Channing Tatum & Sandra Bullock Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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hi I'm Sandra Bullock and I'm Jenny Tatum and this is the wired autocomplete interview and we'd love you to go see lost city in theaters March 25th [Music] peel and ask that's what this game is stop being such a peeling that [Music] [Applause] what Channing Tatum maybe it's a question they're like what what Channing takes what does Channing Tatum smell like oh it's like frankincense and myrrh today very earthy spicy kind of Christmassy kind of smell okay what was Channing Tatum's first movie Step Up oh no that's the first one I saw Havoc was my very first movie Barbara Koppel directed it and Hathaway Mike Vogel um no no one asked any of those questions I'm just saying I just wanted you to know Google this that I was in the movie that's how I proved that I act technically was in the movie I knew stuff about it okay anyway that was a lot of nothing what song does Channing Tatum dance to in Magic Mike pony pony pony pony I tried to play that once when he got angry at me I did not get angry you got sober yeah I might have given you a dance yeah they might have that's if that's the dance angry dance angry lap dance you were angry what music videos is Channing Tatum in I haven't the slightest idea Jenny uh my very first job ever was a Ricky Martin video stop you know he's my neighbor no way like two houses away you're in a Ricky Martin I was in She Bangs you weren't as I was I was bartender with a like a face paint like in a mohawk okay I didn't know that I've got a like fangirling a little bit it's kind of great it was great it was great all right Sandra Bullock does Sandra Bullock get rescued in gravity no he rescues herself she rescues herself but I guess you would have to get rescued off the beach you didn't see that happen that no one no one rescued her she was she died on the beach she got herself up and started walking for help so she took care of herself so no she did not get rescued if I co-signed this did Sandra Bullock have a crush on Keanu yes big time whoa that's common knowledge that is is it we actually just recently admitted it admitted it we've recently admitted it did you guys ever do it nope never once is Sandra Bullock a Leo I don't know the answers because I don't know your actual birthday but I'm gonna say you are Leo yeah yeah characteristically because I'm told that I'm I'm very loud and I like to get in everyone's stuff like it but yeah I guess I am I guess I am they have a lot of hair and I have a lot of hair can Sandra Bullock sing no not at all her father was a uh a voice teacher voice teacher who's an opera singer I cannot sing they say it skips a generation my daughter can sing beautifully so she's got the pipes all right is Channing Tatum funny am I supposed to answer this I don't know I'm funny looking I think he's hilarious is Channing Tatum and Coach Carter yes yes Lyle is Channing Tatum a nice guy when he responds I'm bad over text s I'm so nice guys let me tell you guys how nice I am oh yeah no actually weirdly my dad was like a roofer my mom worked at like a bank neither one of them were artists I was like y'all just decided to kind of go that's like my sister gezina Vanessa Bullock is gezina like German is that like a is it a beautiful poem that my mother loved and I said she goes I just couldn't remember it when you were born I said so you picked Sandra what Sandra Bullock what Sandra Bullock character are you I am uh her character from Practical Magic Sally Sally Sally yeah what movie is Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds The Proposal yeah the proposal yeah we're the proposal I almost called it the intern the intern same thing the puzzle with the intern what did Sandra Bullock get an Oscar for Light Side what sorority was Sandra Bullock and Sandra Bullock was not in a sorority Channing Tatum it's just Channing Tatum potato was Channing Tatum a wrestler you weren't not in high school or like in a real competitive sense no I played played one in a in a movie yeah he was so good in that movie box catcher where's Channing Tatum from Columbus Alabama is where I was born but I was raised in uh Mississippian and Tampa I play from Alabama in this movie called fighting but I haven't really done like a Southern Southern movie I've played in West Virginia which is not where I'm from but yeah who is Channing Tatum's best friend Sandra Bullock I guess my best friend is my creative partner Reed Carolyn you guys make a nice team who was Channing Tatum in X-Men unfortunately I'm not an X-Men very tragically just like I wasn't in a sorority what yep Cassandra Bullock I have a tattoo yes she does not that I've seen prove it yeah I got you I have one and my tattoo artist will uh verify okay who's your future tattoos this is not your business well then how am I going to verify this okay got it I'll call and get reference would you does Sandra Bullock own a restaurant yes I think he might own more than one I had two at one time yeah Austin Texas what's it called it's called Walton's fancy and staple does Sandra Bullock die in speed no no definitely not Annie survives the speed too is I don't even want to call that a let's call that a medium to slow does Sandra Bullock play the piano I bet you she would say no uh but I think that she could play a little I took lessons yes 12 Years hated every minute of it so how much can Channing Tatum bench 325 I don't think I ever really not benching wasn't my thing I didn't want a big chest I think the most I ever got was like 255 for 10 and I don't know now I just go really light in a lot of reps yeah how many tattoos did Channing Tatum half one two three four now nothing on your legs oh I just got another little one I did one five uh five I got one with the ranger boys oh how many times has Channing Tatum been on Bear Grylls two times uh um the last one was in Norway and I got to jump out of a helicopter whenever bear calls I know I'm gonna get to do something I've never done before so Bears a legend as well you ever done that show no you might you might should do that show I might should not you might should I might should just stay home I think you would be really good on the show I should like to stay home I think you'd be one entertaining and I think you would don't want that kind of entertainment I like to get my home John would you go on with me no why you know I'm gonna take care of you and we're gonna laugh a lot why can't we just have dinner I'll bring you a mama's helper how about that there why is Sandra Bullock why is Sandra Bullock why did Sondra Bullock go to ECU East Carolina University Greenville North Carolina because uh my best friend in high school had an application and I didn't want to be forced to go to a school of the arts like my dad went to because I wasn't ready and I did not have the talent is Sandra Bullock fluent in Germany yeah where was your mother born in none back none back why does Sandra Bullock not have Instagram because she's the only smart one here because she's too scared I'm just too scared smart why was Sandra Bullock on George Lopez because I produced The George Lopez Show any chance I got to be accident Amy on the George Lopez show I took it that's cool yeah I think it brought him such great pleasure to see like a hammer hit my head you stand back oh George oh George no more questions no more questions that's it tisel how do you say that's all in German [Music]
Channel: WIRED
Views: 1,905,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autocomplete channing tatum, autocomplete sandra bullock, channing tatum & sandra bullock, channing tatum interview, channing tatum wired, channing tatum wired autocomplete, google interview, google interview channing tatum, lost cities, lost city, lost city channing tatum, lost city sandra bullock, sandra bullock wired autocomplete, wired, wired autocompelte, wired autocomplete, wired channing tatum interview, wired interview channing tatum, wired lost city
Id: ZzXHHije0rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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