Elegant Buffet Makeover | Ultimate Guide To Blending Blend Paint on Furniture With Bella Renovare

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have you ever had a friend that you have been friends with for years and then you guys were able to reconnect and live within hours of each other that's what happened to me with my friend and i am going to be painting this piece of furniture for her and her family they are another military family so if you guys want to see me use some greens and i also i'm going to tell you why i'm using these colors besides the fact that she likes those colors there is another reason so stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody if you are new here my name is christana so welcome to my youtube channel i am a furniture artist and i do furniture tutorials tutorials every week if you are not subscribed please hit the subscribe button right here hit the bell okay the subscribe button's not right here it's down at the bottom but hit the subscribe button hit the bell and you'll get all the latest videos that i put out every week i usually do a video every tuesday and thursday and i am just so grateful for everybody here i am super close to hitting 50 000 subscribers which may not seem like a lot to some people but i am really just excited and proud of this channel i am so happy that i can help inspire people and you guys inspire me and you guys give me great ideas and i take some of the things that you guys actually teach me and i turn them into videos and things like that and i just i thank you everybody just thank you so much i am super just grateful for every single one of you so this week the video that i'm gonna do i'm gonna be painting this piece i did get this from luxembourg from a thrift store and i have a really good friend her name is amanda and her husband and my husband have worked together since they were like super young i mean i've known amanda for 10 plus years and our husbands were stationed together at the first base and then they were then we moved and then they came to italy and they were stationed in italy with us and then we all separated and moved and they went back to a different base we went to a different base and now they are in the netherlands only a few hours away from us and so she one has been watching my journey and she really wants a piece of furniture from me and i want to do that for her so her favorite colors are blues and greens and i asked you guys about color and what you guys wanted me to do and so i've scheduled it here because a lot of you guys asked for green as well in the community tab and so i'm going to be doing green and also if you guys didn't know i am a living kidney donor and so green is the kidney donor awareness color i slacked a little bit this year usually in april i do a green painted furniture piece to commemorate the you know kidney disease awareness donor living donor month kidney donor or organ donor month and i didn't this year so you know what we're just going to make this video all about you know treasuring a friendship i've had for a decade and treasuring being able to help another friend by donating kidney and treasuring you guys at almost 50 000 and a lot of you guys said green so we're gonna do some greens and some blues on this piece we're gonna do some blending i really don't have too much of a plan yet but you know you guys know how it is we're gonna go on this journey and i cannot wait for you guys to be on it with me so let's get started sorry i rambled a little bit i know someone's gonna yell at me but whatever so let's get started i cannot wait for this piece it's going to be awesome the first thing i'm going to do is remove the handles and i'm going to remove the metal keyhole cover that is on the door so this metal keyhole cover broke a cover broke apart in like three pieces i think what they did is they glued it there's some glue on there i'm gonna have to scrape that off later and they just kind of thought that it would stay on there forever but i do not throw anything away and because i don't throw anything away i am able to replace this with something that came from an older piece but it fits perfectly so here is a new cover a new old cover and this came off of a piece before but this is why i reuse stuff and i keep everything because you never know next i'm going to clean the piece i'm going to use dixie bells white lightning it is a ts tsp based cleaner so people ask me why don't i put it in a squirt bottle versus putting it in the thing of water okay so here is my theory that it's like cleaning your floor with a swiffer sweeper or cleaning your floor with a mop in a bucket of water i understand that maybe it saves a little bit putting it in a square bottle but it's just the way i like to do it and that's one thing you have to remember when you watch different people is everyone has their own way of doing something there's no right or wrong way to do it so you figure out what works best for you or what you think is the best and you go with that i didn't know what i was going to do with the top so i clean the top really well when i clean the top it allows me to see if there's any damage it allows me to see what the color is so that way i can better assess what i'm going to do and you can see how dirty this top was so i'm using a 3m scrubby because i knew this piece was really really dirty for pieces that aren't super dirty i'll usually use a microfiber cloth but this allowed me to scrub the piece and now i'm going over it with clean water and a clean microfiber cloth so that i can get all the residual off and i decided to strip this down i started sanding it a little bit and i realized that the finish on it is a little bit thicker and i just it's easier for me and when it's warm outside i just strip things versus sanding them because it's going to take me forever to sand it off so i am using a chemical stripper right here i put a thick layer on it and i allow it to sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and then i come back with my plastic scraper that has a little scoop on it it's my favorite thing to use and i'm going to scrape this finish off i repeat this process twice but i'm going to take that little 3m scrubby that i had that i used to clean the piece and i'm going to go around the edge of it you can do that or sometimes i use steel wool i'm out of steel wool so i use that but this will allow me to get into all those little cracks and crevices as well with the the stripper so that way i can get the finish off do after i'm done using a chemical stripper i always neutralize it with mineral spirits what this is going to do is it's going to stop the stripper from continuing to per say cook is kind of one of the words that we use i use a 3m scrubber and i'm going to just scrub across it this helps me get all the residual stripper off any kind of debris off and it evaporates super fast so literally within five minutes it's going to be evaporated probably even less than that and if you have any little of those the debris left over you can just take a paper towel or a clean scrubby dry scrubby and just rub it off the surface it's not going to stick on there so that's what i do and it also helps open the wood grain if you decide that you want to stain but i am keeping this natural so i am using my surf prep 3x4 electric ray i'm going to start with a 120 grit and i'm going to go over the entire piece and then i'm going to go up to a 220 grit because i want it to be a really nice smooth surface but i really want to lighten this as much as i possibly can i decided to go with the base color of being a really light green called sea glass and so i'm using the gray dixie bell boss what this is this is a blocking primer and that way if i have any tannins or bleed through i will be able to paint that light color over it and you will not see any bleed through so this is gonna help with that it's gonna make sure that i don't get any kind of tannins or bleed through when i start going over it with the other colored paints i suggest this for any light colors that you guys are going to use i'm going to do a coat of sea glass over this entire piece i chose a lighter green color because i decided i'm going to do some blending but i always like to have a base coat of a lighter color first just because it allows me to visualize better and i like to have a base coat of one of the colors like a green i'm going to do i'm going to blend greens and so i want a lighter green as my base coat as well so that way when i do start blending it's not going to go down to the gray surface or down to the wood surface so when i blend that's the first thing i do is i always lay down a base coat of a solid color i'm not gonna lie to you guys i am super digging the sea glass i am going to be using this again it's like a fresh color so i'm gonna blend if you see the door on the left i played around with it first to figure out what i wanted to do before i could teach you guys how to do it and so i'm taking dixie bells palmetto which is a just a rich green color and i'm outlining so this is the kind of blending that i'm going to be showing you today is it's only going to be three different colors you're going to need a brush for each color and you're going to need a clean dry neutral brush for when you do your final blending you need a mister bottle as well but what i'm doing right here is i'm outlining everything so i want it to be darker on the outside so anywhere that i want it to be darker is where i'm going to put my darker color and i'm going to butt my medium color which is going to be mint julep against that darker color and then anywhere i want some really light areas i'm going to go over it with sea glass so for this door the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to outline and shade let's talk about what the difference is so we're going to shade as is the darker colors and highlighting is the lighter colors so i am going to create a shaded effect on the outside of the door trim so that way we have more dimension and that's what i'm just doing here i'm putting the mint julep next to the palmetto i'm going to spritz it with water you want to make sure that it's not super wet but you want to make sure it's wet enough that the paint can move together this is my clean dry neutral brush i'm going to go vertical horizontal in circles diagonal and you're going to want to use a light hand you need to remember to always use a light hand when you're blending it goes a lot further if you use a lighter hand you don't need a lot of pressure to to make these colors blend together especially if you're using the paint that i use so i'm going to do the inside panel i'm going to mist this and then i'm going to outline the outside with the palmetto [Music] after i've outlined everything with the palmetto i'm going to take the clean dry neutral brush and i'm going to start blending that i'm not blending it into any other kind of paint what i'm doing is i'm just creating more of a shading effect so i'm taking that clean dry neutral brush and i'm using the moisture from the paint and i'm going in circles vertical horizontal and then i'm going to move on to the next step so i'm going to put some water on there with my mister bottle and i'm going to go over that area that we just did palmetto and did the little blending with i'm going to use the mint julep and i'm going to go over that so we we go from dark to medium to light okay so when you're shading you want to do the darker color then the medium color then the lighter color and that's what i'm doing right now and you want to keep your surface misted just so that everything starts moving together so here i am right here taking those two colors now and i'm kind of pushing them together and then that middle panel i wanted to do kind of a gradient look to it so the top part i'm going to put some palmetto and then i'm going to decide where i want it so you know however far down you want that palmetto that's where you're going to put it so that's the darker color and then i'm going to put the middle color which is mint julep on there and then i'm going to put the lightest color which is sea glass on there and this is going to give me a gradient look so i'm going to add all my paint i'm going to mist it and then you're going to see me blend it with my clean dry neutral brush again going vertical horizontal in circles diagonal keeping it having moisture on there not too much moisture but just enough that these can start blending together [Music] next i'm going to show you how i blended the drawers so i'm going to mist it with my mr bottle and again we're going to remember i said dark to medium to light we are going to start from the outside and work our way in i am going to outline it with the darkest color which is palmetto so if you guys are using different colors just remember the darkest color goes on the outside and you can go in as far as you want however however much shading you want so i you could go in further if you want you could have just done the edges if you want i wanted it to be about an inch in so i went over it with the palmetto now i'm going to go over that center part and overlap a little bit with the mint julep which is my medium color and then i'm going to add my sea glass which is my lightest color in the very center so that way i have a highlighted effect when i do this and so you can see where i put the sea glass in there and i'm kind of blending it a little bit when i put that paint on there but now what i'm going to do is mist the whole thing i'm going to take my clean dry neutral brush and i'm going to go horizontal i'm going to go vertical i'm going to go in circles i'm going to go diagonal and this will blend it all together it really is a very easy blend as long as you are using colors that are very similar i get people make this mistake all the time where they try they're trying to blend black and white together or colors that do not go together and it's just you really especially if you're a beginner you need to start with colors that are very similar so i always get this question of why do you paint with the drawers in well i don't always but when i'm blending i do because i like to visualize where it's going to be so i'm going to show you what i do after i'm done with the drawers i go back and i fix the frame you could do this before or you could do this after you do your blending for your drawers it really doesn't matter so all my drawers are out i am going to again where i want my shading i'm going to put the palmetto i'm going to butt up the medium color next to the palmetto when i'm done placing the palmetto i'm going to put a little bit of the lighter color and i'm going to blend it the same way that i have been doing everything else and that way everything becomes cohesive so after i'm done doing this you're going to see me put the drawers back back in and everything is starting to come together it's not a hard technique it's just it takes patience if you want to blend and you want to blend nicely and you want it to look professional then it's gonna it's gonna be a few steps this isn't just painting a piece of color or piece of furniture one color which is there's nothing wrong with this is an artistic finish and so it does take a little bit of time and it takes some patience but it's a really easy technique once you really understand that you need colors that are very similar or colors that when they blend they make a beautiful color and they don't muddy and make a gross color [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] i'm going to use my surf prep 3x4 electric ray to distress this i'm using a 5 millimeter pad a fine grit 5 5 millimeter pad i always distress anybody who's in the military's pieces because we move so much that if you made something perfect it is bound to get destroyed or nicked even a little nick and so i always do even just a light tasteful distressing on it and so next what i'm gonna do now that it's blended and distressed i'm going to use the magnolia garden transfer i don't often use transfers on my pieces but this transfer is very classy and we're going for an elegant blended look and i just think that this is going to really bring everything together before you use a transfer you want to make sure that your paint is thoroughly dried you do not want to try to apply transfers over wax you can apply them over a poly polycrylic but they do not do well over wax so i this transfer you can cut in different places it's not like one sheet so you can cut it and place it however you want and build it and so i put the plastic down i always burnish it really well with the stick first and then i go through and start burnishing it a little bit at a time and pulling it back very lightly a little bit at a time and then the transfer goes on to the piece once my transfer is on the surface i will burnish it again with my hand and then i'll take a microfiber cloth and go over it again transfers always need to be sealed and i recommend you use a satin clear coat to seal them you don't want to use gator hide to seal them which is what i'm going to use later on the top so i use two different sealers on this piece just because i don't want to use the gator hide with my transfer now i'm going to add some dark wax i decided i wanted to add some dark wax so sometimes when i get into a project i decide later so i put easy peasy spray wax on it first rub it in let it sit for about an hour and dry and that creates a surface that makes it easier for me to pull the darker wax off so i am taking the black besting wax by dixie belt which is a water-based wax and i am going around the outside just to kind of darken it a little bit and i'm going into those cracks and crevices to add a little bit of character after i'm done putting it on here and i'm applying it with the la petite brush i am going to wipe it back with a microfiber cloth and then if it's too dark in certain areas you can actually spray it with the easy peasy spray wax or take a clear wax and you can erase that colored wax so that way it's not so dark [Music] [Music] [Music] because i need to already seal this piece because there's a transfer on there i'm going to seal the entire thing with the clear coat satin and this just kind of locks in the colored wax so dixie bell has created a water-based wax and a water-based top coat that can be interchanged together so normally if it's an oil-based wax you do not want to put a top coat over it but that's what i'm going to do is i'm sealing the bottom the body of the piece and the transfer with the satin clear coat [Music] in order to really bring this elegant makeover together i wanted to change the color of the hardware so i'm using the gold gilding wax by dixie bell which is an oil-based wax this will dry within about 24 hours and then it will cure within 21 to 30 days but it will not come off so once it's fully cured it is not going to rub off it's going to be permanent and it's just a really good solution to changing your hardware color if you want and so i clean these really well and then i change the color of the hardware the very last step of this makeover is to seal the top so i like to wrap my little paint tray in tin foil so i can reuse it i'm using a high density foam roller and i'm using dixie bell's gaiter hide it is a water resistant top coat so that if something spills on this it will be fine but i get a lot of questions of can i seal raw wood absolutely and i would so that is why i'm sealing this because if i just leave it as raw wood it's not protected so that's what i'm doing is sealing this raw wood i got a request in one of my last videos to show you guys a dusting brush and a tack cloth and that's what i'm going to do so i'm going to show you what i do to apply a second coat of here what i do in between coats and some of the tools that i use so right now i'm using a high density foam roller and i'm going over the raw wood it's normal for a white high density foam roller to get kind of a brown on there it's probably pulling up just some of the maybe dust that got stuck into the wood grain so what i'm doing here is i am taking my high density foam roller i'm not using a ton of pressure and i'm just overlapping just slightly and i'm going in one direction and i'm going to just leave it this is going to be my first coat and i'm going to allow it to dry for a few hours in between and then i'm going to show you what i'm gonna do before i apply my second coat after your top coat is fully dry you want to do a light scuff stand so i'm using a very fine rad pad which is the equivalent to a 280 to 380 grit so a higher grit and you're going to just go over the surface lightly you don't want to go so hard that you're taking the finish off you just want to knock down any kind of maybe fuzzies that come and then this also will allow that second layer to that second coat to really grip onto that first coat okay so i'm going to show you what a dusting brush is it's got soft bristles and you're going to want to use this to get any dust off in between sanding let's say that you distress your piece or you're sanding your piece this is a really great tool to get any kind of dust off there before you put a top coat on and then you're going to want to tack cloth so tack cloths i only use these for when i'm doing in between top coats or you can use them in between coats of your stain so this is a sticky cloth and what you do is just rub it across the surface and that's going to get any kind of dust or fuzzies or anything off of there any kind of debris off of there before you go in with your second coat or your next coat of clear coat or your next coat of stain so this is a great tool to have in your shop because it's going to help you get a perfect finish so now i'm going to go over this with my second coat and i'm going to do the same exact thing that i did with my first coat for this pass i had a little too much sealer on there and so you can see how it's dripping this is why it is super important for you to make sure you're going over the pieces to get that extra you're going over the sides to get that extra sealer off and i always do this to make sure that i don't have dripping of my paint or dripping of my clear coat i always before anything is dry i go back and i inspect my piece for anywhere that there's drips or any kind of bubbling or any kind of pooling or anything like that so get in the habit of looking over your work after you've applied your paint after you've applied your clear coat coat on the body on the top so that you can catch imperfections like that [Music] [Music] okay everybody so this video is done i hope you enjoyed that here is the piece remember i'm going to have some nice staged pictures here right after this everything i use will be in the description below so it'll take you right to where you need to be to recreate this look if you're not subscribed please make sure you are hitting that subscribe button and then hit the bell so you get all my videos i hope you guys have an awesome awesome week have a great weekend and happy creating bye [Music] can i tell you guys been on my mind sick and tired of the nine to five in the city like hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around wanna see it now [Music] pack our bags and get in that car leave a little note and we'll drive real far let's get out we can leave [Music] baby don't you understand [Music] [Music] i love it when it's me and you on the road with a couple of tunes in a carpet too [Music] hey darling
Channel: Bella Renovare by Crys’Dawna
Views: 107,052
Rating: 4.9443116 out of 5
Keywords: Dixie Belle paint, Bella renovare, chalk paint, painted furniture, faux finishes, furniture makeover, paint blending, blend paint on furniture, extreme furniture makeover, chalk painting, chalk mineral paint, trash to treasure, diy furniture makeover, how to paint furniture, dixie belle paint tutorials, chalk painting furniture, dixie belle paint company, dixie belle paint tutorial, blending paint colors on furniture, painting furniture, dixie belle chalk paint
Id: hGakOwgfcT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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