[Character Creator 4] The correct way to import Character, with clothing and hair from Daz Studio.

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foreign welcome back to another exciting episode of our character creator series now in this episode we're going to take what we achieved in our previous two episodes and we're going to work on achieving both of those things at the same time I.E importing our character and all of their outfit items in the same path so that we don't have to do it individually for each one now the reason I taught you how to do it individually for each one first is that you might not want to do all of the things at once you might just want to import the clothing items first and then work on the things later so let's get right into this then now as you can see I've already got my character loaded up in Dash Studio and have already got her clothing items and hair added to her so all I need to do now is to grab the uh it does to iclone base key from the does toy cologne package which we talked about in the previous episode and I'm just going to drag the dof file onto my character like this it's going to say this this preset contains information for frames beyond the length of a current timeline we're just going to hit yes to that and then we'll give it a couple of minutes to do that because it's going to apply this animation to our character so that we can export our animation data to there okay so as you can see now that has been applied so we are ready to go there one piece of advice I would also give you is if you're working with a piece of clothing or a piece of anatomy which you don't wish to export for example this character has new gens on it which we don't need for this and we also don't need the tongue extension because that's not going to be any use to us in character creator for so we're going to delete those items before we do our export so now that I have those items removed what we can do is just like we did before we're going to go to file and export and then once the options come up again we have to remain with figures animations logs and limits embed textures merge clothing onto figure skeleton allow it degraded to getting allowed degraded scaling make sure that all of our items here have indeed been selected and then we can hit accept now because I've got a character with some clothing on this might take a few minutes to do so um don't be surprised if it does take a while just be prepared for a bit of a wait foreign so once we've achieved that we can just close that studio and jump straight back into Character Creator 4. and much like we did in the importing their Studio characters video we can now go to Transformer and we can hit cc3 plus and choose the file that we've just created I'm in character creative 4 is going to do a little bit of thinking and then it'll come up with a dialog box and just like before we're going to hit the advanced button and then the character creator for do its thing and then as you can see it's going to come up with a list of all of the additional items in there so we can actually change these to whatever we want to at the initial type so as we can see messy bun is not a cloth that's actually hair messy buns bangs is also hair as is that jeans is clothes we could change that to an accessory or gloves or whatever but we are happy to leave that as close and then that's all good to go so now we can just hit OK and then after a couple of moments character creator 4 will present us with our character and now that it's done its thing as you can see our character is loaded into the scene the clothes already conformed to her and she's basically if you don't plan to separate this uh character and her clothes into separate items he's basically ready to go with animating or posing whichever you want to do however in order for us to be able to save these assets individually what we can now do is for example because we've already converted messy bun into a hair icon or if we want to I just slide this across so that we can actually see which one so let's go with the bum first which is the uh bit at the back then we've got the bangs and then we've got the scalp so what we can do is actually go back into our content into our custom content we can select here we can actually select a hair element and now we can save and we can call this messy bun part one for example and then we can just hit okay that's gonna have a bit of a think for a moment and then that will save that as an asset that we can then apply to another character if we should so choose and lo and behold that has now completed so now we can come back to our scene and we can select the second of our hair objects and just repeat the process once again so we can just go save and we can just call this let's see Barn part two black character creator do his thing and then we'll just repeat that for the other hair element as well and then because character creator 4 is very clever and it's already turned our jeans and sweater into clothing items very much like with our hair all we have to do is select the item that we want and we can also double check to see if it's conforming right because as you can see there is actually a little bit of poke through on this mesh just around about the hips so we can actually adjust those things but let's go with the sweater then because there's no poke through on that it's basically ready to go it doesn't require any simulation because it's conforms to the figure so we don't have to worry about that we can just select the sweater go into our content and this time we're going to go into our clothes and let's just go with shirts and then we can save this as Polo sweater and then hit okay and again that's going to have a bit of a think and then almost immediately that's going to be done now we can have a look at these genes and we can see if we can sort there out there Conformity just to resolve this issue of them clipping through her skin so we're just going to select the Jean shape there and then what I'm going to do is hit modify and I'm going to it's just in space to make sure there's no other poke through no there's a misalignment of the meshes at the bottom of the trousers there that's just sloppy work by the asset creator but other than that bit of poke through at the front of the hips I'd say mostly okay so we can actually just double check the Conformity we can hit conform and we can maybe add a bit of loose fitting to it to see if that adjusts our shape and we can also increase the number of iterations maybe increase the size ever so slightly and then we can just do a calculated collision and see what happens and hopefully by just recalculating that we'll be able to get rid of this poke through at the front of the hip and if needs be we can adjust these properties as many times as we wish to get that done before we save it as a clothing item there you go so that's actually resolved that issue and now we can go back to our scene make sure that we've still got it selected go into our content come out of shirts and go into pants and then we're just going to save these as um holy jeans hit okay and then that's that ready to go so basically we've now got all of the items that we need saved apart from the character herself so we can actually come into the scene now we can double double click on the name of the character to actually give it a name or just call it so Julia or something like that and then we can actually save the character itself as a character precept so again we can go into content and you can actually choose characters and then just save this as Julia like that and then character crew is going to have a little bit more of a think and then it's going to save that for us there as well so that means that we've now got all of these assets available to choose from in our Content Library in either character creator 4 or in iclone8 so that we can put this character back together in our clone a if we don't want to export and re-import and so on um so that's cool and then we can just check to see how she looks when she's animating as well another thing that I didn't do in my previous video is talk about Springs so what I'm gonna do is with the character created a character selected there I can actually go to edit spring like so it's going to have a little bit of a think and then what I can do is you'll notice that where her nipples might be there is actually um a couple of icons there so if you select one you can actually see that the her breasts are actually already active as Springs what that means is that iclone8 is actually all character creator for and I clonate are both going to simulate these breasts actually move a little bit with the character's motion which I think you'll find is pretty cool because it means you don't have to mess around worrying about soft body physics yourself um to a certain extent iclone and character creator 4 have done it automatically for you so now we can just apply some kind of Animation if I come back into templates I go to animations and motion plus we can go to acting female and we'll just give her a walk animation and see what happens basically there we go so now she's got the walk animation now if I hit play you can see that she quite happily walks along her clothes stay conforms to her body and pretty much ready to go so you can play around with the character as much as you want to and it may export into our colonate create poses and so on and then if you've got the IRA render settings or the render package for iclone8 then you can just render her out an array here or you can export her into Nvidia Omniverse to render it in Ira out of that so thanks very much for watching that guys I hope you found it useful let me know what you think in the comments below and I will see you in the next one but until then you take damn good care of yourselves alright bye-bye
Channel: Game Developer Training
Views: 20,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vn, visualnovel, indiedev, game development, indie game, indie dev, renpy, daz studio, daz 3d, rendering, iRay, animation, photorealism, photography, adobe photoshop, adobe lightroom, blender, gaming, c#, visual studio, microsoft, Daz Studio, Game Development, Game developer, training, tutorial, learn, e-learn, teach, skills, video game, unity, unreal, unreal engine, game studio, ren'py, roguelite, roguelike, platformer, fps, 3d, cg
Id: l45W56cExxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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