Chariots of the Gods (1970)
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Channel: Drew Techner
Views: 948,844
Rating: 4.7580118 out of 5
Keywords: Chariots of the Gods, Erich von DΓ€niken, Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, Easter Island, Ark of the Covenant, astronauts, Handbrake, Decomb filter, aliens, life in outer space, extraterrestrial, Drew Techner, Police Captain Techner
Id: HouRC6PaoR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 44sec (5144 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This movie is popping up all over the place today, at least for me.
Wow, didn't even know this was made into a movie. The book was great, I'll check the film out, tx!
What exactly is it about? Not looking for the whole explanation just a some quick info to see if I should watch it
Book is amazing as well.