Sheed & Bonzi CALL OUT JJ Redick For Saying MJ's Era Was Watered Down!

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moving on did y'all see JJ reick talking about Michael Jordan's era being watered down I think we had it was on Shaq's podcast I think we have the clip here uh we G have to be quiet so we can hear Shaq and JJ talks and let chat hear it as we hear it so only thing I don't like about the conversation is they don't put my boy's name in it if you're going to be throwing names around you got to have my boy's name in it that's like saying what are the best luxury cars out there Lexus or a beamer you got to put the Mercedes in there too Mike LeBron and Kobe now y'all debate I refuse to get into the goat debate I don't care they didn't play against each other what makes him great is the fact that he's done it now for 21 years at the highest level yeah LeBron's never averaged 35 in a year guess what he's averaged 25 or more for 20 straight years we're nitpicking a lot of times we're comparing errors like I'll say this with Michael Jordan and I don't mean this to be controversial Michael Jordan during his Heyday six teams were added to the NBA they were 90 players added to the NBA does that not water down I'm not talking playoffs by the way no chance I'm talking playoffs you're not telling me that the league for a little bit is going to be a little watered down because they ready play too much your thoughts because that's not reality what 90 new players that you just found off the street that came into the league they had an expansion draft am I right they was drafting dudes off was three expansion drafts yeah they drafting people off the team the dudes I was already in the team so it wasn't like they just on they like hey hey hey camera guy you want to play you want to play tonight call some your hom Charlotte hor hey cheerleaders you got you got a boyfriend see if he can come play like they wern't doing that they wouldn't it wasn't like that so I mean I don't know what he talking about but I mean it's easy to say Bron is is is that guy because you know you seeing them and you seeing him right now but the people who didn't really get a chance to really really see Mike like I'm from Indiana and wgm was local I don't know if it was local for you guys but I caught all the Bulls games and that that man right there was exceptional like better than everybody the stuff that he do and like I said before he has no Advantage he's not bigger if you ever seen Mike Mike is skinny 66 know he got some cuts on him a little bit but he probably 210 was no bulky he was no bulky dude he wasn't he didn't have no no physical advantages it was skill you know what I'm saying Bri 69 250 he's a freight train coming down there you you bumping to Bron you like God you know what I'm saying like but Jordan more athletic than the average six what 66 fact like him and kobby had more game you know what I'm saying you more skill set no disrespect to Bron cuz we love braon and everything he's done for the game and how he plays cuz he's awesome but they he them two didn't have no physical advantages man them dudes had skill sets they was hitting real buckets like they had to really create some space they had to really manipulate some stuff create angles for themselves braon see Bron see you there he's just going right through you you know what I'm saying he ain't got to try to get around you I mean why if that's working why would I not I'm just saying no yeah but that's a skill set that's his physical Advantage cuz now he can just go bully you hit the layup these guys didn't have no bully to their game they had skill set to to their game not saying Bri don't have a skill set they stuff was man y'all just y just don't until you got a chance to play against them dudes you don't really TR I played against all three and she has two it's no comparison in my mind cuz them dudes was man like I said I couldn't sleep at night I couldn't eat at night knowing I had to play them tomorrow man like we said like bro man I ain't going out tonight man y man I see y later on I'm in the room man I got these chicken fingers and fries I got this movie queued up is that your healthy dinner it's 7:15 man I don't care I'm in the bed get Mone and I don't care no we ain't doing that man I don't care how much I heard in the hallway them turned up or the Next Room going I don't care I'm getting my rest man because I'm not getting embarrassed because I had a bunch of clown ass friends at home now if you get embarrassed they call them man whales B man Kobe killed you man God what 37 what else man you trash you know what I'm saying I got and and I put I put too much stock and listen to my friends because that's the only people that's your world so when you hear your friends calling you know you know you have a bad game and somebody cooked you you can't you get to that phone ah Godly I don't even want to open this text tight know this fool about to say I'm about to lose a friend I'm saying so but you know Bri you know playing against Bri you like okay let me just maybe do some extra push-ups or get in that weight room and get a lift in before the game cuz I know it's going to be some bully stuff CU you know what I'm saying I got is that going to is like seven push-ups before the game is that going to help you vers LeBron James in your mind it's going to tell you that yeah but in reality no you know say but your mind jump you got to just be ready for the blow you got pause but you got to be ready for the you know what I'm saying you got to be ready for cont I had to pause that too yeah but I I've seen it like here's my difference is I seen Mike play before I got into the NBA and then the play against him in the NBA at the time I did he was he was at his Pinnacle he was he was the [ __ ] yeah you know what I'm saying and with him seeing him and Kobe go against each other you know Mike yeah Mike was a little older and Kobe you know was that that fiery young boy but it was still great competition seeing that and it was still great competition seeing Kobe go against Brun you know what I'm saying and the way with with that whole goat [ __ ] Mike was the best in his era Kobe was the best in his era and Brun is his best in his era which is now so I don't think you can put again there's no one at times better than the other now do do they all have unique things different from each other yeah as you just said Brian has the physic ity he's a he's a big he's a big small point forward like just imagine if Scotty Scotty Pippen had that that big you know what I'm saying muscle bulk that you know I'm right like he'd be a [ __ ] tight end or some [ __ ] right you know what I'm saying but here it is then you got Kobe you know Kobe had a good skill set you know to me Bri doesn't have the post moves that Mike or Kobe had you know both of them used to do that dirty work down there in the post and you know Brian kind of struggles with it now because in his hay day he never never had to do it you know what I'm saying running through cats I thought he developed it as he AG yeah early he he had to because now like Dallas he needed and didn't have I'm not I'm not as fast I can't jump as high he had to but for those guys the same thing you know Mike didn't have a post game early on in his career you know Kobe didn't have it early on in his career yeah they they developed it but they utilized it more you know Brian postgame is is suspect right now as a lot of these young cats is looking at it you know what I'm saying but I don't think with especially with JJ rck said with that whole water down [ __ ] no no it wasn't because you got to think about here's the other thing where where it doesn't make it water down because now you talking about grown ass men all right it's a difference so when I first came into the league I was like one of the youngest cats in there you know I was like 20 years old 19 20 years old right you know being a young boy and you know myself kg and all of that yo every night we going against grown ass men bro with kids at home you know what I'm saying like hey I got to pay this mortgage you young punk like [ __ ] you ain't going to stop this you know it's a difference cuz now you ain't got that that that grown man strength that grown man physicality in the league so it's it's a lot easier to deal with so I don't think you could say it was watered down and then as bons said yeah you getting a draft pick it's going to be a young draft pick or whatever but that team is also made up of that little Lottery cat getting traded there you getting veterans traded there you know like already in the league think about Vancouver you know they first they had a pretty good squad you know with uh uh Sharie Abdul rahee leading away they had a good squad out there lot of young you know what I'm saying they had [ __ ] that bought in big country you know what I'm saying then um uh most Tom Hammond was out there I think for quick sec like our Guy Greg Anthony was out there yeah and but here it is you talking about grown men at these positions yo it wasn't young kids or high school kids or guys who should still be in college no so no I don't think it was watered down at all even with the six teams in that shorter time span but still even with that that's that wasn't nothing to do with the game that Ain had nothing to do with Mike Jordan all that was was expansion of a company right that's all that look at what David Stern was doing throughout his tenure with the league he was just trying to expand the company that's why he wanted to do the China [ __ ] he got the expansion teams that came in during his tenure it was to try to expand the company it ain't had nothing to do with like all right [ __ ] can't nobody stop Mike so we gon we gonna bring these other cats in here to try to get somebody to stop him and water down like [ __ ] no it wasn't nothing that on no I don't think even now like as much Flack as we and grief as you know we give cats in the NBA now or I give cat in the NBA and this and I say we as much Flack as I give them Yo I still respect them because why they are still part of a Brotherhood that's a small percentage you know how many people across the world play basketball no matter Collegiate or professional in other uh uh countries who Inspire to play in the NBA it's a small percentage so I can't really say that guys who come there are watered down players yeah you know what I'm saying guys who playing in the league now no they not watered down even back then they weren't watered down I don't think it's ever ever a time when it is it was watered down now the entertainment might might have went from the high flying dunks to the the 50 Foot three-pointers right you know the entertainment has changed yes but n it ain't watered down you know what's so crazy when you hear people call dudes NBA players trash and I'll be like only another NBA player could call it [ __ ] trash I look at the D I be like yo fam that that 15th man will come to any local Lifetime Fitness buff your ass go to any men's league and he'll give youall 50 or 60 like it's nothing he just ain't found his you know he saying he just ain't in the rotation right now playing but that man right there that you calling trash he will kill you on any and any everybody you know on any given day who y'all play with like that what you mean like maybe 11th or 12th guy on the roster that maybe not get the hype but it's like nah like y'all don't want to see him everybody everybody on the league can play man yeah a couple dude like like for me um Cass underestimated kwami Brown really you know and and go and reason being because he when he first came into the league he's looking at Michael Jordan star ey like oh [ __ ] like I'm in DC like oh [ __ ] this is Michael Jordan you know this my hero then Mike like man you trash this and that the [ __ ] out of here leave me alone so boom he ain't had that good veteran leadership then you get traded to La Kobe does the same thing you know boom but when he came to us in Detroit I'm like [ __ ] I'm like man this big [ __ ] just made it a little bit easier for me and been out here on these boards like [ __ ] it's a big body he could play all it is is just it was a confidence thing you know what I'm saying like if you a young boy and you see you know that veteran and he's shooting you down like [ __ ] that [ __ ] your confidence up so I think that was the whole key with when you talk about him dealing with that and to to move it towards the topic of the younger players yo that's why veterans was needed you know what I'm saying you need the veterans in the league to be able to go through [ __ ] like this to be able to just a small [ __ ] like damn how many guys come into the [ __ ] League their rookie year their second year and don't know where a mortgage is you know what I'm saying [ __ ] like that I can I can be truthful and say I was one of them [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but what helped me was that that veteran leadership you know what I'm saying it was vets that told me about the mortgage do this do that and it's it's part of it you know you need that that that seventh eth nth 10th 11th 12th man [ __ ] they disrespected my man uh Brian scalabrini with that same [ __ ] and scy is the NBA champion right and they and they did some little uh one-on-one thing and scy beat like about 5000 [ __ ] ass yo and I was like yeah y'all talk that [ __ ] about that NBA guys are trash and that [ __ ] now but the only ones who can call NBA dudes trash is other NBA dudes I think it was Scout that said he's like I'm closer to LeBron than you are to me like regular no fact like regular PL Fitness guy uh
Channel: Sheed & Tyler
Views: 448,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Underdog Fantasy, NBA, NBA News, NBA Fantasy, Rasheed Wallace, rasheed wallace trash talk, bonzi wells, jj redick, nba goat, michael jordan, shaq, nba best players, nba best era, lebron goat, michael jordan goat, nba mvp, nba trash talk, nba fights, nba beef, mj era easy, nba hot takes, nba champion, best nba player ever, rasheed wallace funny moments, chicago bulls, los angeles lakers
Id: 7jwX-n9UPG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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