Walmart Shoes DIY

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what it do best uni crew his sugar came on to burn some up to some up as usual um seeing these shoes on tick tock and i thought they were so freaking cute if you're not follow me on instagram you need to my name is godfrey 81 that is g-o-d-f-r-e-y-81 i posted a video i found on tick tock a girl made some nike shoes out of some walmart shoes i'm like ah i gotta try but if you're been over here struggling to the point where her head is hurting so um i'm gonna get started i'm gonna show y'all so far what i came up with okay so so far you will need some painters tape i got this tape from dollar tree um i am going to try and use this uh htv that i brought it's a printable vinyl i bought from this uh company called broken leg you can also find her youtube channel uh you just gotta type in broken leg vinyl and i will try to link that in the description but this is the company i'm using and like i said you really need painters tape go ahead and cut yourself i got these from walmart it was i would say 15 out of 16 with text after taste like 16 something close i don't know i can't remember but got them from walmart and i am not for sure how this gonna work out y'all i had um got my tape a lot of y'all seen me try to do air force one before and all i do is get some tape and i just cover each section that's gonna need some it need to be smooth but this here so far ain't worked for me with this little area here i i just i'm gonna have to do something else so i'm we're gonna figure it out on camera that's bad but it is what it is uh but you can do this and you might come out with the best success than i do so you just gonna take the shoe and as you can see it um you just want that crease so you that's why it needs to be smooth too no wrinkles and all that kind of stuff in it and you can see the lines get you something like a something that can uh make the lines stick out more like a card or something that can poke them lines out get your exacto knife and you're going to trim you're just going to trim and trace i'm just showing you all the steps i did at first to get these little pieces here i did the same thing on the side i just taped it and doing what i'm going to do to this part now this part here like i said i scrubbed with so i might have to do something different in this area here but if you can get it to work like this this is what i did first before i do what i'm gonna do so as you can see it got like creases in it just use your exacto knife or whatever but you know i can't find my end piece so find you one with a handle don't be like me use everything the right way and just go around that look the little crease or whatever and cut father follow the the pattern of the line i did it so much to the point where i'm shot the shoe still hanging on in there okay and then you just hold your finger down on it like this and remove that tape yeah you don't have to do this this is what i did but now i see why it went wrong get the reason why mines didn't work right there you need to get in that crease real good if you're going to tape it okay so what you do now you just pull it off the shoe [Music] don't let it bend either don't let your ends and nothing being on your table and then you just this is what i did now you might know a better way so i'm just showing you what i did get your regular piece of paper make sure there ain't no wrinkles or nothing in it then flat as you can get on that piece of paper and i took a picture of it with my phone i just took a picture of it and then i just when i you know i took the qriket design space and then to clean it i just hit the whole thing and then left the black background and you know remove the box like i usually do and that's how i got it on my qriket design space and then the size i thought measured it would have been like a four width and a three height but like i said this is oh see this is what it looked like when i cut it out with my cricut and this side was perfect but this side over here wasn't because like i said i didn't get no corners real good so my cricket had cut it for me just make sure you can you got a real steady hand and you can get a real even like cut but yeah that's what i did so i just want to show you how that that's why i try to miss something and then y'all be looking at what happened okay um i am going to be trying to use my my heat gun my sister stephanie got me hey step how you doing like i said i'm gonna be using the broken leg vinyl now the shapes i did i did the same as this here now that worked perfect i just put some tape over there and i did the same thing i just showed y'all and then i took a picture of it and cleaned it and um i just like you know did one and i flipped the other one the opposite direction type situation and the back part i tried to do it just like so i might have to do the back like how i'm gonna try to do this part which is i'm going to print the uh pattern and i'm going to try to uh heat gun it and press it in and just use the exact door knife that way hopefully i don't mess that up but we we just ate just on the plate we still gonna wear them they mine and uh i'm just gonna pick this vinyl up and i did use my sublimation printer because i thought it might make the colors pop more but we shall see [Music] and this one wasn't perfect perfect but did do a little something let me make sure i got them all along right so and then there's something else i noticed uh with the shoe they all are different like they look the same but they're really not the same you so you really gotta play with your measurements yourself you can't go off what i'm telling you because all the shoes might not be sewn it's on the same or whatever see like that one is not perfect up in that area there but it fit so i need to get me a glove because that heat gun don't play okay so like i said don't quote me i'm just trying um i'm getting my heat gun and i'm gonna try to um heat it up and you know hold it down at the same time and push it in certain areas so let's just pray there is always ain't even started crying mess up i don't want to cry so i'm gonna probably try to start in one little area at a time like right here i have to do my hand y'all okay i'm trying to do a hand yeah so i guess i can to cover it and press scare i ain't scared i'm scared you ain't scared i'm scared though i might have to use my mini press i don't think it will work with the mini press so i said i would use the heat gun and try to make it lay down i'm not gonna don't play yeah i think i'm gonna just use my mini press i don't know yet [Applause] [Applause] okay okay i'm i'm thinking i got it on low don't uh put it so close either but you know just kind of press as you you go it on to the material but you know you don't want no wrinkles but so far that's what it looks like you see it you got like a little wrinkle here because i was like pushing too hard but you know you got some heavy hands so just be careful with that and then like i said i did use the sublimation ink so you see that color start popping a little more it ain't all that but hey it's mine in my boo yes i like it so far and i might spray a seal or something i don't know yet i don't know honey i'm just playing around so yeah let's do this side here i didn't wipe it down or nothing that y'all know how i am i should be doing stuff dude don't be like me you see my mistakes do better yeah come over here but i did the same steps she did don't do the same steps i did figure out a different way if my stuff looked complicated that means you supposed to go a different route okay and this vinyl is a dark transfer so do the same thing on this side i'm gonna be excited i don't even care [Music] i can't see i wonder should i heat the shoe up first and then put diviner on there i never did what he got i seen some boy do it on his nike channel so i was being a cop cat i'm like that's that seemed like kind of cool you know i don't know about your girl you know your girl boy okay i ain't one of them don't play with me oh i'm getting there get there it like it melts into the shoe i like that i'm trying not to press so hard y'all make your hands it's heavy everywhere [Music] you see that color pop okay now when i say i'm gonna have to do it a different way on this part because like i said um i can't really explain it it's just it just we're gonna have to do a little something different now we trying something now yeah we gotta pray on this part because i'm taking the chance trying to pull it apart and press and cut you know what i'm saying that's what i'm gonna be doing i'm gonna be printing pressing and cutting i don't know if i should go ahead and put a little piece of this piece here but fingers crossed through it's a little part for the bag so i'm just gonna pull this little part here and we just gonna pray about it we gotta take chances huh we won't know unless we try so there's you see you see let me make sure you can see look like a hot cheeto shoe that'll be cute too a hot cheeto shoe no need you okay okay okay yeah now one thing i do know a lot of people say that uh vinyl can be stretched so that's a good thing let's see maybe i should heat the sugar let's try that first [Music] mm-hmm oh how are you gonna play out stretch it you know if y'all can rap a damn basketball we can rap and shoot some name right we gotta figure this out okay don't put it too close because you will get right because i i'm looking at that so the other way is better to me like get the um the tape figure out the measurements and try to get the perfect shape because i don't know about this right here i don't care i feel like oh yeah and notice i can pull it up and stretch it so that's good huh i think what's happening is that it stretched i think that's what's happening and then i'm trying to get in increases that reason why i couldn't get the perfect um cut trying to get them in the creases see let me find out this how they be making a damn shoe gonna be boy being a game for real then though like i said don't if you feel like what i'm doing is stupid do what you do what works for you you gotta do it how i'm doing oh i'm smoking some wait a minute but he gonna smoke then yeah trying to get the regular mission yeah i gotta figure some stuff out because like i said i only got this like little thing here and that ain't gonna be good so i feel like i'm gonna just have to use my heat um mini quiz or something [Applause] so so much either oh i've been cutting on this little part all day and it'd be crazy if the whole damn shoe just fall apart after the fact i probably cut the thread up and everything don't even know it look a little jacked right there but hey boom you see it i'm gonna get it goddamn i'm gonna get it i like the fact that the vinyl do come off even after we heat it up so that's a plus that's a good thing because y'all know your girlfriend i'm trying to maybe stay down in a certain area [Applause] [Music] i got it too hot up there okay didn't get it perfect in certain areas but you see it so right here you see that like it's like wrinkle i can probably stretch it some more i don't know that song is going to be coming out okay so like i said best thing about it it heats up you can move it around i noticed that don't get it too close like i'm doing cause you're messing up and it gonna start smoking and then like i said i did print this with a sublimation printer which i probably shouldn't have so i feel like i feel like i'm gonna have to seal it well i don't even understand the girl is gonna be on some i just i'm just not normal my baby tell me no mommy that's not gonna be cute okay nobody said it is cute i like it i like it i don't like the little flaw i do got a little flower right here you see mine ain't no way right there you see like the colors coming up just a tad and now i guess i probably could dip it up but i don't want them i don't want to take no more chance of lifting it up i want to smooth it out as much as possible trying to get these wrenches to lay down without burning the thing on shoe me get it to smoke a bit okay there you go so you can heat it up and you can smooth it on out don't do it too much because this is the vinyl and it will get bubbles i see that now they get too high they do get bubbles okay you still don't need them corners down though [Applause] i don't walking on the dance vinyl come on it might come up though you never know i think if you pulling that it might come off but i don't know so far it's good to me we just gonna run with that thing oh them spy hey they're flowers but they fight they fight you can't count you cannot cap now you know took a whole lot more shoot to them i don't know what i call it now but we just gonna work with it honey it's just gonna work with that thing i'm trying to burn my hand at the same time but i want y'all to see at the same time so you're gonna pull it up some more you know just get them on camera so i'm gonna just try to hold it like that or something they can come to the side just kind of so y'all just be careful too because that will get hot i would i would just say be careful i don't know i'll tell them josephine told you use the heat gun because i'm jumping but i'm gonna bump [Applause] i wanna get the whole thing right here instead of there yeah i'm gonna do another end but yeah i'm gonna go ahead and do both shoes and i'm gonna come back okay so i got both shoes done now on the picture i posted on instagram oh hello and i'm lucky sign because i see the lady on uh tic toc dude like a nike sign but i might have did mine's a tattoo little but it ain't gonna be a real nike no way so we just playing around and it is what it is you know we just gonna see what this thing come out like let's see how i also have the trust the process on the end but this is why i need to print a little tab bigger i might have to put my little nike sound a little bigger too because it's too small now i'm gonna have to go look and see how i had this thing i think i had it like that oh god oh there so i gotta try to pay attention where i put this one there i'm gonna put it right there hopefully i can get it over there on the same one how you're beating my your beard i don't give a damn it's my shoe let's figure that part out later oh well maybe i should have left the nike sign off but that's how the lady did her show tick tock she had the nightstand but her fault was bigger than that so i'm gonna turn it back now it is i didn't flip the obviously so i gotta make sure i do um the other one is um be the other one regular the regular way and don't flip it horizontally so i gotta go cut that because this one's gonna be backwards so i'll be back again okay i gotta print it out again all i can say now is i know my flaws for next time when i tried to do another one i'm still either printing stuff off too big or too little and uh i realized to not have this little crease right here that i should have just put it let me show you let me show you okay so i feel like i should have did something like i don't know that would look better probably not though probably should have had to do like inside can you see that one i think it would have been better there if you think the second look which is this would have been better on the shoe comment below and say the second look next time i do one i know better because i don't like the fact that i got that crease in there and then i met you gonna have a crease here but that's fine you gonna saying but here what it wouldn't have been so bad so that that's my flaw that's my i mess up okay so just looking at it it looks cute from a distance okay up to close you can see the vinyl work you know what i'm saying but it is what it is we was just trying some stuff we never you know did the i wanted to see what your girl can do yeah i'm sorry anyhow it was going to help trust the process right there but as you can see i don't know what i did i did um i guess it just didn't flip it then it was still too big anyway so just to give you an idea of what it was going to look like i'm gonna make it a bit smaller and i still might put it on there but y'all have a blessing make sure y'all come in like and subscribe on your girl's channel let me know how i did tell me what you think i should have did different and like i said this is not for sale we were just playing around just wanted to see what we can come up with yeah i have a blessing
Channel: TheBestUni!
Views: 2,281
Rating: 4.9650655 out of 5
Id: u19jEQeeqhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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