Chalk Paint and Decoupage | Dresser Makeover

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this is going to be a lot of fun i'm going to be doing some chalk painting distressing decoupage and more so let's get started hey i'm deanna welcome to my studio and thanks for joining me for this dresser makeover i've done a little prep work to get the dresser to the stage like any second hand piece that i make over i start with the thorough cleaning inside and out on this dresser i used tsp there were some paint drips that i smoothed out with my palm sander as well as some loose glitter on the details so i sanded those areas to remove most of the glitter i wiped down the piece with a damp cloth to remove the sanding dust and then i applied some primer i don't always apply primer before chalk paint but when you have an inconsistent finish like this it's not a bad idea simply because the chalk paint and waxes might absorb more into these particle board areas that are exposed and a little less into these flat painted areas and this could result in a patchy looking finish later on in the project so i decided to roll on some primer i did one coat on the entire body and i ended up doing two coats on the drawer fronts just to make them nice and smooth and solid white this is going to help with my decoupage later on in the video and i'll explain that when we get there now it's time to dive into painting on the detailed parts of the dresser i'm going to be doing what i like to call a two color distressed chalk paint finish that's where you put down an accent color first a main color on top and then when you wear away the top color of paint that accent color peeks through on all of the raised detail now don't worry if this doesn't make sense to you at this point i'm going to show you and talk you through step by step this is napoleonic blue chalk paint i'm going to be using this as my accent color using a small brush i'm going to paint this on the details of the dresser i'm only going to be distressing on the raised details so i really only need to put the blue paint here i'm intentionally leaving this edge a little broken and irregular so i don't end up with a hard straight line in my top layer of paint i'm just putting a row of painters tape right along the edge here to protect the drawer front this is where i'll be doing the decoupage later on so i just want to keep it nice and clean and white i'm applying the paint with a pouncing motion and this is putting the paint on nice and thick and creating lots of texture which will be helpful when we get to distressing while i'm waiting for this blue to dry i'll mix up my main paint color i'm starting with old white chalk paint and i'm adding in a touch of the napoleonic blue this is going to shift the color ever so slightly and make it a little cooler i think it'll tie in really nicely with this accent blue as well as the decoupage paper i've selected which i'll show you in a little bit okay i think that looks pretty good and just to show you the difference i'll just put a swatch right here in the lid of the old white and then the color i mixed up so you can see the difference because this can of paint has been open for a while we're kind of getting towards the bottom the paint is a little thicker than when you first open it up so i'm just going to add in a little bit of water give it a stir and then i'm ready to start painting i'm using my annie sloan oval medium sized paint brush to apply the paint and i'm applying in a slip slot fashion just back and forth every which direction it's just a real carefree easy way to get the paint on there creating lots of texture and movement in the finish the first coat is now dry and i can see a few spots where the white primer is showing through i don't mind if a little bit of the white shows through but i am going to go ahead and do a second coat just to make it a bit more solid and add a little bit more texture and then we'll move on to the next step the second coat of paint is now completely dry and i'm ready to do some distressing i've got a bucket of warm water and a kitchen sponge and i'll be demonstrating a wet distressing method now there are so many different ways that you can distress chalk paint so if you are looking for more tips on chalk painting distressing and waxing i've got a few videos that are just for you i'll leave the links in the description box below if you'd like to check those out to begin dip your sponge in the water and then squeeze it out you want it so that it's damp but not dripping wet take the sponge and i like to start with the soft side first and just gently run it along the edge of the surface back and forth with a long sweeping motion if nothing is happening you can switch to the scrubby side which is a bit more aggressive and try that just be careful not to push too hard that you wear right through both layers of paint i'm basically just washing away that top layer of paint until i see some of the napoleonic blue peeking through you can do as much or as little as you like it just really comes down to personal preference if you start to get a buildup of paint on your sponge you can just dip it in the water and rinse it off just keep going what i love about this wet distressing method is there isn't that much mess compared to sanding when you sand the paint you get a lot of dust this works great on chalk paint before you put on any sealer once you've applied a wax then it won't work as well because you won't be able to wash through those sealers so this is a great option before you seal on chalk paint now that i've finished wet distressing i'm ready to apply sealer to my dresser i'm going to use clear chalk paint wax i like to scoop some out onto a tray and then work a little bit into the tips of my wax brush bristles just getting a nice thin even coat on the end of the brush working in a small section of the time take your wax brush press the wax into the paint and then take a lint-free cloth like a piece of an old t-shirt and wipe that area to remove the excess wax it should feel basically dry to the touch right away then you just move on to the next section and keep going until you've coated your entire piece one thing i like about the wax is it just enhances the colors and makes them really stand out so when we take a closer look you can see the darker napoleonic blue and then that lighter old white napoleonic blue mix that i made and now we're kind of seeing a third color in between so sometimes when you're wet distressing the two colors kind of mix together on the surface and so now i've got multiple colors right here in this area and i think it just adds a lot of character and interest and helps to highlight the shape of the piece and right here you see a little bit of white peeking through where i distressed a little bit more aggressively and took it right back to that white primer if you are unhappy with that you just take a little bit of the blue paint and touch it up but i'm gonna leave it just as it is after i finished the first layer of wax i went over everything again applying a second coat of wax i didn't give any time to dry in between just once i finished the first layer i moved right onto the second okay now it's time for the decoupage i'll be applying this beautiful floral paper to the front of all the drawers this is decoupage decor tissue paper by redesign with prima as a content creator for this company i get to try out all kinds of fun materials and products and then share with you my tips and feedback so thanks to redesign with prima for sending me these items to use in my video now despite the name having tissue paper in it it's actually quite different than regular tissue paper let's take a closer look in my opinion this feels more like a thin fabric and it definitely doesn't tear easily by hand like regular tissue paper the underneath color on your surface will make a difference in how the paper looks the bright white background in behind helps the color to pop but notice how you can see the green tape right through that's why i took some extra time to do a second coat of the white primer underneath to give a really even bright surface no matter what type or brand of paper you're using this is just something to keep in mind when you're planning out your project this particular pattern that i'm using came in two sheets this size and they were rolled up in a tube when i got them the two sheets are a continuous pattern so you could line them up one on top of the other if you had a larger surface like a bigger drawer or door front because my dresser is individual little strips i'm not worried about lining up patterns and that does make it a little bit easier i like to rough cut the pieces to size you can see there's a little bit of excess here so it's just a bit easier to apply the paper when you've trimmed off some of that excess i'll just start by bringing it in nice and snug here right to the bottom of the drawer and this paper creases quite easily so i'm just going to use my nails and just press that along the edge this saves the step of using a pencil and a ruler to mark it all out using a pair of regular craft scissors i'm just going to cut and i'm going to over cut a little bit i can always trim it once it's in place so just a little bit outside of my line in order for the paper to stick to the surface you first need to apply a medium that will act as your adhesive things like mod podge or water-based gel mediums or sealers tend to work better than white glue for example simply because they dry clear and nice and hard and durable as a finish where sometimes your glues can dry a little bit foggy or white and they aren't intended to be a finished coat i'm going to be using this soft matte gel and i'll use that to adhere the paper to the drawer as well as to seal it afterwards we'll just do one drawer at a time paint some gel medium on the entire surface where you want the paper to stick you can put a fairly generous amount on to make sure that it's one hundred percent cover and i'm just being careful not to getting on this painted ledge at the bottom now take the paper and press it into the gel medium while it's still wet because this drawer has a ledge at the bottom i'm just going to line the straight edge of the paper up with that ledge and if you don't get it 100 perfect the first time it's nice to know that you can lift this paper up and move it around a little bit and the paper won't tear you have a couple minutes of working time before your gel medium starts to dry now that i have it lined up with the bottom i'll just take my finger and run it along that edge to tack it into place and when i'm working against an edge i like to smooth the paper up away from the edge now you can use the side of your hand you could also use something like a gift card or one of these rubber spreader tools these just have a nice big flat edge in comparison to your hand so it does really help to press out any wrinkles or bubbles or you could try using a brayer this is used for rolling ink when you're block printing but it works great for smoothing out the paper so try a few things see what you like and if you don't have any of these tools again just using your hand the side of your hand to press the paper up does a pretty good job too as you can see here there's a little bit of excess overhanging as i mentioned earlier i like to over cut and then trim mine down after so either just with a piece of sandpaper on the edge or an exacto knife i'll do that in a little bit but first i'll get the paper on all of the drawers so this drawer that has an edge on both sides i've just pressed the straight edge right tight up against the one side and just like the other drawers i'm going to smooth it away from the straight edge and you can see there is a little bit of excess here but i'll just trim that with an exacto knife and that way i'll have a nice clean straight edge here as well as on the top side using a small knife i'm now just going to trim the excess hold the paper taut pierce the fabric with the tip of the knife and then hold the knife parallel to the edge of the drawer and just slide the knife down another option to remove the paper is using some sandpaper on a sanding block this is 100 grit i'm just rubbing it along the edge of the drawer and it's scoring the paper and cutting it quite easily if you end up with any excess or little jaggy bits you could also run the sandpaper along the edge to smooth that out now that the bottom layer of sealer is dry i'm adding another layer of the same soft matte gel on top of the paper this seals the paper and just adds a little bit of durability and evens out the sheen i'm also applying this to the sides of the painted drawer we're almost finished with this project thanks so much for watching if you are interested in being notified when i upload new videos all you have to do is click the subscribe button and that little notification bell because that's how you'll be alerted when my new videos go up let's take a look at the finished piece and you can let me know what you think i decided not to add any hardware onto the drawers simply because i didn't want anything to distract from this beautiful paper and the reason it works on this particular dresser is because this ledge is attached to the drawer so you can easily pull on the ledge to open and close each of the drawers now i did leave the original holes underneath the paper in case the person that purchases the dresser wants to add on some of their own hardware it'll be really easy for them all they'll have to do is make a little cut where the hole is and then they'll be able to fasten the handles and the knobs in place if you enjoyed this video remember to click the thumbs up thank you so much for watching i'll see you back here next time [Music] [Music] you
Views: 42,157
Rating: 4.9697733 out of 5
Keywords: chalk paint, distress, distressed, distressing, stressing, decoupage, floral, decoupage furniture, chalk paint furniture
Id: uV7ML1rWLY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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