Character Sculpting - From Realistic to Stylized & Back - Donna Urdinov - Episode 9

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hello people I'll wait like a few minutes to see if everything's gonna be okay and yeah trying to figure out how to check off the YouTube streams working also if they're if the sounds okay are you like if there's any issues with the sound please like no the chat works I think also I'm weighing the giant head because my cousin gave it to me like yesterday and it's getting colder here for some reason but whatever it's not that cold but thank you it's funny um all right I don't know if chat is that like if nobody's here hold up it says there there I like no view so I don't know if that's okay [Music] also no music today because I'm still trying to figure out all right it's working but the restream chats not working I don't know how to fix this why are you not connecting all right I need help I don't know there's something wrong with us oh okay it's working I'm wrong hello everybody I hope everyone's having a great Sunday welcome to to the to the extreme let me just tell Kyle that the chats fine okay yes and let me open up the youtube link so I make sure that I don't miss anything from these comments okay there we go alright hello everyone ok so let me get back to this make sure everything's functioning hello so before I start let me briefly go over the goals for today what am i doing let me adjust my hat well I make my biggest speech um so um also let me change the opacity of my restream Chuck cuz it's ugly um to make the backgrounds find the messages should be a little less opaque and it's not updating just beard back to chat hello yeah it's not updating but that's fine alright so goal for today is me doing something that I don't I don't think I've really done on this channel yet is on this channel like on the stream is going like what's after the primary forms right because I've done some like kind of realistic sculpting on this channel but it's always been like more of like the first phase of the process and not necessarily like ok like once you kind of get the essence of the character that you're going for like how do you move forward with that how do you refine the shapes and then after that you go to like the skin details and whatnot and I don't think actually we might get to like pores and whatnot later on but I don't know like I'm not promising anything I'm more focusing on like the secondary like the 2.5 details because it's like you have like the first ring the second you know the thread read so I'm kind of going freely the second and it like two and 2.5 so we'll see if we get there so who is this this is I should probably write his name I'm gonna put this under notepad so it's a model called I don't want to have misspelled his name either um it's Gabby his name's Gabby all right um okay so hard I said so hard as it's a hairy no it's alright okay um so if anybody is wondering what this dude's name is and it is font let's make this bigger so yeah this is the guy's name so for future reference if anybody's wondering this is who I'm sculpting it after let me move my mouse and um let's get to it if anybody has any questions or they want to talk to you they're dating or life but more than welcome all right people are already saying I know what's going on somebody says they like my job okay as in the work I've done here or like thanks nonetheless I know I want to know how to call an Indian from us a native oh wow it's like sculpting any person you need to get good reference especially of like if you kind of finally one specific Native American person you're looking for and then trying to find as much reference as possible and it depends like are you just trying to sculpt somebody who is of that ethnicity or are you trying to do like some sort of historical thing it always depends on like the research that you're going for I know that the Wild West challenge had a lot of really cool Native American submissions so maybe check that out and I also started something that I never finished in regards to that that I might show it's something I don't know I am I hope I'll finish it but no promises right now thanks to everybody all right so why did I decide to sculpt this person let me show you actually it should've shown the concept so this is gonna be like a tube right thing okay Richard where is yours so a friend of mine and really amazing artist made this really great concept let me just bring this over here so right I was like well they kind of look alike so I'm just going to you know make a realistic render of this or whatever you like try and do a 3d version of this obviously like I added the eyebrows in here because I was like oh I like it but yeah so if you want to check out his work you should totally do that he's a concept is at Naughty Dog has cool stuff and a nice beard so he should go and follow him so we're not Indians Native American yeah I know I said like it's what I said but I was just trying to clarify I was saying all right first of all actually this is an orthographic view okay so in perspective and kind of slightly evens out what I feel like it's slightly too much of a protrusion like in this area I might want to like put this back a little bit I actually feel like that feels better but now I'm gonna remove all the textures and stuff and you can see they are looking a little bit too lumpy and undefined I especially like around this area over here so I'm gonna want to go and clean that up actually I'm gonna take my hat off as much as I love it but it's too hot I might put it back on later if in case there's a popular demand [Music] thanks to everybody saying they like my work by the way what's going on ok thanks just because I'm an indie developer that's why if you have any tutorials me to see how to practice while there's endless amounts of tutorials but it's what's important is being able to like cross okay that's fine let me do that thing where I get the super smooth brush sorry smooth stronger so this this brush is good for like higher levels of subdivision because it just amps up the strength which I mean you can manually change that but I'm too lazy to do that right now I'm just going what I'm gonna do is even out this eyelid a little bit and I'll go down the subdivision levels no one ever oh my goodness of the visual I'm terrible actually I'm not I don't think I even need these right now because I'm not listening to any music so I don't think it matters oh thank you I like my hat as well my chest was he right perfect so what am I going to be pointing out right now as this over here see how that's kind of like wobbly and only that doesn't make sense and then it's like slowly concave over here so good first of all going to I'm going to inflate this a little bit no [Music] so how was everybody's day doing somebody's asking me which thus it was scoop yeah yes I am um ah let me see there's many things going on in this nope nothing of dire importance okay um work time because I've been very distracted and it's been 15 minutes so I'm just going to clean this up a little bit make sure that the width of the eyelid is a little bit more uniform make sure I have no like weird highlights like there's over here also this might be like a little bit more tedious to be doing um as a stream because this is the more like a slightly time-consuming process actually I should just wife speed sculpting is fun because you get to see such a large jump from just like a nothing to something where is this this is just like a refining and fine-tuning but I guess I haven't done this on this channel so I figured I might as well see how it goes and if it doesn't go amazingly you know just never do it is he a singer no he's a model or at least used to be I don't know what he's up to today but I was looking for interesting faces and I saw and I mean I'm always looking for interesting faces right but I saw him on Kenzo runway show from like three years ago or something and I was like he has such a like unique face sorry I might be able to actually find that specific photo I'm talking about so you guys get a frame of reference of what I find interesting oh and he has such an interesting face actually let me see this but where is that one picture I'm looking for I think it was canceled yeah it was okay what year is this please tell me okay yeah it's 2016 okay my one big pictures just so people know what I'm doing here I am going through fashion photography so this is him but that's not the picture that I thought it was like a close-up of his face it was really cool it's probably like this or something let me see if I can go through the related photos now that's not a thing oh well but you get um oops um but you get the point like this is how I found out about this person cuz I was like he is weird I'm gonna sculpt 1000 thank you my nose is so red right oh all right so summer Feynman's I'm going over let's see if actually did masking on this no I didn't I only did it on the mouth and also I have to like work on this mouth topology a little bit but I'll work on that a little later why is this okay let me show you some weird stuff going on here so there's like I don't like that so I'm gonna see if I can fix it by working on the topology like making sure to see how wobbly that is that's not okay and that's going to influence how your sculpt ends up looking because it still depends on the topology right so I'm just gonna try and alleviate that a little bit see if that helps yeah that looks better and I can add let me zoom and just show you like the fat pad thing so you can really see the way that his eyelid folds over and then I have like one more photo that I wanna chew and local image I got this photo photos showing me what's going you can't really see like the way that it folds over here and the shape link some shadow shapes that I would say when I King in here I can kind of infer what's going on from this photo and the depth that's going on in here then I'm I feel like I'm missing you from the sculpt - let me put this on so I can um use it as a better point of our friends okay you stay over here you're slightly irrelevant right now I'm gone for chair so people can see what I'm doing okay I'm gonna put these on cuz I put my head back on bring up the entertainment value Oh what's going on all right everything's fine hello everybody all right so here's what I'm seeing is I'm gonna mask this part off a little bit and over here like the upper eyelid I might actually create a poly group just because of like future purposes doesn't have to be perfect but I'm trying to get it as close possible that's like as accurate as possible okay and now I got a poly group there Oh see alright that's good enough for me so here's what I'm gonna do is see that I really don't like how that looks I like it needs to be further and if that makes sense just in general this whole area it was like it should be more I'm like folding on top oh dammit I forgot that is is it cold in Russia this time of year I don't know because I'm not Russian I have never been to Russia sorry I'm like way too but I don't know my cousin gave this to me like yesterday I was like oh yeah your mom got this right I don't know she's like you forgot this hat and I'm like I don't know what this hat is but I'll take it Oh like thanks I guess [Music] okay try an accentuating like this bone over here I like the separation between the flesh and the bone a little more maybe y'all like a subdivision Wow [Music] she doesn't look or sound like Russian oh thanks I mean that I don't know I don't know I mean I do think there are people who do have like a particularly Russian looking face or whatever but I don't think you can look I don't know I'm thinking too much about this also look at that that's no good but I mean you can be Russian and sound like me I don't really know what I sound like I don't think I have like I think I've like a very nondescript accent so people have a hard time telling where I'm from but usually people like when I first moved to LA this was like one of the things that was really strange to me as people kept thinking like random people on the street are like in a store or something thought that I was Russian and then one random person thought I was Brazilian and I'm like no people are interesting so I'm just trying to kind of make sure that the eyelids folding in and out and like a nice way and it still needs like a little bit more over here it's like a very delicate area of the face I feel like I actually find that this little area of the face is one of the most difficult to sculpt properly like that I that is absolutely one of the most challenging parts of the face for me is making sure that that island over here looks good like this portion what's going on you actually look Russian but you don't say I don't know I mean I'm just I think when you're from Europe you can look like any other European person unless I don't know I think sometimes like you see somebody and they look very much like the stereotype of a certain nationality like let's say you see like a very tall blond female person and you assume they're like Scandinavian but a lot of Scandinavian people don't look like that so I don't think it's fair to always assume those things but when I was so I was and Iceland very briefly not very long ago and all the people had there that I saw have very round features so it's actually very interesting to look at more homogeneous countries are like areas there I think it makes a little more sense to be like all like you really look like like this specific Poole it's very sorry I lost my thought because I'm trying to concentrate on the sculpt like with Polish women I feel like there is a certain look where I'm like if I see a girl and I'm like she looks very polish like 80% of the time she is because it's like very and there's a Slovakian word for it called like a bomb or it's like not chubby but like again like very around very blond but like a very specific like chin profile so I'm like the way that the forehead is I don't know I'm like um thinking a lot about this but then it's like for example if you look at runway models actually a really large portion of them are polish but they look nothing like what I'm describing right like they kind of look like that but it's like you look at them and you wouldn't say like oh she is very polish looking or whatever what's going on here also it enough is kinda Russian sounding name I mean that but those that's how all Slavic names are so that's not a valid whatever you know comment here okay so I'm just gonna I'm defining the shape but I don't want to make that wrinkle there because that's not what the wrinkle on him actually looks like being a very gentle with the way that I'm defining this area of his face okay what's going on in here um the Hat is more like Mongolian I don't know anything about Mongolian hats so I can't tell you um wait why it's in the food you eat specific food your body changes I don't think that makes too much sense I mean it makes sense in certain conditions for example there was this girl in my high school she ate an obnoxious amount of like oranges and tangerines and her skin actually ended up turning kind of yellowish orange II also I think certain diseases do end up changing your skin color is all like if you have kidney problem or like what is it the liver I don't know but yeah I knew a guy in high school who also had explicably yellow skin tone also and his eyeballs were also kind of yellow if he watches this I mean I asked you before why buses and you never answered so I can't inform the public about the accurate whatever conditions of your condition I don't know what's going on so this is your body posture and tongue position you know what changes tongue position the way you breathe I always think I was talking about this on my last dream I was talking about how the way you breathe actually really affects the way that your tongue rests in your mouth the way that like your entire skull actually ends up shaping and the way that your teeth are affected by this as well so the term like mouth breathers you know like you have a very specific picture of what that person looks like it's usually someone who's like or whatever like that one kid from hey Arnold but that's actually because people who do breathe through their mouth chronically their chin ends up proceeding and that ends up causing a lot of like respiratory problems because of the way that your tongue is affected by like the constant tilt of your jaw and yada yada ya know whatever and it actually ends up affecting the way that the shape of your skull completely changes and like your brow bone structure and everything so if you don't want your kids to end up looking uglier than they possibly could end up looking don't let them breathe through their mouth unless they naturally have like a protruding jaw then you might want to have them breathe through the mouth too like you know I'm poor I'm so mean but I actually think that if I had gone because like I kinda I like sent my breathe through my mouth which is why I think I have issues with my teeth but whatever but I think if I didn't do that I would actually have a more protruding and protruding like profile so it's not all bad I just I'd be the healthiest thing but it looks better what is your schedule for streaming my schedule for streaming well right now I only stream on Sundays I have like a bunch of stuff going on my life and I'm like traveling all over the place so I can't really you know laid down a specific schedule for my own channel but I like I usually stream this time on Sundays on this channel and then and I plan on I plan on streaming on my own channel sometime soon I'm probably gonna do like Tuesday's on Thursdays because that's one I think is like are the popular streaming days probably gotta do that and I'm probably gonna try and figure out like a good time to do that yeah so keep keep I don't know how do how do you say that like stay tuned there you go that's the expression I'm looking for so I'm starting to forget English I'm not but like kind of yeah see you know what watching this is not very interesting because I'm just doing only like my new changes they won't make a difference so like if I look at the way that this falls then I'm gonna do this on the highest I might also just start doing with some layers so that I can change things if I want to I like reduce the layers okay so what I usually do with layers is I created like a empty base layer so let's rename that and then I'm gonna go in and just do some some of this so I'm gonna soften this out a little bit because they're brown like it doesn't protrude that much you go on to over accentuate and unless you're doing something for 3d print it's not necessary and I'm just flattening this maybe add a little oh I'm gonna check the check because I have not done that and a little while hello from Brazil hello somebody's somebody's saying you're hitting me with too much knowledge I have no idea what I said but I guess you're welcome all right somebody says Jesus Christ dot dot dot okay all righty all right back to the stream so that you know people get there in times worth well maybe I can turn off the desktop sounds because people are subscribing to me okay yes this is working I gleich couldn't figure out how to make the little like DDD notification sound stop doing its thing oh you know what I should have this on the other side so there's a little bit of a you know like one thing over here one thing over here it's called balance and the sannin um okay back to what I was doing is this okay perfect um let's see where's my blur mask I don't know okay I guess okay let's fix all right so I'm going to go and you can see that there's like this really soft fat that folds over like you can actually feel it folding over okay let's make that feel like it is holding over so I'm just going to come in Terminal four come back and push it down and then I can inflate this bit go in with something like this you know like I'm looking at this shape over here eyelid shape making sure that I don't wanna come this looks this should sag a little more and just then it kind of like gains momentum in terms of shape as we go to the outer portion of the eye hey Donna how are you doing do you ever give to feedback on people's work on the stream not on this string but I new plan to start doing it on my personal channel so what I want to do is because I was actually really close to hitting Affiliate on my personal channel in this summer what I want to do is head of delay hit affiliated status or whatever and then do like I don't know critique Thursday or something like that like spend half an hour helping people out but if you have any I don't know for me it's like sometimes embassies like sometimes when the mood strikes right I will go and like help random people on like 10,000 hours or like the I groups and do like draw over and I don't know what like actually spend a decent amount of time trying to help them because I'm like I feel like helping today but sometimes the bad thing about that is like people will keep coming back and trying to get more info or like keep coming back and updating their work and like asking for more feedback and I'm like oh I don't have the time I'm so sorry so sometimes that turn that that deters me because then [Music] and look at this shape over here like God you see this it's like let me show you how if I were to draw the shape but it would be something like it's like this triangular thing going on I think that's important to be retained but if you want you can still post your work and have other people in the common and give you advice if you want I and everybody is more than free to do that if you want to hear other people's opinions that are not mine but and I might do that on like my personal channel if you want it I just don't want to I want to keep this a little bit more focused on you know fulfilling the objective of what I'm doing right now okay I still feel like this needs just more of an overlap feeling nice attention to detail that's so different from doing a monolid well depends of the kind of monolith that you're doing it's like even within monolids you have variations and then also you also have like Asian people who do not have monoliths or like those who've gone through same plastic surgery but then there's a lot who also have not done that and they still have what do you call the opposite of a monolith like a duo lid I don't know what you call that but with monoliths what you what how I would up to how I approached monoliths is like I'm gonna do this really quick as I would like mass of this area of this internal part I'm like okay no why okay that's a highlight so what I would do is I would mask this internal part and then I would take this over here and do this essentially oops make sure we won't catch that so if it's something like this and if I wanted to you know cover it or I can always do that with the mask that I have created so I can just like push this more in and smooth it out and that way there you go modeling right I mean right now this step this is not it actually like what you'd want to do is mask out this entire thing and go in and just like cover it up let's say like this this is like very quick right and wobbly but this is the principle that I would go in and do and then just like something like that that's how you would end up with monolids and what I would do is usually actually so this is something that I'm gonna even though it's not necessarily printing it to the thing I'm doing right now is you always have like this triangular shape over here like the way that the eyelid is formed as you know like you have this shape or and so you have like this shadow shape like this entire form over here and then you have this form over here like those are the major forms and anyhow obviously the brow bone that's how I would approach it what I'm doing with this uh yeah that's a good idea do you have a link to your mainstream so I can fall oh no apparently it's not in here why I was a possible I thought I had a little banner at the bottom but apparently not I don't know where my back hold on what happened huh Brow's why okay hold on I just realized that I'm missing my banner thing so give me one second ZBrush ah yeah what's that oh sorry I'm going to post the links gonna be up in one moment I just realized that I didn't ok can you refresh don't watch there we go okay there it is yeah so my twitch channel is not XYZ and that's where you can find my stuff let me reapply this [Music] back let's see what the check people are saying you respond to my message on art station never mind that about the good breakup oh yeah I was like what are you so I receive this message on my station that's like you think too much and I'm like okay all right um Thank You Man masking technique is very helpful too oh yeah no problem [Music] all right back to what I was doing earlier which was all right oh this is an ugly frame to stop on all right back to us okay so actually I really feel like this is what I hate when I'm wrong and I mean I think we all hate that right but like now that I'm wrong but I'm still like developing the shape and the shape this is not looking how I wanted to work I'm gonna focus for like five minutes now so if you guys have any questions feel free to ask me but I'm not going to reply immediately because I'm actually trying to match this Jesus Christ I ate like a pepper earlier today now I have like I can steal a silly piece on my breath it's kind of gross people are following me thanks and once all right so long that I hate about this also okay I like to go back and forth between yeah this this hopes a little bit because it gives me like a slightly more realistic idea of what this will end up looking like so there's like a little bit of a droop here a little bit of a droop and I let it salt like it's a more steep angle downward [Music] don't cut the silage because making sure that everything has all looking all right and this needs to comment more and this is not actually following the shape of the eye which bothers me okay I'm gonna go back to looking at this with the basic internal okay sorry for the like two minutes of silence and mild occasional mild mumbling but it was me concentrating that's what that sounds like all right so Oh interesting so this actually needs to come in more from what I'm seeing there's a little bit more of like this kind of definition yeah I think that looks better we can compare what is going on and the Chad are you is this the end of the stream I got no notification no it's not we're actually only like an hour and a little bit under an hour I'm gonna be sculpting for like two more hours so don't worry about it I'd sculpted this from before though so let's see at the lair difference like have I actually made this better or worse no I made that matter no but you can actually see the difference now come here that is right like let's say let's zoom in on the eyes right um actually zoom out of his face a little bit so it's a little unrealistic you see that the friends there where the important thing is making sure that you can feel that overlap on the eyelid no I did not sculpt this in that in an hour I sculpted this over I think like a period of five hours or something so have like more going on but at like I thought that it would be cool to do a street working more like the details today like the middle portion I'm gonna make one my layers so it's like no don't do this I would still leave this one cuz we currently I'm just gonna work on some more correct shapes I what I wanted to do was accentuate a little bit of this over here not too much actually if you look at him like this kind of ghost concave in this area I feel like and then it puffs out here oh all right lower subdivision normal because this is to mumfie and I'm gonna and like this because I feel like he has bad I'm like this is also a little more pronounced and what I got going on and that is also just like shape over here I'm like the bridge this is like a very subtle shape but important [Music] all right those singing things oh thanks people okay I never use layers seems like a great way to track progress yeah actually it really is especially for the more like beginning stages not in the beginning stages but when you're kind of like I'm not sure what exactly is that you're like doing wrong and you're still kind of like experimenting what's what should you you know what I don't like look at that that's like true then that needs to like come out there we go that feels better I'm just kind of fixing things with the H polish brush making things that making sure that things are all nice [Music] and um I don't feel that with like this portion of the eyelid it's like to inflate it man it's just not thick enough up in here it's like come out a little more like a wrap around the eye [Music] make sure it matches Oh make sure it has like the dip end moment sure okay um so this actually do you see that that feels a little bit concave so what I would do is try and make sure that this shape is not doing that because it doesn't make sense also let's mask this like things negatively but it should be like the shapes need to follow each other if that makes sense too puffy right ow especially one see how that looks man you know what I need them I need my reference that's what this is this area okay that's all I don't hate it but I love it it could need so just a little more that kind of fades out all right like I'm also his nose a slide just like sharper in this area the mouth it's a little bit straighter than what I have and it's a little bit more like let me show you this over here is a little more unlike those depend over here same thing with this over here that's too much I can't do some web sculpting today that might be interesting oh you know what I actually feel like his nose is just a little more like angle like that this over here Oh what is this ugly piece of illogical mess Anna I don't like that maybe if I say good stuff like this alright that's that makes me feel better okay so let's see what that looks like with this on let's make sure that go if you like his eyes are not as round as I would want them to be no but now they turn down way too much also let me change them with you a little bit it's a little bit too yellow right now so I'm going to change the hue yeah that makes more sense I like No yeah that feels better my men one to make him just a little bit darker though terms of mature [Music] and I feel about this like do you have images of his bus like the profile and back view if not how do you figure out the temporal areas of the head I do I'm gonna bring them up right now if you'd like me to but yeah I mean my rule is the wall the more reference is not always the better because sometimes my friends can be slightly misleading in terms of if you have too much and they're all slightly different like the friend you know people change if it's like a picture from the same day and you have like a hundred pictures from the same day that I can be really good but if it's like different focal lens on different ages that might become a little bit of a problem so this is the side view here it is a 3/4 view you're gonna see if I can find like one more sign man I'm sorry 3/4 view oh this is a good picture but yeah there aren't torso photos as well because it's like he's a model he has like a billion Polaroids just why I like sculpting models cuz you note that there is a lot of pictures of them one see if I can find oh that's a great picture what an interesting that I I saw one picture I'm looking for give me Wow that's so cool sorry I'm like I love looking at photos of people and like seeing their face it's just super cool to me okay can I see this photo is that possible wow that's so cool sorry guys I'm I love I love humanity hmm all right so I just realized something very interesting about this guy's face I might actually have to okay let's see so they're not eyeballs but here's the thing I might actually have to like symmetry and so this is cheating but whatever I'm going to extend this out just a little bit to give that pearance almost slightly larger eye I'm gonna make his eyes a little darker too to be honest I like super dark but oh why doesn't look like that uh-huh because I am me that made no sense I'm sorry what's going on oh I always like to add a little bit of like grayness around the eyes to make the transition what's crazy oh they're cracked something like that gives it I'm wearing natural feel you'll see I might actually feel like his eyes might be a little closer to this so and what can get this photo of him and his like this this part of his eyelid is very like suspended I guess suspended is like the only word I can think of right now - like really describe what I'm seeing let me show you when I'm looking at looking at this over here see that that kind of like goes down it's very interesting um let's see what the world whoa their graphs into my chat all right [Music] do I use any of zeros materials um I do but I like I'm starting to try and make my own that I like better so independence of the sculpt sometimes whatever works better for the sculpt in terms of like presentation that's what I'm gonna use at the end but right now I'm actually gonna go back to a sculpting and basic material because that's the one that's not gonna lie to you because both are like a lot of the skin material I mean unlike zebras materials are very pretty it's very easy to get deceived by them so I never want to sculpt too long on those like I might do some minor adjustments while working what fun because if that's what I'm that's my final output it's important to see okay so let's make sure I got wild things stuck in my head a way I like to do what I like to do in searching for reference images do is to put the person's name into Google Images and then click tools oh yeah that's what I do always there's something about your co-star not quite a master an insertion into the clavicle um I'll look at that leader I don't think that I worked on the actual body too much Oh like this over here uh yeah I guess I can see that could be a little bit more oops [Music] how did I minimize them where did they go [Music] like the Hat okay not my current focus but we can look at that later ah no what's going on oh I get it okay see what I don't like is this like this this is genuinely Nemo's tricky part of sculpting for me this let's see if I can move the light to something like this kind of better see what I'm doing see that comes to much this over here also it's just too puffy shouldn't be like that um something old my like this is it wraps around right and this shape also does not look good in my helping hand I don't like it when you look like this there we go I'm just gonna flatten this out maybe not at this subdivision like why are you doing that all right see that that doesn't look come back like why does it look like that okay back to lights being up here all right I feel much I think I feel much better now I'm getting to the point where I think this looks let me just give this a little more volume [Music] I need to stop music smooth stronger choose normal space okay and then clean up this area and I've been like working on this for like an hour and a half but this is why I never do like super detailed stuff on the stream is because it takes so much longer and it's just not as entertaining to look at but that's my own that's life my people okay alright it looks okay to me no it doesn't but like why what is causing just annoying little shape let me have better posture so I can be upset with good posture okay all right it's an eye it looks alright we got this we got it and then once make sure okay No okay if anybody wants to take the time and explain this area to me one day you feel free to do that all right sing it I don't think that looks all right okay they look better five seconds ago so I'm gonna go back to them oh you know what I'm missing see that that doesn't know that looks bad hmm not okay see that it's horrible actually see them when you look up something from this angle that's totally not what it should look like especially the island like this over here that needs to it's not flowing correctly if that makes sense to people that feels better like it makes more sense now let's just round this yeah that's better yeah that looks much better oh my god I'm so much happier now it's a cool to see how percent each time oh thank you I appreciate that it makes me feel a little less bad about the fact that I'm doing something that's not just like bam bam bam right number island overlaps the lower one yeah you know what like no I feel like I need to add just a little more volume on the bottom over here make sure that things are so good looks like I am having all these different thicknesses that don't make too much sense okay you go forward okay that makes sense all right yeah so that looks better to me I made one to accentuate the actual you know this make sure I don't have any sometimes the lumpiness like this is inevitable and the way that you fix it is using h polish brush they just go over it like that fixes that kind of that's so I'm not loving all of the curvature that's going on here all right I just go down a little bit more yeah bollocks yes that looks pretty much decent to me I'm gonna go in and accentuate his brow bone a little bit more I'm gonna make sure that that's just a little more okay so I am just going to wrap up with like this bottom part and if anybody wants to tell me what they want me to focus on a little bit more feel free to tell me because they can wrinkle the mouth a little bit actually the mouth is mainly what I need to work on so my ball says was up girl nothing much I'm trying it ought to burp yeah I don't know man like I've become the master and baking good potatoes so yeah that's that's what's new in my life excuse me sorry about that [Music] any tips to make on the ioan general tips in what sense is like the eyes pretty complicated and I need to know like exactly what question you're kind of referring to like what is your issue because I mean I think it also depends of like though I I don't know I don't have any like general tips I would need like a very specific issue to look at the front of the model I use shift so you're like moving it around and you're like boom shift I think it snaps like this snaps to the back which makes me realize that I might want to you know make sure that this is a little bit all right let's not focus on that anymore yeah no problem I'm going on going okay I'm just going to accentuate this a little bit more okay um I'm gonna work on the lips actually let's look up the before and after like what the layers see what that looks like right as my a material there it is I don't like this much I don't like how I change the saturation change I actually feel like this felt more natural no oh that makes more sense to me maybe there's something off about him that I chained on and my in perspective I'm not in perspective that's why you know what I might have to rotate his eyes in a little more give him a little bit more of like a look like he looks like he's actually okay honest there's something in this area I don't know if it's like the focal lens oh this is too green oh maybe if I maybe not and just like this saturated yeah that feels better I don't know I feel like his there's something about his okay let me work on the layers maybe that but then give him like slightly dad I feel like feels slightly more I can't and his ears are a little different did I make a polygon for New Year's oh this is terrifying okay no I did not okay let's go down a subdivision one Wars three so so them ears are a little wobbly I've Ciara's like at my head down what a woman there we go still feel like his eyes are smaller like okay go forward a little bit these no okay I can live with this no I can't there we go I feel better I [Music] feel like this is just maybe I hate this part where I'm like something is off but I don't know exactly what it is I don't like that I don't know if it looked better before or not like okay that feels more accurate I don't want to fight this do you feel like his eyes are more like I don't know straightforward a sharper glance just like an average East European teen boy you would have a sharper um I mean I can't I don't know what that means that's a very like figurative way of describing something I don't really know what a sharper glances oh very cool is it a personal project yes oh yeah that's true let's see make them a little bigger yeah I think with the eyes it's a little bit tough to do like tough to really get the emotion right when it's symmetrical because in this photo he's also one thing I want to do like in the actual coloration is make his under-eye bags a little more obvious in terms of color that's currently they're not okay that's not a good ah zoomin please latch is in thing and all right that doesn't want me zoom in which is very interesting but whatever and I know what I'm doing we really like to say then take this and to like this hey that's more Baloo but later there's something like this oh oh that's not saturated oh he looks so tired oh oh why is it well what are you doing why is it doing that Hey oh because I'm like you're saying no it's because I'm using the layers that's why all right I'm gonna have to bake these never Polly pain while you're doing we're related stuff because it'll literally as I say that whoa go back go back all right what happens all right what happens all right and they call just go home late we go look at this with like other stuff from the skin to blend it out a little bit darkus again oh yeah work on them wrinkles I haven't really done that enough all right perspective and maybe like the light of more up here what if I can I change the scale of the legs I don't really know Oh Oh interesting yeah I don't like that it's always like over here I can do that thing where make it feel more alive you know you do this thing eyes are difficult because the thing is like the actual eyes themselves are not particularly constructed right this is just like a fake eye so maybe if it was actually concave oops right but if you actually had that concave I like the actual structure that it's supposed to be right yeah beautiful doing a great job huh yeah what's cool thing I can do is actually okay I've been working on these eyes like for too much alrighty let's see how the actual profile looks like oh he's looking up in mine it's not a true all right we got we got a problem and it's something that I've created all right no let me show you what it is okay first of all [Music] oops Oh looks so a week I hold up let's see if this is gonna make a positive difference okay I think that might actually be better hello what is this material I made it myself it's a modified version of the poly skin material there's the corneal polish that gives the eye its vitality well yeah oh it does have the Bulge actually it's not like seeing and exists but the thing is like this is not constructed and like well I wouldn't be so and though like the thing about the ZBrush is is like oh why don't you be on all right let's stop sculpting on this material because it's not a good idea let's bring the normal white lighting back like this see mistakes I made also what is this oops alright light intensity is just too much Oh all right okay that feels more natural to me okay all right eyeballs rotate slightly out and I think as long as I keep him this symmetrical he's not gonna look exactly right so maybe I'm fine now oh hell do you have perspective if he has how much perspective value do is well sculpting a head from reference usually when I'm sculpting with perspective I think right now it might actually be turned up a little bit too high yeah it's the default of 50 but I personally like to keep it around like 28 because it doesn't distort your sculpt too much and I have some of the no shame what let's see what this looks like with excuse me like let's see what this looks like with different materials on this these are a couple of the zebra materials his eyes are like slightly upturned maybe I keep thinking they're like smaller um let me just change this material cuz I don't like this one oh not you no you're fine yeah it's not working for me I'm gonna go back to mine [Music] oh it's better yeah I'm much happier now I feel like that looks better I stopped looking good so far and I loved the giant hat thank you what's up how are you doing I'm here wait hold on I don't even know what I'm doing oh wait others I don't know I don't know where to put this how are you doing I'm like chilling out here it's like the weather here is constantly fluctuating and it's kind of annoying but whatever it's the life I guess life is constantly fluctuating - I don't like that but maybe I do and I'm just not aware maybe there's something about him I don't like I think maybe I made have his face just like too far or like something something something is not right in his face and I can't put my finger on it maybe it's like better that is better would you look at that I improved it I think we kind of look at what this looked like at the beginning what did this look like when I started this dream oops maybe I shouldn't have done that okay hold on I don't want to mess anything up over here not gonna do that let's duplicate this just so I don't lose it and then crying about it later Oh whole thing I know some of us show me okay that doesn't look like it did anything all right so this is what it looked like when I started the street this is what it looks like right now and that eyes were a little different eyes looked like this so this is why we had the beginning let's do it before and after I love doing those all right so we have before and then we got after this is what this is the before and after and I feel like maybe I need to have just a little bit too skinny in the face so I think I might whiten has job just you know like you know like this it's just much straighter and what I got going on why oh that looks better I think and just like this might be a little bit lighter okay that's what it looks like but we did a bunch of singer stuff around the eyelids and what the hell well that's strange yeah all right back to working on the details I don't like that I don't like that's looking okay well looks better all right let's go summer ankles and we're gonna do this I know there aren't zoom in on history why can i zoom in on this is so rude zoom in doesn't let me do that unbelievable all right now I can zoom and look at his face this is not a very high quality picture give me a second people what's going on in the chat [Music] the chin to clavicle proportions is the neckline among gated than an auto be let's find out because this guy has a really long neck um and it's actually let me show you something interesting look at that his neck is like oops but let's check it out so I got on top and it's very good I yes something tells me and I feel great also this is not the same [Music] yeah that hey let me slightly smaller just like it needs a little more mess from the bottom over here and then like all right yeah that's true I don't wanna move this up a little bit actually it's like angled downwards which is very interesting you're small yeah then I'll work on that a little later let's see what that looks like with a material on I made his foot okay hold on no I did not because forehead too big I don't know if it's the lighting or what but there's still something that's like throwing me off like it's close but there's something in this area it's this area and it's like this area now his lips seem a little bit more pouty than what I got let's me wait trying I mean I don't know if that's like a coloration thing or like what you know like what's going on there what is that line all right oh sorry about that all right let's see if anybody and the chat has any suggestions nice that animal on your head yeah on the bright side it's it's vintage so I didn't spend money on somebody killing it but then again I spend money on like chicken so I don't know what animal this is though I know that the poor little minks are like I saw a picture of an overweight mayn't one time and it was very sad so I don't like to I don't know and I already think about like buying fur products I tried to do to buy like vintage stuff this Stern call blends into the trapezius those three loud mastoid that's two prominent overall form usually affects how we preserve that oh yeah that's true although I think like I'm focusing more on the face right now not on this area trying to nail the face but you know what in this area it's just generally too not straight enough room to wonky but then also all right um I'm gonna work on in a while I don't like this like I would like for it to be more implied like I'm implied shadow rather than like such a prominent Shea and then I'm gonna work off the lips Oh doesn't like that speaking of chicken I'm hungry all right so I'm not I don't think I'm going to use the damn standard for the these wrinkles what I might do is use the org packs instead once if I can get like a really high respect of his lips gobby sahar his is quite like prominent like look at this how crazy is that I do think I read oh yeah this is like one more photo from the same shoot but slightly different angle Oh large and I find a good picture of this man's lips somewhere Oh interesting issue that's not a good kind of is actually Wow I didn't even notice that okay very interesting so this guy has actually like quite an interesting old structure so I'm going to show you guys what I'm looking at look at this shadow over here it's very like almost 8 I would say so I'm gonna see if I can like capture that as a general shape so I'm gonna go back this is too long too like this see if I can capture that general big shape maybe turn up the light a little bit like that so I can see the farms better and this over here is like quite prominent but then the rest of this recedes a little bit and then we wanted this one that I mean this poor man's lips look like terrible that's what I did oops well it's going on I guess it's a ring oh well this is auto-saving oh okay fine that's like this because I'm looking at some reference and I feel like this could be just let's open like that all right like we still got this but it was where I like clean this way plain this way century that's okay what the what of his lips look like okay we're all photos not available that sucks [Music] that's poor come on no I'm not check the chat help me out talking to the Internet okay I want to walk this picture no but that's okay okay no you know what I'm seeing I've actually seen that I got this Keystone wrong and she has a little bit more like my finish in this way and I like so oh okay okay I was like Oh guys I've done like a depletion in the middle but this is like pretty broad and I like that but a little bit less of the saturated [Music] good one the second one kind of oh very interesting so I'm looking at it look at this photo oh this is great oops always on top so I can match it from and see what I did wrong okay so that looks like it comes in just a woman this is way more open [Music] and on this photo he's like breathing in or something cuz that's like a crazy amount of like you know but then with the lips it's very interesting that they okay so they keep going like forward okay oh no werewolf permits was spooky scary boys becoming bad much bit commenting walls mm-hmm that's how my mind works but you can even see like blood triangle shape in there a lot of very interesting so this actually needs to be more like out there so cool ok this is why I love photos from like all different angles like this needs to come up more it seems whoops this is something that I did not really know this before it's good then I'm never singing now look amazing yeah it's starting to look my like and now he feels a little bit too skinny let's fix that like to initiate it a little bit more [Music] the more this going on yeah that feels more accurate just a little bit too mumfie I'm gonna check the chat and one second sorry people got carried away with all the references this is why you gotta look at all our friends on the whole town oh my god oh my god oh okay that's crazy and that feels better alright all right we lost some angularity in here which we got it back but she does okay let's go my gun and Chad wow I really love you really love hats don't you yeah hats are great yeah I'm just wearing this one because I thought it would be funny and I'm actually like cold or anything this is the first time I'm wearing it so yeah that's that's the story behind this one okay looks alright enough to me yeah that looks way more like them now I feel so much happier I genuinely well I genuinely do feel happier though okay that wasn't that idea okay that's good let's work on over all right let me see if I can find like yes I can so the lower lip is okay stop that one of these like do some [Music] so I'm just trying to kind of like refine the shape and then go ahead and win damn standard and I'm gonna do this asymmetrically actually a wood one to optimally go in at a higher subdivision level and do this because what is this for okay let's go on fire but even for this I would want to go a little bit higher is ellipse I like like the wrinkles and his lips are pretty straight I would say I know like um they're just they're you know just breaking stuff up and then when when you get to like these areas you can bring the symmetry back it doesn't matter too too much in this portion and I like Tuesday especially in this area I like to do some cross hatching like this I'm gonna get to like the these areas it doesn't happen and such a cross like he's method it's a little bit more like that's right but I hate that that's like that's more difficult to reproduce and if I could see a little bit better one his specifically what the plank that would be great but I'm not offering with that of Lynch today so I'm just gonna wing it and a couple of these which this looks not that grade right now I won't just fine and go over this with the standard brush and I like to inflate little portions of the lips go with a lower intensity so it actually feels like a crease you're actually giving it supporting shape all right yeah this middle portion I'm just gonna have to rule some like random lips for this but what I do is after I do that I go over it with smooth brush like this I have like existing structure over it again why is this it's the wrong brush so once you do it kind of like Oh whew cuz you already have kind of the shapes mapped out and I just gotta repeat them let me look up some lips man whoops while this guy has the driest lips I've ever seen no the photo was good this picture alright perfect guess I'm looking at all random photo so here and doesn't matter that much better like you want and I wanted to break it up you know I wanted to be too straight so maybe like going over it and I like you would with actual wrinkles when it's like you know how you're not supposed to draw a line that's how you're supposed to draw wrinkles is there too many but it's ok what I can do is get the smooth direction all where is it so this is a cool brush because it all these smooth let's say if I go like this and almost smooth the stuff and you like that so that's a good trick for this one and say I really don't like how those bring up but now at least I have like [Music] and this should be enough really why are we read I really don't like this this is like it doesn't have enough variety he's more like tiny ones stuff going in different directions mm-hmm I don't like me refrain maybe I feel like his the lips are just too big hold on I'm gonna check the chat in one second people let me just [Music] I don't love it I feel like I need a slightly higher resolution and pull this off nicely and this is not bad like maybe if I too long maybe right Wow okay time to check the chant do you scan alphas I do but I haven't prepared any for today so I don't really know we're there did you just fake drink it's possible I was I think there was like two drops of water in there and that's what I had until easy just end up and get some water no actually I using alphas for this would be the best course of action like I would use the texturing XYZ I'll for us but they don't have that one me right now cuz I left my backpack at my friend's place and that's where my hard drive is where I got all that stuff hey that looks better let me just I'll survive with this sometimes ever some days the lips opening comes a little more naturally other day is not so much [Music] all regards but the limp is not correct his mouth is crocked that makes sense you mean crooked or I don't know it croc means oops give me this yeah that's what I was saying that this might not be the right brush yeah this is actually way better I don't know why I've been using that other one on the side so let me do that same thing I was during the farm I'm sorry people [Music] Oh so obvious is just too flat okay so I'm gonna go back in with the standard brush and slave the little islands and whatnot I think I'm trying to do this kind of quickly cuz not a lot of time left of this dream even though I know on the banner it says I'm sculpting for like another hour and actually not that was a typo but it's okay does that happen books to lunch Oh still too much I know it some of this actually I might like a little bit and then I go over that looks horrible oh let's go back in time okay let's fix this up a little bit fix shame I should have done this on a later to be honest I just realized I mistake and by not putting this on a later [Music] let's say Alex let me put up how do you run through your models be rated a bit depends sometimes I use my missus sometimes I do the ZBrush PPR sometimes I use key shot sometimes I use V I'm trying to learn how to use our Knoll so you know I don't really like to limit myself all it all depends what I'm trying to do like what's the objective and if I'm trying to do something that's incredibly fast and stylized let's say I'll use BPI if I am trying to create something that's more realistic and depending I like oh dude does it have hair or whatever I might use like fury or what's going on why is this being so bizarre yeah um the H polish is not liking me right now but it's okay I have the capacity of forgiveness okay um I can smooth over over this a little bit and say I forgive myself okay so his lips are a little bit later I feel like you know like that lock I'm gonna have to turn on the skin shader now see what that looks like okay so does not have prospective ah there's the perspective I can do that thing I'm gonna take this a little bit this there he is I guess oh yeah I wanted to work a little bit on the wrinkles under the eyes so the wrinkle 0 1 2 like go over it on a couple of times in terms of in order to make that one look where Gallic wants to monoxide you know cause wrinkles are never a straight line they're more like and all that actually I guess more like on the side over here like there is a certain and so like feeling of insertion of the forms this area [Music] Oh too much let me see a side of you [Music] all right okay my people I'm gonna be wrapping up with this oopsie looks like he's smiling a little bit too much now a lot of people hold on I've just noticed something crazy oh that's because it's not directional [Music] like that okay so box okay but let's look at what that looks like with interesting alright anybody else watching The Bachelor that's what I want to talk about that's not what he looks like oh this is horrible oops but also where's the light why it's like way to my Apple should be a little my like of this that doesn't look too terrible no no no I see a bunch of other flaws wow I'm so upset hey let's go through [Music] Michael let's see here I bet that's what it should be no he's too happy there we go that looks better once that that looks that all right I am gonna say it's good all right okay people um I'm gonna say okay that's good yeah let's put this kid over here [Music] says what I got hope some of that and for I won our today was oh my god the distance of the eyelids is too big I just realized this okay let me fix that first I have like one more minute to fix this but I will do it okay I made like this area too large don't worry I'll fix it anyways while I'm you know talking about things I hope that it somebody at least like wearing something so this was not like in vain and yeah there we go there he is it has lips a little bit like blendra man never content you know maybe that's better on me but I'm here oh yeah let me make the background the same color so that's like oh it's evening all right if anybody has any like last-minute questions feel free to ask well this quicksaves and I'm like here's my outro goodbye but I'm not saying bye just yet it'll take like two more minutes two more minutes okay psycho manic arch is too harsh see yes and no but it's so weird cause it's like because I'm looking at multiple photos of him right so it's like if you look at him over here it's more pronounced okay all right hey do you see what I'm saying so I feel like from this photo it looks like Oh No the lips I think - sorry I just noticed this I need to see what I'm actually doing okay and also I feel like one thing I need to fix come on this is bad okay actually noticing some stuff in this photo that I didn't notice before now I'm like no I need to fix it no no this is like too crazy god damn it people why do you make me haha go over my stuff but whatever at all tamale thanks for better changed so it's okay okay daddy no oh very interesting this over here song sophomore I need to lower my subdivision I said thank you who are you referring to the photo or in the skulls I've no idea like which one of the two things you're talking about so going to very gently add a little bit of mass also thank you to the person that's that I have a nice hat okay you know what um if you like like one thing I would know what focal length do I use I all that before that was orthographic but this is and I think around 28 oh my god that's what's been missing this whole time okay I got it people I got it okay all righty my friends I was going to change the background color and then people started critiquing my work so I was like okay that's not a question but I'll fix it well I'll try back yeah that's not bright enough back slightly darker okay that's good enough let's match the material a little more does that do oh not the basic that's your job okay oh that helps a little bit let's side-by-side each other listening to every Oh that's almost the same color hold on I'm doing why don't I and why can't i okay there we go I'm gonna crop it oh I didn't crop it this is what I actually wanted to do apparently I can't do that if I got layers oh let's see the before and after so the one here was before the oh my feet yeah this over here is just too strong okay let me fix it okay that seems fine to me uh-huh there we go they call we can do a little before and after of the sculpt at the beginning of the stream versus now so this is what we started out with this is why we got right no and right now I think it looks much closer than before before it was a little bit too like yeah and then let's make the material match dude it's awesome do like this thing like this okay [Music] in his head feels like it's bigger compared to the neck like the neck is just too large for what he has right now but I can't be bothered fixing that right now so deal with me other people saying I'm people saying Oh apparently what I see okay and my chat is not a thing so naive inspired me oh thank you try to send it through point lighting it'll help you understand the French butter yeah but I can't do that in ZBrush so that's a problem is I'm currently relying on ZBrush it's lighting and it's not hold up it's not this is not focus focus focus focus there we go um what happened what happened keep in mind a breath what I'm confused about what's going on in the chat I'm almost done give me a moment um let me just like on the material a little bit Oh what if I okay yeah that works okay do anything oh yeah let's remove that ah interesting oh wow oh my god no it's okay it's looks like oh wow oh my God look at that that's spooky okay let's put that back to where it was before approximately if I had mmm a needs to be less saturated and so don't be all right I'd say this is okay yeah kinda could be a little bit better like there's something off with the saturation okay that's fine okay I think if I but turned down okay whatever people this is what you get for today this is the dude I tried you know thanks for everybody who guys this is no time for critiquing anymore I don't I can't work on this right now like I didn't work on the body really so please ignore her and now I'm like but okay doesn't matter hold on what's going on said wait I'm not alone for some reason and can't um okay sure you can do that then the Seavers but you can do it with this material this material specifically it's not going to let me do that yes I just said I addressed this like two minutes ago the entire like this portion and large currently but I didn't really would you find everybody's complaining about it so I'm gonna do it God I'm very easily peer pressured into doing things apparently also guys I'm supposed to be leaving stop giving me feedback right now this is the wrong time to be doing that like I didn't work on the body critiquing the body there's and I'm trying to leave so guys if you don't want me to leave then yeah I guess alright people thanks everybody for tuning in and I'm like um thank you everybody for coming to my stream I hope to see you next time I was streaming which i think is next week the same time like to think that's when that is but you have to double check so yeah I don't really know what else just saying beside it's thank you and yes the earrings missing the ohad I can't okay you know what fine I'll give him like a simple earring I'll give him like a helix not a helix uh what do you call that is it how he likes now it's a ring I'll give him a ring not gonna sculpt a little fish right now all right people since you wanted any ring here it is it's you know what I'm gonna make it cuz apparently on the schedule I'm scheduled until 4:00 so I might as well because I hearing God I'm like super quickly do this though I'm God why do I live this way it's a really good question I'm like really I don't care about the construction if anyone is going to critique that I am going to be upset at you just so you know even if I don't know you hold on this isn't the wrong location it's what's under sound this is too thick of a your anything like turn around or some all right this is too big all of these too large this and I like I had what are people saying love your eyes thank you it's kind of you to say and I will quickly make kind of fish shaped thingy not actually gonna bother too much with us you know oh this might be like a good moment for sculpture is except that I remove the sculptures but from my menu options how smart of me this is oh god I am sculpting the fish not gonna bother too much mm-hmm don't forget about the eyelashes I'm not gonna give me my lashes - no you guys are horrible thank you for being like the biggest distraction ever it's okay Oh No please save the project thank you very easily distracted but seriously thanks to everybody who like watches and likes my streams goes sometimes I get messages and people like actually want to watch this stuff and it's you know it touches my heart a little bit I don't like that so thank you okay people he has an earring too anything else besides eyelashes I might I maybe I should give him some eyelashes no I shouldn't I will not be bullied all right all right my friends it's done he's the guy he's the dude he has an earring she doesn't have eyelashes it's okay um thank you thank you everybody for showing up watching being amazing and you know being crazy people who give me feedback and things like that so yeah I'm gonna say goodbye to you now and see you next week or maybe not I don't know what you're gonna do in your life but thank you for showing you and you know being nice to me I'm gonna say goodbye now somebody send me a question mark and I don't know what to say to that other than five question marks um I'll add the birthmark next week um but it if anybody wants to see me do anything in particular next week let me know other wise I'm gonna work on something stylist yeah no just just like but yeah all right good bye guys and okay here's me oh my hair my for hair good bye where's the button all right
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 8,009
Rating: 4.8679247 out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush live, digital sculpting, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, twitch, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe, photoshop, cinema 4d, 3d printing, concept art, games, reel, likeness, 3d scan, primary forms, pores, skin details
Id: rrq8IaDsw7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 13sec (12253 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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