how to decoupage furniture, the easy way!

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i'm gonna show you how you decoupage the last time i did it i legit cried my fingers were shaking it was so frightening and frustrating i created a decoupage video seven years ago but i've never done one again until now i made a video it was called the marilyn monroe dresser it has almost a million views everybody loved it but that dresser was so traumatizing that i have never done another decoupage piece of furniture again until today there's just one reason why i decided to give decoupaging furniture another try there's never been large scale poster type materials to decoupage with until jamie rae came out with this amazing decoupage paper she has all these different designs and look it's it's papery thin [Music] one of the hardest things about decoupage is the wrinkles and the bubbles the thicker the paper the more difficult it is jamie's paper is lightweight and large-scale design made specifically for furniture this is what you want to use right here this is crystal clear chandelier liquid patina works like a decoupage medium you want to pour it out into a dish liquid patina can be used as a transfer gel a decoupage medium or a top coat sealer for this project i used four different kinds this butterfly one purple bow hoey looking one this one that she calls granny flowers or something and then this looks so good it's on my website these are just a few of the designs it had been seven years since i attempted decoupage so i wasn't really sure what my plan was going to be i attempted cutting ripping mashing up different papers together and just kind of going with the flow as i worked across this dresser and then you need a little brush like this this is actually going to work like a pair of scissors and you dip your brush into the water it cuts the paper i was taken by the moon looking down on everything i never knew mayor lafaye of vintage retail therapy taught me this trick you can use a tiny brush and a little bit of water to cut the paper wherever you need it i will link her channel below [Music] i thought that i would just cut it to fit the drawers and then i tried ripping it and i just kind of went with the flow it's easy you can totally do this because the paper is lightweight and transparent i painted a white background to apply the paper on this will keep the colors of the paper and the design nice and bright and true to the original [Music] when i did this the first time i ruined the project the marilyn monroe dresser it even looks like marilyn is crying i spent so much time on it and i put the whole poster on it should have cut around the design it just ripped and bubbled it totally ruined it knows we'll just we're just gonna wing it and to top it all off i had to go get another poster i had to call all the craft stores in the area i finally found one i'm in michael's and they don't have another poster i drove there on halloween and it was the last one and i had to start over so i had to drive to another michaels that was 30 minutes away they wouldn't answer the phone and so then when i finally got through they said they didn't have it but i was almost there so i went in and they did have it and i knew that i couldn't blow it again bobby was with me and i remember his words you can do anything if you go slow so that's what i did so here we go round two there were so many air bubbles and wrinkles because the paper was so heavy and it took me hours and hours to scrape it off it did turn out really good but oh my gosh it stressed me out and traumatized me i wasn't sure whether to apply the liquid patina to the back of the paper or to the surface of the dresser so i experimented the paper is almost transparent so when you put it on the surface you're going to be able to see through whatever color is underneath so if you don't want the paper background to really change you're going to want to paint it white first [Music] when i'm creating a piece of furniture i like to cut out the design elements whether it's decoupage paper or furniture transfer i like the blank spaces in between it gives it breathing room and creates a more custom look [Music] i had a bunch of scraps left over i never throw my scraps away not with transfers not with decoupage paper you can actually piece pieces together you can layer them over the top i had a spot where the butterfly was ripped in half and then i had another half of another butterfly and i was actually able to mash them up together and create a new butterfly what if we're living in a fantasy here i'm piecing my scraps together to create a whole new butterfly and i decided to apply a lot more liquid patina as i was having trouble getting the edges to stick down [Music] [Applause] because this paper is so lightweight you can layer pieces over one another and really get creative i love the contrast of the white background the colorful butterflies and the black and white designs of the flowers the flowers trees can walk around i basically applied the decoupage paper over the entire dresser so i needed to use an exacto knife a small brush more water and sandpaper to cut the paper and get the drawers open [Music] the liquid patina is your final coat it's like your top coat it will seal everything in so after you're done sanding after you've got it just the way you want it you can use the liquid patina one more time as a final top coat and it will seal the paper on and you are finished [Applause] i'm so glad i tried this again even though it took me a while i learned something new with every attempt have you tried decoupage please leave your tips in the comments below if you have any questions about decoupage leave those in the comments below i will go back and answer them if you would like to take a decoupage class we have one right here in our classroom at diyagogo maryla faye is teaching it you can take the class online or in person i will put the link below i hope you enjoyed this video and i will see you in the next video [Music] find all the supplies used in this project to find out about workshops in person or online or to find more videos like this click the link below thanks for watching [Music] come on
Channel: Debi's Design Diary
Views: 125,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture painting, boho decor, furniture decoupage, decoupage, trash to treasure, easy thrift flip, beach boho decor
Id: QMR70QkAtew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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