Challenger with IRON Mechanics: We MAXED Hector's Mouse Sensitivity! - Mid Guide

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i see a bot lane fight happening it's not really much i can do about that okay i this guy is dead by the way if i land my e please we often send our challenger players to smurf and lower elo brackets to prove that you can carry almost every game but there's a slight problem with that in all those guides we're always preaching the power of macro but our smurfs are just tearing through people with superior mechanics sure you can see the macro at work but at the end of the day it can feel like they just outplayed their opponents we kept trying to think of a way around this problem and fortunately enough we hadn't done a hector challenge in quite a while so our challenge this time was to completely take away hector's mechanics to do this we made him turn up his dpi 10-fold this literally turned down his mechanics to an iron level and yet he still managed to hard carry with basic fundamentals and macro before getting into the game though we gotta break down the rules of the challenge as we always do number one he must play a skill shot intensive champion we told him to do it on lux not knowing at the time that she is literally his main champion and loves playing her he lucked out in this department and were not happy about it number two as always he gets one try anyone can win and get a carry game under these circumstances given enough time so he must do it immediately which of course he did and number three he can't get accustomed to the dpi before the game we had him change it literally as he was loading into the game so that it would be as annoying as possible funnily enough he messed it up at first wait this isn't that bad why is this not that bad only to fix it a bit later there we go okay okay definitely okay this is aids oh and just so you know the full game among hundreds of other live commentated games are available over at skill cap to watch right now you can also ask hector and all of our other challengers any questions you can think of and they personally respond to all of them when asked in the first 7 days exclusively for our subscribers anyway with the stage set for this challenge let's get into the game he's playing lux versus an orianna in a high gold elo game the selenium phase is incredibly painful for hector as you can tell every time he tries to move his mouse it hits the edge and moves his camera he literally had to hold the space bar and play mostly unlocked camera just to stay focused on his character then it's just him trying to figure out how to last hit he came up with some neat tricks like using attack move on cursor and standing still so that he could put all of his focus on last hitting a single creep kudos to him he did fairly well this way he couldn't really do anything proactive and the laning phase is otherwise fairly boring but he stayed even in cs with orianna which is about as good as you're going to get with this setup this of course means that he begins hard carrying this game during the mid portion of the game so let's do our missions in the middle of the video for once hector is playing lux a standard control mage into an engaged comp besides orianna most of their champions are short-ranged and need to come in close to do their damage to win these kinds of games consistently here's what you need to do mission number one minimize mistakes as an immobile control mage if you die a single time versus engaged champions then you're about to start having a really bad time it becomes really easy for them to repeat kill you once you fall behind in levels and don't have summoner spells as a control mage you hard out scale most of the time engaged champions typically need to win early so don't feel pressured to take unnecessary risks that you don't have to mission number two counter their aggression mission number one has a slight problem you may know to play safe but your teammates won't if you're playing safe the whole time the enemy team might switch their sights onto your team this is very predictable especially in low elo try to watch out for the enemy team's movements toward your allies you want your teammates to be the bait and when the enemy engage comp over commits you hard punish them mission number three fog of war skill shots remember the enemy team is walking into you most of the time as they engage comp that means that they are typically walking into your zone of vision control players tend to be pretty tunnel visioned you'll want to use your teammates as bait while you just hide in the fog of war once the enemy team over commits you land a game-winning skill shot from out of nowhere turning the tide as a control mage player standing out in the open makes it very easy for the enemy team to find engages onto you or avoid your critical abilities you won't always be able to play from fog of war but you should utilize it as often as possible against engaged comps to summarize the laning phase hector got a random kill on lee thanks to his amumu but lee managed to get a return kill on him as we saw at the start of the video because hector was literally unable to place his own e on top of himself as the mid game rolls around we see hector's team isn't doing too hot yonei is already losing to nasus and that matchup only gets worse amumu is behind two levels and vayne has four kills this won't dissuade him he notices that the enemy team is converging onto bot lane this is exactly what you want to see as a control mage being instantly aware of what's going on allowed hector to get there just in time to get the most random quadra kill of his life thanks to a well-placed amumu all after all the gold he picked up he goes back to base dubai what do you think he should build in this situation the answer is magis and tier 2 boots mei jais may seem odd as an immobile mage versus champions like leona and lee sin but the item is just that powerful so you should always consider it it also goes hand in hand with mission 1. you're already looking to minimize making mistakes and not get caught out if you're playing safe most of the game then you're bound to keep your stacks most of the time after buying it hector is chilling in mid clearing waves after he fully clears what do you think he should do with the information presented to you hovering bot side is the correct answer lee just took harold and orianna is likely to go to that area to help him topside is a no-go meanwhile bot lane is a double heart engage support match-up shopping waves and hovering towards these types of lanes is usually very rewarding fights are plentiful and hector being in position allowed him to get there just in time to save nautilus and turn a 2 for 0 into a favorable one for two win instead hector just continues doing this throughout the mid game he notices people overextending and goes to punish them that being said this isn't how he'd normally play this game uh if i wasn't handicapped i probably would be pushing this i think i could outplay anyone who tried to stop me we really wanted to bring this point up because we don't advocate fully committing to what hector is doing this game it's really easy to watch gold players mess up their engages over and over and just punish them but you should be going for outplays and working on your mechanics whenever you see the opportunity to do so that way you can carry even harder games than this one is by being prepared for even tougher odds in the future obviously hector just wants to complete this challenge and win so he avoided any unnecessary risks once he's this fed though hector can enact mission 3 to the fullest he looks four picks from fog of war whenever he can now he begins positioning as we discussed before he's standing on a control ward and not casting anything just yet he really wants the enemy team to fully commit into this choke point it didn't happen here but constantly being on the lookout for situations like this is the key to success after that baron standoff ended remember that the enemy team walked away to the left this gives him the opportunity to walk up mid and take tower for free with two auto attacks knowing that no one would be there i might be able to get a pick here so alder vision was over here oh my god there's a random blue trinket that sucks because all of their vision was here so i i usually this would be dark and i could maybe get a pick this is a great concept to keep in mind especially when you don't have a sweeper or you're a bad boy and don't carry control warts if you know the enemy team has been playing on one side of the map for a while then it's very likely that they don't have vision on the other side of the map this opens you up for potential picks so always be on the lookout for situations like that a bit later on his immuno gets caught in mid lane hector is trying to use fog of war to catch out the vein but she barely dodges his full combo at the last second due to the nature of the fight his team obviously loses since yoni wasn't there as he tries to clear the minion wave from the side with his long range abilities hector gets caught out and flashes to base but nasus has other plans and by that we mean flashing into his own death that throw was exactly what his team needed to get the elder dragon after healing back up hector teleports in and zones them off of it resulting in two more kills as well as the elder capture this turn of events actually leaves hector with another choice much like before no i shouldn't i could push if i wasn't lagging because i don't think orion or lee could stop me by themselves and that way we could get more like my team doesn't need me here right there's no way they can test this if they do they're crazy so once again he has the choice of playing more aggressively technically he sees nasa's top lane so if he were to push alone in mid only orianna and lee sin could defend it's pretty easy to space out against orianna and dodging a lee sing q engage is easy with the extra movement speed from meiji's he very easily could have taken tower by himself if he wasn't extremely uncomfortable with his mouse this game but as we said before those are plays based on improvement it's totally fine to just take the baron with your team in these situations all his safe and counter-aggressive play rewards him with the game-winning push one minute later and that's it that was the game it didn't feel like a challenge at all we wanted to include funny mess-ups and whatnot but there just weren't that many the lee 1v1 as we all know he couldn't e on top of himself so he died a releasely death there was a random fight in mid at some point but he chose to alt here so that wasn't a mouse related issue lastly he did miss a cue point blank on nasus at some point costing him his flash but then he just ends up winning that fight anyway it just felt like business as usual despite it being very frustrating for him to play this way just imagine playing with 10 times your current dpi it's unbearable and this game just goes to show that basic fundamentals and macro knowledge are so much more important than flashing mechanics alright everyone remember you can find the full game with commentary over at skill capped alongside so much more so be sure to check us out also what challenge should we send hector on next let us know below thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 184,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lux, lux mid, lux gameplay, lux mid guide, hector, skill capped, skill capped lol guides, league of legends pro guides, lol analyst, league of legends, lol guides, mid guides, mid guide, lol mid, mid, how to trade, how to win lane, how to macro, macro guide, how to smurf, how to carry, lol, lux guide, lol tips, lol pro guide, proguides, lol tricks, league of legends guide, lol lane guide, lol guide, league of legends tips, how to get better at league of legends
Id: iXEmpl18s9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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