000 I play 25,000 a half okay yeah couple quick Double Downs you can get that yeah and quick double down you get it up out your pockets I never know I don't want no check I don't want you to wire I want cash and there's probably been 7 times that I woron a million dollars okay there's probably been 25 times I've lost a million right uh so what happened was I quit gambling for two years and I always take the same group of guys to me and I said man I miss gambling they're like why don't you start gambling again I said well man I was getting out of hand they're like yo man your gambling ain't getting out of hand you're just a idiot right and the one thing I pride myself on around my friends they can always be honest with me I said why you say I'm a idiot they're like yeah man we'll be sitting there you'll be up3 $400,000 we like Chuck let's go you good for the night right and in my head I'm saying no we're not leaving this mother I we a million dollars right and they said dude there's times you've been up6 700,000 and you won't quit right because gambl is really just Peaks and valleys it is it's just Peaks and valleys it's stock market yes that's all it is and they're like dude why can't you win $300,000 and say man we had a great weekend why you got to win a million and I said what they says why can't you lose 300 and say we still had a great weekend and I says are you serious right now he said man you know I ain't going to lie to you let's win a couple hundred th000 have a great weekend go home go home or lose two or 300 you ain't got to win a million or you ain't got to chase it and lose a million and so to answer your question I said yo man we're going to Vegas for the weekend we going to lose a couple hundred, or we going to win a couple hundred, you know what we going to do we going to play golf every day and get drunk every night right and I had to change my mentality because you can never break the casino no no no no they can break your yes and my friends just sit me down and say yo man let's just go have fun for the weekend let's win some money or lose a little lose a little bit but yeah but but that's that's what really happened like I say I got such Elation but then when I would lose a million I was so depressed not that the money just yeah that's yeah because of the money but the losing but the but the winning never feels as good as the losing hurt yes you you so excited when you got all that money laying in front of you but you're like depressed for a week yeah you're like damn I lost I lost a million dollars and then you have to send the bill till you find out your people uhoh and they yell at you and you they yelling and yelling and yelling and then I says hey y'all better quit yelling me I'mma fire y'all and and then they like okay we'll pay it but that's what really happened I was getting out of hand cuz like you you just had your point was so good no matter how good it feels winning when you lose it just sucks want to join Club sh Shay become an official member by hitting that subscribe button where you never know who's going to be joining us for drinks and conversation don't be late to 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Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 970,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Football, Basketball, NBA, Sports, Shannon Sharpe, Athlete, Charles Barkley, Olympics, America, Barkley, basketball, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, LeBron, Shaq, charles barkley, Scottie Pippen, Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan, Skip Bayless, Kendrick Perkins, ex-wife, Las Vegas
Id: PmFnTrb1KRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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