Character creation with Cinema 4D - Part 3 (Rigging)

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[Music] okay let's just jump right into our rigging here let's add a new null object to our scene let's make that into a circle display and up its radius and orient it along the x and z axis let's make this green in color all of our objects all of our controllers in the middle are going to be green and on our left side are going to be blue and right will be red call this character we're gonna align our access to our body all the way to negative 100% in the Y so that's going to give us our access point at the very bottom of our character so we can grab all of our objects put it in that character now and then align our parent to our body so our axis now we can reset all to zero and our starting point for our rig will be from our zero point in the axis here let's grab our joint tool here we're gonna enable snapping we're gonna enable axis snapping intersection snapping a vertex snapping while we do this and we control click and drag on our joint here for our hip and we'll continue up to our chest our neck and then the top of our head here perfect and that's going to be our spine let's get it out of this root I don't like to work in root nulls there so we have all our joints here let's just rename them quickly we can call this hip chest neck head and we'll this will be the end so we'll call this head edge sure just make sure that we have some consistent naming you know we are in our scene let's group all of our geography together and we'll call this all Geo selecting all of our objects let's add these all to their own layer and we can call this geo so when we're finished reading we can lock this all off select our joints and we'll create a new layer for our joints and we can call this joints as well we'll be hiding this from our viewport once we finish up our rigging okay let's carry on and add some more joints here let's get rid of the root and all here so deselect that we'll start from our chest here and snap to that point this will be our collarbone coming here and our shoulder let's go to our top view down to our elbow and then to our wrist and that's as far as I want to go for the time being now if I hold down seven on the number key while I'm moving a joint it's not going to affect the rest of the joints and not hierarchy so if I just wanna move around one joint without affecting the rest hold down number seven and you can move that around let's just they rename these guys l underscore caller shoulder elbow and let's call this guy wrist that works for now great sure all right let's go to our top view here let's go back to our joint and let's add the hand so let's snap it to our wrist here and we're gonna have pretty basic hand controls here just want a hand curl so we'll have two joints for our hand and where is that oh it's so long our zero here so let's snap it in place to our wrist here and we can drag that under our wrist hierarchy let's call this L underscore hand call this hand mid and and and sure just so we know what everything is in our hierarchy here all right back to our joint tool and let's add a thumb and so let's snap it again to our wrist here and let's add a few joints for our thumb where we think we want our thumb to Bend again we started that in the zero axis along the Y so let's just make sure we get it snapped in place to our wrist control we can rename these to our el underscore thumb hierarchy thumb mid and let's call this thumb and and we can grab this and place this under our wrist as well so we've got our left arm hierarchy all set up here and ready to go let's go back into our joint tool and we can make our leg let's just snap it into our hip here down to our knee or ankle or heel will be and then we're gonna put one in the middle of our foot and then to the end so we can have a little bit of curl in our foot when we're lifting and moving our leg around let's just make sure everything's snapped into place here cool again holding down seven and dragging out our joint will only affect that joint let's just move this knee out until the middle of our geometry yep this is looking pretty good very basic bone structure but it's basically about all we need for our simple character here just you could follow along with my naming conventions here got a femur and a shin our heel we'll call this guy toe and we can call this toe and sure that works for me let's just drag this down under our hip fire key got our chest here and we can drag our arm under our chest so we're all set up our hierarchy actually don't want to have my hip my leg joints underneath my hip I want that as separate joints and you'll see how this all comes together in a few moments here so there's the left side of our character let's go back into our joint tool let's add a lower jaw we want this we'll just have a joint here it comes from the middle of our head and jaw jaw end and that will just be a basic control for our mouth open and closed and we'll drag this under our head bone here let's add all of these guys into our joint layer wonderful let's freeze all of our coordinates here I love doing that freezing out all of our coordinates back to zero so I have a starting place to get to let's add a new null to our scene let's make this a circle as well and let's bring up the radius and we are going to snap this into place for our hip great I said that very loud I'm sorry excited about this suppose so all of our controls are gonna be contained under our hip rotation here we'll just call this character control can drag our joints underneath that let's group our joints into a null object we can just call this joints add that to our lair as well and let's freeze out all of our coordinates again freeze our coordinates on our character control and we can give it a color of green as well and that's going to control our hip rotation and position add another circle into our scene here and another null and we're gonna call this controls so all of our controller objects are going to be placed under this null and let's orient that correctly and snap that into our chest here let's just bring the radius down just so we can select it nicely in our scene we'll color that green as well I'll bring my radius back up a little bit here and we can copy this guy out bring it back under our controls and we're gonna snap this into our neck and this will be our neck controller you can bring that radius down a little bit and I'm going to duplicate this and this will be our head controller so I'm going to snap that right to the top of our neck there to our joint here great where it snapped in there and just call this one head and I'm gonna make that editable and I'm gonna grab my points and I'm gonna actually pull this above my head geometry but my access point is still going to be centered around where that joint is all right we can also make this neck and chest circle editable as well all right we're gonna make some controllers for the arm so I'm going to grab my shoulder elbow and wrist joints here and I'm gonna create an eye catching and that's going to give me a wrist goal which will control my arm movement this is an IKE a chain again so let's set this to a cube display let's give it a little more radius that's oriented in the XY and it's rotated around weird so we can just zero that out for the time being before we actually bind this to our character and let's give that guy a blue color number left is blue right is red for our scene I'm gonna spring our radius down just a little bit so this will be where we're controlling our arm and in our spike a spline tag we can add a pole which will be where our elbow is aimed towards I'm not going to move this in the scene yet until we finish binding or else my joints are gonna start moving around let's just make that a spear and give it a little bit of radius and we'll make that blue as well great so we've got a pole and a goal for our arm that's zero out their coordinates and let's mirror this to the right side we are ready to go we're in the XY L underscore with our underscore tool let's mirror this guy and looks like we've got a winner here so we've got our left and right arm let's just color these red for our right side controllers and drag that into our quick select options so I've got controllers for both arms ready to go now okay let's work on the leg here I'm gonna grab my femur my shin in my heel and I'm going to create an eye catching that's gonna give me a goal for my leg as well now let's just go to our side view here and let's bring a cube into our scene and let's position this around our left foot this will be a controller for our heel of our foot just rough this into place here and we'll bring it right down in the x-axis and we'll get it to place over here cool now let's make that editable and I'm gonna call this el heel and I'm gonna add a display tag onto it and we'll just select lines just so we see the outline of that just will be just an object that we can select in the scene for our controller let's give it a blue color and we can push and pull these points around to outline our foot a little nicer here so we know what it's attached to in the scene let's move its access point let's enable snapping and snap it right to our toe joint and that's where we're going to be let's make sure that we're snapped to it and we'll be rotating our controller around that joint which will give us some lift in foot now let's duplicate that and we'll call this a toe we'll keep the access point the same but we will be grabbing all these points and let's just cover the front of the foot get these into position around our toe and that will be rotating around that same joint as well all right it's not a null object in our scene here and we can call this leg controls and we'll bring our left heel into here and we can grab our leg controls and we're going to bring them into our character here and let's add another null object into our scene let's enable snapping and we're going to snap that into our heal as well and let's call this our left foot control so this will move the up and down of our leg spring this newer leg controls our left heel and left toe can-can come under this left foot controller our goal we will put under our left heel so our our controller will be the parent of that goal and now if we find our leg joints here our left heel we will add a constraint to it PSR and we'll just enable rotation maintain original duplicate that to the toe and then our left heel will control our left heel and our left toe will control our left toe make sure we an able these guys and let's just get something if we can grab on to our for our controller here yes cube looks alright maybe a sphere further just don't want it across the x-axis dad's go back to cube just shrink it down so it's on the left side of our character here you know color it blue as well awesome now it's zero out all our coordinates usually pretty anal about zeroing out all my coordinates in my scene when I'm rigging so if we lift up our foot controller you can see we have a bend at the knee get that back down to zero and we can rotate our feet and if we select our controllers see we have a lift on our foot and you'll get an idea of how that's gonna work once we have our character geometry binded to our rig here in our ika tag we're gonna add a pole so this will be where your knee is aiming towards in your scene we are not going to move it at the moment and we're just gonna bring it into the leg controls and make it a sphere and we'll make that blue as well great so our hip we can mirror now in the rotate along the axis we can mirror that and here we have our right leg it has mirrored all of our controls over as well let's just pull out our heal controller and we are going to make a new null object and this will be our right foot control and all of our right foot controllers can be placed underneath of it we'll just make sure that we are snapped to our right foot joint make sure it's snapped in there looks good you and let's freeze our coordinates on that again and let's bring in our right foot controls and our right let's bring in our right toe as well freeze our coordinates again and we have some right foot controls give our know something to grab on to we can make that a cube as well bring up its radius and we are going to make these all red in color for the right side of our body and our right pole can be red as well and we have a right leg control great and we can rotate our controllers around that stops back because our poles and our knee will be pulling those out after we get our geometry binding it up here let's get ready to bind up our character here we'll just select our body geometry and we're going to select all of our joints except for all of the end joints we can control click and deselect those shower body is selected as well we could go to bind and that's going to bind all of our joints to our characters geometry and let's bind our hair in there as well we'll just select our hair and we only need our head bone or joint and we can bind that as well finished right not quite at the moment but we're getting closer okay now those polls that we did create we can move them out into place and you see our arms twisting just a little bit and let's zero out our coordinates on those and then our leg poles we can pull these guys out as well and we can zero our coordinates and that where our legs and arms will be pointing to see we still need to constrain our eyes and teeth to our character but we're getting a little closer all right we're gonna select all of our controls and let's add them to their own there you can call this controls so we've got all of our objects in their lair let's add a constraint to our chest joint and let's maintain the original and just have our rotation on and we are our target is going to be our chest controller and we can do the same thing for the neck we're gonna add a character constraint PSR take out position maintain original and our neck will be the target and we'll do the same thing for the head PSR rotation drag in our head nope need to maintain our original before we bring it in and there we go so when our controllers along our rotation we have our rotation being controlled here for all of our controllers look at that all right let's get back to working on these arms for our hands we want to be a Lu controlled rotation so we'll add a character constraint to our wrists PS our constraint as well maintain original takeoff position and our target is going to be our left wrist goal go back to our wrist goal and now we have our rotation on our hand great now we can go over to the right side of the body and do the same thing we just did a character constraint PSR maintain original takeoff position and our target will be our right Chris call go up to our goal here and check it out I'm gonna add some expresso controls for our hand opening and closing in our thumb curl so I'm going to add user data on to our left wrist goal let's make a new group and we'll call this our left hand control great and underneath that I'll add two data let's make that a float slider and let's just go by real our minimum will be negative one hundred and our maximum will be one hundred let's call this left hand curl great and let's just control drag that and this will be our left thumb curl great so I have my sliders there which are on my left wrist goal let's add an expresso tag to our left wrist goal I'm gonna drag in my goal and on my output node I'm gonna add the left-hand curl and left thumb curl now I am going to cheat this with some pose Morse on my left wrist I'm going to add a character tag a pose morph tag let's make that hierarchal and rotation so in our first pose we'll call this our hand curl and let's go into our joints and we will rotate our hand into our hand closed position we will be smoothing out our joint binding as you can see our mesh is pretty deform there but we'll will get that smooth out so let's just curl up our hand joints here to our 100% closed position let's add another pose in and this will be for our left thumb curl so we can call this thumb curl and let's rotate that around into our 100% position again we have our mesh distorting but we'll we'll fix that up let's just get this into a spot where we would like our thumb to be curled to let's switch over to animates drag our pose morph tag into our expresso window and I'm going to add in calculate node a range mapper so espresso calculate range mapper because I am going from real numbers to percentage numbers so in our output range we're going to % our input lower going from negative 100 to 170 negative 100% to 100% and on our pose morph input we'll just add our hand curl strength and our thumb curl strength and we will connect all of those up here and when we select our left hand controller we have our sliders controlling our hand curl lots of fun and you can see how you could do that with all the individual fingers on the hand if you wanted to and I'm going to do the exact same thing that we did to our left hand I'm just gonna speed through this so have a watch through again if you need to you okay now we're ready to smooth out some of our joints here so we have our weights manager selected here let's grab our body and let's turn it over to our shading mode on let's hide the rest of our objects but our body selecting all of the joints I am going to grab the weight tool and we're going to go into our smoothing mode and just bump up the radius on our weight tool here and what we're gonna do is just blend all of our waiting for our joints here let's turn visible only off just so we're smoothing out everything and so basically where all the joints connect we're just gonna paint over all of them and smooth them out you know also during this process wanna get your character into different positions and and see where see where your weighting is off cuz you're gonna run into a few issues here and there it's never a hundred percent from the initial binding so let's just smooth in our shoulders and our elbows in our hands and let's just see how our hands curl in how the binding looks in that so let's just smooth off all our hands I'm gonna fast-forward through all this you can get the ideas you're following along here you alright now that all of our binding it's pretty smooth here let's get our teeth rigged up here properly into our jawbone opening and closing and we'll add a nice little slider so our mouth will open and close let's add a constraint tag to our upper teeth we'll add a parent tag let's maintain the original and let's just drag into our joints and find our target here target for our upper teeth is going to be our head bone let's just rotate that around so we can see that our upper jaw is following the rotation nicely in our head side to side back and forth great now let's add a constraint tag to our lower teeth parent that to maintain the original and our joint is going to be our jaw so if I go to my I rotate around my head here and see my teeth rotate nicely and I go to my jaw and rotate it up and down like that I've got my mouth opening and closing with my teeth following along nicely in that rotation all right let's just zero that out now I want to add a slider on my head control from my mouth opening so let's just add a new group pull it out and this will be our mouth open close and I like try skin mouth open close I like to use a float sliders as we did before in the hand let's just make that a real number and our maximum is gonna be a 100 and our minimum will be negative 100 okay so let's go into our jaw and see what degree we're at in the P rotation that we want it to be fully open so that will be our 100% value you can somewhere around negative 20 ish that looks pretty good for me and how do we want it to be closed right around 4 percent yeah 4 or 5 percent will be the opposite end of our slider value so for our head control let's add in an expresso tag just like we did in the hands will drag in our head controller the output for the mouth open close will have on the output we'll drag our jaw joint in and on its input side actually let's just add our range mapper in before we forget because we'll need to convert our real numbers to degrees for our input we'll have our rotation p-value our input will be user to find our output will be degrees because that's our rotation value so our input lower is negative 100 on our slider and our input upper will be 100 that's our slider values and remember we thought negative 20 and 4 worked for us let's attach all of these together and now when we go into our head and go to our mouth control where are we there gabber head and our mouth control if we slide back and forth on our slider there's our mouth opening and closing that looks pretty good to me we're getting there all right let's get to work on the eyes now I'm gonna pull out my eye from the symmetry object I'm gonna pull oh my f FD two former from outside of my eye as well and let's just group those together and call this left I don't have my f FD as a child of my sphere anymore it sat in a circle this is gonna where we're gonna aim our eye towards their circle we're gonna select our sphere as well and we want to position that into the same position as our I will add a PS our constraint now we can delete that tag make it X Z bring our radius down and this is going to be where our eye is aiming towards so we'll call this left eye aim I can bring that down into my controls and what I'm gonna do is pull this I aim out in its y-axis relative to the scene where I think will be a good position to be able to have that control within our scene all right let's make a rectangle that will place that high aim inside of but right now I will just make sure they are in the same position in my scene so I'll add a PS our constraint to that rectangle you can get rid of that now and will zero out our rotation values and zero that out in the x value can bring our width and height right down so this is going to be the controller that both of the left and right eye aim will be inside of okay we can call this our eye control let's drag our left eye aim into there it's freeze out all of our coordinates as I do like to do no I'm going to drag my FD and sphere outside of my group again let's grab it and take it right outside of our geometry just because the way the f FD two former works it's kind of hard to mirror so we have to go a roundabout way of getting it over to the right side let's group that I again let's call this our left eye and I can control drag that out and we'll this will be our right eye not our reffed ir right eye and we will just enter in the opposite values in our X in our H rotation and our B rotation and now we have a mirrored right eye our left eye aim we can also mirror so we have a right eye aim hope that's not on the right axis let's change this to XY axis mirror that guy now we have a right eye aim yeah that's at our color again back into these guys blue for left red for right and our middle is going to be green again create now there's our eye controllers all right we can bring our eyes back down into our geometry I just need to pull them out to get them positioned correctly in our scene there and on our let's just open this guy up on our left eye geometry I'm gonna add a constraint let's take the Enable off for now our aim we want to be in the y axis and our target is going to be our left eye aim no if I move around my left I aim my I should in theory follow where that aim is in our project here I actually have to enable this constraint great and let's add our priority to one now if I move around my eye aim look at that we've got our pupil aiming towards our target can zero those all out and then our eye is looking straight ahead there we'll follow the same process for our right I had an aim constraint and the y-axis our target is going to be our right I aim make sure to enable that guy says priority back to 1 and if I move that around look at that we have our eyes looking towards where we want them to in our scene we can always zero these all back to get back to our starting point and if I move around my rectangle control here that will move both of our eye controllers are I aim controllers in the same direction let's just make sure these are all layered up nicely in our scene here now I'm gonna add a restriction tag on both these we're gonna limit their position I don't want it moving anywhere in our y-axis let's just type in some arbitrary numbers here let's see what negative 100 to 100 in the ex looks like that's not bad let's give it a little bit more and let's keep a consistent that's not too bad and then in the z-axis on our control let's see what 100 - 100 is got wonky eye going on here but it's doing what we want that to do in our scene cool that's zero our aim back up and let's do the same thing for our right eye I think we can just copy that over and be in the position that we want to be in all right let's zero that back out great alright let's just group these eyes together we can call them eyes let's add them to a subdivision surface smooth them out a little bit and we'll also add want to add some restrictions on to our main eye controller here just so we're not moving it back and forth in the Z direction and so we're limiting it in the X and y axis let's just kind of figure out where how far we want it to go so let's add another protection tag set it to limit and the Z we don't want to move anywhere so let's try a negative 250 to 250 and negative 200 - 200 so we are moving I'm getting stuck there you're getting stuck in our Y let's hop up and still set to 0 if I go to negative 200 there alright and that's where we're restricted to in our work area which works well for me great now we're pretty close to being done what I like what you're gonna want to do is let's just make sure all of our layers are set up here we can add our eyes to our geometry layer here we can go to our layers and actually we can lock off our geometry so we can't select that in the scene we'll hide our joints so we can just clean up our viewport here and everything that will be selectable in our scene now will just be our controller so have a play around with your your guy and move him around you're gonna find some joints that are gonna need some smoothing so you're you're gonna go back into your weight painting and you'll be smoothing out your geometry and just make sure that everything's working correctly any questions just please ask them below and let's check out our head our mouth control is working nicely look at that alright in the process of playing around this guy did find a few things that were off in my eyes I want to add a constraint tag to parent tag maintain the original because it's not moving with my object and we're going to target that to our head bone there we go now our eyes are gonna follow along with our rig here before they were not attached to anything so that makes sense now yeah we can zero everything back out and one more thing let's make our head and neck underneath of our chest joint here so they're all moving with each other great thanks a lot guys
Channel: BigGreenMug
Views: 104,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, c4d, 3d rigging, 3d modeling, 3d
Id: 0-DhC0lGkzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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