Chair mock-up

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welcome back this yoni crew it's sugar so i'm coming on because i had a few ideas i wanted to try on a chair but um i just want to come on and help some people and show them how to do my markup for my chair you go to google and you will type in the type of chair that you are using for mines i typed in black steel folding chair and this you know i go to images and this pops up with different uh chairs that i searched and i just kind of picked which one i think will be a better view for me i couldn't really find one that was facing forward um so i'm just going to go to remove you get your remover tool and i am using my ipad i don't i use my ipad and my phone a lot so my stuff is different from where yours would be if you're using a laptop or a desktop you go to your remover tool and you hit all the white spots and you just want to remove all the white spots okay so then you go to next you're going to save it you can also save it like this or you can save it the regular way i always save it the regular way and then um i'll take it and make it a no feel and then the no filler make it a shadow cut what the y'all i promise you don't nobody comment uh nothing like that until i try to do something for y'all and i'm screen recording all these damn things keep popping down anywho i was just showing y'all that stuff to show y'all what i did to get my chairs in case somebody wanted to ask now i'm just going to insert one of them make it big as possible make sure the box is locked and i got a couple previews at the top for you but i'm going to show you the steps i did to get those okay so i'm going to make a copy of the chair by going to layers and then i'm going to hit the little star which is duplicate but it might be duplicating on your computer you're just making a copy of the chair on one of the chairs i'm highlighting i'm going to go to edit and i'm going to go over here to the left where you see the word print i'm gonna push that i'm gonna push the word print that pops up again and i'm gonna go to no fill and i'm gonna push apply now by doing that it changed into a cut file which it means if i uh wanted to make a chair look like this with whatever color i choose vinyl it's going to be able to be cut with the cricut so i can go to this little cut word here over to the side where you see the gray dot it brings up my color box i'm just gonna change it black that's just me this has been extra anywho um i'm gonna go to my images find a background or something that i like i'm just grab something and um let's just say for instance if you wanted the the bottom i'll make a copy of this too because i'm just gonna do two just to show y'all how i did my markup i'm just gonna grab my background and i'm gonna cover and flip the chair i'm going to cover the image i flip my chair horizontal that works better for me so whatever works better cover the image i'm going to cover your background over the chair part that you wanted to slice so i want that back part you sit your back on so i'm gonna put the little box on it i'm gonna highlight all of it everything need to be highlighted and i'm going to go to action i'm going to slice so as you can see it sliced it out for me now i got to go to shapes and i'm gonna have to cut these little bitty parts that's showing up at the bottom so i gotta cut them one by one so i'm gonna highlight everything including it look great box i just put there my everything need to be selected i'm gonna go to action someone said something is in there okay it's only gonna slice one thing at a time yeah my bad so this right here need to be removed you need to get that out of there so if you don't see a slice too show up that means something wasn't either highlighted or something still behind it okay so now it's going to slice because i remove the other pieces it's only going to slice one thing at a time so you want to highlight everything and go to slice then you get another shape you highlight everything and you're gonna slice now i got that little piece in the little pieces that was on there are now gone so i take my chair and flip it horizontally if i can be going the same way so i'm gonna edit go to horizontal and then i can flip my chair okay so i'm gonna make this a little smaller to fit because you know i'm not gonna cover that little railing part it's gonna still be black i just wanna cover the inside so i just wanna see how to look so i'm gonna get my other background i had i'm gonna slice the bottom half okay and i'm gonna send it to the front if it go behind it go to edit and go to arrange or send to front or just go to arrange on your computer at the very top it got something to say arranged you can send the front move back on it um so i'm just going to position the picture like i needed to go and get this straight now i'm trying to just cover what i need i just want to see because i don't want to have to have a lot of slice still probably wheels on i just want the seeds oh god they're doing everything what i need to do okay we're just going to slice it out we're going to cut off a little excess but it is what it is so we sliced it throw away everything else because we don't need it no more of course we're going to go to shapes i'm going to slice everything that's around it and make it just that one little shape we needed so i always grab the square and then you gotta this whole scratch it out before you turn it sometimes so bootleg okay and you want to highlight everything go to action i'm going to slice i might have cut too much i did let me go back just cut this little bit slice so now i gotta get another shape and i'm gonna slice the pieces here and turn it you use the little circle thing here over here on your right top the little blue circle arrow that you can position it different ways like horizontal all that kind of stuff so you go ahead and highlight all of it you slice off that little piece and i gotta slice two top pieces i mean like it really ain't no big deal because i know what it looks like but i was just showing y'all what i do you might know a better way and if you do that's fine too just want to bring it close as i can i'm going to cut my edges off for real okay you need to highlight all of it you can go to action and go to slice and another shape it seemed like more work because i sliced too much so that's why you got to position your background as close as you can to certain areas where you won't have to work as hard but sometimes you gotta do a little extra that you're gonna do or you probably can save these um after you do this you will probably like screenshot it save it that way you already have the shapes you won't have to do this next time you can just change the pattern by slicing the background to it like for instance you see this right here i can go ahead and i can slice i mean that slice like a screenshot and i can um just save it push done and i can re-upload that picture let me re-upload it and i'll clean the background now i got the shape so i go to next i go to next i'm going to save the black let me just put something i'm probably going to delete it anyway but at the end of the day it's the smart move to um keep it so i'm gonna upload it so now i got it and all i had let's say for instance i'm gonna make a copy of that right now if i had that background and let's say is if i wanted that same background all i gotta do is find that background slice that image and then make sure my box is locked on my thing and then i just move it outwards inwards whatever i have to get the perfect shape you know what i'm saying so right here i had the size too i just want to see what it'll look like and then put your little piece there see and you can also save this piece right here and you get um screenshot it that way you won't have to keep slicing nothing and you know me you already have the pieces and all you have to do then is just cut you know guide the pieces where they need to go size is smaller big you know what i'm saying you won't have to work as hard so if i was you i would say those pieces is a markup to keep you from having to keep slicing the chair anywho i just wanted to come on and show y'all that real quick and see what y'all think um y'all know your girl be trying to think i ain't gonna care but yeah these are some chairs i want to make my friend girl a chair and i need a new chair you know keeping my trunk because you know your girl be riding and i like to have my own chill when i go to sleep and honey so i want to make my home girl a chair and she she's a um a 420 person 420 is coming up if they never know they ain't already here but i got a couple days so i'm trying to make some bread honey y'all pick one of these chairs for her which is these two here let me know which one you think i should do i want to do simple for her because she's not a dramatic type person this one really wouldn't fit her but just still just tell me your ideas and i was thinking about this chair right here for me so give me some suggestions tell me if you think they are cute and y'all have a bless day love you so oh no let me say so for this one just say the one with the sunflower or the girl you know for her and then tell me if you like my cancer chair yeah i have a blessing
Channel: TheBestUni!
Views: 1,643
Rating: 4.9788361 out of 5
Id: He9PfM2F6hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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