Character creation with Cinema 4D - Part 2 (UV Unwrapping)

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[Music] what is UV mapping and UV unwrapping let's just look at Wikipedia UV mapping is the 3d modeling process of projecting a 2d image to a 3d models surface for texture mapping essentially U and V refer to X and y in the 2d world before we get started I'm just gonna go over a few basic ways that I use the body paint UV edit I've just got a cube here with the UV texture that we are going to be mapping onto our character I'm in UV polygon mode here which allows me to select the polygonal faces and move around the UV coordinates without actually distorting our mesh so I can select on the polygons here and I can move them around and align them for my UV texture you're gonna be seeing me do this a few times we have our mirror you and our mirror V buttons up here which essentially just allows us to flop our UV polygons so we can have that properly aligned for our UV texture and just like that and that gives us our proper alignment I can rotate that around and get that into place character here was gonna hide the hair in the teeth and the eyes because we are only concerned with our body for our UV texturing purposes now I will be committing our body to a higher subdivision but before we do that I want to make all of my edge selections as it will copy over once we make this into an editable object with our subdivision so it's just a lot easier to select our edges before we add more geometry into our character so what I'm going to do here is select all of the edges where I think that I'm going to want to lay flat for our UV texture so we can think of how we want the pants to be cut that would be along the seams and the same as the shirt we can follow that how they're found in real life we've got a front and a back for the shirt and their seams along the side so I'm just going to get rid of some of these loop cuts that we don't want on our leg making sure that our edges all line up correctly and all and touching another edge here that so we'll have a loop around the inside of the pants and the side of the pants and we can get rid of our edge selections here we can get rid of those loop selections that we made that intersect the sole of our shoe you can just have one loop selection around the whole sole of our shoe let's get rid of those guys and get rid of those guys as well and let's just loop select around the edge of our soul what's that called the side soul issue I'm sure it has a name that escapes me at the moment let's just make a cut along the back of our shoe here to give it a seam looks pretty good there and we are going to make edge selections right along the middle of our pants and we need to make a selection around where the arm meets the inside of our t-shirt here and I don't like my arms having the selection around the middle like that I'm going to go from the side let's get rid of those guys and that guy and I'm going to make my arm selection right around here you okay I think I've got everything selected that I want actually let's make a some selects around the mouth here and we want to cut along the inside of the mouth as well but let's get rid of its new selections we made just around the face can lay the front and back of the head flat great that's essentially the selects that I want for this it's we're gonna do a pretty basic texturing job on this guy so we're not going too crazy at the moment now I can connect my objects and delete and you'll see that our selections have carried over to the higher polygon count and now I can actually cut grab a couple more edges to refine here let's just get the shirt and the pants where the crease is and let's get rid of any stray edge selections that we may have like that guy and I'm gonna do the same thing for the shirt and arm selection let's get that right in the middle of where they join and get rid of these leftover points and make sure that our edges all connect and we'll do the same for the other arm and let's just make sure that connects there get rid of that stray guy there again connecting here and getting rid of this line here I think that's all that we need to make our UV texture okay let's load up our UV texture you can find that in the download links or there's a million of them in Google Images and I'm just gonna add that to my body doesn't that look great it's gonna help us to a line along our edge selections let's go into body paint UV mode set our projection to frontal I'm going to give our texture a little more detail here so let's bump that up to 16 megabytes and see what we're doing let's go to our front view and we can relax our UV along ABF make sure that we have our cut selected edges selected and pin to neighbors and you can see that it's cut our textures along where our edges were selected we have a couple of overlapping polygons here but those can be cleaned up fairly easy now I can alt click on a group of polygons and that will select all of the connected polygons so I can alt click here I can move our faces off to the side here I'm going to set everything up outside of our dark gray area and then once I've got everything in a position where I like it I will bring it back in and scale it on to that area now you see I have two overlapping polygon areas here usually if I I'll click on them and apply our ABF a couple more times it will properly ungroup them so I am just going to aline our front and back here I'm gonna flip that along the U in the V so that we can properly read our UV texture map here and we're just gonna rough everything into place here here's the back of our shirt all of our controls in the UV editor are the same as in our viewport so our rotate tool will rotate our polygons our move tool will be used to move our polygons along and our scale tool will scale our polygons up and down the hotkeys for those are ER and T you can grab our pants here and start getting those into place there's our two front legs here I guess there's only two legs but you get what I'm saying and back here you can see that we have some overlapping geometry here so if I hit apply a few more times I can get those ungrouped and let's scale this guy down using our hotkey T and clicking and dragging down let's get that aligned into place okay look at that let's grab our arms here make sure that we have no overlapping polygons our ABF apply isn't helping us here so we can go into the live selection tool and actually select and deselect the UV polygons that we do or do not want selected so let's just grab one side of the arm and we can grab our rectangle selection and deselect those polygons and move the side of the arm into place and alt selecting the top of our arm and we can get him moved into place looks like our UV textures are lined up nicely there let's scale down our arms and I'm gonna rotate it and tuck it just under the sleeve here and get everything positioned nice and snug here let's work on our left arm here it's the top of our arm make sure that's aligned correctly in our UV space I can read our numbers and letters correctly so we're good we'll rotate this guy around as well and tuck him under the arm now this is the inside of my mouth not really too concerned about these being properly aligned as we are not going to see them but let's make sure that they make sense move this guy over here and we can scale these guys down because there's not going to be too much detail going into our texture map what have we got over here there's our shoe let's try our apply a BF a couple times and look at that it has the overlapped our geometry here so let's get our shoe into place over here you can alt click on that side of my shoe you can rotate it around and scale it down let's scale it right down and we can do the same for the other side we can rotate him and scale him into place and let's match him up with the size of our other shoe and sides of our souls here we can scale those guys right down and move them into position as well right below the shoe and that looks like the sole of our shoes rotate this guy around and place them over here and we can do the same for this guy and get him placed over with the rest of our shoe and pants and our other soul over here let's get him into position and scale him down as well and we're almost there would have got hair we have oh there's our mouth our lips so let's apply our ABF and it looks like it's properly aligned we can scale it down and let's just move it over to the middle of our head here we have no overlapping polygon it's great and our other shoe we can hit our apply a BF a couple more times to lose the overlapping UV polygons and we can scale this guy and rotate him right down into place and position him on the other side of our body let's just get them scaled down to the same size as our other shoe and we'll rotate and scale this guy as well and get him into place awesome make sure we have no overlapping UV polygons happening here and we've got our character laid out let's move him on to this gray area and scale it into place so all of our UV polygons are going to be contained inside of this work area here look at that now we can make a new texture here for K is more than enough for what we will be doing here call it character color okay we'll create a new UV mesh layer and go to file/save texture I say VI møtes' photoshop files save it to the director you want and we can open up photoshop and here's our UV texture there's our UV mesh layer let's lock that because we do not want to be moving or adjusting anything on the UV lair I'm going to be bringing in my logo to use as a color guide for my texture let's just place that over there and then the alpha of my logo I'm going to bring in and I'm gonna be placing that on the front of my t-shirt so I'll just make that into a smart object for the moment and move that and scale that into position of where I would like that on my t-shirt scale that guy down that looks pretty cool okay let's make some color guides to work with this will be my skin color you can duplicate this guy a couple of times and duplicate him again bring him out and make this into a layer color guide great select the shirt and pink colors that we want to use that I'll be essentially taking from my logo colors go like that blue and that blue for my pants I think will work well awesome I can get rid of my logo there now I'll lock up my color guide so I'm not touching that layer and a skin layer I can essentially paint this whole document my skin color and just hide that for a second because that will be our base layer once we finalize this file and let's just make a selection area of where we want our shirt color to be and I can select the color I want for my shirt and fill that in there wonderful let's create our pants let's select around the UV polygons that we have laid out to our our pants here we go now let's select our pants color and we can fill that in as well let's make a new layer for our shoes and let's start on the soles of our shoes and make a selection for the whites of our souls and along the side here and let's select a white color now what we really never want to do is use any purely white or purely black values you will you want a little bit of color value in that information especially coming from a broadcast standpoint your color crack guy's gonna kill you if you use pure blacks or pure whites so we always want to take them up or down just a little bit so we've got our shoes created here you can move our skin to the back and hide our UV mesh layer and color guide and save that guy out now back in cinema in our color layer we can load that color texture and we will keep a little specular on will widen that out and take it right down and we can apply this character color to our character and look at that we've got our UV texture on there that's our detail here 2:16 megan's look at that now let's just create some base colors for our other objects in our scene our hair will just have some brown hair again we'll take the specular right down let's add that to our hair object our eyes I'm going to make these editable so I will be able to add our people and our eye white let's just look at our geometry here let's select where we want our pupil to be that middle circle there let's make this black again we don't want to go a hundred percent black let's bring our width and our specular right in so we have a little white speck on our pupil and the whites of our eye whatever that is scientifically called it's not coming to me at the moment we're gonna have a slight yellowish tint into our eyes and I'm gonna add a bit of reflection into our eyes and we can bring the opacity of that right down make sure that our pupil color is on top of our eye white we can hide our FFT again and we need some teeth color alright we're also gonna give that a slight yellowish tint no one's teeth are completely white yours might be but I drink a lot of coffee and we'll add some more reflection back into our teeth these are very simple material setups and you can please do what you feel is necessary to get a great look and we have our character complete
Channel: BigGreenMug
Views: 27,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, uv unwrapping, uv unwrap, uv map, c4d, 3d modeling, tutorial, uv mapping
Id: W3AKWqSS600
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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