How To Play Akali For NOOBS in Season 13 (Akali Guide) - League of Legends

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alrighty guys for today's video I am going to be showing you how to win with akali in season 13. we're currently 10 and 0 in season 13 on our main account when you're injured you deserve compensation did you know that there are over 5 million car crashes in 2020 that's more than 15 000 a day or 600 an hour if you're in an accident you are entitled to more than you think that's why this video sponsor Morgan and Morgan has you covered when you're injured you deserve compensation and the size of your Law Firm matters Morgan and Morgan is America's largest injury firm with over 800 lawyers and over 100 offices worldwide the best part Morgan Morgan's fee is completely free unless they win your case over 3 million people trust Morgan Morgan and getting started is easy you can check out the link in the comment section for more information I'll be showing you guys how to play optimal runes to build all that stuff so start the runes every single time I play now since the uh durability update I'm going for conqueror so conquer Triumph tenacity Last Stand and you can get the presence of mind if you're going against a bunch of Tanks but Triumph is good if you uh just as like a rule of thumb it's a good it's always going to be good other than that I got second wind and unflinching unflinching is because they have a good amount of CC and uh might as well throw an auto on that guy on the way out I'm surprised he didn't Auto me uh but yeah I actually gotta kill level one but and we lost our sums for it but that's fine because akali uh I'm just gonna explain the essence of a Collie right now it's kind of dumbed down but hear me out as someone who is a challenge or one trick that plays her non-stop all day every day it's really as simple as wait until you get to level six and then kill everyone so what I'm going to show you guys in the relating phase is literally just about like surviving for the most part I say that as I run in um when you're shroud's up you can go for two little like small trades like that and uh nice all good there be a little bit careful I'm not gonna get this one there we are all right we're actually up in CS um so what you want to do as a Kali pre-six is literally just to look to get as many means as possible use your e your Q all that against melee Champions if they use their cooldowns you do have a chance but other than that it's just gonna be ouch it's just gonna be about playing safe um but yeah for the build I pretty much every game and be going for rocket belt uh and zonias I think these items are truly always going to be good oh I guess we're taking the cannon then you do it just just I mean we're already you literally already committed so please take it ouch so confused with this uh Leona I'm gonna go ahead and not fight with her anymore oh God I actually could get a kill here nope foreign whoa a bit crazy all right we're gonna get out of there now so uh we have to spend a little bit of extra gold from the first blood but yeah it's pretty much just not dying without your cooldowns being uh well your cooldowns are down so as long as I have my e or my shroud up it's genuinely pretty much impossible to die um obviously you have to know cooldowns and like if they have like a lissandra mid that hits level six you know maybe your range of death is pretty pretty big but other than that I mean just Farm up tried to hit level six get as many means as possible while you can and that's really it not that complicated I mean the combos themselves will be tricky what I would recommend is obviously just like watching gameplays of other people how we like high yellow players play it you can watch like me or some like Koreans but all right level six now now we immediately look to Rome and there's like a pretty decent chance this is gonna work I mean she's warding right there but I'm just gonna fluff there we go wow nice got the E off perfect and yeah that's just one little trick right there is use the red plant to get behind uh the brush because try brush is warded so if I run through it it gives them like you know four or five seconds of a heads up so I just avoid it um nice all right yeah we're just gonna go for the AP um if I was like very behind right now against his dad I've actually tested this out a lot too some people might think if they're all ID or if you're behind should you not get a rocket belt first should you get a seeker's arm guard the answer to that in my opinion is no because if you're half decent with the collie even if you're zero and three there will be opportunities to catch back up in the game so yeah with that in mind all you gotta do is just learn how to play the champion you know I personally I've one shot fed 10-0 veins as a oh has a zero and three akali as long as you farm up have like one item you can go and shuttle up like a two item 80 carry exactly yeah the vein is kind of annoying I'm not gonna lie oh oh man that sucks got him nice yeah made it so no matter what I get the kill because I use my R2 on him so he has to use his w and then I fly in with the E2 so if I did it the other way around um it would not have worked damn it ah all right I definitely butchered that one ah unlucky you gotta go for it sometimes you miss 100 of the shots you don't take or something like that whatever but yes that doesn't actually do damage to me because he's going for that ravenous Hydra build which I mean yeah it's gonna be good for farming and he's probably gonna uh half sustain or whatever the point of that build is but it's not gonna stop us from uh one-shotting his entire team so yeah I mean Zed with ravenous Hydra just shoves waves really fast that's the whole point of it but at the same time our mid-game presence because we're approaching the mid game now is just Miles Ahead akali with a few AP items is just so strong once you get level six and Beyond and if you go for ravenous hydronically because that was a build that's been like tested out here and there I've tested it after got nerfed and personally I don't actually like it because you're just not as strong to snowball with the whole point of playing a collie is a snowball so you don't want to like limit your capabilities um yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and run over here see if I can catch him on the rift or something yep can that's good it's gonna reset even if I wasted a few seconds it's like it didn't cost me anything I'm gonna do it again just in case because there's a pretty good chance he's uh he's still on it all right he drops a ward surprise that missed hmm hmm ah not quite we're all alone by our losing some all good we will do what we can the best of our abilities that we have good Cs and that's honestly that's a big plus so I'm just gonna drop my shroud and this is a little Pro tip while I'm healing up if my abilities are up um I can throw my shroud far away and then use my e and then the second I'm full health I'll fly back into Lane saving me like three or four seconds or something like that but yeah we're all about efficiency and not wasting time our team maybe not so much but we are Gonna Go Jungle probably take that that's a kill nice yeah it should be pretty free I'm just gonna hardcore push this wave in oops to drop the cue first nice click I think I'm gonna run right out of vision and then cut back left in case there's no word here I want them to think I'm not coming the way I am better for Mordecai's they're not scare him and I'm gonna steal a little bit of gold here all right hit hard hit fast that's obviously worded Mission doesn't matter Pauline is missing we should run and he failed this Flash I've got boots you cannot chase me uh I mean it's a Kill it's a kill for more or maybe not actually yeah honestly probably should have just ran but I feel like they my team wanted to fight I don't know all good must have been my bad I don't know um I think I yeah you know I actually know Leona jumped in even though I pinged her back and I had no cooldowns but it is all good I could have made my own decision and not done that Olaf is very fed uh I think they're on that so there's no way you can get stopped from doing that I might try my best to get there in time it's not gonna work but and surely there's no point in continuing on that yeah I'm gonna push the wave then amazing oh you missed another keyword nice that was huge okay we saved him I think uh he's able to get triumph off we're just killing one in general to make it a lot easier all right got the wave so far so good I mean obviously we've probed quite a bit CS is not so perfect anymore but it's still higher than Zeds I think that's the important thing what's our kills there but yeah so far so good now all we gotta do is just keep shoving wave look to Rome we literally are just gonna push then back up and I think this is where a sweeper would be useful but there are so many plants everywhere I think Jonah might be there to Ward she did we're too late though and we got him quick little one shot oh I'm dead yep oh my God that was insane I think I genuinely I genuinely could have probably lived through that uh like you hit me I need to I need to cut down right there all good so far so far so good damn oh well oh nice the passive got him two down we're gonna get like some beautiful like w flash to the side that'd be cool too I'll settle for the turret beautiful um don't have enough gold I am looks like we're not getting as young as active on this next one but yeah at this point I think something to note while my team decimates them is you do not want at any point you do not want uh to split push if any other Champion can you don't pick a color to split push you pick Fiora or like I don't know just any other champions of split push um akali is so strong in team fights we go for Rocket belt to be useful in team fights that Proto belt or sorry that rocket belt is gonna help us get into the carries into the back line I mean this is uh uh honestly not worth I do what I could I don't think ouch yeah damn if that hit that's still good though what is that that's going to be a shutdown but it's three for three plus we get the turret oh no it was the opposite of what you want to be doing all good all right yeah the thing is at this point we're breaking turrets left and right but I do need to slow down on the aggression I think I didn't expect vain oh I didn't expect vayne to be there at that exact moment wow yep mordekaiser is a champion considering taking the plan today I'm just gonna run oh no I could have zoned it but I think I would have just died right after I didn't realize she'd have heel that's lame damn you got a lot you got some free kills this game not gonna be taking objectives I suppose yeah we gotta get that I could hit now all right get to execute hmm yeah not the best situation to be in I kind of tried to pick up the scraps and ended up not being able to secure the kill I didn't realize John would have heal but then my e-mist as well which would have been a guaranteed kill but just slightly missed it thank you yeah he pulled it I mean this should be a free kill yeah I nearly got her psychological backstep she almost ran right into my EE foreign distracted him long enough we get the baron yeah honestly that was the only reason I even thought Echo to begin with is I figured there's five people bought if I just keep them going I might be able to trade one for one too I'll take it then yeah and plus like I don't know with all the mobility all the One Shot potential on this Champion the Shroud to bait and like waste their time oh all right it's time to run yeah unfortunately at this point Zed has gone quite bad highly unfortunate but yeah honestly I'm excited for the new season we are currently 10 no not even like playing flawlessly but just kind of like having the right idea with like the fundamentals on like what to do we're not overly playing aggressive free six I'm not like running it down I'm everything I do has an intention for the most part I might mess up an assassination like that'll look like an answer that'll be an inch but nice beautiful I do have to be careful though we can uh yeah my zone is up soon I don't want to get one shot by Zed in the meanwhile he looks like he's just pushing the wave look at the double lane push don't use this up now we're fine I was kind of hoping he would try to jump in just bait him out all right bye-bye oh my all right we get him I was gonna say those are really weird play by vayne right there thank you all right did not need to fly back end on that should I get the wave in uh I still have zonia so we can probably just be doing it uh we don't have Baron anymore let's get out of here foreign we're at that point in the game where we awkwardly don't have enough for rapidons but we we do have enough or is it for a magi's no no we're not doing it we're not doing it not yet if I get if it was at 10 stacks of darkseal I think it's worth getting because you get that movement speed buff but without it I'm not so sure about that one they're all this will be a good flank yeah foreign wait that's good nice all right that should be game then Beauty full by the way guys I am back to streaming every single day I haven't spelled string full time in like two years but I'm back starting January 1st Professor collie for anyone who's interested um it should be a really good time I'm gonna get Challenger I'm making a full video on all that stuff soon big announcement life post but I think it's all ogre was the enemy theme now uh but yeah that's pretty much how you play calling a nutshell so hope you guys enjoyed please be sure to leave a like subscribe and actually I'll show the win rate right now on akali because uh this is before too it's a count we're playing in like D1 right now even though we're d4mr we are a 10-0 11-0 now so leave a like subscribe if you're new and have a great day peace out
Channel: Professor Akali
Views: 146,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends gameplay, lol, professor akali, akali, league of legends akali, akali league of legends, akali guide, season 13 akali, s13 akali, s13 akali guide, season 13 akali guide
Id: fhr1CopvBrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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