Charlamagne: Mental Health, Evolution from Infidelity & Self Sabotage to Life Now | Pivot Podcast

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whoa oh there he is straight baby brother Superstar what's up with your big dog man good to see you again respect yes sir boy what's the word man I'm glad to have you for being late man it's all good you can fight bro hey don't be late [Laughter] you know Freddy I'm done advertise that's how I feel like 44 you know when you be working out and stuff and you wake up in the morning it should be cracking you didn't know me cracking like I ain't got time for that man that's true no I I asked I jumped out there and I asked only because you you you speak your mind and that Birdman interview I thought you was gonna have to put a clause on me bro you know what's so crazy I'm never worried about stuff like that because it's because because of this right it's like it's cameras everywhere if you come in there on that type of time especially if you're a multi-millionaire like Birdman I don't think you really want to do that now I'm not saying the people who he went with right you know but it's like you know you you keep things in place with stuff like that it's not like we up there defenseless but yeah I I would rather not even take it there with somebody like bro man I respect Birdman like that's a brother from the south who you know built a billion dollar business you know what I'm saying it's just that sometimes in this in this field of work you know you critique people and you critique things because it's publicly out there and you know they don't always take two kindly to it I mean that's that's that's part of the job hold up Limitless [Music] [Music] we've already started talking man welcome to the pivot I mean this is something we've kind of talked about for a long time so you know we're excited to finally get it to happen you know if all our subscribers we appreciate you guys continue to subscribe like uh like we always say man like Freddy T says man anybody can podcast not everybody can pivot uh DraftKings um happy that our sponsors we appreciate you Channing Frederick I'm Ryan yeah and that's all that I guess that matters and you know let's get into it man how does Leonard McKelvey right from South Carolina become Charlemagne tha God because of God you know um coming from the the the extremes I come from being raised on a dirt road in Moncks Corner of South Carolina like growing up in that town in the town the population was like seven thousand and you know for me I didn't have anybody that's in the field and I'm in now to look to you know for inspiration like you know you would go on Wikipedia back well I don't even know if it was Wikipedia back then but you would look online and you would see things like your who's from South Carolina and it'd be like you know James Brown Joe Frazier Vanna White Andy Dick and I'm like well damn you know none of them you know do what it is I think I want to do but then we have people like um y'all might know him the two live students Ryan Stewart and Doug Stewart you know they older than me but they're from Moncks Cornerstone I used to see them on you know ESPN I was like damn you know it gave me a lot of inspiration to do what I do I seen somebody like a brother named DJ B Lord you know just him being on Rhapsody back in the day and Tigger after ticket was like where you from North Carolina right he was like nah South Carolina so for me I was like damn you know maybe we can you know transcend our circumstances and then come out of this small town and like radio just saved my life because I used to want to rap because you know when you look on television and you see people that look like you that are successful they're usually in sports or they're in you know entertainment you know for us it was the rap world so I decided man I think I want to I want to start rapping and so I met this guy in a recording studio named Willie will and he used to do radio uh on Z93 jams the local station in Charleston South Carolina I just asked him I was just like how'd you get in the radio and he was like I went down there and I got an internship and I'm like it's that easy and he was like yeah now mind you this is 1998 you know Charleston South Carolina so you didn't have to be in school or anything like that so I went down there and just filled out the internship papers and that's how I started yeah and it's just like you know the rest the rest is I guess history yeah yeah and then when you read about it and you got it you got some trouble got arrested for possession or what is a distribution well you're like were you Frank Lucas or you were just a dumb kid yeah [Music] Seven Grand guys I started off with what we used to call a hundred dollar slab you know what I'm saying so you spend fifty dollars and you know you get uh you posted you spending fifty dollars and you get like a hundred dollars worth of you know crack back so that's like five rocks you know twenties you know the most I ever did was seven grams you know what we used to call a quarter spoon that's when you spend 250 and you get five you're supposed to get 500 in in crap and rocks back and the most I ever went to was a half ounce never even got that off because it was bad dope basically so the guy who sold it to me you know sold it to me with a bunch of like isotope powder so nobody would buy it from me and then I remember one day burying it and then somebody ended up stealing it so somebody stole like a half ounce of bad dope and you know that's when I realized like this [ __ ] ain't for me right you know that's crazy we all uh come from certain circumstances certain demographics and we've become a product of our Enviro environment I like to say the product of the product we see what we we do what we see how old were you when you were trying to push wait and and what inspired that mindset well what inspired them I said exactly what you said the environment you know what I'm saying because it's not like I come from any of those um circumstances where that had to happen like my mom was an English teacher you know what I'm saying I grew up Jehovah Witness my grandmother was a Baptist you know my dad was definitely heavy in the street you know I mean salute to salute the cowboy out there in kidfield South Carolina but you know he was a you know do as I say not do as I do you know kind of person and you know he battled with everything from you know substance abuse to his own mental health issues you know and and he used to hustle you know and so it's like I I didn't know that until I got a little bit older right and it's like when I started doing what I was doing you know he used to be on me about not doing it and I'm like well you can't tell me not to do it when you know you're out here doing it right so it's like for me I think I was about 17 17 18 when I was when I was when I was dabbling in in that world so the self-professed uh lover of Judy Bloom books yeah absolutely right absolutely growing up becomes um the architect of what agriculture aggravation principal pissing people off ruler rubbing you the wrong right yeah how do you how do you get how do you get there from Judy Bloom books obviously I think you work with you worked with Wendy Williams and you kind of started to understand the business but I remember the stark contrast of who I thought you were from the clip side here whether it's Donkey of the Day and all of these different things or your different run-ins with celebrities who felt some type of way about what you said and then I met you at ESPN and I remember telling people I was like he was like one of the most polite humans I've ever met you know how do you go and understand how to route people up how to get people to react to certain things you say but then still be the dude and the person you are away from that well I never it's never my intention to Route people up you know and I think all of us when you come from a certain environment I was always the class clown I was always the disrupter that guy that's where a lot of the behavioral problems started they started in school you know and it's just like we would be class cracking jokes you know clowning people teasing people you come to school with some white ass gear on you're gonna get charged up you know you come to school with some wax [ __ ] you don't get charged up and the funny part is it's not funny not well I guess it still is funny but it's like yo it's funny we make black people we make fun of each other's trauma when you're young like why I don't know like if you if we know your dad's a crackhead you're probably gonna get clowned for being a crackhead's child or if you get evicted you won't clowns you're getting evicted why we do that I don't know so it's just like laugh through the pain laugh through the page see what people call you know disruption I I feel like I just took with me throughout my whole life throughout my whole journey so when I got on the radio one thing that you know I always say benefited me with radio was that I didn't know how to do radio like I didn't go to college so I didn't work at a college radio station I didn't have any you know expertise in the field prior nobody taught me how to do it so when I got on the microphone in Charleston South Carolina which is 30 minutes from my hometown I was just talking like we talked in Moncks Corner I didn't know no better sometimes I would be coming in there drunk sometime I'd be coming in there high and I I would just be answering the phone and talking to my people the way that we would you know talk if we were just you know sitting around and you know that that is kind of like just what I kept doing so you know when you ask that question for me man it's just like that also shows the totality of of of us as black people like we're not just one thing like black people aren't just you know into some street [ __ ] like my mom used to always tell me read things that don't pertain to you that's why I started reading Judy Bloom but also I was reading you know the the awakes and the Watchtower in the my book of Bible stories you know and my dad was giving me the autobiography of Malcolm X and I was watching Rhapsody you know and I was watching yo MTV rap so I was all of those things you know and I'm still all of those things what's the what's the the Genesis of the name change what do you mean Charlamagne the god that's not your God no no no that's your mom and daddy name you that like is it is it I'm like wrestlers because what sound good yeah like so is that a different person or why the name that's definitely a character that you know I feel like um I created to protect Leonard in a lot of ways you know what I'm saying and you know growing up you know when I when I two things when I used to hustle I used to always say my name was Charles and Charlie because our town was small so you know these people that would roll up they know my mom they know my dad and even though they was buying though they might tell on me too right so I would have like the hoodie on coming up and be like yo my name is Charles and Charlie when you pull up ask for Charlie so you always wanted to have like an alias my Alias was Charles you know or Charlie right so I was reading a history book and I saw that Charlemagne was French for Charles the great and I literally was like oh that sounds cool I'm just gonna start calling myself Charlemagne and at the time I was studying the five percent teachings you know um so you know the gods so it really don't make no sense because it's really Charles the great the God but I just felt like it sounded good you know Charlemagne yeah the god and I always felt like you know later on in life it would look good on the Marquee or something and I think I was crazy which is crazy because you you go from from d boy uh Petty Street Hustler serving your time and learning from those mistakes and as we hear you now I've always known he was a smart dude like just listening from afar but I as you unravel these different levels I'm totally surprised what would be the most surprising thing for people that are watching this to to know about you I really don't know because I've always I mean I've always been transparent you know what I'm saying and like when I started going to therapy over the last five six years I feel like you know I started being more vulnerable so at this point I really don't know what people don't know if they've actually been paying attention like if they listen to Breakfast Club are they listen to my podcast the brilliant idiots so they have read my books like I really don't know what could surprise people right at this point right you know I didn't know it was that that deep you know he's talking about Judy Bloom you're talking about history and and all these other things you mentioning your dad having his mental issues and dealing with different things did that make it easier for you to go and tap into and try and start out help for yourself well I didn't even know that he was dealing with those issues until 2018 you know and I put out my second book which is called shook one anxiety playing tricks on me and I was talking about you know my my mental health issues and you know what I was learning in therapy and I actually did that in correlation with a doctor named Dr ish and I remember it was Thanksgiving week because I was home in Moncks Corner and my dad hit me up in um a younger cousin of mine had completed suicide and this was his fourth time trying to complete suicide and on the fourth time you know he did it and this is I'm talking about four times throughout his young life not all in one time he's only like 24 25 and I remember my dad calling me because you know he used to my little cousin used to work with my dad my dad does like construction and stuff a little odd jobs and my dad was like man you know I was reading your book and you know your cousin just completed suicide and I remember him saying to me he was like yo man you know I tried to commit suicide 30 years ago and I've been on 10 to 12 different medications throughout you know my life I was going to therapy two and three times a week and I didn't know any of that like this that was the first time he ever had said that to me you know uh November 2018 and I remember thinking when I was young like damn I remember when dad used to you know be talking about the Devils coming to get him and he would sleep with the gun and the knife by his bed because he felt like the devil was coming to get him in his sleep and I do remember going to see him you know in rehab when I was young they would tell me he was like at a hotel or something you know I mean but it would actually be rehab so he never told me about any mental health issues and I remember asking my mom about it like yo you know Dad was dealing with all of this and she was like I thought he was just playing crazy to get a check because that's literally what they did state of South Carolina just started giving giving them what we used to call a crazy check by the way I knew between my dad and another guy I knew another guy who did the same thing he was getting a check getting the check every month so it's like when they I think back then they didn't really know how to you know deal with people in their mental health issues especially black people you know that's right they give us Ritalin and you know different medications like I even think about my grandma always talking about how she had to take her nerve pills when she was young I'm like what that you know what is nerve pills clearly that's some type of anxiety medication I know that now right but I didn't know that back then so to your question Fred I didn't even know that you know he was dealing with anything for him to be able to talk to me about because if he did man I would have known what to do with these panic attacks when I was a teenager I've been getting panic attack since I was a kid I wanna I wanna keep it right there because I have anxiety too and uh I attend therapy myself uh weekly um and I and I have to practice certain techniques and of late once you recently shared with me was um taking uh eating sour candy if I have a panic attack and she gave me some bubbles you know like the little kid bubbles I'm like is this she's like bubbles help you practice breathing yes you know and slowing things down and once you learn how to blow the bubbles out you know it the your develop a technique that'll remove you from that moment because essentially that's what anxiety is your brain telling you you know something's about to happen anticipating that I wanted to ask you what what in your and your therapies what sort of techniques have you learned that might help anyone else that's afraid to go to therapy because that's what this is about for me because I know your big Advocate on Mental Health I want to help or I want us to be able to help everyone else that's out there that's afraid because we're afraid of labels in our community you know we call it nerve pills crazy or whatever it might be we're afraid to go and take that first step what has helped you that can help everybody else exactly what you just said breathing exercises you know meditation I learned how to meditate uh a couple of years ago it was actually during covet you know um when when things loosened up a little bit towards the end of the year you know I got a good friend named Debbie Brown she works with a you know Deepak Chopra and um she does these like Retreats these spiritual Retreats so I learned how to like meditate when I was in you know Cabo you know you get your beads and you know you count your beads and you know they gave me a mantra so I chant my Mantra so that gets me you know back to Center you know um I love grounding especially when it's warm out you know just take your shoes off you know go walk out go walk out in the dirt you know go walk out in the grass you know I mean that gets that gets me back to Center really well and man just honestly just just pray sometime and I think about when I was young and didn't have those tools yeah those anxiety attacks would come on I had a a mantra that I used to decide to say I love Jehovah God in this sun Jesus Christ I love Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ I love Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ [ __ ] Satan [ __ ] Satan [ __ ] Satan and then I would take a deep breath the kid I didn't know anything about having mental health issues or nothing I just know that I'd be so scared and so terrified you know heart beating crazy Palm sweating that I just had to you know get myself together and that's what I would do to you know get myself together and it's the same now but mostly it's the breathing exercises the meditation you know the grounding when it's warm like that's what usually you know gets me back to Center and just experience right like one thing my therapist told me was um think about all the times you thought of the worst possible scenario how many times did that worst possible scenario actually happen you know the chances are very very very slim so it's like you're working yourself up for nothing correct you know Fred's very honest on this show about the different things that he deals with uh mentally emotionally and I'm very honest in saying that I for a long time was one of those people that were part of the problem you know I grew up in the South I'm from New Orleans and you know the same kind of like you talk about pray it away my mom was everything's prayer to it like no matter what's going on you pray and you you you lock in with God and you tap in with God and that was the way I think black people especially in the South had to focus on Christianity or whatever their faith was because it was always about what was better on the other side because they felt like life was so Grim here and with you starting therapy and learning different things what was it about your therapy that made you okay to be vulnerable to the world because you do understand and see how our community has almost shunned therapy or that being depressed or being sad those are things that black people couldn't afford what made you say even as Charlemagne to God someone that people looks at as has success has Fame has money and shouldn't be dealing with these things I'm willing to share this with my people with my community or with the world so they can see that it is okay I think for me it was more like a cry for help you know more so than anything you know because when I started going to therapy I just felt like it was disingenuous for me to get on the radio or on the podcast and talk about other people's issues and talk about other people and you know question people about things that they're going through what they're doing and not being honest about my own like I've always like I said I've always been transparent I just never was vulnerable and I think you know I wouldn't even say therapy gave me the strength to be vulnerable therapy just made me okay with being vulnerable because that was on my mind like that's literally what was on my mind I couldn't get in get in front of that microphone and talk about anything else I had to let people know like man I'm going to therapy every Friday at three o'clock and it kind of became a joke at first to even the listeners of people on social media is like oh I know where you at today you going to therapy at three o'clock but then it's like oh wait a minute oh he's really he's gonna go into therapy you know every every Friday at three o'clock and then it made it easier too because when I started talking about having the anxiety and depression that's that's the interesting thing about the book right when I when I wrote Shook on I didn't even mean the right shook one I just had put out my first book Black privilege April of 2017. you know thank you Ryan you always got it up on ESPN it's always in the background but like black privilege was an instant New York Times bestseller was on the New York Times bestsellers list for like 15 weeks has sold a lot a lot of copies and when that happens it's it's a business right so the book agent and the Publishers is like yo can you give us another book and I'm like another book like you know I just I just gave you I just gave you my life like when you write another book and plus at the time I was the most confused I had ever been because I had just started going to therapy and you realized yo you really don't know [ __ ] I'm I'm I forget what I was learning all the things that was that I was unlearning in therapy so I really was like really confused and tender and so I was keeping these notes keeping a journal of all the things I was learning in therapy and I told my book agent you know Jan Miller's Luther Jan I told my book agent like well this this really all I got I just been keeping the journal because I've been going to therapy to deal with you know my anxiety and about the depression and I was like I could share that and she was like would you want to I'm like oh you know I don't see why not and what I realized when I was you know writing the book was that that the stuff I was learning in therapy was for me I couldn't explain you know to the world what I was actually learning in therapy it was for me internally so what I did was just share in that book you know the things I was sharing with my therapist and I had Dr ish come through and give the clinical correlations for it right and so the book went out books sold well but then I realized oh [ __ ] I got to go ahead and promote this book right I'm not ready to have these conversations in front of people so it's like sink or swim right so when you're on a Dr Phil or you want to Dr Oz or whatever the show is I just got to tell people how I'm really feeling I got to tell people you know what anxiety feels like with these panic attacks feel like because I'm actually experiencing them you know right now and lo and behold man it feels like you know that real conversation just connected with people and if people started coming up to me saying man I deal with anxiety I deal with about the depression and I've been secretly going to therapy and it's just like oh [ __ ] we got a village I know yeah that all these people were dealing with that and then my dad came and told me this is like oh we really got a village so for me it just it felt like it just became something that was bigger than me it wasn't my intention to become a mental health Advocate it wasn't my intention to say I'm gonna start telling these stories and it's going to impact you know people I was just literally telling my story because that's what was you know genuine for me well what what fuels that man because we talked to Ryan Mundy about this and he's he's big what's his uh Alchemy Alchemy Health Alchemy Health like he's big in terms of the mental health space too and as you from the outside looking in you look at Charlemagne to God successful like you say New York Times bestseller yeah got plenty money beautiful beautiful daughters like you have the world what what are you so anxious about you're living the life that most people would love to live yeah that's actually a great point and that's what really sent me to therapy because you know I remember the when 2010 man I had like a major major panic attack but I had just gotten fired for the fourth time from radio and I was back living at home and my Mom and Mom's corner I'm like 30 31. my daughter's like one or two my now wife is back living with her parents and you know Moncks Corner South Carolina now mind you this is after me being with Wendy being on VH1 with Wendy doing radio in Philly like I've had success right never really made crazy money I I think with Wendy I was making like 75 grand a year in Philly I was making like 70 grand years so I hadn't made the crazy money but I had the success so it's like I went back home started collecting unemployment checks which I had never done if I had four times from Radio never went to collect unemployment because of my pride right the ego I'm like I'm not I can't be an unemployment line they might know me right right and so it's like I remember driving down I-20 six in South Carolina going to see Duvall because Duvall was performing at South Carolina State University that night and I had a man I thought I was going to die now mind you I've had panic attacks like that my whole life where I go to the emergency room with the heart going my heart beating fast but that one really felt like the Fred Sanford I'm coming to join you with right Elizabeth heart attack right yeah and so when I went to the doctor and the doctor told me to say anything that they always tell me oh man your heart is fine you got an athlete's heart and that was the first time a doctor said to me yo you you suffer from anxiety does this sound like you know you had a panic attack I'm like anxiety what is that you know and he's like you know you sound like you had a panic attack if this happened to you before I'm like yeah my whole life and he was like are you stressed out about anything I'm like hell yeah you know what I'm saying I'm back home living with my mom 31 years old I got a child my wife living with her parents like I'm stressed all the way the [ __ ] out so in my mind all I got to do is get back in position get another gig and everything will be fine next you got was The Breakfast Club so fast forward four or five years later having the most success I've ever had in my life most money I've ever had in my life and still having those panic attacks you know what I'm saying still dealing with the box of depression on top of just really not living right you know out here drinking smoking living the Radio Star life cheating on my wife 100 miles per hour and I'm literally becoming everything that I I always said I didn't want to be I'm doing to you know my now wife what I saw my dad do to my mom which I despise do you know what I'm saying I remember confronting my dad about cheating when I was young and he looked me in the eye and said oh you only got one girlfriend huh you know what I mean when you get older you're gonna understand as I got older I overstood you know what I mean but I also realized I was constantly trying to prove something to him about being out here you know playing around in these streets but I just I just realized man as I got older I'm like yo I'm really about to ruin my life like real self-sabotage you know for no reason other than I haven't gone to get any type of healing you know what I mean because I got all this unhealed trauma and things that I hadn't processed you know and it's like what's the point of having the success and the money if you're not happy right so that's what I did when I started going to therapy I started going to therapy because I was really seeking you know healing I was really trying to figure out how to deal with that depression you know how to deal with that anxiety and like once again going back to my homegirl Debbie Brown she told me she was like your therapy is great you know therapy gives you the language to be able to explain you know what it is that you're going through you know but now you really got to go on the Journey of actually healing you know that trauma so that's why that's what that's what I've been at in the process of of that Journey you know over the last few years how do you how do you feel like that process is going you know and I've watched you on things other than the Breakfast Club and you like making jokes about getting fired a ton then like your sister fire you yeah from Taco Bell yeah how do you get fired from Taco Bell man showing up two weeks you know showing up I was I think I only worked there for like two three weeks but you know showing up late because my sister the manager thinking I can get away with that you know what I'm saying and truly not really wanting to be there right because you know I used to have to wear the purple shirt with the [ __ ] khakis and I remember I used to still go I used to still go you know to the hood you know and I remember man my man Tony Tony Hayward Tony was like look at this [ __ ] used to have a real good job now you work that [ __ ] Taco Bell my God damn you know madra I'm in the Taco Bell uniform I'm just coming up I still want to see my people but in my mind that's always in the back of your mind when you're in there flipping them tacos like man why am I here you know they look they laughing at me you know I mean I need to be back out there with them so that's what that stuff like that does lead you back to the street because it's not even peer pressure right like people always like to say peer pressure peer pressure nobody pressures you to do anything we all just want to be accepted man you know what I'm saying influence it's an influence and we all just want to be accepted we want to be accepted by certain groups of people at the time that's why I want to be accepted by so if they climbing me for working at Taco Bell I don't take this Taco Bell [ __ ] serious man you know go ahead and fire me I'm going back to the block you say they ain't take you serious but what I've learned is that the the process of perception provokes the Panic it creates the anxiety you understand because you're trying to hold up to an image as you said once you did get back on you feel me you started to live a certain life in a certain image and that creates the the anxiety but once you go to therapy and you learn to remove yourself from this learn to take care of yourself and not worry about what other people think of you that comes the anxiety because I would look around like man I got to do this for this right because people see me for that but when I had learned how to remove that it helps bring my anxiety down because I had social anxiety like a [ __ ] I have to take my Xanax before I go and do the speaking engagement sometimes before I try before I hang out because I I felt like people were going to come up to me recognize me and I'm like here we go and that creation just thinking about it creates anxiety so again I had to learn how to unlearn those type of behaviors so really this is a teaching moment but uh pivoting and fast forwarding to the pandemic you know you guys DJ Envy Angela Yee you guys received a radio uh music radio hall of fame uh did you ever Envision that I know from the Block to now that's got to be crazy uh did I ever Envision that to a certain extent not really um I remember when I first started doing radio in 1998 you know I did say to myself I want to be a Super Jock like I didn't want to be you know just a person a local personality in a city given the time and temperature introducing the next Drake song I didn't want to be that so I would look at that Wendy Williams the Angie Martinez the the Big Tigger the Howard Sterns you know Tom Joyner Doug Banks I would look at them and say if I'm going to do this I want to do it on that level and working with Wendy did show me what was possible because when she got inducted into the radio hall of fame I'm the person that did her induction speech I brought her to the stage you know so when I saw that it did kind of plant the seed like oh man it's possible because I didn't know any black people in the radio hall of fame you know prior to Wendy plus I didn't even really know there was a radio hall of fame you know prior to Wendy but I never thought about it with the Breakfast Club only because I just felt like man we we've always been the perfect balance I think of ratchetness and righteousness but I just felt like you know so those those white folks weren't recognizing Us in that way they weren't looking at us in that way that's how that's how that's how mentality was I remember when they first told us hey man you know y'all y'all are being considerate for the radio hall of fame I'm like oh that's cool not once did I think are we gonna get it he's like hey man I think you y'all been nominated oh all right right that's cool you know and you're like oh y'all got in y'all first ballot Hall of Fame like right oh that's dope [ __ ] like you know I mean I didn't I didn't think nothing I still haven't really thought anything of it I think it's because it happened during covet so the ceremony was online and then the next year you know they did have a a live a live ceremony for it but I couldn't attend because I was taping my TV show so I still haven't you know been to the radio Hall of Fame in Chicago to see our name you know up there on the wall because there's actually a radio hall of fame like I've been there before like when we introduced Wendy so there's actually a with our names on there but I haven't seen it yet so it still feels kind of like um surreal you know like even when they introduce us like that I'm like oh [ __ ] that is that is true we're in the radio hall of fame you know you know speaking of the radio hall of fame like that's an accomplishment that sometimes signifies an entire career yeah right that that this is what I did this is what I put my Blood Sweat and Tears into but you have so many branches of Charlemagne the God right there there's TV shows there's a podcast Network you're bouncing around and doing all this uh but you do have a wife you do have beautiful girls what's the family man like like do do you ever give the world a piece of him or are you totally different in the household than what you are when you present as far as the entertainment world man that's that's a great question because it's just like yo what we're doing now is talking like it's conversation that's it is constant conversation in our house you know especially I got a 14 year old now she's in high school ninth grade like she talks a mile a minute about all the things that she's interested in you know and my dog my my second is is seven you know and she's got things that she wants to do and you know my wife she's she's she went to the University of South Carolina she got a you know a master's degree in business so you know she's got things that she wants to do now because you know she's she's made so many different you know sacrifices as a wife and as a mother you know for the family so it's like it's always constant conversation and we laugh like I'm in the kitchen last night singing that song uh what's that [ __ ] uh oh you thought I was feeling you you know what I'm saying I'm really doing that just to [ __ ] my daughter because I want to see if she's listening to it so I when I said it I saw her eyes spark up she ain't saying nothing no she's playing she's like oh yeah kids say that in my school I'm like a word she's in your school huh just the kids in your school right and so so I kept saying it over and over and she's like yo dad you got to stop you know you got to stop so it's like it's kind of the same because it's like the things that we're talking about now especially on Breakfast Club it's not like we aren't talking about at home like my daughter's in therapy you know not for any other reason then I think therapy is great for anybody whether you're dealing with something or not like I wish that somebody had put put me in therapy when I was 13 14 years old like that's why I'm that's why with my Foundation of mental wealth lines I'm so big on getting mental health literacy and social social and emotional learning in schools because this is something they should teach kids it's like they got gym class right they should have like a mental health literacy class so it's not it's really not much different like you know me and my wife are wild inappropriate around our oldest daughter like our our running joke is that we're gonna come to your school and play Knuck If You Buck on a beach pill and just just while out just to embarrass you you know what I'm saying so it's just like nah these conversations they they definitely happen at home you're not having the conversation as Shannon have at home depends which one because I want my I want my wife my daughters to bring home a corny guy [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah you don't want to hang with him no interest to know because like guys like it's like man Nina kept me out of trouble back in the day yeah and you understand but that's that mid ground but that's about you're talking about um their influence yeah the influence of me being from Atlanta and being like [Applause] but I want to ask you about it too like happy Dad one of our sponsors we all happy dads are do you embarrass your daughters because now you're talking about in high school like you're talking about people that are really listening to your show really these kids know who he is and like you you know what I'm saying you're like your daughter got to go and deal with everything you say I think you know that's that's the interesting thing about this world that we live in now because you know I'm a big Marvel guy right so it's like um doctor strange and the Multiverse of Madness like right now the whole Marvel phase is the Multiverse Saga and it's all of these different variations like it might be for Ryan somewhere four four friends another Fred in a different dimension another chaining in a different dimension right so it's like with the internet the man I am now not embarrassed by 10 years ago though you know what I'm saying all of that stuff still lives online I got little mama just jumped on there called me a [ __ ] ass something that happened 12 years ago I'm like oh damn little mama I apologize I'm apologizing to you for that and I hate that you still feel that way over that right so it's like yeah you know if people are pulling up stuff from you know back in the day I got a lot of explaining to do you know when it comes to uh you know my kids but that's why I like the journey that I'm on and I kind of don't regret any of that stuff being out there because I think it it lets people see the evolution in real time yeah it lets people see the growth in real time like I like when people say yo I don't think y'all understand you know the growth of of Leonard or the Grove in Charlotte I mean I got the biggest compliment anybody can give me and and I've received that from people that I like admire like in a real way they're like yo man yo I really commend your growth and it's especially because the first book my dad ever gave me was the autobiography of Malcolm X so when I read that book I understood that yo you can transcend your circumstances you come you can come from a certain environment and evolve into something else in fact that's what life is about that's why I hate this era of cancel culture because it's like what is that you know when did we ever get to a point to you know we don't allow people able to grow but we don't allow people to evolve we don't allow people to make mistakes in real time you wonder why the suicide rate is so high amongst a lot of these kids is because it's like yo you making them try to you know reach for a bar of perfection that's unattainable it's no such thing none of none of us are perfect we've all made mistakes we've all done something said something you know that we wish we could probably take back but it's like this era is really on you when you when you do something that you know um you know you might you might regret in the future and so much so to the point that it's like you could be way past something you could already have grown evolved from something and somebody be like yeah remember when seven eight years ago or nine ten years I'm like what are you talking about you know I mean I don't even I really don't even remember what you're talking about so I'm I'm at the point now it's like man I find myself just being like hey man I apologize my brother you know what I'm saying I I had somebody run down on me earlier this year about something that I didn't even say but it was said on The Breakfast Club but it didn't come for me it actually came from Angela and envy but they see me they see Breakfast Club so I'm like hey man I apologize right if something came from the show that you know you know you didn't like and you know it offended you in some way even though I didn't I didn't say it but hey I still apologize anyway man the look in that person's face was just like it just whatever was in him it just like I wasn't expecting that so I was like I don't have no problem doing that I don't have no problem you know apologizing but the best apology has changed behavior and I think that I've I've definitely displayed that over the years hey man it's nothing like a weekend DraftKings watch party of the pivot because that's what we're doing any new customer using the promo code pivot five dollars per game money line wager if that hits 200 in free bets for you and there's all kind of other stuff for anything I got a reminder Marcy it's not everywhere if you're in a state where it's not yet legal sports betting that is don't worry draftking has amazing Innovation that can still get you paid DraftKings daily fantasy go get some money and boy we got football season rolling fellas basketball here hockey boxing we got everything going on you know what I like to do is the same game parlays bear multiple bets on the same game and you give yourself a chance of winning even more money and you know what my boys playing your boys this week what we got Hey listen this could be a draftking fast go or it could just be me and you because I don't really care because when it's when those two teams play It's always a big thing and don't forget guys basketball season is fast approaching DraftKings have more ways for you to win money and doing that as well but until then let's get back to the show we'll entertaining you you mentioned change uh and obviously we've talked about The Breakfast Club you know you guys have just done such a good job of I think being trendsetters that say that we could do that that we could drive narratives we could drive conversations we can also educate and entertain but that is changing too and I know a lot of times with anxiety with those different things change brings that along and you've mentioned the evolution of Charlemagne tha God or the evolution of Leonard how are you guys dealing with what will be changing with the show I I honestly think that's just the natural course of things man like you know when you look at radio the radio business or TV the TV business any Collective that's been around as long as we've been around there's going to be changes you know to the cast like then a couple years ago when my contract was up people thought I was leaving and I was you know exploring some other things just to see you know what else I may I may have wanted to do and so Angela leaving that's like the natural course of a show that has been on this long like if you there's radio shows like like Elvis Duran salute to Elvis Duran that's my guy Elvis been around for a long long long time but if you look at that show the show started off as like the morning Zoo right it was like Elvis and another guy and that guy ended up leaving now he's having success I can't remember his name sadly but he's he's having a lot of success you know um in radio and then he's had other cast members come through like you know Carolina and you know gray teeth like these these people have they've got they're going on to do that like Greg T and Carolina do their own radio show on KTU now um Sarah and Anthony used to be on Elvis Duran Show they went off and did their own Morning Show so if you've been around long enough you're gonna constantly see these changes and I hope for the same thing for The Breakfast Club I hope that you know Angelina she's going to do her show way up with Angela Yee it's a spin-off of The Breakfast Club she comes on right after us in most of these markets I think she got like 30 markets but she's gonna be on 10 a.m to 2 P.M we get the opportunity to bring in you know some new some new talent and and see where that goes yo Envy might want to go off and do something else one day I might want to go off and do something else one day but as long as that brand or breakfast club is still there and we can constantly bring in you know new players that could fill those spots I I just think that's the natural cause of any show I think that you know we're not used to seeing it in in our community because we don't really see the black shows stay around that long right like but to Tom Joyner Tom Joyner definitely had cash changes yeah Doug Banks God bless the debt he definitely had cash changes so it's just like the bro this is the first time our generation is is seeing it so it might be a shock to people you know but I just think it's the natural cause of things since we're since we're talking about change I want to read one of your quotes you said I made some mistakes that I can't change but I changed so I can't make the same mistakes absolutely speak to that it's real you know when I talk about you know the best apology you know being changed Behavior right it's like I I do want to be a better version of myself at all times you know like I do want to be a more healed version of myself because I want to raise trauma free kids you know I want to pass more on to my kids than just trauma you know when I have these conversations with my dad and my dad tells me about all the issues that he dealt with the substance abuse issues and the mental health issues that helped give that helped me give him a lot of Grace because I was holding a lot of animosity towards him but I realized he was just doing the best he could with what he had at the time and I think what our generation doesn't realize a lot is that we are we are the first generation that has the luxury of healing right generation before us man it was on the you know good time [ __ ] they were scratching and surviving you know what I mean like my dad and my mom didn't have time to stop and breathe right you know they had to raise these five kids you know so it's like for me we got the luxury of healing so I want to take full advantage of that and constantly be a better version of myself and I always think about that Muhammad Ali quote man Muhammad Ali said yo the person at 50 that's thinking the same way at 20 wasted 30 years of his life and we all know people like that we all can go back to our Collective hometowns and see people that we went to school with doing the same [ __ ] that we was doing when we was way back out there with them way back when that [ __ ] is heartbreaking right and so for me it's like yo I never I constantly want to just be a better version of myself constantly challenging myself I think about me at 54 I'm 44. now I think about me at 54. I think about me at 64. because I see people out there that are constantly bettering themselves at that age look at Steve Harvey and and and Marjorie when they step out right you know what I mean plus they got 20 something year old kids that work with them and do the business with them like that's fly to me like that's what I'm thinking about I'm thinking about being 60 something years old surrounded by all my young Queens you know I mean when they my oldest in her 30s the other three in their 20s and I'm like what's up we got the family business the family Legacy going on so it's just like I just constantly want to be a better version of myself so when I say change that's what I'm doing the work to constantly evolve right and you have uh that the Redemption story I think it's amazing I'm always rooting for the you know Redemption the underdog and you know we talked about perception the perception is you you got it made a lot of times if people don't know you they don't know the journey but even your kids they don't always know the journey and children are the easiest um when it comes to being uh entitled that whole entitlement thing how do you keep them humble you know because it's tough It Ain't Easy I don't know you're about to ask me a question I don't have an answer to I'm trying to figure that out you know because it's like it it goes both ways right when you come from a certain environment sometimes you get mad at your kids when they don't appreciate the lives they live now you know what I mean it's like yo y'all sitting like you're literally one of my favorite places in the world to go is Anguilla right that's my favorite that's probably like my favorite place to go vacation Anguilla is not cheap but my oldest daughter I've been to Angola a million times so Anguilla again until I was in my 20s like what do you what do you what do you mean well again you know she's a young woman who's been to Africa she's been to Europe she's been to the Caribbean a bunch of times like so that's her life so can I am I supposed to be upset for her life that's right what she knows that's who she is my little seven-year-old and four-year-old be talking about I love Cowboy you know they that's their life I can't be mad at their existence you know what I mean I created that existence for them so the only thing I try to instill in them is that it's not easy you know this is uh this is uh and how and I don't want to say exception not the rule either because you want we want our kids to think that this is normal this is very positive this is very not just possible it's the norm right like I feel like other communities deserve this yeah white communities don't approach it like there's like this is the norm right like this is this this privilege that you have everything else it's the norm right but you also got to prepare them for the world because regardless of what our status is is people they still got to deal with being black and being women in this Society you know so they act like you know I tell folks all the time you know my my future is female I don't have a choice so it's like you know a lot of the changes that I talk about us making is men we have to make those changes because we're really making the world a better place for the women in our lives you know so yeah to answer your question Fred I don't know I really I really don't know I'm trying to find that balance I don't know I always say I'm gonna give my diet one daughter I'm gonna show my daughter so much that can't no other dude impress her out here with no material stuff that's right you can't like you're saying let's go to the Turks and Caicos I've been there four times yeah like that was my point yeah but bro I gotta ask you man because I got my feelings you you had me as Donkey of the Day a [ __ ] yeah it was a couple years ago it was something that happened and people kept talking like Charlemagne got you this don't see what I mean that's what I mean I don't even remember that yeah well I'm gonna remind you okay like has anybody ever really walked up you talking my dude said that he hurt his feelings but has anybody ever rolled up on you like bro what you want to like because red was joking about can you squabble but like yes I was in my feelings I ain't gonna lie if I saw you the day after you had me and Donkey today this conversation wouldn't be as cool as it is right now I'm not well I'm not lying bro well I'm glad I'm glad I didn't see you today yeah mean you saw one of them's on camera some dude was trying to jump me in front of the radio station you know what I mean it was like five or six dudes I I skedaddled out of there um another time I walked across the street at the pharmacy got into it with a dude I'm walking out the pharmacy dude just swung on me in my mind I'm like oh he got me I I got away from the other one I I did the 40-yard dash on the other one but they got me this time but it wasn't it was just him so that was cool that was a fair one I could handle that and that that was on video too but that we you know that's not that's not something I'm trying to you know glorify I was on video because of the surveillance camera in the um store like Busta Rhymes busting Rhymes ran down on me at a party in L.A you know and for the same thing I gave him donkey today because he had put out this freestyle I just thought was whack right right and when he approached me I knew what that was about right I never forget this is me as my man uh boo Akon's brother my guy wax was there um Angela Yee and I remember uh booze like yo man Buster won't holla at you I'm pissy drunk smart it was actually my birthday pissy drunk this is like 12 years ago 10 maybe 10 years ago and so go off the bus the bus is like yo man you know who I am I'm like oh Lord you know who I am like yeah I know who you are you're a rapper that used to be dope with your [ __ ] is whack now wait you said that yes yes you better stop just talk that [ __ ] I'm like yo you better stop this tough guy [ __ ] mind you I know you know what I'm saying [Music] and so you know they pulled us apart and whatever um and salute the Buster it's all love now I got nothing but respect for bus man and I ain't gonna lie I was I was mad disrespectful back then and I shouldn't have been disrespectful to like a lot of our Legends you know who paved the way like you know I mean like regardless of how I felt about a freestyle in the moment this is bust the [ __ ] Rhymes one of the greatest hip-hop performers of all time has put out mad Classic Albums if I didn't like one freestyle did I really have to jump out there and express that I was just looking for content for that day you know what I'm saying or like somebody with mace saw amazed at a Revolt Summit you know might have been like 10 11 years ago he used to be critique made very hard from going from Pastor to rapper and all that and I'm I'm just walking I'm walking by I saw Miss walk by I ain't paid no attention I saw him and I'm like oh that's just me I'm going to restaurant Turning Around based on my head you know what I mean and you know my guy did what he did it wasn't nothing crazy just like yo you know you're not gonna run up on me like that but it's just like yeah that yes that [ __ ] happens that's why I tell all these people out here now that got all of these platforms you know like yo don't think [ __ ] can't get real you know what I mean and it's like and and a lot of a lot of it maybe it's just me being the old head now it's like I look at a lot of these dudes now and a lot of these women and they be on YouTube and on social media they weren't saying things to people people come in the studio I was saying things to them they're saying things about people if you say it to somebody I respected a a whole lot more and if you come outside if you come outside and you're in the same spaces as these people yeah you know I respect it more but if you are just saying it about people and you're not around where you can actually run into these folks yeah it's kind of hard to you know respect it yeah yeah but to sum it up I've gotten knocked upside my head yes donkey other day oh man um no I like what Shaq said you know I feel like a hypocrite doing that because I I too was a Serial cheetah you know and I think that it's more of a it's more of a teachable moment um because there's a there's a story there I don't know if this story is public yet but there's a story there and to me man it just makes me wonder like why do we as men always find ourselves in positions to where we self-sabotage at the at the the best points of our life like you know why do our penises come before our paychecks yeah we have Market Spears on and we asked that exact question yeah and it's like it's like what is lacking in us you know that causes us to have those type of insecurities to where we try to feed our egos with you know [ __ ] as many women as possible you know what I mean like can I not do I have to sleep with this man's wife do I have to cheat on my fiance not judging I'm not judging the brother at all I'm just saying that there's a teachable moment there because I was that dude I was that dude who you know was feeding his ego and like when you pouring feeding your ego was like it's a cup with no no no no no bottom to it so you can sleep with as many women as you want that ain't gonna fix what needs healing inside of here so when I see situations like that man I just be wondering like yo why do we constantly put ourselves in positions to you know self-sabotage you know and I mean in that situation in particular it's like yo you a black man coaching one of the most historic franchises in the NBA history and one of the most racist cities in America you already know they don't want you there probably no matter how much you win they won't be wrong they still treated Bill Russell like if I ain't gonna treat you they broke in this house and [ __ ] and she was like you already know that so why put yourself in you know that position and I think that's the bigger conversation to be had what Shaq I felt like what Shaq was saying was true and then Shaq brought it back to himself saying like y'all almost lost my family you know I did lose my family because of this it's like those are the conversations we need to be having like I saw my my part my pops telling me all the time one of the things that he regrets the most is how he ended up you know treating my mom and you know he wishes he could do a do-over with that and it was the same thing with me when I was out there running the streets like I didn't want to ruin my family and I have never men I've I have yet to see a man like ruin his family because of infidelity and be the same yeah person after that either they become a better human but there's always that regret there's always that hole and I wish that that's the conversation us as men should have like instead of being an adult that my dad wasn't me telling me like oh you only got one girlfriend One Day You're Gonna understand I'd rather be the dude that said hey man when I started like devoting myself to my wife like literally committing myself to my wife I'm not cheating I'm not doing nothing else and I'm going to therapy and I'm doing the work of myself bro look at my life the last six seven years I I came up in every way like every way physically mentally spiritually emotionally everything so it's just like why not tell those stories you know the young men so I think that's what we we should use situations like just to be teachable moments to tell those stories you know the young man because this is still gonna lose like what 60 million it's gonna be crazy 70 million yeah it's gonna be crazy but is that the answer two because I have I have two sons is that the answer because to this problem so it goes back to the Bible Samson like who you know what I'm saying it goes it's biblical about sex affecting the men so as my son I have a 9 11 and a two-year-old how do I how do I raise them that this we can break this cycle that goes back to the Biblical term I think I think you know doing things like putting them in therapy early you know teaching them things about you know the eagle early teaching them how to really be secure as men like yo the way the way we got raised man what is they talk to us about manhood right it's like man the idea we had is of manhood growing up that [ __ ] was just some [ __ ] you know what I'm saying it was about sleep with as many women as possible how many people can you beat up every when we talk about keeping it real that's how criminal can you be you know what I mean that's literally what it was and to the point where if somebody was going to college you think you better than us because you read you know what I mean like because you read so simple too simple so it's literally just about you know we got to change the narratives in our culture we got to change what we think what we what we historically thought was cool you know what I mean I think that's that's the key like this this false perception of what we thought manhood was when we was younger like nah getting rid of that being a man is you know taking care of yourself spiritually mentally emotionally physically because when you do all that naturally you're going to take care of everybody around you so to me it's just like yo protect and provide protect your heart protect your spirit protect your soul you know provide yourself with you know the means the constantly grow and evolve and you're just naturally show up as a better human right on this planet you know for your people and you won't even you won't even want that don't get me wrong you think that you think it's hard to like is it not hard to like look at other women to be like oh shoot literally that's all it is it's a it's a thought sometimes you just admire a beautiful like oh that's dope I don't gotta pursue that and plus why you want to [ __ ] her life up like not only are you messing your life up because you got a whole situation why you want to mess the next woman's life up like I got a whole family and kids at home I'm never gonna be with you you know what I mean and then you you go out here and you mess around with these young ladies they think they can take you away from home next thing you know you mad cause she want to tell your wife what's going on and nowadays you want to get on social media and tell the world what's going on it's like I don't even I I don't even understand why people be taking that risk anymore you know like back in the day when you used to do dirt they say don't even talk on the phone about it yeah this is dming with it and they married are you out of your [ __ ] mind your nose you can screenshot this and tell the whole world like why are you why are you doing this I can't put myself in those positions man you know what I mean and talking about anxiety oh Lord have mercy ain't nothing like waking up to a woman that you ain't supposed to be with and your wife is FaceTiming you in the morning you know what I'm saying and you supposed to be out doing work you know I mean I'll be headed to the airport or something like oh my god oh Lord have mercy and think about the chance you know let me shut up no because I'm just thinking about some of the risks you know take man I didn't been laying in the bed white FaceTime me woman I'm with us like I hide under the covers and my dumbass was like trusted and she did and that was okay what type of Fear Factor challenge you might do it why why bro like God damn yo I think you've covered we've talked perception we've talked narratives I think you've covered we've talked about many pivots and I know we gotta rap RC wraps us up but uh somewhere in there you probably discuss your biggest pivot and if not what has been your biggest pivot in life oh my biggest pivot absolutely 100 was going on um going on this journey of healing you know what I'm saying and like you know healing is not a a destination at all it is a it is a constant Journey my biggest pivot was absolutely positively 20 15 2016 and it started with writing my first book you know when I when I was writing my first book I had to explore a lot of things that I hadn't really explored like I had to go back and like really dig some do some deep digging on things that I really had never even touched on like I didn't even realize that my like you I didn't even think that my parents were humans before they were my parents right you know what I'm saying so it's like when I'm writing and I'm getting asked questions you know by my my co-author Chris Morrow and he's asking me things like what was your mom like your dad like I'm like [ __ ] I don't even know right you know what I'm saying so it's like that made me start digging a lot deeper into myself and that was kind of like that book was therapeutic for me and kind of got me on the path to actually going to actual therapy so it's like for me man just going on that journey of like actual self-exploration like on that journey of like finding actual healing or trying to heal some of these things or trying to process well why did I think that way uh you know what did cause me to do that uh why was I out here running the streets the way I was you know when I got a great woman at home like I had to explore all of those things so for me that was absolutely positively the biggest pivot just taking that step to go to therapy you know in in 2016 you know well I think this has been shooting education man on so much man and I think for us that was a huge reason to get you here because it is about Evolution it's about growth and you made so many good points and I used to talk about it to coach Tomlin all the time with our kids how do we get our kids to understand the things we learned just through living when they'll never live those lives right and so it was always trying to put them in those particular situations mentally and emotionally emotionally that we had been through that they never will go through and I didn't want them to go through the reason I worked a certain way in different things was all about that and you mentioned about breaking generational persons that go back to the Bible me and Jordan your nephew obviously we had a conversation once and I was like he got his first girlfriend and I talked about the different issues I've dealt with with Fidelity and understanding it and I had the same conversation with my father when I had my first baby and he was just like you take care of your kids he's like now I can't tell you what to do with the woman that had him but you take care of her and that's so that's always been a big thing of me was taking care of my kids I told Jordan I said if I see a girl if she comes to the house right no other girl can come to the house I said but if a new girl comes to the house the old one can never come back and so I was just trying because I would bring whatever high school girl they wanted to come over and I got comfortable and I got comfortable having people in my space and not focusing on one and so you do your best to try to teach your kids the things you feel like you didn't learn that you now struggle with and you talking about healing and people understanding the trauma before it ever really affects them I think was huge man so thank you for coming again for having me again this is October it's the pivot to Pink and you've done this a lot of times so if it's something that you want to get off man before you stand up space is yours oh well just just on the business perspective you know uh my late night talk show hell of a week comes on every Thursday night um on Comedy Central right after The Daily Show we'd love to have you all on you know because we do a panel so it'll be dope to have to be the pivot is a panel um sbh Productions that's a company me and Kevin Hart have at audible uh we got a couple of projects out right now one is called finding Tamika that was created by colorform media and Erica Alexander Amazing Project tells the story of a young lady oh I need Tamika from Spartanburg South Carolina Tamika Houston from Spartanburg South Carolina who went missing in the early 2000s and her story sparked you know so many different things organizations like the black Missing Foundation and uh we got another project out called uh summer of 85 which tells the story of the bombing of The Move Organization in Philadelphia in 1985 and the correlation of that with the Live Aid concert that's done by my man Chris Monroe so both of those are out on SPH Productions um I have a book imprint called black privilege publishing through Simon and Schuster we got two projects out right now Tamika Mallory state of emergency and Anita kopeck's shallow Waters um what am I missing that's a lot yeah I feel like the black the black effect podcast Network you know we got a lot of different podcasts on the black effect podcast Network so I'm just out here working man yeah I hate working I think I think seeing your grind man especially now that we are in this space it inspires us all so we just appreciate you sitting down chopping up and most of all being open honest and vulnerable because we need to continue to show our communities that that's okay no man I love what y'all the first of all the paper is one of my favorite podcasts and I watch mad episodes but I love this space that y'all have created especially for men black men that come and just be vulnerable man you know I mean just to come and have real conversation because this is part of changing our narratives you know what I mean like this is part of making the world look at us differently like oh they they not just about sports he's just not about just talking [ __ ] on the radio like they you know they they care like we're all just trying to be the best versions of ourselves being the best possible men that we can be we care about our families we care about our ladies we care about our communities and I think this platform does a great job of showcasing that man so thank you appreciate it appreciate you guys thank you my dog my brother yes sir you're up there Shannon ain't ask you to go on vacation [Laughter] [Music] get me up knowing me I got the key to witness it got my people feeling military on the Michigan
Channel: The Pivot Podcast
Views: 732,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the pivot, the pivot podcast, new podcast, football podcast, channing crowder, channing crowder podcast, fred taylor podcast, fred taylor, ryan clark, ryan clark podcast, nfl, nfl 2022, football, super bowl, super bowl podcast, nfl 2023, nfl podcast, superbowl 2023, Charlamagne: Mental Health, Evolution from Infidelity & Self Sabotage to Life Now | Pivot Podcast, charlamagne, charlamagne interview, charlamagne tha god, charlamagne podcast
Id: eZrZ_qDFcTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.