FORGING MY WAY | Hand Hammering Techniques with Jason Knight

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alright hey y'all so today I'm gonna share a couple hammer techniques ways to hold the hammer use the hammer and I'm going to use the dreaded rebar for a lot of this because I know rebar is something you can get easily you can find it you know it's just junk it's everywhere you can buy that home depot I don't know what it's made out of it's usually there are designations on them that's not the point that doesn't matter don't make knives out of it I don't think it makes a great knife but what you can do is practice your hammer skills now if you do what I'm showing you and you do it a hundred times you're gonna know how to hold your hammer I promise you so let's get busy I'm gonna get this hot and we will start forging always wear safety glasses today I'm wearing an apron I don't normally wear an apron but I am wearing shorts are you I use this video my way video and what are you looking at just stand over there let me go see I really like to be right over the end but I don't want to be far away I don't want to be doing this sometimes I will sometimes don't work all the way around it sometimes I'll trip up on the leg but I really just want to work right here and work this thing quarter turn quarter turn quarter turn okay here we go steals hot Porter go to the flat side and planning now take those corners off out tagging it and now round it out now you do that ten times a hundred times is even better and you'll know how to hold your hammer and you'll know how to hit after the other thing is hit the same spot every time okay same spot every time now we're going to translate this over to a flat bar and how to forge a blade so let's do that next I've got a piece of quarter inch by inch and a half a DC rb2 and we're gonna make a point and then we'll start forging a blade okay so here's another hammer I like to use this is a little heavier there's also a type of rounding hammer it's three and a half pound from big blue so around sides here flat sides here the flat side actually has radiuses so I can use the edges of this hammer if I want to to do different things on the knife to get in to a corner or do some details alright so we'll use this one to forge a point on our ATC our V two [Music] [Music] [Music] okay point now you go back and plan the [ __ ] shape it take it anywhere you want to alright so the next part is I'm going to just refine that point and get it set up for my preformed shape [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm just setting everything up in my preform before I go over to the hammer now I'm going to use the same types of blows so if you see me using the power hammer I'm trying to move this steel the same way as I'm using this if you can use this you can use a power hammer either way they translate back and forth one just does it faster it saves a lot of energy and time and that's what we're going to do so I'm going to continue to refine just a little bit on my preformed shape and then I'll go over to the power hammer and then I'll come back and finish with the hand ham okay this is my preform now I'm gonna go over to the power hammers and show you how I rough all the heavy spots out like I'm gonna be using these tongs to help me up against the hammer I'll use them as extra hand but also a stop because I don't want to forge into the dives and I want affords the same spot on the choil area or the heel every time [Music] so you see where I'm grabbing these right here look at right here every single time that was pretty fast next I'm going to refine the profile and finish it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just going to be using the flat part of my hammer to plan ish it and refine it when you see me forging with very low heats I'm barely hitting I just want to smooth it out okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that's my knife so next part I just want to make it all straight edge is in the center it's totally even so something I like to do is use this vise first I'll squeeze the spine squeeze out here near the tip this helps enter everything back up pretty nice then I'll turn it up so what's cool about this is I basically have a parallel lines right here to help me even out my blade so if I have a little bit of edge on one side of the other like I do right here I could just work this over get that centered back up anywhere I need to to something I can do it pretty easy over here all right a little cooking this out of the tip we're gonna fix that real fast I want it to be on the edge to be centered in the mass all right now everything here is where I want it to be it's pretty much straight so now I'll cut it off and we'll do the tank okay so this time I want to make a hidden Tang knife normally you see me doing full tanks but I'm kind of tired of doing those so hidden tang that's probably I don't know two and a half inches of steel we have here and I want a pretty robust tang I like it to be a as much steel as I can get in that handle okay so this is a little folding tool that I normally just use under the press or under the hammer if you want to have it where you attach it in your anvil put a pin on it put a little square thing you can fit in your hardy hole and make it thinner okay I'm just sharing this because I feel like it's probably better for you to see how to do it without a power hammer this is not ideal okay I'm just doing it for your for your benefit so you can see the zip make a little fullering tool you want this to be very springy I built this one very robust because again I use it in the press and I use it over here and the power hammer primarily but today I'm just going to use it right here so one of the things I want to share with you is I said it a bunch of times you can use all hand tools if you want that's fine I like using the power tools I enjoy how fast they move I'm very impatient sometimes in the steel moving so I've already seen how fast I can move it with tools it's really not a lot of point in multiple heats over and over and over again and over and again trying to get this steel to move where you want it to move when you can go to a power hammer and do it now let me well I don't have one okay well that's fine you don't have to have one but I like that so I'm just expressing how much I enjoy using them as opposed to stuff that I really haven't used in years because I had to at once because I didn't have the tools and now I just want to make it smooth and go fast and maybe that makes no sense but again sometimes when I'm doing these videos I know that it's highly criticized everything I do is going to be highly criticized so I'm just trying to share it in the most direct honest way possible so [Music] [Music] [Music] so I screwed up I'll explain that okay all right it's screwed up right here so I'm gonna go back and fix that if you don't practice doing it every single day you're not gonna get good at it all of what I'm showing you will not make any sense unless you apply it so if you have an idealistic point of view of the proper techniques or the accurate techniques but you're just reading about it or you're watching someone do it you're not actually doing it you can never learn it ever it was not be possible for you to learn unless you begin you want to get into blacksmithing I'm gonna get into place we think start doing it period that's that it get a hammer get an anvil get an old railroad track Forge it use a ball-peen hammer or whatever you do if you want to do it just get into doing it and learn okay this is not idealism this is blade smithing this is blacksmithing and it takes a lot of practice to be able to do it and do it right and do it accurately I want to fix the little keel [Music] [Music] I have enough material to do it horn all right now I'm just going to go back over smooth it all out and get it right where I want it [Music] [Music] all right so I like that shape I pulled my heel down a little further than I wanted I'm going to come across with that so I like this shape a lot and I pulled this heel down a little further than I needed but that's ok because I like that to be right where my plunges are I like that he'll the stick I don't like it to be above it I like it to be right even with it so that's going to be a nice knife [Music] all right okay so show you something so one of my goals when I do a hidden Tang is I want a very short ricasso area I find that area to be pretty much useless except for fitting up your guard on this will be we get something to point it out Tiger Lillies nice so this this is called a choil or the keel all right this area right here below it can be the ricasso I don't like but a little teeny bit of this so when I make a hidden Tang knife I try to make as little as that as possible I don't want to put my finger in there that's really a stupid place to put your finger okay you might like the way it feels but but if you design your handle properly you won't need it okay I don't I mean I just don't personally careful it's a preference now I have enough material to fit all this down in my handle this handle would be a slight drop handle that's why this is straight and then the back comes down to meet the Tang the tank back here is about a quarter of an inch and the goal is when I have a hidden Tang with a guard I'd like it to be 4/5 the length of the handle whatever that handle is so if I got a 5-inch handle I want at least four inches of material inside of that and I also am only going to come in about an eighth of an inch on each side here to fit my guard in so that is a hidden Tang knife I hope you enjoyed watching this I hope this helped you set it right here [Music] you
Channel: Jason Knight
Views: 120,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blacksmith, how to make knives, how to, blacksmithing, how to make a knife, top 5 favorite knives, bladesmith, top 5 best knives, learn to blacksmith, things to do, forging, stuff and things, how to sharpen a kitchen knife, scary sharp, blade, knives, stuff & things, bladesmithing, steel, sharp, how to sharpen a knife, proper way to, knife making, diy, jason knight, blade magazine, tips and tricks
Id: 35gN-5BOUuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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