Challenger with IRON Mechanics: We Made Hector Play WITHOUT a Keyboard! - Mid Guide

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okay dude i'm diego am i the most insane player on the planet or what why can't i heal i took heal so it would be easier to use recently we made hector max out his mouse sensitivity to prove you don't need mechanics to win in platinum or below hector did just that showing us all that following simple control mage fundamentals can easily make up for a lack of mechanics anyone under crush this game 17-2 even landing in easy quadra kill really nice job there hector we're so happy you found this challenge easy we were so happy in fact that this time we took away his keyboard and made him play fizz yes that's right for today's guide hector is not allowed to use his keyboard as we send him to mid gold elo playing a mechanically intensive champion the goal here is simple we wanted to use hector as proof that knowledge is king and mechanics are secondary if he suffers along the way so be it it's a sacrifice that we're all willing to make oh and as always the rule of the challenge is that he has to do it on his first try anyone can complete a challenge if they keep playing hector had one shot only otherwise this video never gets made the full game with commentary is also available on our live action page over at skill capped so be sure to check that out after this for the full scoop it's probably the funniest challenge we've had him do so far so let's jump straight into it as hector dives into an assassin mirror fizz vs echo we're going to briefly recap the laning phase with hector's commentary for the most part we're focusing primarily on macro for this guide which means that we'll mostly be looking at mid and late game decision making without mechanics this is harder than i thought it would be i really can't do anything we weren't aware how hard this was going to be when we issued the challenge hector literally cannot play the game he played mostly defensively and only looked to take any action when his jungler was in the area okay he's trying to flank me i feel bad for my fiddlesticks coming in on this he doesn't realize how useless i am oh god it's flash [Applause] but yeah they were really unsync there so i could just eat forward because like lee sin wasn't positioned in a way to where i would get punished can i heal okay got him why wasn't my heel going off dodge oh my god my mechanics are too clean as the lane progressed hector wasn't aware of a very pressing issue that would arise as he tackled this challenge oh my god something horrible is happening what pressing problem do you think he's facing at the moment it's trash day and i forgot to take out my trash no the truck's just going by out there moving on we start to see the problem with being overly passive and why we'd never recommend not playing to win lane at some point your opponent catches on and realizes that they can do whatever they want to you i'm having a hard time pressing my e i really wish i wasn't playing fizz because of the way his abilities work they're just really hard to press besides the supposedly insane outplay we saw in the beginning of the guide there's really nothing that he can do his only plays have been around his jungler and he'll begin to struggle heavily shortly we want to make sure something is clear he doesn't have lowly iron mechanics he literally just cannot function his character at the most basic of levels so we're going to be looking at things from a different perspective from now on you will never experience a silly situation like this but there are similar game circumstances that may cause you to take on the actions hector took this game being unable to play your champion is essentially the equivalent of falling really far behind in lane for sure everyone here has been o5 in lane at some point in their lives there's two different ways of playing out lanes like these number one is playing ridiculously safe near your own tower and letting your opponents do whatever they want on the map this isn't necessarily wrong but it does put the game's outcome in your teammates hands if they die to your laner because they have perma priority you will be flamed while there's nothing you could really do about it at that point your second option is rng roaming you can see the lane entirely and hope you can make something happen alongside your teammates this is a strategy best reserved if you have no other options though and needs to be done correctly i can maybe just commit to this round bottom i don't fiddle can just hold the wave and i can maybe just dive bottom with caitlyn thrush seems like a good play there's a couple conditions that you'll want to look for when going for a desperation roam like this number one like he said hopefully someone picks up the farm that you're giving up in this case fiddle was walking into the area so it's okay to just give over the farm to him number two you play around the lane with the most carry potential in this game that's definitely caitlyn while renekting can snowball that champion typically cannot 1v5 a game if it was a different top laner perhaps such as a fiora then yes you may want to play around them instead hector got here just as lee was looking for a gank and with some really sloppy gameplay he helps his bot lane clean up two kills this is obviously a bit lucky which is why it's a desperation rome but it does help set the tone for the rest of the game since he helped put his bot lane pretty far ahead all right so the lane phase is finally over which brings us to the main part of today's guide how to correctly macro in the mid game the following concepts you are about to learn are relevant all the way up to challenger even if you have iron level mechanics let's first hear what hector has to say um actually i should just let caitlyn go mid and i'll just go clean up the sideline okay so there's two here this is really good like if you're bad and you're just holding up two people like the enemy bot lane like this it's really good for your team hector mentions that being in a side lane is great to do if you're bad also known as being behind let's take a moment to add some clarity here and add the first mission that you want to follow to be a good macro player first let's divide the side lanes of summoner's rift into skill caps minion zones like we illustrate here as hector is on the red side here are the collection zones the neutral zones and the pressure zones fizz is an assassin as an assassin you want to push waves into the pressure zone most of the time regardless of if you're behind or not this is because assassins are highly mobile able to escape if danger heads towards them they also excel at dueling so they can often force multiple members to come and deal with them like we just saw with both sona and jinx as a control mage like orianna lux etc you only really want to push into the neutral zone at most regardless of how strong you are since you have limited escape tools and weaker opponents may still be able to 1v1 you as well not to mention your strengths come from aoe damage and team fighting so side laning for pressure just isn't as intuitive there are some exceptions to the rule here vladimir for example could side lane despite not being classed as an assassin just as easily as he could be actively joining team fights since he's great at escaping dueling and team fighting we'll talk more about the zones later on with all of that in mind hector's first mission as fizz will be to pressure the sidelines so after pushing the wave he enters the river but then he turns back and continues pushing bot why do you think that is this brings up the second and third macro missions that you want to follow as an assassin watch the mini-map and play around numbers push that let's rotate our bot lane is top lane so we really shouldn't be doing anything what i should be doing is just pushing bottom now hector knows that sona and jinx went mid with his own bot lane pushing top it's a no-brainer to continue pushing a side lane if factor were to continue paddling mid here he'd find himself in a 3v5 which would be the wrong choice it sounds obvious now that we're highlighting it but the emotions can quickly sideline your logic in the moment players often fall into the trap of feeling like they need to defend an objective rather than trade them especially mid lane turret because it's famously the important one to defend first losing objectives often feels worse than gaining objectives which is why players hesitate to trade second mid lane turret is the most important to defend do you know why that is mid is important because it offers protection to the squishy champions that usually occupy middle in the mid game such as your adc it also protects your lane from being warded in this area by your opponent a ward here reveals most of your team's rotations throughout the game if you're not already then you should be placing this ward yourself whenever possible there was also another huge problem with the enemy's decision to group in this situation so like what they did wasn't really that good getting mid tower it just shares 100 gold with five people whereas caitlyn and i were getting solo gold the whole time so it's usually not worth it for people to do that after basing hector starts to build into nasher's tooth he does this because he literally isn't playing with a keyboard so he feels dealing damage with auto attacks will be the play this game that's the type of thinking that'll earn him his next rp gift card anyway he heads bot to continue with mission number one pressure side lanes jinx is currently bought but hector is unable to find a pick on her a fight breaks out in the bot side jungle if you were fizz here what would you do the correct play here is to join the fight to accomplish mission number three playing around numbers with drinks in the bot lane and the enemies so far pushed up an assassin flanking the enemy in a 4v4 is definitely a fight that'd be in our favor however since hector doesn't have a keyboard his presence wouldn't impact the fight a whole lot and he has more guaranteed value while remaining botlane let's hear what he has to say if i was good i could just flank this pushing here isn't bad either though my team technically just shouldn't be fighting if we're playing side lanes like my teammates should just like be chill but obviously i can't control them i'm just going to keep pushing with both fizz and renekton sidelane pressuring hector's team got into a fight regardless this is the type of situation that makes the rules of correct decision making fuzzy your low elo teammates not knowing how to play properly themselves hector said the best play would be to flank the enemy and join the fight but why is this the clear best choice well he's decently strong with his summoners and ultimate up the enemy is deep into their territory and he has a flank position with decent mechanics and especially challenger mechanics winning this 4v4 team fight will be a game-winning breeze under normal circumstances however staying in lane is also fine because jinx is the player who's defending remember the beauty of effectively pushing into the pressure zone is that you force someone to respond and if that someone can't solo defend then you can continue pushing and look for a solo kill and if they are able to defend then you go to rome to assist your team typically from a flanked position which is where you want to be anyway since jinx cannot defend versus an assassin it's up to hector to punish so right now the situation would be insane because this jinx should just be dead okay let's just let let's just get out of here um not this time hector unlucky let's move on maybe he'll get her next time okay so does renekton have teleport how do i check without pressing tab lance press tab he does not i think it would be good for me to be bot lane let's explain when you're playing an assassin your team will usually be playing towards a 1-3-1 win condition it's normally correct to assign your top laner to bottom since they have teleport obviously this way they can teleport to a baron fight across the map and potentially get a numbers advantage that way but when their teleport is down then it's generally better to have the assassin in bot lane botlane is much more isolated from the rest of the map which makes it more likely to find 1v1 situations down there as an assassin we probably don't have to tell you why that's good for you not only that but assassins have much more mobility than standard bruisers a zed for example could traverse the map and join a baron fight much faster than a darius could as he gets down here to push the wave is already in the pressure zone for him keep in mind that your pressure zone is obviously the enemy's collection zone this is something we very often preach at skill capped with all the randomness that goes on in solo queue finding ways to make things predictable is how you consistently climb both hector and renekton's efforts have forced jinx to consistently come down here since no one else on the enemy team is collecting the farm being pushed in this is perfect as it allows hector to predictably and reliably miss his ultimate yet again despite the whiff he's still created a numbers advantage on the map by forcing jinx to be bottom he collapses onto mid where his team has already won the fight we are in no way hiding the fact that he's being mostly carried that being said he's doing exactly what he should be doing when playing from behind being as obnoxious as possible and constantly drawing people away from your team should be your wing condition when you're unable to help in other ways uh these fights shouldn't even be close i could just kill him if i wasn't worthless okay at least i distracted him like i said i'm just distracting while his team is doing baron he was distracting the strongest member on the enemy team and if you looked at the mini-map lee is likely chasing him as well at some point without doing anything but pushing he helped his team secure a pretty random baron okay so there's no doubt he coin flipped some decent team fights this game although this game was fairly close nonetheless having said that we also can't deny that hector's consistently correct macro decisions played a huge impact on the outcome of this game even when he was playing without a keyboard he literally was not able to function as a champion so imagine if you made macro decisions just like hector and even with iron level mechanics that'd be a huge step up from having no keyboard at all remember if you want to see the full game with hector's commentary then head over to skillcap also as a member you can learn to macro like a challenger by checking out our macro courses for mid lane we have one course that focuses only on low elo macro mistakes we have one for how to split push to its maximum potential and finally a course for how the very best pro players make the best macro decisions but enough about that what do we make hector do next let us know below thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 223,339
Rating: 4.9396052 out of 5
Keywords: macro, macro guide, mid macro, hector, challenger, challenger mid, mid, skill capped, skill capped lol guides, lol guides, league of legends, how to carry, macro choices, challenger macro, how to macro, challenger guide, mid guide, how to mid, challenger guides, mid macro guide, lol guide, lol tips, skillcapped, mid lane tips
Id: WgU6wia3tu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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