Character Creator 4 | Tips & Tricks - Any Daz character to CC4. The correct way

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[Music] foreign [Music] hi guys and welcome to iclone 3D where we discuss tips tricks and tutorials for the latest animation softwares and if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on Bell notifications for all our future tutorials and today we're going to look at the simplest and easiest way to get any single dad's character into character creator for and we're going to look at doing it the correct way I've seen a lot of tutorials out there that don't explain um you know quite quite important information in terms of getting the accurate character in because a lot of the times when you're bringing the character in um it doesn't actually look like the actual character so I'm going to show you how to do that right now in a couple of minutes um without further Ado let's load up Daz and we'll get our character that we're going to transfer into character creator and we'll just go up to file and we'll go to export now we'll just choose a place where we want to export that so we'll do that on the desktop um we'll just save her as T1 now when this spot box pops up you're going to just want to copy all of these settings and make sure that they're checked figures props animations locks you want to tick limits and morphs and you want to ensure that all of these boxes here are checked and then you want to merge clothing into character make sure that's checked as well we could take off embedded textures that will just create a separate folder with the textures if you like that and then we're going to hit accept now that'll take a few seconds to export and once that and once that's exported you just want to open character creator free now you can open character creator 4 and do this in character creator 4 but in instances where you've got clothes and Hair Etc it does actually misplace the hair and you know misplace the clothes so you have to kind of drag them back in so the quickest way to do it is with character creator free it loads everything perfectly so we'll open up character creator free and we'll just go up to here the Transformer and we'll bring that in as a cc3 plus base and that's just basically going to transform that character into a character creator free base and there's our file and we'll just open that and that will load in and what's going to happen is it's going to open up a box and it's going to allow us to do an advance or a basic um basic way to load in this fbx and what we want to do is like I say to bring this in the correct way and get the accurate look of the exact character in Des we want to go to advance and that will take a few seconds to load up foreign now once that's loaded up it's going to bring up this box and the most important part to make sure we bring in the character accurately is to bake the body textures and we're going to want to use 4K I'll tell you why I've done tests on 1K and I've done tests on 2K and for some reason it just never brings the character in quite correctly and quite as accurately as the character looks in Des and when I tried the 4K one it brings it in about 95 accurate so we're going to want to pick 4K very important and then down here we can just um check what this is bringing in so this is the hair beads so their fine is coming in as accessories and we've got the bra and the panties and they're both cloth and we've got the hair here and that's come in as a cloth we want to change that and we'll just change that to um hair and then we're going to hit ok now this is going to now take anywhere between 10 to 25 minutes and as soon as that's done you're going to see here your character pop into character creator now we're going to compare her and just see exactly how accurate is okay so pretty pretty accurate I'm pretty happy with that and I mean um you can try this uh you know any other way and that you know there really is no way to bring it in absolutely perfect so you know that's a really good result and then all you would do is file save project as and you can go here into the save as type and you can save that as a character creator Avatar we'll just hit save we'll save that to the desktop and let's just call it T1 convert and uh you'll notice in um character creator 3 it does move a little bit sluggish as you can see you know not moving as fluid with the zoom in zoom out and the rotation but when we get that over into carrot to create a four so I'll just open up code to create four here we'll go back into our desktop and um we'll just take our Aveda that we created uh from cap to create a free drag and drop that into character creator 4. and you know you'll see that not only will it look a little bit better but it will um work very smoothly without any issue and um you know it will be perfectly converted and as you can see she does look a lot better than in character creator free so I'll just go back into that uh maybe it's to do with the lighting but I find that uh off the right off the back it looks a lot better and as you can see really smooth really fast with the zoom no issues with the turning and the navigation so you know she comes in really really well and um you know you can see she looks um a lot better we can see up here there's a issue with one of the hair bands so you just have to move that uh back in place wherever you want to put that but as you can see doesn't look too bad at all and that is the way to bring any Des character in and um the great thing is is by doing it with the Transformer you can then go to your edit facials and you can start to you know edit the Expressions because all of those expressions would have been converted over uh when you've done the Transformer so you know really really really cool amazing tool and you know really hope that helps some of you get really creative and you know gives you an option to bring in an array of different characters um like I say I've seen a lot of tutorials on land but this tutorial is the absolute best way to get the best look from the character and get the best kind of results bringing in any Daz characters really hope that helps and really hope to see you again soon for another tutorial foreign [Music]
Channel: Iclone 3D
Views: 4,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iclone tips and tricks, reallusion, iclone3d, nft, iclone 8, 3d animation, film and animation
Id: Ft9SO6yxsjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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